The Bond That Consumes Us Part 16

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"Conversation isn't, what is the expression, my strong suit?"

Lance chuckled. "Yeah, I picked up on that."

Taber was sure to keep his eyes averted from Fallon, who was currently busy behind the bar restocking the bottles they used to mix the drinks. Instead, he stayed near Lance, nodded when necessary to acknowledge the progression of the one-sided conversation. It was only when Fallon yawned and Lance began to rub the back of his neck that he clapped his hands together, getting both their attention.

"I believe it is time I escorted you both home."

"Both?" Fallon's voice was nearly as loud as Lance.

"Of course. It would be irresponsible of me to allow anyone to walk unescorted with a murderer on s.h.i.+p."

The real reason lay with the fact Lance spent as much time with Fallon as any man.

It was possible if the killer really was targeting the men in her life, that Lance would be high on that list. Or he could be the murderer. Expecting more protest, he turned to face them and crossed his arms across his chest.

"I trust there won't be any arguing?" He punctuated the question with a raise of his eyebrow.

Lance looked at Fallon and rolled his eyes. She let her gaze skirt from her friend to Taber and quickly to the floor.

"Not that I don't appreciate the offer, but it seems a bit ridiculous-"

"Lance, just let him," Fallon said with a sigh. "It's easier than trying to argue with him."

Taber nodded. "Excellent. Now I believe we should be off. You both look ready to collapse."

Thankfully, Lance's quarters were closer to the bar than Fallon's. That would give him precious extra minutes to be with her alone, even if she didn't talk to him. Taber needed her, and that need was becoming more acute each day.

Upon reaching Lance's quarters, Taber checked inside to ensure no one was waiting for him.

"Is it clear, crazy over-protective security guy?" Lance said with a chuckle.

"You are safe. Secure your door once we leave."

"Night, sweetie," Lance leaned over and gave Fallon a hug. "Don't let this guy boss you around."

"I never do."

Taber felt the surge of anger return, only this time it was more difficult to push it away. He had to physically walk a short distance down the hall to give himself the s.p.a.ce to calm his nerves.

"You okay?"


A s.h.i.+ver ran down his back at the sound of Fallon's voice. His heart pounded so loud and strong, he was sure she'd be able to hear. When they'd made love last night, when she'd let him control her desires, his connection to her strengthened. She was his and he'd kill any other man who touched her in that way. Somehow, he didn't think she'd want to hear those words from him. Swallowing, he looked at her and nodded.

"Let me get you back to your quarters."

They walked in silence until they reached her door. Taber waited for her to release the door lock, before gently nudging her aside and walking in first.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised you're checking my place. You did it for Lance after all."

"I would do the same for anyone who is in danger."

"Even Jenny?"

He stopped mid-stride and turned to look at her. She was busy rearranging the data pads on her desk. The neat pile now in total chaos.

"If I thought a serial killer was targeting her, then yes, even Jenny. Would you expect me to do anything else?"

His question seemed to catch her off guard. She looked up, her lips parted slightly, as if she were getting ready to be kissed. The thought made his c.o.c.k hard, which he didn't bother to try and hide.


She shook her head. "No. Knowing you the way that I do now, I would be shocked if you didn't do everything in your power to help someone else."

"But you didn't like me talking to Jenny. You're scared I would take her to my bed-f.u.c.k her the way I did you."

It wasn't a question. He'd watched her after, had recognized the look of frustrated jealousy she'd been trying hard to hide. She was in as much torment as he was-neither of them willing or able to do anything about it. Their discomfort went beyond s.e.x, with no easy answer.

"I'll leave you to your rest. I will be just outside your door for what little remains of the night and for the morning. Don't open the door unless you check who it is, and either I or Sean is there."

Fallon simply nodded. "Thank you."

"Sleep well."

Taber stepped outside her door, locked his hands behind his back and prayed his mind would ignore the fact the woman he wanted more than his bond mate was sleeping only a few feet away-and he couldn't have her.


Chapter Eight.

Fallon had somehow been able to sleep. It was weird because she didn't think she was going to be able to. The only thing that had helped was the fact she knew Taber stood just outside her door, there to protect her.

Now, she'd never been much for the whole damsel in distress routine, but she had to admit there was something appealing about it. Especially when her knight in s.h.i.+nning armor was a seven-foot-tall, alien wall of muscle who took great pleasure dominating her in the bedroom. Still, she knew there was a lot more to Taber than the ability to keep the monsters away at night. And it was that part that had captured her attention.

Hers and mostly every other hot-blooded female on the s.h.i.+p.

She'd spent most of her conversations at Nate's wake answering questions about Taber. Both men, but mostly women, wanted to know everything she had on the mysterious Briel standing against the wall. Though funnily enough, it was only Jenny who'd had the b.a.l.l.s to actually approach him. The woman had the sensitivities of an asteroid when it came to moving in on someone else's man.

Fallon checked with the computer and, yes, the alien in question was still standing outside her door. Even though she'd slept for five hours, she doubted he'd taken a break or allowed Sean to cover his post for him. She'd seen the flash of anger on his face when Lance had hugged her in the corridor. The ferocity of it had caught her off guard but told her more about him than any conversation ever could. He'd somehow claimed her as his own but wasn't quite willing to tell the world about it.

The funny thing was she felt the same way about him.

She'd been ready to jump across the bar and strangle Jenny to within an inch of her life when she'd seen her flirting with Taber. It was completely unlike her to react like that. She'd had boyfriends in the past who'd been worse flirts than Taber, and it hadn't risen more than her eyebrow.

What it had done for her tonight was make her realize she couldn't dismiss her feelings for Taber as easily as she thought she could. Whether she liked it or not, she needed to try and see where things could go between them, or else she'd always regret it. That was something she wasn't prepared to do.

Standing, she walked over to the door, took a deep breath and pressed the release b.u.t.ton. Taber turned his head just enough so he could see her out of his peripheral vision.

"Good morning," he said, a slight note of exhaustion in his voice.

"Good morning. When did you last sleep?"


He paused, frowning, before he straightened his back. "Forty-six hours ago."

Holy s.h.i.+t! "That was before we..."

"Were together. Yes."

Without waiting, she hooked her arm around his and yanked hard in the direction of her quarters. "In. Now."

"Sean will be by to relieve me in two hours. I will rest then."

"No, you'll come in here now, I'm going to lock the door and you're going to sleep.

Forty-six hours is insane. Even for a Briel, I'm sure."

She didn't think he was going to listen at first, but after a few more tugs, he allowed her to pull him inside. Clearly, he was tired. She could tell by the way his shoulders sagged forward just an inch or so. His normally sharp gaze was sluggish, focusing on a spot a bit longer than he needed to. Still, he was strong, alert, and she knew if someone broke her door down at that moment, Taber would be more than ready to take them on.

"When was the last time you ate?"

Looking down his muscular frame, she was surprised he didn't eat every few hours. It must take a s.h.i.+t load of working out to keep in that kind of shape. Come to think of it, she'd never seen him in the gym.

Just the once-investigating Lukas's death.

"I ate before seeing Captain Zane, yesterday morning."

"Do you normally treat yourself this c.r.a.ppy?" How the h.e.l.l did he live for so long without dying from neglect?

"Only when I'm working."

"Don't you work all the time?"

A small smile crossed his lips at her comment.

"That's what I figured. Okay, I want you to sit down," she said, giving him a shove toward the one comfortable chair she had in her entire place. "And I'm going to get you something to eat before I put you to bed."


"Don't even start. If you want me to stay in my quarters, and I a.s.sume you do, based on your stalking me last night, then I suggest you let me mother you a bit."

That seemed to catch his attention and he let her push him into the chair. Leaning over the back of his shoulder, she licked the ridge of his ear. "Good boy."

He chuckled. "I thought I was the one who gave the orders."

"Not when you're being stupid. Now, do you have any allergies that I should be aware of?"


"I'm about to make you an Earth cla.s.sic and I want to make sure I don't end up putting you in med bay. Is there anything you can't eat?"


Taber sighed, letting his head fall back against the back of the chair, which moved his cheek against hers.

"I can eat anything you make."

"Excellent!" Fallon pushed away from the chair, just escaping his reach with a giggle. "Ha! I'm too fast for you."

"Care to test that theory?"

"Only after you've been up for another fort-six hours. How the h.e.l.l can you go that long without sleep?"

There was a long pause as Fallon pulled out a jar of peanut b.u.t.ter from her storage cupboard. For a moment, she thought he may have fallen asleep and all her efforts would be for nothing. She was about to call for him when he finally said something.

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The Bond That Consumes Us Part 16 summary

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