The Night Horde SoCal: Fire And Dark Part 18

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As he pushed a hard hand between her legs, his voice rumbled at her ear, "I want to play with your toys, baby. Do you want that? You want me to tie you up and make you come until you soak the sheets?"

Moaning at the very thought, Pilar nodded. In the week and a half that they'd been a real couple, they'd gotten into her drawer a couple of times. A lot of what she had in there was stuff she used alone, but some of it was couple play. Until Connor, only her cop f.u.c.k buddy, Doug, had earned enough trust to play with her. In fact, Doug had been the first one to restrain her, which had been a revelation.

It occurred to her then that she needed to tell Doug that their f.u.c.king days were over, but she put that thought out of her head for now.

Though he'd been enthusiastic about the cuffs and other bindings, Connor had been unsettled by some of the things she had in that drawer. The little leather riding crop above all. In the two times that they'd played, he'd stuck to tying her down and having his way.

Which had been fine with Pilar; he paid her lavish attention. If he never wanted to get more adventurous than that, she could be happy forever.

He picked her up and took her to the bed. Then he opened her drawer and rooted around until he came up with her linked cuffs. Before, he'd bound her spread wide on the bed, but if he was going for those, he had something else in mind. She c.o.c.ked an eyebrow at him and rolled away, but he grabbed her, as she'd known he would.

She made him fight for it; that was among the best parts for her, the struggle, the way that he could move her even when she used her energy against him, and now that he'd finally accepted that the struggle was foreplay, that the display of both of their strength made her even hotter, even wilder for him, and that she would stop him if he was too rough, he was fully, eagerly involved.

He got her cuffed to the headboard, her wrists together above her head. Then he took the loose cuff set that Velcro'd to the bed and tied her legs spread-eagle to her footboard, pausing to press his lips to each ankle, just above the leather band. He slid up her body, between her legs, kissing, licking, and nipping until he'd reached her p.u.s.s.y.

With a brush of his nose through her folds, he murmured, "I love your smell. There's something about it that just nails me, right in my gut. When you're wet like this, I just want to drink you."

She arched up toward him. "Jesus, come on and f.u.c.k me." He liked to talk, do the seduction thing, and she had to admit that it could be cool. His low, rough voice got even lower and rougher, and it was sonic s.e.x. But Pilar had never been one to dally. Once they were naked, what she wanted was a good, hard f.u.c.k, not soft words.

Chuckling, he nipped at her c.l.i.t, and the quick, intense burst of sharp pleasure made her hips twitch. But he didn't eat her out. Instead, he continued his journey up her body, kissing and licking, nipping lightly at her nipples, his coa.r.s.e hands smoothing over her skin like fine-grain sandpaper.

When he was face to face with her, he pressed a chaste kiss on the corner of her mouth-and then got off the bed completely.

"Connor, f.u.c.k!"

"Hold your horses," he laughed. "I'm taking my time. And what are you gonna do about it, anyway? Pretty sure you're at my mercy."

Bound to the bed, she was completely at his mercy. And now she was also curious.

He opened her drawer again, and she heard the musical rattle of a light metal chain. She knew what that was, and at the recognition, her p.u.s.s.y clenched hard and she flexed and moaned, alone on the bed, deep in need. f.u.c.k, she hoped he was getting those out.

"Please," she whispered, not aware she'd spoken until the word was in the air.

Smirking, he pulled the chain out of the drawer, hooked over his finger, until the little, rubber-tipped clamps dangled freely. "You want these?"

She nodded. Her favorite toy in there.

"I've never used them before."

"They don't need an instruction manual, dummy. And they're already set for me."

"Maybe not wise to call the guy who's got you tied down a dummy. Just a helpful tip."

"Sorry. Please."

"Hold on, hold on. I'm not done." He reached in and pulled out her Magic Wand vibrator. "I've wanted to try this one. A vibe that plugs into the wall. This f.u.c.ker's got to be intense."

He had no idea. The mere antic.i.p.ation of what he might have in mind had her halfway to climax already. His curiosity about her toys was surprisingly innocent for a guy like him, she thought. He was hardly inexperienced with women. But it did make some sense. This kind of play wasn't something to do with just some person you'd grabbed for a f.u.c.k. It took trust and intimacy. So if his couple of past girlfriends hadn't been into toys, Connor wouldn't have had any reason to know about this stuff.

At long, long last, he came back to the bed. Sitting at her side, he dangled the chain of the clamps over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, letting it drag lightly back and forth across her nipples. When the skin tightened as much as it possibly could, he leaned down and kissed each peak. Then, as she watched and s.h.i.+vered with want, he pulled lightly on one taut nipple and attached a clamp to it.

She whimpered loudly, and he looked up at her eyes. When she nodded her encouragement, he clamped the other nipple, and she cried out and arched upward.

There was no sensation quite like that perfectly steady, balanced pressure, a pinch that fingers or teeth could never duplicate. It hurt, no question, but the pain was pure, erotic heat. When he tugged gently on the chain until both nipples stretched upward, Pilar bit down on her lip to keep from simply shouting in need. f.u.c.k, she was glad he'd picked them.

While she was still focused on the fire in her nipples, Connor got back off the bed. She barely noticed. When he returned, she heard the heavy hum of her wand. He must have plugged it in.

She guessed what he intended, and she was so close to climax already that stillness was impossible.

He settled again between her thighs, first on his knees, so that he could flick his tongue back and forth over each pinched, distended nipple until she was wailing and grinding on the bed. Then he arranged himself so that his legs were under each of hers. He was limber for such a muscular guy. His c.o.c.k stood up, evidence of his own need, but he seemed to be ignoring it completely.

Holding the vibrating wand in his hand, he brushed his knuckles over her c.l.i.t and through her folds. She hissed at his touch, the way the shake of the vibe came through his fingers.

"So wet," he murmured. "You already soaked the sheets, baby."

She was barely even listening. All she could think of was that vibe, right there. "Come on, come on," she muttered.

With one hand, he spread her folds wide. With the other, he laid the rounded head of the vibe directly onto her c.l.i.t.

The fire he'd been stoking exploded into an inferno, and she came immediately. Her body went rigid; her hands became fists, and her toes curled. For long seconds, she forgot to breathe.

She couldn't come down, because he didn't let up. Her lungs finally demanded air, and she took in a great, shrieking gasp. Connor took the hand that had been holding her open away, but he left the vibe where it was, following the gyrations of her body.

"Ow, ow, ow," she breathed. This part was too much to bear for long.

"You want me to stop?"

"No. Keep going."

He grinned and hooked a finger around the chain between the nipple clamps. Her back came up, following the pressure as her nipples stretched gloriously. And she came again.

The next time, he f.u.c.ked her with his fingers while the wand worked its endless magic on her c.l.i.t. That time, she shouted out her climax while she tried in vain to curl up. She wasn't sure how much more she could take, but she wasn't ready to ask him to stop.

But then he took the vibe away and turned it off. As she lay breathless, exhausted, he freed her ankles from their bindings. She expected him to move to the head of the bed and undo her wrists next, but instead, he grabbed her thighs and flipped her onto her belly.

"I need to f.u.c.k you, baby." Animal need had turned his voice to gravel.

There was just enough play in the chain between the cuffs that had her wrists that it could twist without hurting her. But now she was face down on the bed, still wearing nipple clamps she'd had on for a long time. The pain was intense.


He stopped. "Too much? What do you need?"

With a calming breath, she considered the state of her body before she answered. The first blast of agony had ebbed, and now she was just rocking on the edge between pleasure and pain.

"I'm okay. I'm okay."


"Yeah. f.u.c.k me."

With a gentle kiss to the small of her back, he picked up her hips and entered her. He started slowly, making sure she was okay. d.a.m.n, it was good without a condom. She'd gotten so used to them that she hadn't realized how much that latex really changed the way s.e.x felt. Without it, everything was hotter and smoother, and just...more present.

The movement of her body on the bed pulled at the clamps and the chain just enough to make her whimper. Then he sped up, and in a few thrusts he was going with savage speed and force. The bed slammed against the wall as Connor slammed into her, and she was coming again, this time screaming into the pillow.

As she came down from her latest explosive climax, Connor bellowed and leaned forward to grab her hair. He came, yelling and clutching her brutally. When he finished, he let go of her and pulled out with a sigh.

Mrs. Lee banged on the wall.

"I'm done. I'm done, Connor. I'm done. I need to be done." f.u.c.k, she hurt.

He moved quickly, flipping her onto her back again. First he released the clamps, and she nearly screamed as blood rushed back. With the lightest of touches, he brush his thumb over each nipple and then kissed each one, too. Then he freed her wrists.

"I hurt you." He frowned down at her, brus.h.i.+ng hair from her face.

With her tingling fingertips, she soothed the furrows from his brow. "I wanted it. I just needed it to be over when it was."

"Maybe we do need a safe word."

"You stopped when I needed to stop. I think we communicate just fine. That was pretty much perfect f.u.c.king, if you ask me."

He laughed quietly and caressed her face. "I don't know where you came from, Pilar Cordero, but there's n.o.body else like you."

Feeling spent and fragile, feeling exposed but not vulnerable, Pilar snuggled into the crook of his body, where he was propped on one elbow. "I'm falling in love with you."

He flinched and took hold of her chin, turning her head back so he could look straight down into her eyes. "What?"

Though she felt a little anxiety, she didn't back away from what she'd said. "You heard me. Does that scare you?"

His grey eyes were dark, and his scowl was not encouraging. "Don't you f.u.c.king play me, Cordero."

Pilar could have gotten defensive at that, but she had just been very well f.u.c.ked, so she was mellow, and she knew where his words had come from. "We decided to be serious. You brought me to family dinner. We f.u.c.k like we do, and we talk like we do. You can't tell me you're not feeling it, too. I'm being honest. And I already told you I'm not keeping my eye on the emergency exit." She smiled as his scowl shaped itself into something much more open, but still wary. "Okay, I lied a little. I'm not falling. I already landed. I love you. There. Now I'll always be the one who said it first. I win."

He laughed, and his expression became simply calm and pleased. "Every d.a.m.n thing is a compet.i.tion with you, woman." His smile faded, but his expression didn't darken. "Yeah. I think I do. I love you, too."

No man had ever spoken those words to her before. To hear this man say them-her eyes began to burn. Pilar did not cry. In the life she led, the things she'd seen and would yet see, there was no place for tears. It was a second or two before she realized what the burning was. She blinked it away before tears happened, but Connor had watched that all play out on her face. She could see the knowledge in his eyes.

He smiled. "Well, isn't this somethin'."


"I'm not doing that." Connor stared up at the rocky cliff face and shook his head. "It is absolutely not happening."

Pilar put her hands on her hips and made a theatrical and entirely unnecessary scoffing noise. "Dude, since you're standing there in jeans and f.u.c.king biker boots, I didn't think you were. I can't believe you won't wear shorts. It's going to be ninety degrees out here soon."

"No shorts. You're lucky you got me out here." Pilar, on the other hand, wore a pair of khaki shorts that did fabulous things to her a.s.s and made the bronze tone of her skin glow. He thought she might look hotter in those shorts, climbing shoes, and her almost-sheer t-s.h.i.+rt than she had in that black dress.

No. The dress was hotter. But she looked good now.

"You told me you've camped a lot."

"Biker camping is not this. Biker camping is pa.s.sing out on the ground next to your bike. But I'm here. I'll..." He was going to say he'd take a ride, but that would leave Pilar out here alone being a daredevil on that stupid cliff face. "I'll just wait here."

She'd dragged him out to the desert to camp, enticing him with stories about f.u.c.king under the stars and sleeping coiled together in a sleeping bag.

The night before had been fantastic. They'd ridden out side by side, Pilar on her little orange Victory and him on his big black Harley. As soon as they'd gotten clear of traffic, she'd revved the throttle and torn off, turning the last leg of the trip into a race. He'd let her win-the view had been superior behind her.

They'd stopped at a little market near the park for firewood and dinner, then arrived at camp in the late afternoon. It was midweek in September, after school was back in session, so there weren't many people around. They'd made camp, had a rustic dinner of bread, cheese, fruit, and booze, and made a fire.

That had surprised him-he'd expected her to be anti-campfire. She wasn't, but she was particular about fire safety, so they hadn't bedded down until it was completely out and cooling.

Hence the f.u.c.king under the stars. And what stars they'd been. Several of Connor's brothers came out to the desert often, but he never had. He'd ride out here-the roads were great for riding-but he'd never been interested in the landscape, which was brown. Every season, every day, brown-light, dusty brown. He preferred the variety of the mountains or the coast. But last night, he'd gotten a sense of the place's allure, and not just because the s.e.x had been fantastic. Their s.e.x was always fantastic. But the canopy of stars in a sky that seemed to swirl with dark color had been breathtaking.

Pilar's little backpack tent had a screen sunlight at the top. While she'd slept in his arms, he'd lain and stared through the tent at the stars for most of the night. He'd felt small and infinite both at the same time. And perfectly content.

And he'd known he was going to mark this woman. End of story. It had only been about a week and a half since they'd first used the word 'love,' and far too early to bring it up, but that night, staring up at thousands of stars in a purple and blue sky, he'd seen his future.

Now, he was watching his future climb the side of a rocky cliff with no gear but her funky shoes. He sat on a rock and watched, trapped between his fascination of her ability; his l.u.s.t for her sinewy body, the muscles in her legs and arms rippling and glistening, her thick, fluffy ponytail swinging; and his bone-chilling fear as she climbed higher and higher. Up a cliff, without a rope. Rocks littered the foot of the cliff. He imagined her broken body lying on them.

Every now and then, she'd stretch wide and put her foot somewhere, then let it drop back, and each time that happened, he'd clench, sure that she'd lost her footing. But then she'd find a better hold and climb some more. By the time she got to the top, he was halfway to a heart attack. Then she waved and disappeared down the other side. She'd told him there was a way to walk back down.

He sat where he was until she made her way back to him. She'd been right-he was getting hot sitting in the desert sun in his jeans and boots. But he was also finding some of the same kind of peace he'd felt the night before. Like his life had settled on its track. He hadn't even known he'd been derailed.

When she approached, he stood up. "I can't believe you climb cliffs for fun. Tell me you don't come out her on your own."

"Dude, that's not a cliff. That's barely a hill. Just a bunch of rocks. Someday I'll show you what climbing a cliff looks like. And no, I don't come out alone. I usually come out with Moore."

She dropped that and looked up at him, and he could see the challenge in her eyes. Well, f.u.c.k, yes, he was jealous of that guy. Kyle Moore was her best friend. She spent as much time with him as she did with Connor. Moore slept in the same room with her as often as he himself did, too. He was in love with a woman who might actually be able to deal with the life he led, and he shared fifty-fifty custody of her with another guy. It sucked.

And they were handsy with each other. He got that there was nothing between them. He did. He believed her, and he got it. He wasn't threatened. He was just jealous-of their time together, their friends.h.i.+p, whatever. He'd work it out eventually.

So to answer her now, he just grunted.

"You gotta let that go, Connor. I'm not giving up my best friend."

"I'm workin' on it. Give me time."

She slid her arms around his waist. "You're all hot and sweaty. Me, too. Wanna ride?"

He grinned and kissed her. "Now that sounds like fun."

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The Night Horde SoCal: Fire And Dark Part 18 summary

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