The Rozabal Line Part 2

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No one knew of the two other international conspirators who had taken the Thai Airways flight 643 from Tokyo to Bangkok and the connecting El Al flight 84 from Bangkok to Tel Aviv.

Madrid, Spain, 1998 Lopez Tomas, president of the Spanish Const.i.tutional Court, was in his office at Madrid Autonomous University when a gunman rushed into his office and shot him at point-blank range.

The commonly accepted view was that the Basque separatist group, ETA, was behind his murder.

The camera-slung Asian couple that had arrived in Frankfurt on Lufthansa's flight 711 from Tokyo had not bothered to shoot any photographs in Germany. Instead, they had taken the connecting Spanair flight 2582 to Madrid the very same day.

There had been much more to shoot in Madrid.

Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 2001 On 27 October, Otakhon Khairollayev, a journalist of repute from Tajikistan, was shot dead at point-blank range. The same day a j.a.panese woman had entered the capital, Dushanbe, wearing an Afghan burqa.

Asuncion, Paraguay, 2002 On 27 June, Luis Santa Cruz, the finance minister of Paraguay, was gunned down in his car. He had been a likely candidate for President. A j.a.panese woman had been visiting all the tourist spots, including Asuncion, for a week around the same time.

Athens, Greece, 2005 On 16 June, David Roberts, a British military attache in Athens, was shot dead by gunmen on motorcycles who belonged to N17, the Marxist revolutionary organisation. A honeymooning couple from j.a.pan had been on a cruise of the Greek islands at that time.

Manila, Philippines, 2007 On 26 February, Filemon Montinola, an upcoming left-leaning politician in the Philippines, was

A young j.a.panese woman visited the Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, more commonly known as the Manila Cathedral, in order to light a candle the next day.

Belgrade, Serbia, 2010 On 9 May, Draginja Djindjic, the foreign minister of Serbia, was shot twice in the chest at 11:28 am inside a government building. His, Vojislav Jovanoviae, had fired the bullets from another building in the area. The same building had been visited by a j.a.panese woman that morning.

Yes, business was good for Swakilki and Takuya. They could now work entirely for themselves, given the fact that Asahara and Aum s.h.i.+nrikyo were history. It also seemed that no one was really looking for them. Actually, someone was. Swakilki's Santa Claus. His name was Alberto Valerio.

Vatican City, 2012 Alberto Valerio was busy reading a dissertation by the renowned scholar Professor Terry Acton, head of the Department for the Study of Religions at the University of London. The good doctor had built up a cogent case to prove that Jesus Christ had not died on the cross at all. Alberto Cardinal Valerio took a sip of his Valpolicella, and continued reading: If the vested interests of the temple Jews had wanted to kill Jesus, they had the power to do so by stoning him to death without taking any permission from Rome. Why did this not happen?

Instead, Jesus was punished by the Romans under Roman law and then crucified-a punishment meted out to enemies of the Roman Empire. Why punish a man under Roman law if he had no political agenda, only a religious one?

Under Roman law, he would have first been flogged, causing a significant loss of blood. In this weakened state, his arms would have been fastened by thongs or nails to a solid wooden beam placed across his shoulders and neck. He would then have been made to walk to the final place of crucifixion while continuing to bear the weight of this beam.

At the place of crucifixion, the horizontal beam would have been attached to a vertical one, with the victim still hanging. Thus suspended, the victim would have been able to survive for a couple of days provided that his feet remained fixed to the cross. His feet remaining fixed would have enabled him to keep breathing by reducing the pressure on his chest.

Eventually, the victim would have died from exhaustion, thirst or blood poisoning caused by the nails. The victim's protracted agony could have been brought to an end by breaking his knees, causing the entire pressure to s.h.i.+ft to the victim's chest, resulting in immediate asphyxiation. Thus, contrary to popular opinion, the breaking of the knees was not malicious-in fact, it was an act of mercy. Jesus's knees were never broken, yet he died within a few hours on the cross. Why?

During his suspension from the cross, Jesus said that he was thirsty. Popular opinion tells us that he was s.a.d.i.s.tically offered a sponge soaked in vinegar instead of one soaked in water. It is worthwhile to note that vinegar was used to revive exhausted slaves on s.h.i.+ps. In fact, the vinegar should have revived him temporarily. Instead, he spoke his final words and died immediately upon inhaling the vinegar fumes. Why did it have this opposite effect on him?

There is one possible explanation. The sponge might not have contained vinegar. Instead, it may have contained a compound of belladonna and opium. This would have made Jesus pa.s.s out completely, only making it appear that he was dead. This would have prevented the guards from carrying out the final act of breaking his knees, leading to death from actual asphyxiation.

Roman law specifically prohibited bodies of crucified victims being given back to the family. Bodies were meant to remain on the cross to decay or to be consumed by birds of prey. Why did Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, decide to ignore Roman law and allow Jesus's body to be handed over for burial to Joseph of Arimathea?

Alberto Cardinal Valerio smiled a contented smile as he took another measured sip of his delightful Valpolicella. It was time to send another heretic to burn in h.e.l.l!

Alberto Cardinal Valerio was a jovial, rotund and gregarious individual. His smiling eyes, his pink face and his Buddha-belly gave him the demeanour and appearance of a jolly Santa Claus. The position that he occupied, however, was sombre and serious. He was head of the Archivio Segreto Vaticano, more commonly known as the Secret Archives of the Vatican.

The Vatican Secret Archives were the central repository for all doc.u.ments that had been acc.u.mulated by the Roman Catholic Church over many ages. The Archives, containing thirty miles of bookshelves, had been closed to outsiders by Pope Paul V in the seventeenth century and they had remained closed till the nineteenth.

Alberto Valerio had been born in 1941 in Turin. Ordained in 1964, he had soon been offered his first appointment in the Roman Curia and had rapidly risen through various positions in the Sacred Congregation for Seminaries and Universities till he had eventually become its undersecretary in 1981.

After taking some time off to pursue a doctorate in theology from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, he had returned to the Vatican to become secretary for the Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali, or the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, at which time he had travelled extensively within j.a.pan. He had held several positions within the Curia till he was given charge of the Archivio Segreto Vaticano, a position he relished immensely.

What was common knowledge was his members.h.i.+p in the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, an a.s.sociation of the clergy who were completely supportive of Opus Dei and its activities. What was not common knowledge was Valerio's members.h.i.+p of the Crux Decussata Permuta.

While a standard crucifix hung prominently around his neck, a much smaller pendant hung underneath his robes. It had a rather curious design.

He picked up the Bang & Olufsen telephone on his antique Murano desk and began to dial: +81 . . .3 . . .

After a few rings a female voice answered at the other end. His Eminence began 'Ohaya gozaimasu . . .' in fluent j.a.panese. 'I have an a.s.signment for you. Can you meet me in London sometime in the next two days?'

'Hai, wakarimasu,' said Swakilki respectfully. 'Where shall I meet you?'

'The Dorchester. We'll meet in my suite.'

'Domo arigato gozaimasu.'

'G.o.d bless you, my child.'

Swakilki looked across the table at Takuya as she put the phone down. She absentmindedly ran her fingers over the strange tattoo on her left forearm.

The tattoo had been placed there by her mother, Aki, when Swakilki had turned five. It was identical to the one that Aki had also possessed on her own arm.

Swakilki remembered the Sisters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul who had taken such good care of her during her six years at the Holy Family orphanage in Osaka. She also remembered the jovial Santa Claus who had brought candy for all the kids in the orphanage in those years. She had always thought of him as Santa Claus ever since; his real name of course had been Alberto Valerio.

He had taken special interest in her due to his personal friends.h.i.+p with Swakilki's late mother, Aki. After her adoption she had continued to receive postcards from him for the next two years, but she had lost contact with him after she ran away from her abusive adoptive father. He had somehow managed to track her down several years later. She had confessed her plight to him, revealing the most intimate details of her life. He had then said to her, 'I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.'

Swakilki could only remember how relieved she had been to unburden herself to him. Henceforth she would no longer kill for Aum s.h.i.+nrikyo.

Only for Christ.

London, UK, 2012 Virgin Atlantic's flight 901 from Tokyo's Narita airport took off on the dot at 11am and landed at London Heathrow a few minutes before the scheduled arrival of 3:30 pm local time. On board in Virgin's Upper Cla.s.s cabin was a j.a.panese couple who had spent the entire twelve-and-a-half-hour flight sleeping soundly.

They had not asked for any reading material, nor did they turn on the personal entertainment screens. When the elaborate dinner consisting of shrimp with fish roe, zucchini in miso paste, egg yolk crabmeat rolls, buckwheat noodles and green tea, had been served, they had continued to sleep. They were certainly the freshest pa.s.sengers to emerge from the Airbus aircraft in London.

Just another camera-slung j.a.panese tourist couple, the immigration officer thought of Mr and Mrs Yamamoto while cursorily checking their pa.s.sports. The landing cards they had filled in on the flight indicated that they were staying for a week at the Grosvenor House Hotel on Park Lane. He stamped their pa.s.sports matter-of-factly and waved them through.

They had no checked-in luggage, only onboard strollers, so they did not need to wait at the conveyor belts that were being crowded by hundreds of bleary-eyed pa.s.sengers. Instead, they pa.s.sed through the green channel at Heathrow's Terminal Three and walked straight through the arrival area to the taxi departure point without raising any suspicion. There were four London cabs waiting and they got into the first one in line.

'Where to, guv?' asked the cheerful cabbie.

'The London Hilton on Park Lane, please,' came the reply. Not the Grosvenor House.

At the reception desk of the London Hilton, the uninterested receptionist required their pa.s.sports and a credit card. Takuya was happy to give her two false pa.s.sports, one belonging to him and one to his wife, along with a Visa card.

Upon reaching their room on the Executive Floor, Swakilki took off her curly wig and Takuya removed his clear-gla.s.s spectacles and his neat little moustache. They got out of their casual travelling clothes and showered vigorously before putting on fresh formals. Swakilki then put the curly wig back on her head while Takuya once again put on his clear-gla.s.s spectacles and moustache.They then took the elevator to the lobby and walked out of the hotel onto Park Lane, turned right, and walked from the Hilton at 22 Park Lane, to 54 Park Lane, which housed The Dorchester Hotel, just a few blocks away.

Once there, they were to receive their formal a.s.signment from His Eminence Alberto Cardinal Valerio.

Chapter Five.

New York City, USA, 1969 On 20 July, the first television transmission from the moon was viewed by 600 million people around the world. Matthew Sinclair sat riveted on a well-worn sofa and watched Neil Armstrong become the first man to walk on the moon. Also watching the incredible spectacle was his wife Julia, along with their three-week-old baby boy, Vincent Matthew Sinclair.

Another important event had taken place a year before Neil Armstrong's arrival on the moon and little Vincent's arrival on earth. Terence Cardinal Cooke had become the archbishop of New York. On the day of Cooke's installation, Martin Luther King Jr was, leading to b.l.o.o.d.y riots in many American cities.

Cooke's tenure as archbishop would be difficult. Between 1967 and 1983 the number of diocesan priests in New York would decline by around 30 per cent, infant baptisms would fall by around 40 per cent, and church weddings would decline by around 50 per cent. It seemed that Catholicism was quickly going out of fas.h.i.+on in New York.

In the midst of this turmoil within the archdiocese of New York, the Sinclairs, who were extremely religious, hoped that their son would eventually make them proud by entering Saint Joseph's Seminary.

Vincent's demeanour, even as a child, was one of piety, and the priesthood seemed preordained.

Thus it was preordained by G.o.d and ordained by his parents that Vincent would become one of the rapidly shrinking minority groups-that of diocesan priests.

New York City, USA, 1979 Vincent Sinclair at the age of ten was just another kid. He was playing with Kate, the neighbour's daughter, in the backyard. They were on a swing that his father, Matthew, had rigged to a st.u.r.dy branch of a strong tree in the yard. Vincent had already had a go at sitting on the swing and being pushed by Kate; it was now her turn to sit and be pushed.

Boys will be boys. A mischievous glow was on Vincent's face as he began pus.h.i.+ng the swing for Kate. As the momentum increased, he found that he could send her higher and higher into the air with less and less effort. The resultant effect was a look of panic on Kate's innocent face.

Pus.h.i.+ng was certainly more fun than being pushed.

Then the inevitable happened. The final push was too strong and Kate lost her balance. Poor little Kate fell to the ground and grazed her knee. Vincent's mother, Julia, and his aunt, Martha, ran out to apply an anti-bacterial ointment on the little girl, who was lying on the ground with tears streaming down her rosy cheeks.

Vincent was standing next to her, feeling apologetic and offering his hand to help her up.

While holding out his hand, he was repeating the words, 'Talitha koum. Talitha koum. Talitha koum.'

The Biblical pa.s.sage of Mark 5:41 reads as follows: He came to the synagogue ruler's house, and he saw an uproar, weeping, and great wailing. When he had entered in, he said to them, 'Why do you make an uproar and weep? The child is not dead, but is asleep.' They ridiculed him. But he, having put them all out, took the father of the child, her mother, and those who were with him, and went in where the child was lying. Taking the child by the hand, he said to her, 'Talitha koum!' which means, 'Girl, I tell you, get up!' Immediately, the girl rose and walked, for she was twelve years old.

New York City, USA , 1989 Four years of high school, four years of college and four years of theology later, Vincent Matthew Sinclair would be called to ordination by the archbishop at St Patrick's Cathedral.

Construction of St Patrick's Cathedral, located on 50th Street and 5th Avenue in the heart of Manhattan, had been completed in 1879. However, it was only in 1989 that the cathedral received a new amplification system as well as modernised lighting. Due to this technology upgrade, Father Vincent Sinclair's ordination to the Roman Catholic priesthood was seen and heard clearly by all who were present.

Present among the crowd were two very proud parents, Julia and Matthew Sinclair, as well as a bored but dutifully present aunt, Martha Sinclair.

His Eminence John Cardinal O'Connor, the Archbishop, had imposed his hands on Vincent's head and had repeated the words from Psalm 110:4: 'Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek!'

This marked the beginning of Vincent's new life as a diocesan priest in the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows in White Plains, New York. His duties included celebrating Ma.s.s on Sundays and other days, hearing confessions, anointing the sick, baptising newborns, marrying the marriageable and burying the dead.

Besides his church duties, Vincent also began teaching history to a cla.s.s of Catholic boys at the nearby Archbishop Stepinac High School.

White Plains, New York, USA, 1990 The school's oldest fixture was a grizzly old janitor, Ted Callaghan. On Vincent's first day at school, Ted had cornered him in the schoolyard. 'Father, can I ask you a few questions regarding some serious matters that have been bothering me?' asked Ted slyly.

Without waiting for an answer, Ted plodded on, 'You see, the Bible's Leviticus 15:19-24 tells me that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness. Problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offence!'

Vincent chuckled.

Ted, blowing an ugly puff of acrid smoke from a cheap cigar, continued with his 'serious' issues. 'Also, Father, Exodus 21:7 allows me to sell my daughter into slavery. What do you think would be a fair price?'

Vincent was getting the idea.

Pretty much oblivious to Vincent's reactions, Ted went on, 'Leviticus 25:44 also says that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided that they're from neighbouring countries. Do you think this applies to both Mexicans and Canadians?'

By now Vincent was laughing uncontrollably. Ted paused for effect and then continued, 'I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states that he should be put to death. Am I morally obliged to kill him?'

Ted had reached the climax of his joke and guffawed loudly as he delivered his punch line while dramatically brandis.h.i.+ng the now dead cigar stub in his hand. Vincent couldn't help doubling up with laughter. From that day onwards, Ted and Vincent were firm friends.

White Plains, New York, USA, 2006 They would remain friends for the next sixteen years that Vincent remained ensconced in his uneventful little world. However, things were about to change.

'So when we think of Abraham Lincoln as the sixteenth President of the United States, we often forget that he worked on a riverboat, ran a store, thought about becoming a blacksmith and studied law. We tend to forget that he was unsuccessful in many of his pursuits. He lost several law cases, failed in his effort to become the Republican Party's vice-presidential nominee, and lost again when he ran against Stephen Douglas for the US Senate. The important thing to remember is that he didn't let these defeats stop him. He ran for President in 1860 and won,' concluded Vincent.

The boys were impatiently waiting to get up. The bell announcing lunch break had sounded a full thirty seconds earlier, but Vincent's concluding remarks had overrun. He hastily picked up his books and headed to the staff lounge, where stale coffee awaited him.

The lousy coffee was a small price to pay for a job that he now loved. There was nothing more refres.h.i.+ng than opening up young minds. Moreover, he was pa.s.sionate about his subject. This pa.s.sion allowed him to transport his young audience into times bygone with flair. It was no wonder that Vincent had become one of the most admired teachers at Stepinac High.

Vincent had been able to settle down in Westchester quite easily. His paris.h.i.+oners at the church were decent people and his flock continued to grow along with his own stature within the diocese. His casual and comfortable style had immediately put people at ease within the first months of his arrival.

After one of his Sunday sermons, one of the middle-aged male attendees

had come up to him and had congratulated him for a 'short and sweet sermon, so unlike the long and boring ones' delivered by his predecessor. Vincent had quickly retorted that a sermon was meant to be like a woman's skirt, long enough to cover the essentials and short enough to keep one interested! The word had soon got around that the new boy was actually quite a lot of fun, in spite of being celibate!

The coffee that greeted him was stale but hot. He had just settled down in one of the armchairs in the lounge and opened his newspaper, when janitor-of-the-year Ted Callaghan walked in.

'Phone for you, Vincent,' he said.

Vincent looked up and asked, 'Who's calling?'

'Dunno. Probably some chick that you blessed with holy water,' chuckled Ted.

Vincent ignored the sarcasm and got up to take the call at the phone located near the lounge entrance. He picked up the receiver and spoke, 'h.e.l.lo?'

'Is that Mr Vincent Sinclair?' asked the female voice at the other end.

'Yes, it is. Who's calling?'

'I'm Dr Joan Silver from Lenox Hill Hospital. I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.'

Vincent was immediately alert. He knew that something was seriously wrong. He pressed on, 'Please do go on.'

'Mr Sinclair, this morning at around 8 am, a car accident took place. Your father died on the spot, I'm afraid. Your mother suffered head wounds but by the time she arrived here, it was too late. She was dead, too.'

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The Rozabal Line Part 2 summary

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