Krewe Of Hunters: Haunted Destiny Part 9

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"And it doesn't surprise you that I seem to have accepted this, too?" he asked.

"McCoy," Crow said, "did you think I randomly asked that you be a.s.signed to me in the Quarter yesterday morning?"

Jude felt that sense of creeping frost again.

"You looked me up and, naturally, you have access to all my records. Even the ones with the therapist, which should have been sealed."

"Yes-and those records were sealed. But your history of solving unusual cases was noticed by others. Including Adam Harrison, who established the Krewe."

"I see," Jude said. He wasn't sure he did, not completely. But...yes, he did. He was still fighting all of this.

"My service records. You know about them?"

"Yes. I know that you saw your friend, Al Bellingham. According to medical personnel, he was dead at the time. Although you may not have seen the dead since then-or at least you believe you haven't-you've got certain abilities..."

"I've never been able to explain it," he mumbled, "but sometimes I just know things."

"You've been with the bureau for five years, so you must have heard of the Krewe of Hunters," Crow said flatly.

"Yes, of course. But everything on the Krewe is either quiet or speculation."

"We're good at spin," Crow told him, smiling.

Jude digested that. "All right, then, do we have anything more? According to Byron Grant, we can eliminate David Beach, which we'd already guessed."

"Angela is still on the trail of credit card usage and traffic cams."

Jude nodded. As he did, a soft beeping sound came from Jackson's computer. He hit a key, and Jude moved around to watch the screen.

A woman in a powder blue s.h.i.+rt and black jacket appeared, exceptionally pretty with long blond hair and elegant features. "Hey," she said. "Good connection. I see you perfectly, Jackson."

"We've got you, too," Jackson said. "Meet Jude McCoy, Angela. Jude, thanks to the mysteries of the internet and satellites, meet Special Agent Angela Hawkins."

"Hey, Jude!" Angela said, and then winced. "Hmm. Do you get that often? Purely accidental, I swear."

"My folks did love the Beatles," Jude told her. "So do I, for that matter."

She smiled, but then the niceties were over. "I think the killer's been far too smart to leave a credit card trail, so I'm not finding what I'd hoped," she began. "But I can eliminate another suspect for you."

"Which one?" Jude asked.

"The entertainment director. Bradley Wilc.o.x. He was caught by a traffic cam. Yes, he drove out from Texas, but he was west of NOLA at the time the last victim was killed. Not just his car-the cameras got a clear picture of his face."

"One less suspect," Jude said.

"We're researching cameras, hotels, restaurants, you name it. We'll find out more. Sadly, even with computers, it's slow and tedious work." Angela sighed. "Anyway, I'll let you go until I have something else for you. Good to meet you, Jude."

"Good to meet you, too. Virtually, at any rate." He was surprised when Crow said, "Thanks, Angela. Love you."

"Love you, too," she responded.

The connection went dead. Jude couldn't help looking at Jackson, who shrugged. "I told you. She's my wife."


"And a brilliant agent," Jackson a.s.sured him, not for the first time.

"I believe you," Jude said, and he did. Turning back to his own screen, he added, "The medallions have to be the key."

Crow frowned. "We know that each medallion was a.s.sociated with the victim's line of work. For our last victim, Jean Wilson, it was St. Luke-and she was in med school."

"Yes, and St. Luke is the patron saint of doctors. Byron Grant's fiancee, Elizabeth Williams, was found with a medallion of St. Bernardino, patron saint of those in advertising. Have any of our forensic or technical people been able to discover where the medallions came from?" Jude asked.

Crow had geared up his computer. He nodded as he looked at his notes. "It took a while, but we finally have that information. Italy," he said. "An ancient church near the Vatican. These particular medallions could only be bought there."

"And we have people tracing the movements of our suspects-so we'll know who's been in Italy?"

"There's a problem there," Jackson said.

"What's that?"

"The medallions were all manufactured in the 1940s."

Jude shook his head. "So they came down from a friend, parent or grandparent, to the killer," he said. He leaned forward. "What if they were sold in a collection?"

He swung around, booting into the computer he'd been allotted. He quickly asked Crow the name of the church.

The medallions might not have been created out of gold or silver, but they were historical artifacts and eminently collectible now. There were thirteen in every set; apparently, very few complete sets remained.

"The sets contained medallions for St. Catherine, patron saint of artists. St. Michael, patron saint of police officers. St. Matthew, accountants. St. Barbara, architects and builders. St. Christopher, drivers, travelers and pilots. All of those were found on the previous victims, according to their occupations. With the more recent murders, we have St. Bernardino, advertising, and that was found on Elizabeth Williams. St. Luke, physicians. Jean Wilson." Jude studied the computer screen. "Then we have St. Francis, patron saint of animals. That was left on Debra Harvey, who was a veterinarian, Miami, Florida. St. Joan of Arc-on the second Miami victim, Lauren Macaby, United States Air Force. And St. Thomas Aquinas, teachers, found on Delores Ramirez, teacher, Fort Lauderdale."

"And the final three medallions," Jackson Crow said, studying his own computer, "are St. Genesius, patron saint of actors. St. Lawrence, patron saint of cooks. And last..."

"St. Cecilia," Jude said, his gut tightening. "The patron saint of singers and musicians."


"This is all terrifying!" Minnie s.h.i.+vered and cuddled closer to her beloved Blake. "A dastardly killer on this s.h.i.+p!"

"Minnie," Blake said a little awkwardly. "We're already dead. He can't hurt us."

"No, not us! But what about Alexi?"

"I plan to stay safe," Alexi a.s.sured her.

"I hear that this...this terrible man is attacking young women. And that means you're vulnerable," Minnie said.

"So is every woman aboard this s.h.i.+p." Alexi was a bit distracted, flipping through music sheets, trying to make sure she had a lot of show tunes ready. They tended to be the pa.s.senger preference, and the Les Miz actors often joined in, so she wanted to be prepared. She looked up; Minnie was staring at her with deep concern.

"Don't worry. No one's going to attack me when we're in one of the busiest bars on the s.h.i.+p."

"By the time you close up, it's late, and most people have gone to bed," Minnie pointed out.

"The dance lounges are still open then." Alexi tried to sound cheerful. "And...well, there are people on board, watching over me."

And yet...

This was scary as h.e.l.l.

Was it better or worse that she knew Jackson Crow and Jude McCoy were on the s.h.i.+p? Would she be safer because of it, while others...

She hadn't seen Clara since that morning, in the employee cafeteria. She needed to talk to her.

She'd never told Clara that she saw the dead.

She didn't want her best friend on the Destiny thinking she was stark raving mad.

How could she tell Clara not to go anywhere alone, to watch herself every time she went to or from her cabin?

Somehow, she had to.

"Minnie, you and Blake will watch out for me, too, right?" They promised fervently that they would.

Alexi glanced at her watch, and then over at the bar. Servers were getting ready to open for the evening. She still had time; it was only eight, and she didn't start until nine.

She stood up, deciding she'd go and see if the cast was rehearsing. But before she could move, she saw that Agent Jude McCoy was approaching her at the piano bar. He nodded politely to Minnie and Blake, and she had to smile.

"You find something humorous, Ms. Cromwell?" he asked.

"Blake and Minnie," she said. "I'd like to introduce you to FBI agent Jude McCoy."

"We know who you are, of course," Minnie said, smiling beautifully.

Always the flirt.

"A pleasure to meet you," Jude McCoy said. Alexi saw that he took note of Minnie's elegant 1930s gown and Blake's tuxedo.

He winced as he looked at Alexi. "Dead?" he asked softly.

"How rude!" Minnie said.

"Darling, we are dead," Blake told her.

"Yes, but what a terrible word! Pa.s.sed, I think, is better. Ethereal, maybe. Or he could say spirits. We are on a s.h.i.+p, at a bar, so spirits could refer to more than one thing," Minnie said with a tinkling laugh. "Anyway, sir, the pleasure is ours. As long as you intend to look after Alexi for us."

"I definitely intend to do that," Jude promised her.

"Well, then, we'll leave you two to chat. There's a bit of time before Alexi's on for the night. Blake, I do believe we should take a romantic stroll out on the deck. What say you, my love?"

"Anything, dearest," Blake said.

The two departed.

Alexi saw that Jude McCoy had changed for the evening. He looked seriously masculine and striking in a dark blue suit.

"What can I do for you now, Agent?" she asked.

"I need to find out if these men come here," he told her, producing his phone and showing her pictures. "Roger Antrim and Hank Osprey?"

She glanced at the photos on his iPhone and nodded. "Yes, I know them both. They're regulars on the Celtic American line. They were in here last night. In fact, I see them practically every night of a voyage. Roger was a TV network CEO and he's in his late fifties. He's married to Lorna, who is lovely. They're retired and they sail whenever they feel like it." She paused. "You don't really consider him a suspect, do you? Like I said, he's married. And he's always in here with Lorna."

"I'm sorry, but history's proven that married doesn't mean much in these situations. But I'm not accusing anyone of anything. I just want to hang around and see them for myself. Now what about Osprey?"

"Hank, as you can tell from his picture, is younger. A brilliant nerd in high school, from what I heard. He sold his first company when he was in his twenties. Very nice guy. You'd never know he was rolling in money."

"Does he ever come in here with a woman?"

Alexi thought about that. "Yes, I've seen him with other people, including women. He brought a bunch of employees on a cruise once. And he was dating a major heiress for a while. Then a B-movie queen. Both of these guys-Hank and Roger-like the Caribbean. And of course, they can sail whenever they want. Honestly, though, you'll see. Neither of them is... Well, I can't imagine either of them as a serial killer."

"That's the thing," Jude McCoy warned her. "We're not after a spree killer here. The Archangel s.p.a.ces out his murders according to some schedule of his own. Going strictly by age, Hank is a more likely suspect, but..." He looked at her intently. "It's common knowledge that murderers can be the boy-next-door type. Nice as can be, polite, even charming. Don't trust anyone."

That was a nearly impossible directive. She lived on the s.h.i.+p!

A couple entered the room and took a seat at one of the c.o.c.ktail tables. A family group came in soon afterward, and Dixie, one of the c.o.c.ktail waitresses, started toward them.

"I need to begin my show," Alexi said.

"Yep, sorry. Your friends come in here, too, right? Fellow entertainers, from the shows and bands and all."


"Did you ever get any-vibes, I guess-from any of them? Particularly Larry Hepburn, Simon Green, Ralph Martini or the head guy, Bradley Wilc.o.x?"

She shook her head. "No, but Ralph's the only one I really know. Wait-not true. Bradley Wilc.o.x is a jerk. I already told you that, but please don't repeat it. He's just curt and rude and treats us all as if we're his personal servants. Ralph-I'd have a hard time believing he's guilty of anything."

"Thanks. Okay. I'll be here. That chair over there okay?" He pointed to one of the comfortable wingback chairs set around some of the c.o.c.ktail tables.

"Sure." She'd been playing the piano and singing for as long as she could remember.

Yet she suddenly felt a little intimidated. She wished Minnie and Blake weren't still strolling...wherever. Minnie would have hara.s.sed her about playing a certain song or other, and she would've been busy trying to pretend a ghost wasn't whispering in her ear. All while she was speaking, playing and singing.

She decided to begin with a Carole King number-trying to ignore Agent McCoy. After that a woman wanted to sing another Carole King song and Alexi was happy to pa.s.s her the mic.

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Krewe Of Hunters: Haunted Destiny Part 9 summary

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