The Bond That Consumes Us Part 23

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"We won't need everyone to believe it," Davin said, stepping closer. "Just your suspect. He'll see everything, every touch, smile as a far bigger gesture than it is. You'll just need to give her a little extra attention and it should give you the result you want.

That is, if he shows up."

"He will. You didn't see the state of the last body we found back on the s.h.i.+p. He's escalating and the next time he strikes will be harsh." Taber nodded and stepped away, suddenly needing his s.p.a.ce. "I will contact the Damara and let the captain know we will allow some visitors to the station, but only limited numbers for now and strictly controlled."

Kamran reached out and grabbed Taber's arm, preventing him from leaving. "I should do that. It will look less suspicious coming from me. You should go check on Fallon." He looked over at Davin. "Make sure our mates don't scare the poor girl half to death."

Heart pounding and his breathing suddenly a conscious effort, Taber nodded, averting his gaze from Kamran. The jealously he'd felt before leaving for the Damara was back, stronger than ever. He didn't want his friend to see that despicable emotion inside him and quickly walked away.

Taber blocked out everything, focusing his attention on Fallon. There was no turmoil when she was around-only raging l.u.s.t. And that was turning out to be a far easier thing to control. He wanted her again, this time in his bed. But he knew they couldn't do that. The last thing he wanted was to put Fallon in a position where she'd feel trapped by him. And if the elder council learned of their relations.h.i.+p, there would be questions, large ones that neither of them would be able to hide from.

He stopped by med bay first, and as he expected, there wasn't any sign of them.


"I think Sara took her to see Haylie," Rachael said, barely looking at him as she read a report. "We moved her and Orya back to their quarters yesterday."

"Were there any issues with her physical?" Am I to be a father?

Taber's heart pounded as he waited for Rachael to read over the data pad with Fallon's results.

"Nope, she was right as rain. I imagine she had to be, working on a s.h.i.+p like that.

Don't know how she did it myself."

"Thank you."

Spinning on his heels, Taber marched away from med bay. He knew it was for the best that Fallon wasn't with child, but there was still a small part of him that was disappointed. It was just another thought to consume his mind, spinning around with possibilities of what kind of life he could have with her. It terrified him how much power Fallon had over his emotional state and she wasn't even aware of it.

He moved down the corridor, through the bazaar and toward the Briel section of the station. Haylie and Kamran's rooms were the largest the station had, and well protected in the middle section. Taber had been the one who'd suggested they take them, not wanting to put either one of them in danger from fear of attack.

Now he wished they weren't so far away.

His body reacted with every step closer to Fallon he got. Taber's breathing was still labored, his heart pounding. And be d.a.m.ned by the G.o.ddess, his c.o.c.k was painfully hard. He needed Fallon in his bed, under his body moaning-quickly.

The ever present guard outside the door stiffened upon his arrival and Taber suddenly found himself being watched. It took all of his self control to stop and press the door chime, acknowledging his arrival. If he was to keep people from knowing the truth about him and Fallon, he needed to maintain a firm grasp on his control- something that was becoming increasingly difficult.

G.o.ddess, she is just inside...

Sara opened the door, grinning when she saw him. "Taber!"

"It's about time you got your a.s.s over here to see me," Haylie's voice drifted in from behind Sara. "They won't let me get up, so get your Briel b.u.t.t in here."

The sigh that escaped him wasn't an act. "I take it your patient has fully recovered."

Sara winked at him. "Oh she'll be terrorizing the bad guys in no time."

They stepped inside and when Taber fully entered the room, he immediately froze.

Fallon was sitting on the sofa next to Haylie, holding Orya. Her long red hair was all piled up on the top of her head in a loose bun, exposing the soft, creamy curve of her neck. She was looking down at Orya, smiling and cooing softly to her, the baby's small hand wrapped about Fallon's finger. When she looked up at him and grinned, Taber thought his heart would stop.

"It's about time you got here," Haylie said grinning. "Fallon wasn't very giving of the details of the murders."


Fallon looked up at Haylie, her eyes wide. "I didn't think it right to talk about it in front of your little one."

Sara chuckled. "Oh trust me, she's already heard worse. Plus Haylie isn't going to leave you alone until she gets what she wants."

"I don't have to bug her now. Taber is here."

"I happen to agree with Fallon. They are not details for a child's ears."

"Orya doesn't know what you're saying. Now spill it. I haven't had a good murder case to solve in years."

"I would suggest we run," he said to Fallon. "But I believe she would catch us."

Sara gasped. "My G.o.d, was that a joke?"

Fallon giggled and returned her gaze to the baby, drawing a small smile from him.

She looked perfect sitting there with a little one in her arms. Taber couldn't help but imagine what a child of theirs would look like-black hair and green eyes. They would most likely have a boy and he'd be strong, protective of his mother. And Taber would be very happy.


Sara's soft touch on his arm made him jump slightly. He looked down at her and realized both she and Haylie were staring at him.

"I should take Fallon to her quarters. It has been a long journey and we are expecting the suspect will give chase. She's going to need her rest."

Haylie slid to the edge of her seat, leaning forward. "She can always stay with us.

This place has the highest security on the station."

It was then that Taber noticed just how tired Haylie looked. Despite her obvious enthusiasm for the case, there wasn't any way she'd be able to help. And the last thing he wanted to do was to put her, Kamran and especially Orya in harm's way.

"Are you kidding? You have a baby in here," Fallon's protests mirrored his thoughts. "Taber will look after me and keep me safe. But I'd love to come back and visit."

"Of course." Haylie reached over, took Orya and gave Fallon a light hug. "Anytime you want to stop by. Just make sure Taber shows you around the station."

"And that he shows you a good time. He's not the most social of our bunch here,"

Sara added, gently patting his arm.

"I believe they are about to gang up on me. Shall we get you some food?"

Fallon was on her feet and at his side within a moment and his body reacted. Her scent enveloped him, making his c.o.c.k twitch and his heart pound.

"I'm starving. Thank you for the visit and, I don't believe I'm saying this, for the physical. It was wonderful to meet you both."

Fallon reached out, slid her hand over his forearm until it rested on the crook of his arm. She gave it a squeeze before letting hers drop to her side. The animal deep inside 114 him didn't want her to let go. He wanted to pick her up, throw her over his shoulder and carry her back to his rooms. He wished he could just let go-pour every pent-up emotion he'd locked up for years over her.

Instead, he bowed to Haylie and Sara and led Fallon out the door.

"Oh my G.o.d, did you see that?" Sara's voice rose an entire octave by the time she'd finished her short sentence. "I knew there was something between them the second I saw her."

"Briel don't have casual relations.h.i.+ps. You know that."

"Haylie...I know you just had a baby, but you're not blind nor stupid."

No, she was far from that. Haylie s.h.i.+fted Orya to her shoulder, where she began to suck her thumb. She'd known Taber for a few years now and she'd never seen him respond to a woman like that before. It was almost as if they were bonded.

Did you see Taber? Kamran's voice was in her head the second she let her barrier down.

He just came and got Fallon.

How was he?


There was something...different about him.

She paused, not quite sure how to put what she saw into words. So instead she showed him a mental picture of the expression on Taber's face. Are you sure Briel don't have casual relations.h.i.+ps?

Never. I've never heard of a single case. It's not in our nature, our biology.

Then I think our friend is in love. How is that possible?

The stunned silence from her husband mirrored her own shock.

"Kamran doesn't believe it, but I think you might be right."

"Well, at least the next few days will be interesting," Sara said with a grin. "I can't wait."


Chapter Eleven.

There was little to compare between Fallon's quarters on the Damara and Taber's luxurious quarters here on Eurus. There was so much s.p.a.ce, she thought she'd get lost going to the bathroom. Taber stood just inside the door while she explored the room.

She did her very best to ignore the fact he was finally alone with her and she wanted more than ever to let him have his way.

Especially after meeting his friends and seeing his home.

"Thank you for giving me the tour. I haven't seen anything like your bazaar since I left Earth. And that food was amazing. I thought I had it good on the Damara. "

Taber nodded, his eyes locked on to her as she moved. Very aware of how he was watching her, Fallon couldn't help but tease him a little. Purposely knocking a data pad to the floor and bending from the waist to pick it up. She swore she heard him growl when she gave him full view of her a.s.s.

"Problem?" she asked innocently when she straightened.

The muscles in his jaw and neck flexed, but he didn't say anything.

"Your friends are very nice. Especially Haylie and Sara. It's been a long time since I've had a chance to sit around and talk like that. Working at the bar, I do a lot of listening, but people rarely care about what I think."

"They are kind but strong women. They remind me of you."

His words caught her off guard and Fallon stopped her movements. "Really? You think I'm strong?"

Taber ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "You found the dead body of your friend in your bar and didn't slip into hysterics. You have a serial killer obsessed with you and you've remained calm the entire time. I would say that is strength."

Fallon shrugged and walked slowly over to him. When she was only a few inches away, she reached up and straightened the collar of his tunic. "It's easy to be brave when I have someone like you protecting me."

She rose on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss on his chin. She probably shouldn't have pushed him, but she couldn't help it. Instead, she licked the damp skin where her lips had been moments ago. She heard his sharp intake of air and the low growl that escaped him.

"What makes you think you're safe?" Taber picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. "You're a torment to men."

Letting out a squeal, Fallon tried to smack his a.s.s and still wasn't able to reach as he carried her over to the bed and threw her on it. The tight black s.h.i.+rt she wore couldn't hide her jiggling b.r.e.a.s.t.s as she bounced on the mattress, giggling.


"You think this is amusing?" There was a hint of madness in his voice as he let his body fall onto hers, pinning her securely. "I've been trying to resist the urge to touch you all day long, to keep people from knowing there is anything between us. And you continue to tease me."

Taber's breath was coming out in harsh gasps, his dark blue eyes practically eating her alive as he stared at her. Fallon tried to reach up to caress his face, but he held her hands tight to the bed. Always in control-it made her so h.o.r.n.y.

"Let me touch you," she whispered.


"Please. I'm sorry."

A low growl vibrated deep in his chest, making Fallon's nipples grow hard. She gasped when he buried his face against her neck and lightly nipped at the sensitive skin.

"You drive me wild. I'm sure everyone knows." His words were hot against her cool skin, sending s.h.i.+vers through her.

"No one will know, Taber."

"What if I want them to know?"

His body froze, the weight of his ma.s.s pus.h.i.+ng her as what he said finally sank into her head.

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The Bond That Consumes Us Part 23 summary

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