Alien Abduction: Holiday Abduction Part 14

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Given I acquired her during the barbaric Earth custom known as Kris-ma.s.s, Id say hers was a Holiday Abduction.

More like chaotic, but at least it had a happily ever after, Jilly added, squeezing his thigh under the table.

I like hers, little Mren announced. It has presents.

Indeed it did. In Vhyls case, it was the gift of love, an emotion he now understood and would kill to keep.

Mine. Forever.

The End

Special Holiday Treat

***Originally written as a blog post, this is a mini story featuring Megan and Aylia, and their first Christmas with their purple men. For those whove not met them, Megan is the human from the first book Accidental Abduction, and Aylia is the heroine in Intentional Abduction.

Aylia watched the ending of the video, an odd piece full of singing, laughter, and garish decorations. She turned to face her friend, Megan, a puzzled expression creasing her face. This human holiday, Kris-ma.s.s, you celebrate it every year?

Yup. Megan bobbed her head. Ill bet you probably celebrated several with your human parents before you got abducted and given to the Zonians. Its the one Earth holiday I miss.

Because of the gifts?

Megan smiled widely. Presents are good, but also because it was the one time of the year people were determined to be happy, or at least fake it.


Why? Well, because it was Christmas. A time when families got together and ate too much rich food. An excuse for cousins to run wild through Grandmas house while aunts and uncles got drunk on spiked eggnog. Good old-fas.h.i.+oned family fun.

Despite the description, Aylia wasnt sure she quite got it, but her friend seemed enamored of the tradition. If you love this holiday so much, then why not tell Tren? I am sure he would celebrate it for you.

Megan scrunched up her nose. I could, I guess. I never thought of it. I mean, seriously, can you imagine Tren and Jaro decorating a tree or shopping for gifts?

No, but then again, I never imagined Jaro doing a lot of things, Aylia replied. Did you know he picked a flower for me yesterday?

Whats the big deal about that?

He climbed down the cliff by the seaside and plucked the bloom from a lukinol nest. He even had the teeth marks to prove it.

A chortle made her friends very pregnant belly jiggle. Okay, that is messed up. But cute. Definitely cute. Trens more likely to punch Jaro out to steal the flower than get it himself.

I resent that. I am more likely to grab the bloom from his fist and push him off the cliff so he cant tattle, Tren boasted as he strode into the room, all six-foot-something purple feet of him. If Aylia didnt have a purple warrior of her own as a mate, she might have found him more impressive.

Arent you just romantic? Megan grumbled.

Actually I am, Tren announced with a pleased grin that showed off his pointed teeth. Jaro, stop dragging your feet and bring it in.

A curse followed the order, along with an odd andwas that the jingling of bells?

Aylia watched the doorway with interest and couldnt stop her mouth from dropping open as Jaro came in pulling something big and green behind him. Adorned in colorful b.a.l.l.s and s.h.i.+ny tinsel, it looked an awful lot like a Kris-ma.s.s tree, just like the ones from the film Megan made her watch.

Tren helped his brother hoist and prop the holiday decoration against a wall, and then they both stood back to reveal the ugliest, bent-branched tree in existence.

Wait, I forgot something. Tren yanked a box from his pocket before he dropped to his knees and rummaged around the lower branches. A moment later hundreds of little multi-colored lights ignited.

Aylia couldnt supress a giggle of delight. Its so ugly its beautiful, she exclaimed.

Megan burst into noisy tears.

Alarm crossed Trens face as he crossed the room to sweep his mate into his arms. What is wrong? Did I not get it right? I specifically told those idiots Brax and Xarn to get an authentic tree. Do I need to beat them again?

The tree is perfect, Megan sniffed.

Then what is it? There are presents for it, too, I swear. Lots of them in that s.h.i.+ny paper just like the videos.

Oh no, Megan moaned.

Tren looked at Aylia in bafflement, and she shrugged. She didnt know what ailed her pregnant friend, but she did know that she certainly didnt want to turn into such an emotional wreck as her pregnancy progressed. Shed hate to have to kill herself for being such an idiot.

Arms wrapped around her from behind as Jaro snuggled into her back, his hands coming to rest over her slightly rounded belly. What do you think? he whispered in her ear, his warm breath never failing to bring a delighted s.h.i.+ver.

I think it is a fine gift, she replied as she turned in his arms. Even if I dont quite understand the whole holiday idea. Although, I am not averse to the idea of presents. But I have nothing to give you.

Oh, I can think of a few things, he said with a leer that made her laugh.

A yell distracted her from that pleasant train of thought, but this time it came from Tren, not Megan.

What the frukx? Why are my feet wet? Tren bellowed.

Dont you yell at me, Megan shouted back. Its all your fault. You made me so d.a.m.ned happy with the Christmas tree that I forget to mention when you walked in that the baby is coming.

What! The shouted exclamation from the three of them had Megan smiling smugly.

Ha, you might have gotten me a tree and presents, but even you cant beat me giving you a son for Christmas, she said triumphantly. Oh, and by the way, I think youd better wash your hands quick because this baby is dying to get out.

And then the most amazing thing happened. The renowned, a male who terrified whole galaxies, who could torture alien slavers while eating an eleven-course feast, dropped to the floor in a dead faint.

Megan howled with laughter, and Aylia joined her, a laughter that increased tenfold when Jaros face creased in disgust when he had to step through the wet puddle to slap his brother awake.

In the end, the baby was born"the normal way through the v.u.l.v.a"which personally Aylia found more terrifying than the idea the child would chew its way through the abdomen like Megan feared. Things the size of Kewla fruits should not come out of holes that small. But she did have to admit she found the wrinkly creature with lavender skin, shockingly blue eyes, and a pair of lungs to deafen even the most stalwart kind of cute.

Although not as cute as Jaro holding the little bundle with awe on his face. She slid her arms around his waist as they stared into their nephews face.

What a fine son, he said before handing it back to the beaming parents.

The ferocious love in Trens eyes for both his mate and child made Aylia warm inside. And thats when she blurted it out.

Were having girls.

Excuse me? What did you say? Jaros voice emerged faint.

Were having girls, as in two of them. Isnt that exciting?

And, for the second time that day, a big purple warrior crashed to the ground while Aylia gaped on in disbelief. Then giggled.

Merry Kris-ma.s.s to me, she chortled. I am going to have so much fun with this now.

Merry Christmas to us all, Megan added. Now wheres my presents?

The End.

Authors Note: I hope you enjoyed this latest story in the Alien Abduction series. If you did, Id love it if you took a moment and left a review. To know when my next story will be available, then please : ~Visit my website at

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Thank you for reading. ~ Eve.

Previous books in the Alien Abduction series: Accidental Abduction, Intentional Abduction, Dual Abduction, Mercenary Abduction & Heroic Abduction Other Science Fiction / Paranormal Romance Series:.

Cyborgs: More Than Machines: C791, F814, B785, Aramus, Seth.

Alien Mate 1, 2 and 3.

Princess of h.e.l.l " Paranormal/Demon Humorous Romance.

Pack " Paranormal/Werewolf Romance.

Kodiak Point " Paranormal/Shapes.h.i.+fter Romance.

Freakn s.h.i.+fters " Paranormal/Shapes.h.i.+fter MFM Romance.

Furry United Coalition(F.U.C) " Paranormal/Shapes.h.i.+fter Humorous Romance.

Welcome To h.e.l.l " Paranormal/Demon/Witch Humorous Romance.


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Alien Abduction: Holiday Abduction Part 14 summary

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