High Risk Part 17

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Joe backed up but scoffed, "Pate, there are other stunt a.s.sholes besides you in LA."

"Yes, and every one of them will refuse to work on any film that signs an actor represented by you. That's worth millions to any production company."

Joe stared. "If I don't sign, that means you'd screw Hoffman, too, because she's my client." He was sneering but the sweat was pouring off him.

Kate squeezed Mimi's arm and released it, stepping beside Jerry. "I don't care anymore, Joe. I'll be with Dasher no matter what you do."

"You've always been a stupid c.u.n.t, Kate. That so-called agent won't be able to find you any movies if your contract is-"

Dasher was on Joe before he finished. She smacked his face and kneed him, doubling him over. Before she could bring both hands down on the back of his head, her father dragged her off and held her, Kate clutching Mimi to keep her upright.

As Joe wheezed and tried to catch his breath, Kate said, "You aren't listening. I said I'll be with Dasher. Period."

The red on Joe Alder's face was turning darker, and Kate couldn't tell which had angered him more: the damage the Pate women had inflicted or the ultimatum Jerry had given him.

"Sign it. She's lost to you anyway. If you take it to court, it'll be tied up for years. Kate's willing to refuse to work."

Fuming, Joe's eyes darted around the small gathering in the room and he spied Greta. "Then I want to trade Kate for Greta. I get Greta."

Pulling herself free from her father, Dasher straightened her suit coat. "Greta makes her own decisions, Joe."

Looking threatening, he demanded, "Greta, come."

Greta slid her hand into the crook of Jason's arm. "I'm not a dog, Joe. I'll never sign with you. But here's what I will do. I have in my possession photos of you with some of your 'a.s.sociates,' as I remember you always called them. They wouldn't appreciate them being shared with anyone else, like, maybe the authorities."

For the first time Kate saw hesitation on Joe's face. "You wouldn't dare. They'd kill you."

"No. They'd kill you." Greta flashed her perfect American smile at Joe.

Joe started toward her, and Kate heard Jason mutter, "Thank you," just before he smashed his fist into Joe's face and dropped him to his knees. Shaking his hand, he turned to the crowd and grinned. "Self-defense."

Kate said, "That's the way I saw it."

The others all nodded vigorously. Jerry Pate was the only one who checked on Alder.

Ember quickly appeared and handed a bar towel to Alder. Looking around she said to Stefanie, "Didn't want him to bleed on the new carpet." Then she glanced at Jason's hand and added, "I'll get some ice."

As she hustled out of the room Kate remarked, "I hope you're planning to give that woman a raise. She's everywhere."

Greta was looking at Jason like he'd just invented chocolate. He returned the expression with pure adoration. Kate watched Laurel gazing at them and smiling, and when she caught Laurel's eye, she winked.

"Is there a back door from this room?" Dasher had her phone out and was quietly talking on it.

Jock said, "Sure is. The service hall is right on the other side of this wall." She tapped a panel in two places and it slid to the side. "Tell them to meet us at the loading dock."

Only mildly fretting, Kate asked, "Where are you taking him? Is cement involved?"

Jerry Pate and Dasher hefted the semiconscious Alder to his feet. Dasher seemed to consider Kate's question, then grinned at her. "That's tempting. Actually, we've been in touch with some Treasury agents who have questions for Joe. Although I didn't send the video, I did tip the feds to look into some of the aliases I provided. I don't know how, but an anonymous person e-mailed quite a bit of information to me. I felt it my duty to share it with them."

With Jock leading the way, the four of them disappeared out the service door, which slid noiselessly back in place once they were gone. Ember materialized with a champagne bucket full of ice for Jason's hand.

Stef examined the hand, already swelling considerably, and said she thought a few knuckles were busted.

Jason groaned. "It looks so easy in the movies."

The gala continued until two in the morning, with Kate and Greta sharing the star duties. Both of them stood on the stage, arms around each other's waist, and waved to the guests, taking turns welcoming them and pointing out the amenities of the hotel, as well as toasting the women of Hotel Liaison.

"And I'd like to thank my new agent, Dasher Pate, for introducing me to Greta. I know she has a bright future and I'm honored to be her friend."

The applause was polite, and though most guests neither knew nor cared who anyone's agent was, Kate and Greta, and Dasher, had tears in their eyes.

As soon as Jason returned from the emergency room, Greta whisked him away to her room. Next came Kate and Laurel's parents, who thankfully had been taken over by the Pates.

Kate had been so relieved when the elevator doors closed on the Pates and the Hoffmans, taking them to their rooms. She was grateful that they seemed to have hit it off.

On their way up in the Elysium lift, Dasher said, "How do you think your parents took your announcement?"

Kate grinned. "About my change of agents? Or the fact that I'm in love with you?"

"Ah, I'm guessing it was the love statement. Your mother still hadn't blinked by the time we said good night."

"I noticed. I think your mom will take her under her wing. Daddy was thrilled to have Jerry Pate as, how did he say it? Oh, yes, a member of the family."

Dasher glanced at her questioningly. "Yeah, sounded like he thinks our relations.h.i.+p is permanent."

Kate took her hand and together they entered the room. Once inside, Kate pushed Dasher's jacket off her shoulders to land on the floor and they shared a long, slow kiss. "Is that okay with you? Permanent?"

Gazing lovingly into her eyes, Dasher said, "It's everything I've ever wanted. It's all I want. You."

Kate's body responded immediately to Dasher's words. "It's odd. I feel so free now, like someone has lifted a crus.h.i.+ng weight from my shoulders. I've never been so sure about anything."

She began unb.u.t.toning Dash's s.h.i.+rt, nipping along the line of her jaw, caressing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s through the fabric. Dasher gasped at the touch.

"Dasher, I never knew that taking the risk to be myself would allow all my dreams to come true."

Gazing into Kate's eyes, Dasher whispered, "And all of mine."

Chapter Nineteen.

Life had changed dramatically for Kate during the three months since the party. The tabloids had gone nuts over Joe Alder's arrest by the Treasury agents, and rumors were flying around the industry about him.

As Kate read various articles, she found out she wasn't the only one disgusted with Joe. Many, probably emboldened by his almost certain long-time incarceration, said they thought he was connected to the mob. And more than a few of them expressed relief to have him gone from the scene.

Personally, Kate was ecstatic. With Dasher as her agent, she was getting offers for real films, some of them independent, some from huge studios. Even the adventure thrillers involved strong roles for the women. Whether they kept coming or not, she wouldn't have to play the big-breasted bimbo again.

She and Dasher had become an item in the gossip rags. Most accused one or both of them, mostly Kate, of using the other to further her own career. The accusations bothered Kate. A lot. The questions she was constantly peppered with always insinuated that she was either a conniving b.i.t.c.h or that seeing Dasher was just another fling.

After all, she'd gone through all of the Hollywood hunky men. It would only be natural to add the hot butch Dasher Pate to her list. Was that how she got Dasher to represent her? Who was next?

Dasher seemed to take all the commotion in stride, and every moment they spent together Kate fell more deeply in love with her. She'd never experienced the intensity of their connection, the intimacy. Their s.e.xual relations.h.i.+p was so visceral, she couldn't get enough of Dasher. They were pa.s.sionate, playful, adventurous, even sweet. Kate never imagined she could feel this way about another being.

Yet Dasher had read the articles, too. And as close as they were, she seemed to be waiting for the other shoe to drop. She let Kate take the lead, as though she didn't trust her to be there the next day.

At moments in their lovemaking, especially when they held each other afterward, Kate was sure Dasher was crying, but she knew better than to ask her why. She was the reason. No matter how much Kate tried to rea.s.sure Dasher, the fear of her leaving lingered. The movie business and Dasher's personal past had made it almost impossible for her to trust that someone could love her unconditionally.

With each day, Kate was surer she wanted to be that person. No amount of fame, no amount of money, no amount of approval of the measured up to the way she felt about Dasher. Nothing matched the light in Dasher's face when she saw Kate, nor the way Kate's heart flipped when Dash entered the room.

Kate was the maid of honor in Stef and Laurel's wedding at the Hotel Liaison. Dasher had opted to be an usher, saying something about handling desiccated rats before stuffing herself in a dress. They'd flown up two days earlier on a private plane chartered by Dasher because the paparazzi were becoming as thick as flies at a picnic.

Kate decided that from now on, they were taking a private jet. At least she could be herself with Dash. She wanted to be openly affectionate and despised some of the ugly comments that she had read recently on blogs, social Web sites, and the media. Oh, the encouraging ones far outnumbered them, but how could people be so self-righteous, so judgmental? What gave them the right?

Most of these idiots a.s.sured her that when her fling with Dasher ended and she was married to a man, they would eventually forgive her. The idea of ever being apart from Dasher sickened her. Those people would never have the kind of love she had with Dash, because they were incapable of it. Well, that wasn't her problem.

Her problem was convincing Dasher that what they had was real. Dasher had to be able to trust her to be there for her. Dasher had to trust that her heart was safe in Kate's keeping. Kate wasn't sure she could do that, because she'd never done it before. What would it take to make Dasher believe?

"You look beautiful, Laurel. It's really true what they say about brides, isn't it?" Kate was admiring Laurel's stunning dress and the joy so evident on her face. Marilyn Hoffman was fussing back and forth between Kate and Laurel, adjusting this and that.

"It certainly is. Laurel, you look radiant. I'm so happy. Stefanie is perfect for you. Even your brother Teddy is here. Isn't that wonderful?"

Kate and Laurel exchanged glances. Ted was there because he and his family had gotten a free ride on a Beresford corporate jet and he was trying to social climb with Stefanie's family. He'd sent his wife and two boys on a sightseeing trip during the wedding. Wouldn't want to broaden their tiny little minds with a same-s.e.x marriage.

"Yeah, Mom, just great. Say, maybe you should go check on everyone, make sure they're in their seats." Laurel looked like she was on the edge with their mom.

Kate said, "I think Daddy may talk Jerry Pate's ear off, Mom. Maybe you could herd him away for a minute or two."

Shaking her head, Marilyn flipped a wrist. "Oh, your father has already arranged to sit with him and Mimi at the reception dinner. We've actually become friends with both of them."

Casting an appraising eye on Kate, something that always made Kate brace for the next comment, she said, "Kate, is something bothering you?"

Now both her mother and Laurel studied her. Her mother asked, "Is it something to do with Dasher? Oh, my, you aren't going to dump her, are you, dear? I do so like the Pates, and she's completely in love with you."

Kate and Laurel were suddenly staring in disbelief at their mother. Kate whispered, "You approve of Dasher?"

A sharp rap on the door and then Dasher was standing there, gorgeous in the most elegant Sonia Rykiel suit Kate had ever seen. Stef and Dasher had shopped for their clothes together and wouldn't tell the sisters what they were wearing. After studying each of them, Dasher said, "What?"

Laurel was first to recover. "Nothing, Dasher. Are we ready?"

Although an eyebrow of suspicion briefly registered on Dasher's face, she said, "The Hoffmans look stunning today, especially you, Laurel." When her mother s.h.i.+fted her attention to Laurel, Dasher gave Kate a heart-stopping expression that told her she was the most beautiful creature in the universe to one Dasher Pate.

Laurel quickly said, "Hey, Dasher, would you take Mom and seat her? Thanks."

Again with the eyebrow, but Dasher dutifully offered her arm to Mrs. Hoffman and Marilyn actually t.i.ttered a bit as they walked out the door. The quick backward glance from Dash told Kate and Laurel that she didn't mind at all.

Closing the door, Kate faced Laurel. "Okay, are you ready to marry Stefanie Beresford? For better or worse? From this day forward? No matter what the freak happens?"

Grinning, Laurel said, "I can't wait."

Tears sprang to Kate's eyes and she rushed to hug her sister close. "I'm so happy for you, Laur. You're perfect for each other."

Holding on tight for a few seconds, finally Laurel pulled back. "What about you and Dasher? I don't know how, but Mom seems to like the idea. I guess between Dasher and her parents, and the fact that you're deliriously happy, Mother has had a change of heart."

"Laurel, this is your day. Just yours. We need to go. You shouldn't worry about my problems."

Shaking her gently by the shoulders, Laurel said, "Tell me in one sentence. Now."

Trying not to smudge her makeup with tear trails, Kate said miserably, "Dasher doesn't trust me, Kate. She keeps waiting for me to leave. And I can't blame her. Look at my track record."

"That was more than one sentence, but I get the idea. Kate, is Dasher the one? The only one? Be honest."

"Oh, Kate. She's been the only one since I first met her five years ago. I just was too self-involved to recognize and accept it. But how can I convince her? Even you're skeptical."

Another knock and Kate hugged her and opened the door to reveal their father, all dressed up and smiling at them.

"Okay, ladies, time to get this show on the road."

Ah, Dad. Always the romantic, Kate thought.

As they moved through the hall to the ballroom, Chaz Hockaday appeared and started taking photos. They all stopped and posed for him. Chaz and Michael were making more money these days by covering same-s.e.x weddings than they had been sneaking around trying to capture celebrities in embarra.s.sing situations.

They were even scoring some straight gigs because of Jason and Greta's recommendations. Michael was ecstatic, and even Chaz seemed very pleased with himself. Mei-Lee was his date for the wedding.

Chaz and Michael were the only photographers allowed into the ceremony. The rest of the reporters and media were hovering outside of the hotel, mostly because of the presence of Kate and Greta Sarnoff. Jason was Stefanie's best man.

The wedding went off smoothly, with a good amount of nose blowing and sniffling from the guests. When Kate looked beyond the couple to Dasher just as the minister was declaring them spouses for life, she saw happiness and yearning and sadness, all emotions she'd learned to recognize because of her love for Dasher. When had she become so attuned to another being that she could do that?

She longed to erase the sadness and yearning from Dasher's face forever. Then she focused on Laurel and Stef and knew how she could do it. And perhaps she'd be able to erase her own doubts, too.

With startling clarity she realized that she, too, had been holding back from Dasher. What if Dasher couldn't learn to trust her? What if she would forever, no matter what Kate did, always retain that final piece of herself that doomed Kate to always be on trial?

Kate did have a bad track record, but what if after all she'd risked, Dasher couldn't take the final leap of faith? Dasher's eyes met hers and Kate gave a small smile. Perhaps it wasn't just Dasher who had to take that risk.

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High Risk Part 17 summary

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