Surviving Demon Island Part 20

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G.o.ddammit, that's the last thing he wanted, to feel anything for this woman that would cloud his judgment. He didn't like this. Not at all. And d.a.m.n Gina for putting him in this position.

'Let her go with him, Derek,' Lou said, stepping onto the beach. 'She has a genuine interest in the laser and did help Jake build it.'

'Fine. But I'm going on record against this.' Derek stalked away, content to leave his team one man short rather than restructure. And maybe digging in his heels at having her with him had more to do with wanting to keep her close, this unreasonable need to protect her.

At least Lou had taken the decision out of his hands. He'd have to remember to thank him later, as well as have a private talk with Gina about never doing this again. 'Leave the extra man on that team. You might need him. Everyone get hunting.'

Though he wasn't sure if he was more p.i.s.sed at Gina or at himself, he was so G.o.dd.a.m.n livid he hoped they faced ten demons tonight. The way he felt right now he could probably kill them all with his bare hands.

Gina watched Derek stalk away and realized she'd just made a critical error, in both their personal and professional relations.h.i.+ps.

What had come over her, pulling a diva move like that? Demanding her way or no way? She'd acted like a spoiled child, and that just wasn't like her. Why was it so important that she go out on Jake's team tonight and watch him fire the weapon? She already knew it worked.

What the h.e.l.l was wrong with her?

She owed Derek an apology. h.e.l.l, she owed all of them an apology. But Derek and his team had already left and it was too late to tell him, at least. But not the rest of them.

'Hey, everyone. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me there. A flight of movie star diva-ness, I think. My apologies for acting like a spoiled princess. That's really not me. Um, I dunnoPMS, maybe?' When they laughed, she exhaled, then turned to Lou, suddenly desperate to make this right. 'I screwed up and stepped out of bounds. I can catch up with Derek and the team!'

Lou shook his head and grinned. 'Don't worry about it. And we all b.u.t.t heads with Derek now and then. Ask any of the hunters. You can go out with Jake's team tonight. Tomorrow, you're back with Derek.'

If he'd have her. She nodded, feeling a little more relieved when the other hunters nodded back, some chuckled, and a few winked, diffusing the tension.

She'd tell Derek she was sorry later when he returned.

But for now she was heading out with a new leader. Dalton, a lean-looking muscle-bound warrior with surfer-boy s.h.a.ggy, sandy hair and intense green eyes. Also on the team were Jake, Mandy, and a tough-looking hunter named Punk. She knew how he got that name: Had to be the hair, which stuck straight up. And he had the most interesting tribal tattoos on the back of his neck and around both biceps. But he looked like he'd cut your throat if you talked to him.

So she wasn't about to say a d.a.m.n word. She was the interloper here. She stayed in formation and followed their lead. Jake remained silent, his newly created weapon tucked safely inside the pack at his side. He toted his rifle, but she knew if there was going to be any action, he'd be dragging the cutting laser out.

And Gina was dying to see how it worked.

Keeping her voice low, she asked, 'You sure you're ready to use this on a real moving target, Jake?'

He slung the backpack over his shoulders, his lips curled in a half smile. She noted his nervousness, knew he tried to hide it behind his newly discovered bravado and maybe a little thrill at being the center of attention.

'It'll be fine, trust me. The system is untried, and while I would have liked more time for testing, I'm confident it'll fire.' At her dubious expression he added, 'I won't let the team down, Gina. This will will work.' work.'

If ever someone needed a confidence booster, it was Jake. She nodded and squeezed his upper arm. 'I know it will.'

'Demons, your area, Dalton,' Lou commed. 'Four of them.'

'Got it, Lou,' Dalton replied, craning his head to look at Jake. 'Looks like you'll get your chance, Jake.'

She felt the muscles tense in Jake's arm.

'Gina, why don't you and Jake let us know what you want to do to set up,' Dalton suggested.

At the look of uncertainty on Jake's face, Gina took over. 'Let's have him stationary. Let the demons approach so Jake can aim and fire with the remote control.'

She put Jake in front of two thick trees, positioning herself to his side so she could cover his back, and suggested the others work the front line defense. Jake should be well protected from the demons but still have clear line of sight to fire the laser.

'Jake, how's the vantage point?'

'Clear. I'm positioned and ready.'

'All right everyone,' Dalton said. 'Stay sharp.'

Adrenaline pumping and guns drawn, Gina scanned the area for sign of approaching demons, eager for Jake to try out the lasers. All they had to do was draw the demons close enough for him to get a clear shot. Should be easy enough, right?

She hoped. Nothing was easy about these demons, but the whole thing seemed logical and straightforward. Right now it was all any of them could hope for.

The sounds came first, like an earthquake vibrating the ground under their feet. Then the movement along the tree line in front of them, branches swaying as the demons pushed them out of the way.

'Straight ahead,' Mandy reported, already setting up her sights.

'Got it,' Gina replied, taking aim. 'Jake, you ready?'

'Lining up now.'

'Mandy, Punk, you take the two on the outside. Leave the ones on the inside for Jake.' Dalton looked to Gina, who nodded.

'That should work great,' she said.

She turned and gave Jake the thumbs-up, wanting him to know she had every faith in him to do the job. The last thing she needed was for Jake to get nervous and freak out on them.

The sounds of the jungle simply died as animal life hid away from the unnatural forces making their appearance.

Gina spotted them, their gruesome appearance still making her shudder. G.o.d, those things were ugly. Giant movie zombies with glowing eyes, dripping fangs, and extended claws. Her skin p.r.i.c.kled with goose b.u.mps as fear inched its way up her spine.

Pus.h.i.+ng her fear aside, she concentrated on the task. This was no time to be afraid. They had a huge task here!to kill these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. Unimaginable visions of these things running amok in a city or small town, creating havoc and killing the innocent, filled her with rage. They had to be stopped.

'Let them draw a little closer, wait them out,' Dalton said.

Their menacing faces loomed into view, fingers uncurling to reveal their long, dripping claws. They were near enough for the hunters to see their red eyes and fangs, horrible, gruesome faces twisted in evil sneers.

She could smell them now, wrinkling her nose and trying to ignore how horrible it all was. Sometimes it seemed as if it was all a dream, that this wasn't real. But it was and she had to face it, had to fight them.

'You doing okay back there, Jake?' she asked, focusing only on the demons now, refusing to turn her gaze away from them.

'I'm ready, Gina. Just bring them to me.'

She smiled.

As soon as the demons were in range, Mandy and Punk fired the UV lasers. The demons stopped, throwing their huge hands over their faces and twisting as if in great pain. But they kept coming. After firing again, the second and third shots took them down, boiling them down to a ma.s.s of smoking, gelatinous blobs.

Gina and Dalton backed up as the center demons continued their approach.

'Jake, ready?' she asked 'Ready!'

'Team down!' she commed.

They dropped to the ground and Jake fired the laser, a thin blue line arcing across the neck of one of the demons. Beautifully pinpoint, the demon stopped, tilting its head as if regarding them curiously. Then its head slid clean off its neck.

'Bull's-eye!' Gina yelled with an exuberant pump of her fist. She twisted halfway to give Jake another thumbs-up. 'Way to go! All right, Jake, fire again!'

Another shot of the laser to their right and demon four was history.

Hot d.a.m.n, this was fantastic! Exhilarated, Gina turned to give Jake another thumbs-up.

'Yes!' Jake said, standing up from his crouched position and pumping his fist in victory. He looked to Gina, his eyes sparkling in excitement.

'You did it, Jake!' She felt his thrill, knew how much it meant to him to partic.i.p.ate, turned to Mandy and Dalton, who grinned back at her.

h.e.l.l, yeah, this new weapon rocked! When she looked back at Jake, her heart slammed against her chest, horror replacing her excitement.

Standing behind Jake was a demon, a human-looking one, a smug smile on its pale face, its long claws embedded in both sides of Jake's neck. Blood poured from the wounds in Jake's throat, sliding down his chest in lethal amounts. Jake's thin fingers fought against the claws embedded in his neck, but it was a fruitless effort.

It all happened so fast her mind barely registered it as real, and yet it happened as if in slow motion, every single frame as vivid as a picture in a photo alb.u.m. The look on Jake's face would be forever frozen in her memories. Shock, fear, disbelief, the light and life in his eyes quickly extinguis.h.i.+ng as the demon lifted him in the air. Jake struggled, kicking his feet out for a few brief seconds, then stilled.

Noooo! Her mind screamed it, her voice frozen into silence. Oh, G.o.d, no, this couldn't be happening! There were four demons. They'd killed all of them. So where did the new one come from? Where was Lou's alert indicating another had surfaced? Her mind screamed it, her voice frozen into silence. Oh, G.o.d, no, this couldn't be happening! There were four demons. They'd killed all of them. So where did the new one come from? Where was Lou's alert indicating another had surfaced?

Do something, G.o.ddammit! Her mind forced her body into action. Pulling her weapon, Gina lunged toward the demon, toward Jake, desperate to pull him away from danger, refusing to believe what she'd just seen. Punk grasped her arm, jerking her backward. Her mind forced her body into action. Pulling her weapon, Gina lunged toward the demon, toward Jake, desperate to pull him away from danger, refusing to believe what she'd just seen. Punk grasped her arm, jerking her backward.

She didn't understand. Struggling to find her voice, she screamed, 'What are you doing?'


She turned, horrified to see five of the hybrid demons appear out of nowhere. Rather than coming toward them, they flanked around the one holding onto Jake, as if protecting him. She didn't care; she'd take them all on if she had to. Struggling against him, she tried to pull away, but Punk held her firmly in his grasp.

'Woman, stop! You can't save him!'

The demon disappeared with Jake, dropping down into the ground. The other demons dropped down, too, vanis.h.i.+ng instantly.

Gina wrestled away from Punk and started to run toward the spot where the demon and Jake had been. Punk tackled her to the ground. 'Let me go, G.o.ddammit! I have to get to him.'

'No,' he yelled. 'You'll only end up getting yourself killed. More of them could appear instantly.'

She didn't care, had to save Jake. But Punk held on, refusing to let her loose, dragging her up to her feet by the back of her s.h.i.+rt.

'He's dead, Gina,' Dalton said as he stepped up beside her, his calm voice belying the rage on his face. 'There was nothing we could do.'

She brushed tears away with the back of her hand, jamming her fist in her stomach to fight off the pain churning there. 'Dammit, we can't just let them walk away with Jake! What if he's still alive?'

Mandy grasped her arm and turned her around, forcing Gina to meet her hard eyes. 'The demon cut into his carotid arteries. He's gone.'

'He's not gone! There's still a chance we can save him! We've got to go get him!'

'We can't battle the demons for Jake's body,' Mandy said. 'We've lost him.'

Chapter Sixteen.

B efore Gina returned to camp, Derek and the others knew what had happened. Dalton alerted Lou, who in turn announced Jake's death to the rest of the hunters. efore Gina returned to camp, Derek and the others knew what had happened. Dalton alerted Lou, who in turn announced Jake's death to the rest of the hunters.

s.h.i.+t. This wasn't going to go well.

Poor kid. Derek felt bad for Jake. Despite being a little pale and skinny, Derek saw something in him. He was a genius with weaponry. He'd have made a brilliant demon hunter who would have contributed much to the Realm of Light. They'd chosen Jake for a reason.

And the G.o.dd.a.m.n demons knew it, too. He'd bet his a.s.s they targeted him first, deliberately set out to isolate and terminate him because they recognized him as a major threat.

He'd also bet Gina was blaming herself for this.

In fact, he knew she was as soon as the team walked into camp, Gina cradling the remains of Jake's crushed remote in her arms like the symbolic evidence of his body.

She laid it on the table, unshed tears pooling in her half-lidded gaze as she barely made eye contact with them all.

'This is my fault,' she whispered, her voice shaky. 'I take full responsibility for Jake's death.'

She turned and walked away, heading to the bungalows.

Ah, Christ. He wished he could have been there. Maybe he could have prevented it. Right, and how could he have done that?

It wouldn't have made any difference anyway, whether or not he'd been there. Couldn't save the world all by him self. He'd learned that one a long time ago. They were all vulnerable.

After debriefing and dinner, Gina still hadn't returned.

'I'm going to go talk to her,' Derek finally said, tired of waiting for her.

'You do that,' Lou replied. 'Don't let her go on thinking this is her fault.'

He stopped off at his room for a quick shower and change of clothes, but he knew it was a stall tactic. He wasn't sure what he was going to say to her. He was the wrong person to offer sympathy. In the demon hunting business, people died. He'd seen it before.

It was bound to happen. Demons were smart and devious and couldn't be counted on to play fair. He'd warned all the hunters that death was a possibility, but he also knew none of them had really listened.

Most never do, until it happens. He'd been there and done that himself when he lost a team member. So just So just shut up and offer sympathy. shut up and offer sympathy. No, he should make her talk about it. No, he should make her talk about it.

Oh, right. Trying to get Gina to talk about her feelings had worked so well the other night, hadn't it?

But this time she'd have to.

He knew what it was like to try to run from your feelings. It didn't do any good, because they stayed right with you no matter where you went. Like demons, the memories were unshakable. She'd have to face them eventually.

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Surviving Demon Island Part 20 summary

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