A Shade Of Blood Part 26

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"We've been abducting humans for years, Derek," Cameron chimed in. "We've never been discovered. The Scouts are trained to be stealthy enough not to risk discovery."

"The hunters grow more powerful as we speak. We cannot press our luck. Eli can attest to the hunters' power based on the little information he managed to squeeze out of one of them we've taken captive."

"Yet another human slave you seem to favor," Claudia hissed. "I take punishment for aiding one of our own our prince, your own brother. These slaves defy everything we stand for and yet they run free."

"They are my slaves and I will do with them as I see fit. That's the end of this discussion." I stood up to better make my point. "There will be no abductions and while we still have a reserve of blood from the last culling in the chilling chambers, no humans will be taken from the Catacombs."

"And when the blood runs out?" Xavier asked.

My gut clenched at what I knew was necessary to be done. "Then we conduct another culling."

"I want fresh blood," Felix demanded, seconded by ayes and yeahs echoing throughout the dome.

"Your wants don't concern me, Felix. It's what this island needs that is of greater priority."

"We fear the human slave you favor Sofia, is it? has made you weak, prince," he pressed on, rising from his seat and walking toward the stand.

I feared the same thing. The guilt, the pressure and the shame that I felt whenever Sofia asked me to use my rule in order to cause a change to the kingdom weighed heavily upon me. She did not understand the pressures of ruling a kingdom, of serving one's subjects and making tough decisions on their behalf. And yet she moved me like no other. Even though she'd been spending the past few days ignoring my existence and had barely spoken a word to me for reasons I couldn't fathom, I found myself satisfied just knowing that she was there.

I stared at Felix for a moment before speeding toward him, my claws sinking into the skin on his chest. Fear sparked in his eyes when he realized that he'd gone too far and that I could still break his neck in two with my bare hands should I choose to do so.

"Broach the subject again, Felix, and I will demonstrate just how weak I am by ripping your heart out with my bare hands. Her name is never to escape your lips again. Do you understand?"

He nodded. "Yes. Of course. My apologies."

With no further attempt to address the rest of the council, I walked out of the dome only to have Cameron and Liana trailing behind me afterward.

"You're treading dangerous waters, prince," Cameron warned as he stepped to one side of me while Liana stepped to the other.

"There hasn't been this much unrest with the vampires in centuries," Liana added. "Word is out that some of the Elite have already sent scouts to retrieve your father and get him back here in order to take you under control."

"Get to the point."

"You can't keep making enemies out of the Elite, Derek." Cameron's voice was tinged with concern. "Even those who have been loyal to you from the very beginning the Vaughns and Lazaroffs are finding it difficult to defend the direction you're taking this kingdom toward."

"What would you have me do, Cameron? We both know that the tides are about to turn. War is brewing. You agreed with me on this, did you not?"

"Yes, I did, but the importance you place upon this girl of yours... enough that you would make enemies out of Claudia and even your own brother on her behalf..." Cameron paused, careful not to offend, but finding the necessity to do so in order to speak his mind. "Is she worth it, prince?"

I gave one of my dearest comrades a lingering look before heaving a sigh. I had to be honest - if not with them, at least with myself. Was Sofia really worth losing what took centuries for our kind to build?


Vivienne stared at her appearance in the mirror. She sighed as she set her long dark hair in its proper place. The violet haltered dress she was wearing highlighted not only her pale skin but also her eyes more violet than blue against the candlelight. She looked stunning, but there wasn't a hint of pleasure in her face. Instead, she appeared anxious and afraid.

A knock on her door made her turn around. Xavier appeared in the doorway, his dark hair closely cropped and his eyes betraying how much he adored her.

"They've arrived," he announced. "Your father asked me to come and escort you to the dome." The way he spoke the words revealed that neither of them was fond of the guests he spoke of.

"Has my father forgotten what I went through under that monster's hands?" Vivienne asked as she ran both hands over her slender form to smoothen out the slight creases on her dress.

Xavier's gaze darkened, pain looming over his handsome face. "Vivienne..."

She nodded bitterly, defending her father to herself on his behalf. "It has to be done. I guess peaceful relations must be made between the Maslens and Novaks. I just can't help but think that if Derek were awake, he'd never allow Borys Maslen anywhere near this island."

"To be fair to your father, all precautions were taken so that Borys and his company won't remember how to get back here should a peaceful agreement not be made between the clans." Xavier sighed. "Still, we both know that your father and older brother combined make for a pale reflection of the kind of leader your twin is."

"Be careful that they don't hear you say that. Father and Lucas already have enough resentment toward Derek as it is."

They stared for a couple of seconds, neither saying a word, seemingly lost in their own thoughts until Xavier broke the silence. "Vivienne, we must go..."

Vivienne stepped forward hurriedly. "Of course..."

Just as she reached the door, expecting Xavier to follow, he halted.

"What is it?" Vivienne's blue-violet gaze was marred with more fear.

"Borys told me that Ingrid Maslen sent this for you to wear." He was hesitant and slightly trembling as he retrieved a red velvet pouch from his pocket. He handed it to Vivienne.

Vivienne raised a brow. "Ingrid Maslen? His new woman? She's here with him?"

Xavier shook his head. "No, he would never risk losing someone as valuable as her." He looked at the pouch. "He said that Ingrid insisted that you have this. He says that it rightfully belongs to you."

Vivienne swallowed before taking the pouch from Xavier. She undid the knots that kept the pouch sealed, her fingers shaking as she did. She then retrieved a stunning necklace with a large ruby red heart-shaped pendant from the small bag. Fury loomed in her eyes as tears began streaming down her face. Clutching the necklace, she screamed with such anguish that Xavier stepped back.

"Vivienne, what..."

Xavier wasn't given an explanation, because Vivienne was already launching the necklace into the air. The piece of jewelry hit her vanity mirror. Gla.s.s shattered on the floor. Vivienne was a picture of unadulterated fury as she marched past Xavier, screaming, "How dare he! How dare he!"

Of the many memories Vivienne shared to me, that encounter with Xavier - a vampire I only recently met during preparations for Vivienne's memorial - was one that often revisited me. I would've ignored it, but I couldn't, because the mere mention of the names Borys and Ingrid Maslen would immediately send chills down my spine. Questions about the memory a.s.sailed my mind. Who were the Maslens? What was it about that necklace that got Vivienne so angry? Does Derek know about them? Should I ask Xavier about this day? The memory bothered me, but I felt as if the one person who should be answering them for me was nowhere in sight. Vivienne... Why on earth did you dump all these memories into my head? I can't make head or tail out of them.

"Earth to Sofia Claremont." Paige began waving her hand in front of my face. "Are you still with us, Sofia?"

I blinked several times, recalling that I was with my friends after a visit to the Vale for some new clothes. They were a little more forgiving and friendly toward me after Ashley's release.

"Huh? What?"

"You keep s.p.a.cing out on us," Ashley chuckled. "Are you alright?"

"I just..." I nodded, not knowing how to explain to them what Vivienne did to me and what was going through my head. "I'm fine."

"Are you still not talking to Derek?" Rosa asked.

I nodded. Ever since that encounter with Claudia, I moved back into one of the guest rooms and no longer slept in Derek's bedroom.

"Why, Sofia? He sided with you again against Claudia..." Paige was staring at me like I'd gone mad. "You should be rewarding him, not punis.h.i.+ng him."

I slowed down my steps as we walked past the woods that led to the Residences before voicing out the questions I feared hearing the answer to most.

"Is it true that Derek has been sleeping with other women?"

We all stopped walking and they exchanged concerned glances. Their reactions were enough to answer my question. I was surprised by the pain that gripped my heart. Suddenly, breathing became quite a task.

"Sofia..." Rosa, the most sensitive and gentle among us, brushed her hand over my arm.

"I don't even know why I'm so disturbed. It's not like we're together and besides, I left him..."

"Sofia, he's a vampire who's been on earth for centuries. It's amazing that he's developed such loyalty and affection for you, but you have to realize that whatever's going on between the two of you, it can't possibly last." Paige, ever the voice of reason, explained in an excruciatingly patronizing manner, before repeating, "He's a vampire. You're human. The shelf life of such relations.h.i.+ps if you could even call what you have with him that doesn't really last long..."

I knew she was right. I didn't even know what I was expecting to happen upon returning to The Shade, but being given that dose of reality from a dear friend was enough to completely shake everything I stood for. I didn't know what the proper reaction to Paige's dose of reality was, but to me, it made what I had with Derek more precious as if the time I had with him was borrowed and I had to make the most out of it while it was still mine.

I started walking again, not knowing how to respond to Paige. They followed my pace, the atmosphere suddenly becoming tense.

Ashley, to my relief, finally broke the silence. "For all it's worth, Sofia, he's different when you're here. He doesn't seem to be as... dark compared to when you were away." She rubbed a palm over the back of her neck, before continuing to explain. "Look... I'm not one to pretend to understand how the mind of Derek Novak works, but maybe... just maybe... he had Vivienne send him those girls so he could get his mind off of you."

She was the last person I expected to stand in defense of Derek. The fact that she did took me aback.

"I guess what I'm saying is," Ashley droned on "that the best person for you to ask would be him."

We finally reached the lift that would lead us to the walkway branching toward Derek's penthouse. We were silent as the lift rose up the full length of the giant redwoods supporting Derek's home. It didn't take long before we stepped into the hall that led to the living room. I drew a breath when we found Derek waiting there, standing right in the middle of the room, fists clenched and muscles tensed.

"Where were you?" he asked.

"We went to the Catacombs," I replied. " make sure Gavin has begun to heal of the gashes Claudia inflicted upon him, then we stopped by the Vale." I motioned to the shopping bags we were holding.

He didn't even bother looking at the bags. His eyes were on me and suddenly, I felt vulnerable under his gaze as if his glare alone could break me. "Leave us," he ordered.

Ashley pried the shopping bags from my hands as all three of them left for their rooms, leaving me with a brooding vampire, whose eyes were drinking in the sight of me like I was a feast he wanted to partake of. I couldn't remember the last time I was terrified to be around him, but that was exactly how I felt as I stood before him: absolutely mortified.

Derek stepped forward slowly and tentatively. He stopped a few inches in front of me, close enough for me to be aware of how tense he was and how his breaths were coming in slow heaves and sighs. I could sense how powerful he was, how small I was compared to him and for some reason, I couldn't make myself look up into his face. Instead I kept my gaze on his torso, wondering what was going through his mind.

I froze when he began circling me, his hands clasped behind his back. His eyes were still on me, studying me. I wanted to shrink away from him.

"You're trembling."

I didn't even notice the moderate tremble of my body until he called me out on it.

"Why? Since when do you fear me, Sofia?"

He was asking questions I didn't know the answers to. Was it because the past few days gave me a clear picture of who he was and what he was capable of doing? Was it because the selfish bubble I was in when I first became his captive at The Shade had finally been burst and I now saw him for what he was? I didn't know, but I did know that I feared him and I hated it. I wanted to see him as I did before capable of good, but all I saw when I looked at him was a powerful vampire, a prince of The Shade, whose fickle whims could change at a moment's notice.

"I'm sorry" was all I could think of to say.

He stopped circling me and stopped by my side, his breath cold against my temple as he spoke, his face inching close to mine. "You're sorry? What exactly are you sorry for, Sofia?"

Again, he posed a question I didn't know how to answer, so I sealed my lips shut, unwilling to dig myself any deeper.

"I've been defending you and your crusade to save the humans of The Shade since you got here and how do you repay me?" One of his large hands crept around my waist. His other hand cupped my jaw, his thumb running the length of my lower lip.

I wanted to flinch away from him, but I stood frozen under his touch.

He gently nudged me in position so that I was facing him. He lifted my chin, forcing me to look him in the eye. "Why do you shut me out, Sofia?"

Before I could hold it back, a tear ran down my cheek. I knew he couldn't understand what I was going through. Neither did I... Or perhaps I did. I just didn't want to admit it to myself. I couldn't admit to myself that I feared losing him. I feared that going on with my "crusade to save the humans of The Shade" as he so aptly called it meant that I might lose him. I feared how his touch made me ache with so much longing. I feared how much the idea of him being with anyone but me was tearing me apart inside. I feared treasuring him only to have him ripped away from me something everyone said was inevitable.

I didn't fear Derek Novak. I feared what loving him could mean for me.


The enigma that was Sofia Claremont stood before me, trembling and tearing up at the sight of me. I would've given the world to catch a glimpse of what was going through her mind. Was she so disappointed in me that she still couldn't bear to look at me even after I took her side in her case against Claudia? Was she unaware of all the heat I was under because of that choice?

Her green eyes moistened with tears pierced straight through me and I couldn't help but wonder why she had such an effect on me. Why was I willing to turn my entire world upside down on her behalf? And why didn't any of it seem to be enough for her?

What I would give to have you look at me the way you used to... My hand on her waist tightened and I could feel her body tense even more. "Why do you resist my touch?"

It was another question that she refused to answer. It felt as if she was slipping away from my fingers, and the question once again haunted me. Are you worth it, Sofia?

My confusion gave way to frustration, then to anger over her silence, over her cold treatment of me. My grip on her jaw tightened. The terror that flashed in her eyes fueled my determination to pry answers from her. Before I could think it through, I pulled her body flush against mine and claimed her lips with mine. Forceful. Rough. Adamant. Her tears were hot against my face. They stung.

She didn't resist, but she didn't respond either. She just hung limply in my arms, letting me have my way. When I felt the skin of her waist under my palms, my hands managing to creep beneath her blouse, I knew I was treading dangerous ground. I couldn't trust myself around her.

She gasped when my mouth parted from hers. I set her feet on the floor and stepped away from her, afraid of what I was capable of doing to her. The way her knees buckled beneath her didn't escape my notice, but I made no motion to help her steady herself. The idea of touching her unnerved me.

This time, I was shaking too, fully aware of how physically powerless she was against me and yet whether she was aware of it or not, she held power over me the likes of which no one else ever did before.

The mere sight of how red her swollen lips were reminded me of the warmth of her blood and the coldness of mine. We had no business being together, yet I couldn't think of a life apart from her.

Her voice was broken when she finally managed to speak. "What am I to you, Derek?"

My life. The first thought that came to mind at her question was a hard blow that knocked the wind right out of me. I stared at Sofia, taking in her beauty from the small splash of freckles on her cheeks to her slender hourgla.s.s form to the length of her legs and then to her soft feet. She was my life and I was about to tell her that, but my silence outgrew her patience and I found her gaining confidence when she stepped toward me.

"Am I just your human pet? Your slave? Your toy? Will you one day tire of me? What will become of me when that day comes? Will you discard me as you would any other human on this island?"

I was caught breathless at how stunning she looked as she spouted out question after question, her red locks as fire over her pale white face, her eyes listless only moments ago now burning with rage. Her beauty distracted me from the absurdity of the issues she was throwing my way. She meant the world to me, and as far as I was concerned, her fears, though understandable, were unfounded. I smiled when her lips finally settled into a small pout.

"You have a habit of asking one question after another before hearing the answers to any of them. Do you realize that?"

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A Shade Of Blood Part 26 summary

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