The Bond That Consumes Us Part 31

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"Well, I'm not supposed to be. Sara will have a fit if she sees me, which is why I'm running on the lower levels rather than my normal route." Haylie's gaze dropped down to the small bag by Fallon's feet. "Tell me you're not leaving?"

Looking back at the shuttle, Fallon shrugged. "I can't go back to the Damara.

Captain Zane has allowed me to end my contract. This is the next s.h.i.+p to Earth."

Haylie reached out and gave Fallon's arm a squeeze. "I figured with everything that happened, you might consider staying here with us."

The pain she'd been trying desperately to ignore threatened to poke through her defenses. Fallon took a deep breath and smiled, not really caring if it looked fake or not.

"I was thinking about it, but things didn't work."

"What the h.e.l.l did he do? Cause I can kick his a.s.s for you if you'd like. You have to do that to these stupid Briel on occasion."

Fallon let out a surprised laugh, and quickly covered her mouth when two of the engineering crew turned to look at them. Haylie took a step closer and lowered her voice.

"Look, Taber is a good man. When I first met him, I thought he was an emotionless soldier who only did his duty. G.o.d, there was a time I didn't trust him as far as I could throw him."

Even though she knew the answer, Fallon had to ask. "And now?"

"I'd give my life if it meant saving him. And I know he'd do the same for me. Since I've bonded with Kamran, I have a whole new perspective on Taber."

Fallon nodded. She knew he'd do anything to protect her-he'd proven that over and over recently. But she couldn't stay just for a sense of security-h.e.l.l, she couldn't stay for the mind-blowing s.e.x. She needed more than that. She wanted a man who could be her partner and share his life with her.

"I told him I loved him," Fallon said softly, keeping her gaze fixed on the floor.

Haylie squeezed her arm a bit tighter. "What did he say?"

A single tear slipped down her cheek and Fallon quickly brushed it away. "He didn't say anything."

"But I thought he told you he loved you before? Mi tramsi, shalla, remember?"

He had said those words to her, and at the time she had no doubt that he'd meant them. Fallon looked up at Haylie and smiled.

"Yes, but he knew I wouldn't understand them. And it was just after we'd made love. I've had guys tell me that in the past and not mean it."

Haylie was about to say something else when her eyes went wide and she suddenly gasped. It was Fallon's turn to grab her.

"Are you okay?"


Wide eyed, Haylie looked at Fallon and swallowed hard before first nodding, then shaking her head. "Sorry. Kamran was just startled by something. It hit him really hard.

I'll be fine in a second."

Fallon waited while Haylie tried to catch her bearings again. She couldn't help but remember the feelings she'd had when Tony was beating Taber senseless. She'd somehow felt more connected to him in those moments than ever before. That was why his rejection of her love hurt so much. She could only imagine what it would be like to be linked so securely to another. After a few minutes, Haylie seemed to get control of her emotions.

"Sorry. I'm sorry," Haylie said a little breathlessly.

"Don't worry about it. I just hope your husband is okay."

"He'll be fine. But I think we're going to have a long conversation as soon as I get back to our home just to make sure."

Fallon smiled. "It's great to know that someone at least is happy."

She turned back to face the shuttle. It wouldn't be long before they would have the supplies loaded for the return trip and they'd be ready to board. Maybe another twenty minutes.

"I'm sorry to see you leave. I hope that doesn't happen," Haylie said softly. "I need to go check on my husband and daughter. You take care of yourself."

"Thank you. For everything you've all done for me. Please give my best to Sara."

With a final hug, Haylie walked off toward the tube, while Fallon resumed her wait.

If she was completely honest with herself, her leaving wasn't all about Taber. She'd clung to her dreams for so long, they'd become some sort of idealized view of what her life could be like. Sitting in med bay, waiting to hear if Taber would be okay or not, her mind had raced through the possibilities of what it would mean if she were to stay on Eurus. Was she ready to give up everything and stay with a man who may or may not love her?

The minutes dragged on, each one playing havoc on her internal stability. It wasn't until one of the engineering crew sauntered over to her that her heart began to pound.

He's not coming for me.

"Hi there. You looking for pa.s.sage back to Earth?"

"Yes, please." Her stomach did a flip as the words left her.

"Do you have clearance from Eurus administration for departure?"

"Yes, I-"

"No, she doesn't."

Fallon spun around to see a deeply frowning Taber marching toward her. Her heart began to pound and her hands suddenly grew damp with each step that brought him closer to her. The crewman quickly scurried away when Taber looked at the smaller man and growled.


"What are you doing?" she asked, more than a little breathless.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." His dark blue eyes flashed with a mixture of annoyance and something she could have sworn was l.u.s.t.

Unable to look him in the eye, Fallon dropped her gaze to the floor. "I don't think it's really any of your concern."

"You were going to leave and not even say good-bye to me."

She heard the hurt in his voice and felt guilty. She'd never intended on making things worse-just saving her own fragile heart.

"You were in med bay. I thought it was best if I just...left."

Taber lifted her chin with his hand, forcing her to look him in the eyes. When he took a step closer, the air left her lungs on a sigh. He was so big, imposing, that she'd always been a bit overwhelmed being close to him. But she also felt safe and secure- and something that felt like an awful lot like being loved.

"It wouldn't be for the best if you were to go," he said in a low grumbling voice. He ran his thumb along her bottom lip, sending a s.h.i.+ver through her.

Fallon sucked in a deep breath, inhaling his scent. "Why? I didn't think I mattered to you."

He stiffened, his eyes clouding over, but he didn't look away.

"Mi tramsi, shalla."

Fallon's stomach flipped and her eyes widened. Even though she knew what the words meant, she wanted, needed him to tell her.

"What does-?" Her voice broke and tears filled her eyes.

Taber bent his head down and brushed the tip of his nose against hers, keeping his eyes locked on her.

"I love you."

He said the words simply, without dramatic flare, but full of meaning. Before her mind had time to a.n.a.lyze things too much, Taber bent down and pressed a gentle kiss across her lips.

Shock hit her like a lightning bolt. He was kissing her-in public. There wasn't any secrecy, the need to mislead people to think there was nothing between them. Taber was claiming her as his and he didn't care who knew.

The moment her mind fully realized the meaning behind his kiss, Fallon's body relaxed against his, pressing every inch she could against him. She could feel his c.o.c.k growing against her stomach, telling her all she needed to know about his feelings. He loved her and wanted her-now.

And that was what she wanted too.

Driving her fingers into his hair, she pulled him closer, deepening the contact of their kiss. Everything else around them faded and all she could see and hear was the shallow gasps of their breathing and a deep purr coming from Taber. Her body 155 responded to his silent commands, her p.u.s.s.y growing damp and her nipples tightening. When he ground his hips against hers, Fallon just about came on the spot.

Taber pulled his head back with growl, gasping.

Fallon's eyes were drawn to the crowd of onlookers and she immediately blushed.

Several of the men were grinning at them while others had a look of surprise that quickly morphed into smiles and laughter.

"s.h.i.+t," she muttered.

Taber took her by the hand and led her closer to the group. Her face was flaming now and she tried to hide her face with her free hand.

"What are you doing?" she said with a giggle.

"Listen, everyone," Taber said in a voice that filled the shuttle bay. "I want you to all know that this woman, Fallon Reist, is my mate. If another man so much as looks at her in a manner I don't like, you will answer to me."


"She is more important to me than the air I breathe, the food I eat or the water I drink."

He then turned and took both her hands in his. When he dropped to both his knees, Fallon felt her world tilt on its side.

"I've been told this is the traditional manner in which your people claim their mates. Will you stay with me here on Eurus, be my wife?"

The sudden rush of his emotions. .h.i.t her, sucking the air from her lungs. More than his words, she could feel how much she meant to him. And while she couldn't hear his thoughts, she knew there was a connection between them deeper than anything she'd ever felt before.

Bending down, she placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Yes, I'll be your wife."

The crowd, now completely entranced with the drama unfolding in front of them, let out a cheer, clapping and laughing their support. Fallon couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled from her and kissed Taber's lips once more. A small smile softened his face and she could see the emotion, love in his eyes.

"You honor me," he whispered.

"Trust me, the honor is mine. You are the best man I've ever known."

"It would mean a lot to me if I could also claim you in the manner that is typical of my people."

Fallon nodded and kissed the tip of his nose. "Of course."

What she didn't expect was for Taber to stand up quickly, scooping her into his arms. She let out a squeak and locked her arms around his neck.

"If any man gets in my way, I will be forced to kill him," he said loud enough for most of the crowd to hear.


People chuckled, but no one was foolish enough to test his words as he carried her toward the lift.

"Where are we going?" she whispered in his ear.

"My quarters."

She s.h.i.+vered at the dark sensuality in his tone. Fallon leaned in and licked his ear, sucking on his lobe.

"I like how your people propose."

"You have no idea how sweet it is. But you're about to find out."


Chapter Fifteen.

Taber ignored every turned head or startled expression as he carried Fallon through the crowded bazaar toward the Briel living section of the station. When he pa.s.sed two of the elders from the council, he was forced to stop and acknowledge them.

"Commander?" one asked, her eyebrow rose in question.

"I am hetmila. My mate died many years before I came to this place. I am claiming this woman as my own."

The elder looked at Fallon, who simply dropped her head to his shoulder and nestled in closer. His c.o.c.k was about ready to burst at the subtle possessive motion. He needed to get her back to his quarters-now.

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The Bond That Consumes Us Part 31 summary

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