The Maddox Brothers: Beautiful Burn Part 40

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She took off her ring and stuffed it in Sterling's tux pocket, patting his chest. "You son of a b.i.t.c.h. You were going to let me marry you without telling me."

Sterling's bottom lip trembled. "Finley, for G.o.d's sake..."

"And you," she said, pointing to me. A tear escaped down her cheek. "You just wait. I'm going to f.u.c.k Tyler, and then you can see how it feels."

"I wanted to tell you," I cried. "But I couldn't take it back, and I didn't want you to hate me."

"I don't get to hate you," she said. "You're my sister. But you," she said, glaring at Sterling. "You, I can hate." Finley's phone lit up, and she smiled and waved. "Happy New Year, b.i.t.c.hes," she said, slamming the door behind her.

Sterling quickly followed, and Tyler hooked his arm around my shoulder, kissing my hair. "Baby, I'm so sorry."

I closed my eyes, feeling the streaks of mascara drying on my face. "It's your birthday, baby," I said. I took someone's cup and slammed back the contents. "Let's party."

When my eyes peeled open, all I could see were mounds of unfamiliar comforter. I blinked a few times to focus, seeing a frame on the nightstand of Taylor and Falyn.

I sat up, trying to swallow, but feeling like there were pine needles in my throat. I was lying in the middle of Taylor's bed, alone. I walked down the hall to the bathroom, stopping when I heard the shower, and then continued to the living room, not recognizing anyone else still pa.s.sed out and draped over pieces of furniture.

"Tyler?" I called, looking around. I stumbled into the kitchen to get a gla.s.s of water. The instant the cool liquid touched my throat, I felt a second of relief before vomiting violently into the sink. Just when I thought it was over, my stomach heaved again, and then again, splas.h.i.+ng a mixture of beer, wine, and possibly tequila all over the dishes and trash that had been left in the stainless steel basin.

I turned on the water, rinsing out my mess and throwing away the trash. I started the dishwasher and then plodded down the hall toward the bedroom.

"Tyler?" I said, pus.h.i.+ng open the door.

Tyler lifted his head, rubbing his eyes. "Hey, Ellie." He blinked a few times, trying to focus on my expression. "What's wrong?"

"Morning," Finley said next to him.

Tyler nearly leapt out of the bed, but then scrambled for sheets to cover himself. Finley casually stood in her perfect form and stepped into her dress, zipping it up and grabbing her heels.

"What the f.u.c.k?" Tyler yelped, looking mortified and confused.

"I so deserved this," I said, my voice breaking.

Tyler shook his head, touching his palm to his forehead, trying to remember what had happened. "No. You ... you were drunk and went into the wrong bedroom. We just left you there so you could sleep, Ellie. I did not f.u.c.k your sister. Where's Falyn?"

I shrugged. "Why would I know where Falyn is?"

"I swear to G.o.d, Ellie," he begged. He pointed to Finley. "Nothing happened! I have no idea why she was in the bed naked."

Finley winked at Tyler and then stopped next to me in the doorway. "How does it feel?"

I let out a faltering breath, feeling my eyes burn with tears. "Like death."

"Then we're even. Marco is waiting for us outside. He'll give you a ride home."

She shouldered past me, and I looked up at Tyler. He dropped the sheets, furiously looking for his clothes. "Don't leave. Ellie," he warned. "Don't you f.u.c.king leave with her. We need to figure this out."

"I deserved this," I said, my face crumbling. "But you didn't. I'm so sorry you were mixed up in this ... in my f.u.c.ked up universe. I really did think..." I blew out a slow breath, trying not to sob. "It doesn't matter."

Tyler found his boxer briefs and yanked them on. "Ellie, wait."

I turned on my heels, rus.h.i.+ng down the hall and pus.h.i.+ng out the door. As promised, Marco was waiting for me in a rented Lexus with my sister looking freshly f.u.c.ked and content in the pa.s.senger seat. I slid into the back, and Marco pulled away just as Tyler burst through the door with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Don't stop," I said, hearing Tyler scream my name until we turned the corner a block away.

"You might as well turn off your phone until you can change your number," Finley said. "That's what I had to do with Sterling. Are you going to your apartment, or the chateau?"

"My apartment," I snapped, staring out the window.

My phone buzzed, and I scrambled to turn it off.

"Told you so," Finley said. She sniffed her hair and made a noise, disgusted. "Agh, I still smell like him."

"Shut the f.u.c.k up, Fin. Just shut up."

Marco drove me to the MountainEar. By the time I climbed the stairs, put on a T-s.h.i.+rt and sweatpants, and washed my face and brushed my teeth, Tyler's truck had slid into a parking spot, and he was banging on the back door.

I looked down at him from my window. He was wearing just a T-s.h.i.+rt and jeans, his boots on but untied. I could see his breath puffing out in white clouds, and he rubbed his hands together between knocks.

"Ellie!" he yelled. "I'm not f.u.c.king leaving. Open the door!"

I unlatched the window and pushed it up without effort, leaning on the windowsill as I peered down at Tyler. "I'm not mad."

He looked up at me. "Then let me come up."

"Go home, Tyler."

He held out his hands. "It's f.u.c.king freezing out here."

"Then get in your truck and go home."

"I didn't f.u.c.k your sister! I was in the shower this morning. You stumbled to Taylor's room, so I slept in there with you. I held you in my arms all f.u.c.king night. Taylor must have slept in my room and your psychotic sister must have crawled in bed with him, thinking it was me. You caught Finley with Taylor!"

I frowned, knowing I could tell them apart by now, but I had just woken up and was upset. Maybe...

"Just let me come up. Please? I'm gonna start losing fingers soon."

"You're going to let Taylor take the fall for you? This is beyond fooling your teachers in school, don't you think?"

"I swear to G.o.d. Just let me come up so I can explain. We'll call Taylor if you want."

"He would lie for you."

"Ellie, please? It's my birthday." His dimple appeared, but I stayed strong.

"Then go find your brother and celebrate it."

He shook his head, smiling. "I want to spend it with you. Even if that means I spend the day trying to figure out what the h.e.l.l happened last night."

"It's two degrees, Tyler."

"Then let me in," he said, his smile fading. "I can't leave. It'll ruin my whole day."

"I think you ruined your day when you slept with my sister!"

"I didn't sleep with your sister! G.o.ddammit!" he yelled, kicking the door.

"Stop! Wick will kick me out!"

Tyler perched his hands on his hips, breathing hard. He shook his head, and then looked up. "Open this door, Ellie, or I'll kick it in, I swear to G.o.d."

"You're a b.a.s.t.a.r.d," I said.

He held out his hands. "And your sister's a b.i.t.c.h."

I closed the window and stomped downstairs, twisting the bolt lock and opening the door. Tyler pa.s.sed me, jogging up to the apartment. By the time I walked into the living room, he was s.h.i.+vering on my sofa, wrapped in the comforter off my bed.

I rolled my eyes and turned on the Keurig.

"I almost got hypothermia over this," he said.

"You should have dressed warmly," I snapped.

"I didn't have much time, considering my brother busts into the bathroom to tell me a half-a.s.s version of the story, and I had to run after you in a towel down the block and then back. I grabbed the first clothes I saw, put them on, and ran out the door. The only woman I touched last night was you. You have to believe me."

"I'm making you a cup of coffee, and then you're leaving."

Tyler stood. "C'mon! You know this isn't right! Think about it!"

I let my hands fall to my thighs. "So what? My sister came back and deduced it was your room because of our pictures on the wall, undressed, and climbed into bed with a sleeping, naked Taylor?"

"Maybe! I have no idea, but that's more likely than me mistaking her for you."

I stood tall. "Finley wouldn't do that."

"Oh, but she'd revenge f.u.c.k your boyfriend?"

My face twisted into disgust.

The Keurig beeped, and I placed a mug under the spout and a K-cup in the holder, pressing the BREW b.u.t.ton. I opened the fridge, grabbing a beer and Tyler's favorite hazelnut creamer.

I handed him the mug, cracking open my beer. "I didn't stir it," I snapped.

"G.o.dd.a.m.n," he said, offended. "I thought you said you weren't mad."

I glowered at him while he sipped the coffee with a tiny grin on his face. "There is nothing funny about this!"

He laughed once in disbelief. "I would never do that to you. Thank G.o.d your sister can't tell us apart, but I'm a little concerned that you can't either."

I crossed my arms. "I'd just woken up and walked in on you and my sister. I might not have been seeing clearly."

"So you believe me."

"Stop talking."

"You gotta know that. I carried you to bed. You were wasted. I wouldn't have left you. The only thing I can't figure out is where Falyn was."

His phone rang, and he answered. "Did you find her?" He nodded, looking at me. "Putting you on speaker."

"Ellie?" Taylor said as Tyler held out the phone. "Falyn went to the store to get a few things for a birthday breakfast. She let Finley in. She doesn't know everything, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell her. I didn't sleep with your sister, and this could get really complicated trying to explain."

I covered my eyes with my hand. "I won't say anything. I'm sorry, Taylor."

Tyler hung up the phone and slid it into his back pocket. "Come here," he said, holding out his hands.

I kept my face covered. "I'm so sorry."

"This isn't your fault," he said. He walked over to me and wrapped the blanket around us both.

I pressed my forehead against his chest, breathing in stale cigarette smoke and his cologne.

I left him to sit on the couch, lighting a cigarette. He sat next to me, letting his head fall back against the wall. "I'm not sure which one of you should hate the other more."

"You heard her. We're sisters. We can't hate each other."

"I can hate her," he grumbled. "I have to know how she crawled into bed with Taylor without him knowing. He must have thought she was Falyn coming back to bed."

I took a drag and then handed it to Tyler. He took a drag and handed it back.

"My f.u.c.ked up family has officially poisoned yours."

Tyler took the beer out of my hand. "You were black-out drunk last night, and you're drinking again. I thought you were going to quit? Do I need to quit with you?"

"I've just lost my sister. Not the best time to stop drinking."

"There will never be a good time if you have to drink every time you're upset. s.h.i.+t happens. You have to learn to deal with it without alcohol. I love you no matter what, but you need to wake up, Ellie."

My eyebrows pulled together as I stared at the wall. "I can't wake up. This isn't a dream."


Glowing white lights hung from the ceiling, strung along the muslin looped loosely from the rafters. Fat candle votives were surrounded with elaborate green and white floral centerpieces on each table.

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The Maddox Brothers: Beautiful Burn Part 40 summary

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