High Risk Part 15

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Laurel said, "About the same time you got laid."

"Laurel!" Kate was amazed. Her shy bookworm sister? Both Dasher and Stef were coughing, and Stefanie seemed to have gotten some bubbles up her nose.

Folding her arms, Kate commented, "Looks like we all accomplished that feat."

Laurel started giggling and finally held up her hand. "Okay, okay, truce."

Stefanie said, "We're really happy for you two. Now tell us, how do you plan to handle Joe Alder?"

Sobering and glancing to each other, Dasher said, "Other than putting a hit out on him, any suggestions?"

For the next half hour they shared everything that had been happening, including showing them Joe's text message.

"That disgusting man," Laurel said. "Surely we can take care of him."

A bell signaling a new text-message arrival rang for both Dasher and Kate. Kate's stomach clenched as she saw it was from Joe, with attachments. Her face must have said it all because Laurel and Stef gathered around.

The message read, You have 24 hours or I release these on the Internet.

Three photos were attached: one of Dasher and Kate walking on the beach in Malibu and two of two women together, topless, from a distance, vaguely resembling Dasher and Kate.

"That b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Those paparazzi who've been following me must have taken the first one. They hung around the hospital where Dash's mother is being treated. Now we know who they work for. The last two are nothing more than trumped-up garbage."

From across the room Dasher quietly said, "But this isn't."

They all looked as she held up her phone to show a video playing on it. As they crowded close to the small screen, they watched a very young Greta Sarnoff give a man a b.l.o.w. .j.o.b. She seemed s.p.a.ced out, drugged, perhaps. She couldn't have been more than twelve or thirteen, and she looked half-starved.

Kate said, "Poor Greta. Joe sent this to you?" She was afraid she would vomit.

"Yes. With the promise to release it if I see you again."

Laurel stared in horror. Stef was pacing back and forth, her hands clenched behind her back.

Kate looked around the room and knew what she had to do. Alder planned to try to destroy not only her, but Dasher and now even Greta. Enough was enough.

She pulled out her phone and punched a number. When someone answered she identified herself and said, "Please send a limo to the Hotel Liaison immediately. Destination? San Francisco International."

"Kate? What are you doing?" Laurel said. "We're going to do all we can to help."

Gazing into Dasher's eyes, perhaps for the last time, Kate shook her head. "No, this is my mess, and I've jeopardized all of you because of it. Even Greta, who, G.o.d knows, doesn't deserve any more tragedy in her life. I won't do it. All I have to do is go back. Dasher, I...apologize."

With that she was gone.

Laurel started for the door but Dasher's voice stopped her "Let her go. If she's not willing to try, there's nothing I can do."

After another minute of stunned silence Dasher stood and said, "If you'll excuse me." She closed the door behind her.

"Well, that went well." Stefanie took Laurel's hand. "Are you willing to forget about this?"

Laurel pulled her into a searing kiss. "Absolutely not. Let's divide the list and start calling. Time for a meeting of Elysium."

Chapter Seventeen.

Kate slammed the front door of her home, opened it, and slammed it two more times. She'd been back in LA for a week and hadn't heard from Dasher, Laurel, or Stefanie. Joe was smug and demanding, and she realized that he would only get worse. He'd always have the threat to hold over her head.

She couldn't fall asleep because the erotic memories of her time with Dash kept her awake, and when she did sleep she had nightmares of being naked and defenseless with Joe Alder getting ready to do awful things to her. During the day her mind circled endlessly as she tried to figure out how to get away from Alder and back into Dasher's arms.

Knowing she looked a wreck and not caring, she'd run twice as long as she normally did along the beach. She'd avoided Dasher's stretch of sh.o.r.eline, but the need for Dasher was becoming more unbearable by the minute.

"Why is it that when I finally fall in love I can't be with the person I'm meant for? Why? My parents? They'll get over it. My career? I quit. My fans? Some will stay, others won't, who cares?"

Here she was, ready to give up fame and fortune for love, and she couldn't even do that right. Joe must have realized she was willing to let it all go and figured out a way to hold on to her. All he had to do was threaten Dasher and Greta. Who knew Kate would actually have ethics? Wasn't most of Hollywood amoral? What was wrong with her? She knew d.a.m.ned good and well that she couldn't live with herself if she hurt Dash or Greta. d.a.m.n it all to h.e.l.l.

She didn't even register the doorbell until it rang at least ten times and someone began to pound on the door. The noise finally pulled her from her concentration, and she cursed whichever reporter or delivery person might be standing out there. Now she wouldn't be able to stop herself from thinking about Dash again.

She stomped to the door and flung it open. There, on the front stoop, stood Mimi Pate. Behind her was Dasher's father, Jerry.

"Mimi?" It had only been a few weeks since the surgery, and it must have taken a toll on her to come here to see Kate. From the redness of Jerry's face, it was he who had pounded on the door. Kate felt guilty because she'd avoided calling even Mimi.

Mimi wobbled slightly and Kate immediately took her elbow, looking past Jerry Pate to their car, hoping Dasher was with them. It was empty and her heart sank. She'd blown it for good this time. Even if she could find a solution to the Joe problem, Dasher would never forgive her for running out on her again.

"Please, come in."

She raised an eyebrow at Jerry, and he shook his head and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "I'm gonna go for a walk."

Kate couldn't tell if he was mad at her or what he was feeling, since he had that tall, silent thing going on. She was really too distraught to care, but a.s.sumed he would cheerfully strangle her for hurting his daughter. Odd, that thought was strangely comforting. She didn't know if the notion of him strangling her or his protectiveness of Dasher appealed to her more.

Mimi moved slowly but determinedly into the family room of the house and sat down on a chair with a big sigh. She motioned for Kate to sit opposite her. "I hope we aren't breaking any of Joe Alder's rules by showing up here. After all, we are related to Dasher." She seemed amused at the idea.

Embarra.s.sed at her all-too-apparent cowardice, Kate said, "Mimi, you're always welcome. I'm surprised, that's all. I thought you were agoraphobic."

"Yes, well, it's true I haven't been out in a while, mostly because I was too drunk or stoned to move. But I have to try, now, don't I? I promised Dasher before the surgery."

An awkward silence fell between them. Finally, Kate had to ask, had to know. "Mimi, how is Dasher? Is she okay?"

Mimi's eyes hardened for a moment, then softened. "Kate, she'd be mad at me for saying this, but she's devastated. She called the other day to check in and fell apart on the phone when I asked about you."

"Oh, Mimi, I miss her so much. But I can't risk her career and Greta Sarnoff's, too. I presume Dasher told you what Joe Alder threatened. I don't care if I ever perform again. I just wish I could find a way to be with Dasher."

"You and I are in a similar position, then." Mimi let that one lie there between them.

"What do you mean?" She couldn't see any resemblance. What drugs did they have Mimi on?

"Well, I've been a shut-in for years, making everybody miserable, most of all myself. But I took the risk to try and make a new life, outside of the cave I'd hidden myself in. I might not have done it if it wasn't for you and Dasher, and I still might have chickened out if I hadn't heard the misery in Dasher's voice. Even Jerry is worried enough to leave his work and try to help. We're both in this place because of you two."

Confused, Kate said, "Thank you?"

"You're welcome. It's a start." Mimi smiled as if she hoped everything would turn out well for everyone.

"I still don't see-"

"Kate, how much of the past month is new territory for you? Do you have new friends?"

Kate nodded.

"Are you in love?"

Her breath caught in her throat as she nodded again.

"Are you doing things that are completely out of your safety zone?"

"Yes, yes, yes! I don't even recognize me. And no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to do the right thing. I know I have to leave Dasher or I'll be risking everything for both of us, not even counting poor Greta. But all I really want to do is be with her. I want her forever, Mimi. I don't care about anything else. What am I going to do?"

Mimi held out her arms and Kate collapsed into them, convulsed with sobs. "No matter what I do, I think I may have lost her."

After Kate calmed to the point of just a few hiccups, Mimi said, "You have to try, Kate. Ask her. Ask Greta. Let them answer for themselves. If the answer is no, then at least you know."

"But...Joe swore he'd-"

"This is your life, not Joe's. You cannot be his victim. He'll never stop demanding things from you. There will always be a Joe around, if you allow it. Is that what you want?"

Kate violently shook her head but had no words. The time for those had pa.s.sed. Mimi had voiced what had been in her mind for the past week. If Dasher would take her back, they'd find a way together.

She kissed Mimi on the cheek and stood, helping her to her feet. Looking directly in her eyes, she said, "Thank you. Wish me luck."

"I do, sweetheart. I want you in this family. You're the only person who can heal Dasher's heart. I hope she knows that, too."

She walked out front with Mimi and Jerry and waved good-bye to them. Jerry looked grim but was listening intently to Mimi and fiddling with his phone when they pulled away from the house.

Kate went to the bathroom and splashed some water on her face. "You still look like s.h.i.+t." She changed from her sweats to jeans and a top, rubbed the fabric of the precious flannel s.h.i.+rt for luck, grabbed a windbreaker, and was out the door.

Meeting a welcoming committee was the last thing she had expected today.

Dasher drove listlessly down the Pacific Coast Highway to her home. She wasn't looking forward to another dreary evening. She'd tried getting drunk, but all she got for it was a hangover. She busied herself with work, but somehow it didn't do the trick, either. She was afraid it would be a long time before anything mattered.

Pulling into the drive, she set the brake, locked the car, and let herself into her house, tossing her keys and the mail from the door slot onto the table beside the door. All she had scheduled today was a meeting with Greta, who'd called earlier and said she would come to Dasher's house. Dasher had told her about the video, and Greta hadn't said a word. She left the front door open and the screen door unlocked so Greta could let herself inside.

Picking up the mail, she shuffled into the main room of her small house, dividing the mail into junk and business. But a sudden movement outside caught her attention and she looked out the slider in back. Her breath caught in her chest. A woman was walking from the oceanfront toward her house. She couldn't distinguish her features yet, but she recognized the walk. She had spent so many restless nights dreaming about that walk.

She told herself she was just wis.h.i.+ng it to be the way she had fantasized for so long. This was the tenth time she'd imagined some stranger to be Kate. Maybe one day she'd stop doing that.

Still, she couldn't resist hurrying out to her deck to get a better look. The woman stopped, then slowly removed her baseball cap, allowing her blond hair to billow in the breeze. Next came her and there stood Kate.

After keeping her arms crossed for a second or two, Dasher lowered them. G.o.d help her, she was so desperate to hold Kate, touch her. Kate took a few more tentative steps toward her, then broke into a run, slowed only by the sand slipping through her toes.

Dasher was off the deck in an instant. Kate took a final leap and landed squarely in Dasher's arms, sending them toppling over into a heap.

Breathless, she managed, "Dasher, I love you. Never leave me again."

They rolled around and, between kisses, Dasher was able to say "never" about a hundred times. Finally, covered in sand, Dasher looked at Kate and said, "I thought you left me."

"Details." Kate whooped and pulled Dash up to a standing position. Off to their left they heard the telltale sound of a camera shutter and turned to see Chaz Hockaday, shooting away. Michael stood behind him holding some equipment bags.

"Give me the camera." Dasher had had enough.

Looking offended, Chaz said, "Now, now, you know I can't do that. These shots will-" He took off like a flash when Dasher lunged, but only got about twenty feet before he ran into a brick wall by the name of Jock Reynolds.

"Chaz Hockaday, isn't it? Fancy meeting you here." With that she s.n.a.t.c.hed the Nikon from his hands.

"Hey! That's private property."

"No, you are on private property. That means if Ms. Pate wants to press trespa.s.sing and hara.s.sment charges, she can. Do you have any idea how much Malibu residents value their privacy?"

A small shriek behind them revealed that Denny Phelps had surprised Michael and was confiscating all of his equipment. Chaz started toward them. "Leave him alone!"

Kate looked between the two men. Of course. "Are you two a couple?"

Michael looked hopefully at Chaz, who said, "Yes, we are. So what?"

Seeing the joy on Michael's face, Kate filled in quite a few blanks. She glared squarely at Chaz and said, "Well, you're a disgrace to your...your...s.e.xual orientation, that's what."

All eyes were on her. She needed time to think and marched through their group to Dasher's house. Stopping at the door, she dusted herself free of some of the sand that now filled all her orifices and entered, waving imperiously for them to follow. Ah, bravado, works every time. She was nervous because so much was at stake, but she refused to let anyone see her fear. Hollywood had taught her a few lessons very well.

Everyone mutely followed and soon they were all sitting in the main room, the two men fidgeting. Jock looked formidable, having chosen to prop herself against the wall next to the sliding doors with her hands stuffed in her pockets and wearing an intense expression on her handsome features. Denny discreetly put herself into position to head off the intruding men should they try to run out the front door.

Kate asked Dasher to order some pizza and beer for all of them, thinking that might relax everybody. She was thoroughly prepared to stuff the pizza down their gullets whole if her ploy failed. Dash gave her a quizzical look, scratched her head, releasing some sand of her own, and picked up the phone.

Kate sat down and got to the point. "How long have you known Joe Alder?"

Chaz folded his arms across his chest. "I don't know who you're talking about."

Sharpening her glare she said, "Dasher, would you call the police to report a trespa.s.s and stalking?"

The phone still in her hand, Dasher said, "Alrighty," and started punching in numbers.

Michael yelped, "Wait! Chaz, Joe Alder isn't worth jail time. We've only done this one job for him. We had to follow you and get any sensational material we could."

"Mikey! We have client confidentiality!"

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High Risk Part 15 summary

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