House Of Gisborne: The Secret Of Gisborne Part 10

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When she met Will at dusk, she bluntly asked him if he knew who it might be. He only shrugged.

You have no idea who it might be, she asked.

None, he said. I dont know anyone who could afford to do something like that.

Nor do I, and thats what worries me, she said. The only people around here who could do such a thing would not. And I worry there must be some string attached.

You know what they say, Will said. And with a wink, he added, Never look a gift horse in the mouth. I hear they have horrible breath.

Will had set up a training course for her in the forest near the camp. Hed erected wooden dummies for her to spar with, heavy bags of sand for her to practice dodging, and ropes tied between trees to teach her to swing nimbly from one location to another.

First, you must learn to spar, he said. These dummies will help you learn kicks and punches. See these limbs? If you hit them, they will swing around as if to strike you back. You must learn to block their strikes. Watch me.

Will punched one of the dummys wooden arms, and it spun around quickly and nearly hit him from the other side. His hand swept smoothly up to deflect the blow.

See? he asked. Now you try.

Marian punched the dummys arm, and it quickly flew around and struck her in the arm. She shrieked and grabbed it as it throbbed.

Dont forget to block, Marian, Will reminded her. You have to react quickly.

Will demonstrated the technique once more. He hit the arm, and blocked it with the palm of his hand as it swung around.

Ready to try again? Will asked, and Marian nodded.

This time, she successfully deflected the swinging arm, and Will laughed and applauded.

Good job! he said, slapping her on the back. Now keep practicing. Once youve got the hang of this one, well try kicks.

For hours Marian practiced. She became quite proficient with the punches, but her kicks left much to be desired.

Its this dress, she said. I cant move in it.

Then wear pants, Will said, as if that were simple enough.

Wear pants? Marian laughed. A woman wearing pants? Whats next? A man wearing a corset?

Do you want to be an effective fighter or not? Will asked pointedly.

Of course I do, Marian snapped.

Fine, then lets find you something better to wear.

It turned out that she fit rather nicely into one of Wills tunics, although it was a little snug. She was a curvaceous woman, and Will was quite lean. Luckily, he wore loose-fitting tunics. The pants were a bit snug, but she squeezed into them.

Ill see if I can let them out a bit when I get home, she said.

Good idea, Will agreed. Oh, and you need a cloak. It wont do for people to see you wearing this.

Will popped into Robins tent and emerged with a deep green cloak in a shade so close to black it was nearly indiscernible.

This will do nicely, Marian said. And Ill buy a pair of boots in the village.

Oh, no need, Will said, disappearing into his own tent and reappearing with a smile and a pair of nearly new boots. They were my sisters.

Doesnt she need them? Marian asked.

Shes dead, Will said flatly.

Im sorry, Marian said softly after his blunt revelation, taking the proffered boots. Thank you, Will. Ill put them to good use.

I know you will, he answered. Lets get you home while theres still time to sleep.

Marian awoke before the c.o.c.k crowed. She dragged herself weakly from the bed, made her father breakfast, and fed the chickens. She slipped out into the morning air and shuddered. She wasnt looking forward to another day at the castle, but she hoped if she went in early, she could finish well before dusk and have more time for training.

Get up to the guest chambers and get them cleaned, Mirabelle said as she rushed about the kitchen. Didnt have time to get to them yesterday.

Yes, Miss, Marian said, and she quickly made her way toward the guest wing, relieved she wouldnt have to face Gisborne.

She knocked on the first door.


His voice gave her chills. What was he doing in the guest chambers? She pushed the door open and saw Gisborne leaning against the wall by the window staring out into the early morning darkness.

My apologies, my Lord, she said, bowing her head and looking at the floor. I thought these rooms were unoccupied.

His hand brushed quickly against his face, and he turned toward her, his face cold and aloof.

I was just leaving, he said, and he brushed past her, his black cloak billowing dramatically behind him as he turned the corner.

She listened as his boots echoed loudly down the corridor, rooted in place until the sound had long since faded away. Then she dropped to her knees to scrub the floor. Chills crept down her spine as she spotted a dark spot on the stone floor. She leaned closer to inspect it. It was small and circular with a pattern of droplets radiating out from it. It was a deep red, almost brown. And it was unmistakably blood.

She quickly ran the brush over the spot, but it remained. Again and again she rubbed the spot, but it would not budge. With both hands, she clutched the brush tightly and furiously scrubbed, but that stubborn spot refused to disappear.

Finally, she gave up and tossed the brush hastily into the bucket. She darted about the room, gathering linens and tidying up, eager to get out of that room with its telltale bloodstain on the stone.

Three other rooms had similar stains on the floor. Three other souls lost forever, she imagined. She seethed with rage at Gisborne for what hed done to those men, and at Blackstock for ordering it. He was undoubtedly here to gloat. What other business could he have in the guest quarters?

She finished the rooms early, and once again she headed out well before the sun began to set. Once home, she changed into her tunic and leggings, her boots, and Robins cloak. By the time her father was fed, the sun was slowly sinking beyond the horizon. Will was already waiting for her just beyond the tree line.

Did you find out anything about the baskets of food? Will asked her.

Nothing. I didnt hear any mention of it around the castle, she answered.

Johns going to the village tonight to see if he can catch him in the act, Will said. If he comes to town again tonight, John will see him.

Marian spent a bit of time training with the punching dummy, and then Will had her move to kicks. Sure enough, the pants helped. She was improving rapidly.

A few more sessions like this and you can move on to sparring with a live opponent! he said.

Great! she exclaimed. Im ready now!

Are you sure? Will asked.

Im ready! she repeated, holding her fists in front of her. Lets go!

Will threw a weak punch at her, and she easily deflected it with her palm. He kicked at her, and she dodged sideways, easily missing it. Another punch, and she ducked, his punch sailing over her head.

Come on, Will! she urged him. Stop being a...

The punch landed square across her nose, and she staggered backward, landing on her bottom in the damp leaves. She felt liquid dribbling down her upper lip, and she put up her hand as she watched her palm fill with thick red blood.

Sorry! Will said, stooping down to check her nose.

Wills feet suddenly flew out from under him, and he landed on the ground with his limbs splayed at odd angles. Marian had literally swept him off his feet with her leg.

I bet you were going to tell me to keep up my guard! she laughed, blood spraying onto the leaves in front of her.

I was, indeed! he chuckled. But I see youre not the only one who needs to learn that lesson!

The two of them dissolved into a fit of hysterical laughter as blood streamed down her nose, soaking into her thin cloth tunic. Will finally ripped a strip of cloth away from his own tunic and handed it to her, and she covered her nose with it, pinching it tightly to stem the flow.

I think thats enough for today, Will said.

Agreed, she said. Lets get back to camp and see if Johns back.

Once back at camp, they discovered John and the others sitting around and talking. John eyed her nose, which she was still pinching, but said nothing.

John! Will shouted. What did you find, my friend?

Well, I nearly caught im, John said.

Nearly? Will asked.

The little b.u.g.g.e.r slipped away, John said. But I caught a glimpse of him. Had a long cloak on, but I saw his hair peeking out from under it. Its long and dark, kind o wavy-like.

Thats all? Will asked incredulously.

Hes fast, I tell ya! Soon as he saw me he up and ran right off, John said.

Well, at least its a start, Will said.

So what happened to you? John finally asked Marian.

She snorted with suppressed laughter and said, I let my guard down.

Will covered his mouth and snickered behind it, and John glared at him disapprovingly.

You told Robin shed be safe, John growled.

She is! Will said. And now shes learned not to let her guard down, so sh.e.l.l be even safer! Isnt that right, Marian.

Marian winked at Will and nodded.

Robins not gonna like this, John groaned.

He doesnt have to know, Marian said, shooting a warning glance at John.

Dont you worry, I wont be tellin im, John said. Dont even want to be around if anyone else tells him, neither!

They all had a good laugh, and Will suggested it might be time to take Marian home. She agreed, and Will escorted her safely back to the edge of the forest.

Will? she said, glancing back at him over her shoulder.


Thank you, she said with a smile.

For what? Breaking your nose?

Exactly. Robin would have been too gentle with me, and I wouldnt have learned anything. So Im glad youre teaching me. Thank you.

Wills face turned as scarlet as his namesake, and he dropped his eyes to the leaves below him.

See you tomorrow, he said.

Tomorrow, she nodded, and she jogged down the hill toward the cottage.


The courtyard was abuzz when Marian entered the gates the next morning well before the sun rose. The gallows had been erected, and most of the staff had gathered along with most of the village residents.

Whats going on? Marian asked as she approached Mirabelle.

Some bloke was caught pilfering food in town late last night, Mirabelle answered. Theyre hanging him before dawn.

I cant watch, Marian groaned.

I wouldnt miss this if I were you, Mirabelle warned her sternly. This is compulsory.

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House Of Gisborne: The Secret Of Gisborne Part 10 summary

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