Surviving Demon Island Part 6

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He set the gla.s.s on the table and stood. She made him dizzy tromping back and forth so he stepped in front of her, halting her progress. 'You're just used to having flunkies surrounding you and kissing your a.s.s.'

Her eyes widened. 'What?'

'You heard me. And it isn't going to happen here, so you'd better get used to it. Out here you don't have twenty a.s.sistants fawning behind you and drooling over every word you say.'

'That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about and you know it. And I never have anyone fawning over me, you idiot.'

'Bulls.h.i.+t. You're a pampered princess and you just can't handle not having a Yes, Gina, whatever you say, Gina' adoring puppy following you around telling you how wonderful you are.'

Her eyes glittered with anger. 'You are such an a.s.shole. You know nothing about me!'

'And you're a prima donna. Would you mind getting the f.u.c.k out of my room? I've had just about enough of your mouth for the day.' And if she wasn't going to use it for something useful, like wrapping it around the thick, hard part of him that ached like a sonofab.i.t.c.h, he really wanted her gone.

'And I've had just about enough of your arrogant att.i.tude. I don't know why I bothered coming here.' She palmed his chest and shoved him, hard. He hadn't expected it and stumbled back. The towel came loose and fell to the floor and her gaze shot south, widening with distinct interest.

Ah, h.e.l.l. Instinct roared to life and he grasped her wrists, but instead of dragging her to the door and throwing her out of his room like he should have, he jerked her against him, wrapped one arm around her back, and crushed his mouth against hers.

He knew she'd taste hot and spicy, like carnal pleasures he wanted and shouldn't have. But he had no idea just how hot she'd be.

G.o.d, he burned. He should have never touched her, never tasted her. His c.o.c.k lurched between them now that he didn't have the towel to hold it back. She whimpered and tensed, almost as if she was trying to decide between shoving him again or melting into his arms. He didn't know which way he wanted her to decide.

She melted. He drew her closer, deepening the kiss, sliding his tongue inside to taste the whiskey that lingered there while he moved one hand over her back, jerking her dress up to her waist and balling the material in his fist. The other hand glided over her a.s.s, roaming casually over her soft skin.

G.o.ddammit, she didn't have any panties on. He groaned. She whimpered.

He was in deep, deep trouble here. He wanted this woman. Wanted her bad.

A roaring inferno reared up inside him. His blood churned and boiled, threatening to burst through his pores.

Her a.s.s was firm and hot, and he couldn't resist grasping one globe in his hand and pulling her closer. She raised her leg, wrapping it around his hip, positioning her s.e.x against his raging hard-on and rocking against him. He could imagine the heat of her smooth, moist skin surrounding him. One thrust and he'd be inside her. One d.a.m.n plunge and he could be buried deep in the fires of sweet heaven.

The scent of her drove him mad. Musky, aroused, coupled with a clean, citrus scent that was probably her shampoo or soap. He withdrew his mouth and dragged his tongue across her jawline and down her neck. Her pulse pounded erratically against his tongue, mimicking the crazy jackhammering of his heartbeat. He kissed his way down her collarbone and she shuddered when he dipped his tongue in the hollow there. He liked that, making her shudder.

And she didn't say a word. Not a d.a.m.n word. Thank G.o.d.

He traveled further, enjoying the exploration, listening to her rapid breathing, the way her body signaled response without her saying anything. He drew the strap of her sundress down to taste the swell of her breast.

Her heartbeat pounded against his lips. She panted as if she fought for breath, tangling her fingers in his hair, her nails digging in his scalp, not to pull him away, but to push him toward her breast.

Then she did speak. One word.


Spoken in a harsh, desperate whisper.

Oh, yeah. He wanted her naked, spread-eagled, antic.i.p.ating that first touch of his mouth. He wanted it all and he wanted it now.


The deep, throaty sound of her voice penetrated the haze of his l.u.s.t. He felt the stroke of her hands at his shoulders and growled. This was going to happen. Right here, right now. He reached for the strap of her dress, drawing it further down.

'Derek, I knocked but you didn't answer. If you have a minute'

Sonofab.i.t.c.h! Lou!

He pushed away from Gina and s.n.a.t.c.hed the towel, wrapping it around his waist.

'Oh, I'm so sorry,' Lou said, his face turning a deep crimson. 'I've obviously interrupted.'

Gina jerked the strap of her dress back over her shoulder, shooting Derek a look of panic and regret before turning to Lou. 'No, no, it's all right. I was justleaving.'

'That's not necessary,' Lou said. 'I can go.'

'No. I should. Really, Really, I should.' I should.'

Without a backward glance toward Derek she dashed out the door and closed it firmly behind her.

His erection now sufficiently dead and buried, he grabbed a clean pair of pants from the floor, jerking the zipper up and turning around.

'I'm terribly sorry, Derek. I had no idea you and Gina were!'

'We aren't. It justhappened.'

'Should I come back later?'

He wished Lou hadn't shown up at all. 'No. Now is fine. What do you need?'

'I just wanted you to look at the results from today. I really can leave if you'd like to!'

'Lou, it's over, don't worry about it. Now is fine.' He took the paper Lou handed him and sat at the desk, motioning Lou to the chair across from him. He stared at the sheet of paper, but the stats on there were a blur. His mind was still fully focused on Gina and it was going to take a few minutes to wipe the remnants of her from his mind.

Whatever had been about to happen between him and Gina was lost now. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing he wasn't sure and didn't have time to think about.

Blowing out a frustrated breath, Derek stood and grabbed the whiskey, pouring himself another half gla.s.s, and sat down again. He stared at the amber contents, knowing it wouldn't help one d.a.m.n bit.

Talk about a ma.s.sive cl.u.s.terf.u.c.k. He had to get back on track and focus. Having s.e.x with Gina would have been a colossal mistake. s.h.i.+t was going to happen soon, and he had to remember he was here for one thing and one thing only.

s.e.x wasn't that thing.

He still tasted her, smelled her, his b.a.l.l.s were still throbbing with need; no amount of whiskey was going to make that go away.

'Okay, Lou, let's talk about these numbers.'

Chapter Five.

G ina sat in the middle of her bed and watched the sun rise, taking its sweet time cruising between the waving branches of the bushes outside her window. She cursed its appearance even as she was awed by its fiery beauty. The window was open, bringing with it the salty tang of ocean, a hint of balmy air that slipped through her unbound hair and swirled around her. Sadly, a short-lived relief from the heat that had clung to her throughout the night. ina sat in the middle of her bed and watched the sun rise, taking its sweet time cruising between the waving branches of the bushes outside her window. She cursed its appearance even as she was awed by its fiery beauty. The window was open, bringing with it the salty tang of ocean, a hint of balmy air that slipped through her unbound hair and swirled around her. Sadly, a short-lived relief from the heat that had clung to her throughout the night.

Not that she'd have slept if there had been an arctic blizzard in the room. And she really needed to sleep, to rest and recharge her batteries. No, that wasn't entirely true because she was still plenty charged from last night's encounter with Derek, her body still tingling and feverish from his touch. She drew her knees to her chest and rested her chin on them. Raising her fingers to trace her lips, she felt stupid but nevertheless awed that she could still sense the pressure of Derek's mouth against hers, could still taste his unique flavor on her tongue. She licked her lips and closed her eyes, remembering every caress, every second, replaying it over and over in her mind like she'd done all through the long, sweaty night.

s.h.i.+t. She was like a lovesick teen, but good lord, she hadn't expectedwhat? To respond in the way she had? To feel the earth move? G.o.d, it had been incredible. A bomb had exploded inside her when he'd jerked her against him and kissed her. Anger had melted into a fiery pa.s.sion and she'd been instantly swept away.

And Gina was never the type to be swept away.

She'd been kissed by plenty of men. Hot, virile men with more going for them than Derek. Movie stars and producers, successful men with ample experience in the s.e.x department. But she'd never gotten so wet so fast from one kiss. Like an implosion that burst heat throughout her and she simply couldn't handle it. All she could do was hold onto him and whimper.

'You're an idiot, Gina.' She dropped her forehead to her knees and wished she could take back last night. Why hadn't she said what she wanted to say to him and just walked out? Why did she have to melt like that? All girly and moaning and all over him like a groupie with her favorite movie star. If they hadn't been interrupted by Lou, they would have fallen on his bed and had s.e.x.

Wild, wanton, no-holds-barred, scream-the-rafters-down s.e.x.

Sweet mercy, it would have been good, too. And now every nerve in her body stood on end and she either had to come or kill something. They probably wouldn't let her kill anything. Okay, so she'd at least hurt it really bad.

Heaving a disgusted sigh, she pushed off the edge of the bed, stood, and stretched. Her body ached, dammit. G.o.d, she wanted an o.r.g.a.s.m. How easy it would be to satisfy herself right now. She walked to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror, grimacing at the way her nipples stood out, begging for his mouth, his touch. She reached up and touched them, sucking in her bottom lip at their tenderness, at the way the barest touch shot south and made her quiver.

But dammit, she didn't want to do this herself, didn't want release to spring from her own hand. That, in essence, was the problem. He'd started this fire inside her and she wanted him to douse it.

She jerked on her khaki shorts, wincing as she pulled the sports bra over her sensitive b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her pebbled nipples still cried out for attention.

'Tough,' she grumbled. She threw a white tank top over the bra, slipped on socks, and jammed her feet into her boots, cursing when she couldn't quite get the laces to work. What was wrong with her fingers this morning, anyway? She stormed into the bathroom and punished her teeth with the toothbrush, hoping to scour the taste of him from her mouth. Then she yanked out a few thousand hairs with her hairbrush and glared at herself in the mirror while she braided her hair, attempting to remove every remnant of the feel of his hands running through the tendrils last night.

Right. Like anything would erase his touch, his scent, his taste, from her memory banks. He was burned there and he was staying and there wasn't a d.a.m.n thing she could do about it.

She was so screwed. Or she hadn't been screwed, and that was the problem.

Gah! This was why she buried herself in her work and didn't do men and relations.h.i.+ps and feelings.

She stormed out of her bungalow and flew smack into the chest of the one man she wasn't ready to face yet.

'In a hurry?' he asked, both dark brows lifting over inquisitive gray eyes.

'Hungry,' she mumbled, trying to push past him. He moved in front of her, halting her progress, then looked around them as if he were gauging whether they were alone.

'Hey, Gina. About last night.'

'I'd rather not talk about last night. It was a mistake.' Oh, h.e.l.l. Why had she just said that? Why didn't she just drag him inside her bungalow and make him finish what they'd started?

Because it would be so d.a.m.n easy to get close to him, that's why. And because she was a total coward.

'You sure about that?'

'About what? About whether it was a mistake or whether I want to talk about it?'

His lips curled upward, and her mind registered that she'd had her mouth on those lips. Tangy with the taste of whiskey, full, with just a hint of roughness around the edges where his beard stubble was. He'd be like that inside her, too. Tangy, rough, and oh so perfect. d.a.m.n, d.a.m.n, d.a.m.n.

'About both, I guess. Either way, I'm sorry we were interrupted.'

So was she. Very sorry. So why couldn't she say that to him? Instead, she shrugged and wrapped her arms around her middle, trying not to focus on the way he was studying her. 'Wasn't your fault. We just got carried away. Shouldn't have happened.'

'I don't think you believe that.'

'I don't think I want to have this conversation.' Now she did look up at him. 'Look, Derek, things could get way too complicated between us, with the game and all. I really don't think we should start this, no matter how good it!'

She really had to learn to keep her mouth shut.

'No matter how good it could be,' he finished for her. 'And you're probably right. We shouldn't. But it would have been good. d.a.m.n good. Enjoy your breakfast.'

He walked away, leaving her more achy and miserable than before, all because she was too d.a.m.ned afraid to let him in.

By the time she made it to the breakfast tent, they were all gathered inside, leaving only one spot available!directly across from Derek, who cast her a hungry look as if he'd like to eat her for breakfast instead. Tormented and frustrated, she barely tasted the food she forced herself to eat.

'So, Derek, how did you get involved in all this?' Trace asked.

Derek's gaze shot to Lou, who shrugged.

Interesting looks they exchanged, as if Derek had no idea how to respond to that question. Gina sat back and sipped her coffee, grateful to have something else to think about besides s.e.x.

'Not sure what you mean by that.'

Trace shrugged. 'Just curious. You have reality show experience?'


'Didn't think you looked familiar. Maybe extreme sports or something?'


Okay, so Derek clammed up in a hurry. And that meant he had something to hide. Or he really didn't know how to answer the question.

'I follow the extreme sports circuit pretty closely,' Gina offered. 'I've never seen you around.'

Derek shot her a scathing look. Gina smiled and refilled her coffee.

'I was military for a while, then met up with Lou after I got out. It's a really long, boring story how it all came to be, but we ended up forming thisorganization. Lou's a philanthropist and enjoys sports, martial arts, weaponry, and the like. He asked me to join him and help with the game. Lou is really into the reality show thing and came up with the Surviving Demon Island Surviving Demon Island idea. He wanted to bring it to television, so I agreed to a.s.sist.' idea. He wanted to bring it to television, so I agreed to a.s.sist.'

That was vague as h.e.l.l. And didn't tell them anything about him or Louis, actually. 'A philanthropist?' she asked, looking to Louis.

'Old money,' Louis replied with a benign smile. 'Nothing like old men with old money and nothing better to do with their time than to spend it. If you'll excuse Derek and me, we must make preparations for the start of tonight's games.'

Oh, sure. She had a million questions and they ran.

Military, huh? What kind of military? And for how long? And exactly what kind of helping did Derek do with Louis? What kind of organization did Louis run?

Gina knew Dee had thoroughly checked out the production company running this game, so she wasn't worried at all, but it sure as h.e.l.l was mysterious.

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Surviving Demon Island Part 6 summary

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