House Of Gisborne: The Secret Of Gisborne Part 9

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Marians heart thudded, and her stomach lurched. She knew that voice.

Lord Winston, by all means, speak, Blackstock encouraged.

How could this be? Marian wondered. I saw him die!

I just wanted to say that I may have made a grievous error, yesterday, Lord Winston said. I was prepared to vote no today, but after a great deal of thinking in my chamber last night, I have decided to vote yes. I encourage each of you to do the same, as I believe Lord Blackstocks plan will be highly beneficial to the citizens of all our kingdoms.

A great murmur broke out in the room as the Lords chatted amongst one another. Finally, the loud rapping on the table broke through the noise.

If I may! Blackstock shouted. I would like to ask now for your votes. Please say yay or nay and raise your hands with your votes. All in favor?

Yay! came the resounding reply.

All opposed? Blackstock asked.

An eerie silence.

Splendid! Blackstock said, tapping his fingers together mirthfully. Then, please, take the rest of the day to enjoy all the castle has to offer, and when you return to your homes tomorrow, you can prepare to begin the new tax immediately.

Marian fell back against the wall beside the window. She felt sick. She tucked her apple and bread into her pocket and slid against the wall until she landed on her backside with a thud. Whatever sinister plans Blackstock was developing, they were well underway. And whats more, Winston was not only alive, but he, the most vocal voice of dissent, was now the most potent champion. It made no sense.

Marian scrambled to her feet and carefully made her way through the corridors to return to the kitchen. Mirabelle told her to clean the chambers, and Marian collected her bucket and brush and made her way to the corridor. With a trembling hand, she knocked upon Gisbornes door, expecting, as usual, no response.

Enter, Gisbornes voice called, and she froze, swallowing a ma.s.sive lump which had filled her throat quite suddenly.

She entered the room, and Gisborne was sitting beside the crackling fire with his elbow on his knee and his chin on his fist staring pensively into the flames.

Excuse me, my Lord, I can return later, Marian said meekly, backing out of the room.

No, please, come in, he said, beckoning her with his hand.

She stepped inside on wobbly knees, holding her bucket in front of her with both hands. She paused for a moment, but Gisborne had turned back toward the fire, so she quietly kneeled in the floor and began to scrub it.

Marian, might I ask you a question? Gisborne asked.

Of course, my Lord, she said as she scrubbed.

Have you ever done something you thought was the right thing to do, and yet you still regretted it? Gisborne asked her.

Im not sure I understand the question, my Lord, she said.

Never mind, its not important, he said, his eyes glazed over as he watched the dancing flames.

Marian hurriedly finished the cleaning of Gisbornes chamber and excused herself, relieved to be away from him. The rest of the chambers were empty, and she completed her cleaning well before sunset.

By all means, get home, girl, Mirabelle told her, and Marian quickly raced home, glad to avoid Gisborne and the potential that he might once again attempt to escort her home.

Marian gave her father another quick dinner and hastily said goodbye as she raced up the hill to a waiting Robin.

Youre early, he said.

So are you, she pointed out.

So, what happened today? Any news? Robin asked as he began to walk.

They voted.

And? Robin asked.

It pa.s.sed unanimously after a speech in support of the plan by none other than Lord Winston himself.

Robin froze. But I thought you said you saw him die.

I did, Robin.

Maybe you were mistaken.

I wasnt mistaken! I saw him die! I saw him go completely limp in Gisbornes grasp!

So thats how they did it, Robin muttered.

How who did what? Marian demanded.

They didnt kill the troublemakers, Robin said. They turned them.

Into what?

Vampires! Robin hissed.

Is that even possible?

Of course its possible! Thats how vampires come into being. You get bitten by one and it either kills you or you turn into a vampire yourself.


I dont know, Im no expert on them! Robin snapped.

What are we going to do?

Were going to have to kill them all, Robin said.

What? How do you propose we do that?

Weve started on a plan, but its not ready, yet, Robin told her. And well need your help.

Anything you need, just ask, Marian said.

By the time they made it to Robins camp, the others had gathered. They were sitting on their logs and stumps, and Robin settled in on his.

Winstons alive, Robin blurted out.

But I thought she said... John started to say.

I thought he was, Marian said. But he was in the vote today, and he gave a speech that made the others vote to pa.s.s the thing unanimously.

I believe Winstons been turned, Robin said.

Well, clearly, Will said. I mean, he did vote in favor.

I mean... hes been turned into a vampire, Robin said.

Oh. Is that even possible? Will asked.

Thats what I said! Marian chirped.

Legend says its possible, and it would appear that its true, Robin said glumly.

What are we going to do, Robin? Will asked.

Were going to kill them, Robin said.

All of them? Will asked.

Every last one, Robin said. And heres how were going to do it.

As Robin went on, the plan began to look more solid. Marian began to have faith that it might actually work. It had to work.

Since none of us knows much about vampires, I suggest we visit someone who might know more, Robin said.

Who do we know that knows anything about vampires? John asked.

Father Clark, Robin said. He lives in Westbrook, and he used to tell me all these stories when I was a kid. I think hes our best shot.

Are you sure he wasnt just telling you fairy tales, Robin? Will asked.

Oh, Im sure. At the time I thought he was, but he kept telling me vampires were real. I was a kid. I just thought he was trying to scare me. But now I realize how very serious he looked whenever he would tell me those stories.

Well go with you, Will offered.

No, I have to do this alone, Robin said. Father Clark retired from the priesthood and I hear hes a very private man, now. He might not trust anyone but me. Ill leave tonight and I should be there in three days time. You should expect me back in about a week. A fortnight at latest.

A fortnight! Marian gasped. I have to keep going to that castle for a fortnight?

Ill be back as quickly as I can, Robin promised. Believe me, I want you there no more than you want to be there. Besides, we have to find out how to kill these things.

I thought you said they were immortal, Marian pointed out.

Well, very nearly, Robin said. But I think I remember Father Clark mentioning there was a way to kill them. I just dont remember how.

So I guess I wont be training, Marian groaned.

Sure you will! said Will. Ill train you!

Will, I dont think... Robin started to say.

Ill escort her every day, Will said. Sh.e.l.l be safe.

Robin started to object, but he sighed. Fine, he relented. Im trusting you with this.

Will nodded and said, I understand. I wont let either of you down.

Id better get her home, Robin said. The sooner I start out, the sooner I can be home.

See you tomorrow! Will called to Marian.

She waved back to him and said, Tomorrow!

At the edge of the forest, Robin clasped Marians hand tightly. His eyes were troubled as he looked into hers.

Ill return home as soon as I can, he said. I promise.

Ill be fine, Robin, she told him. I dont think theyre going to harm me if they havent already.

She squeezed his hand and turned to go, but he grabbed her arm and spun her around, pulling her into an embrace. Her head tilted backward, and he pressed his lips firmly against hers. For a moment, she struggled, pursing her lips together and pus.h.i.+ng against him. Then she relaxed, and her lips softened. He pulled away, holding her at arms length. She blinked at him, confused.

Be safe, he told her, and in a flash he disappeared into the trees.

For a moment, she stood rooted in place, her body swaying lightly and two fingers pressed against her lips. Hed never done that before, nor had anyone else. She rattled her head, jerking herself back into conscious thought, and she spun on her heels and jogged down the hill toward the cottage.


The next day, Mirabelle told Marian to take the day off. The Lords had left at first light, and Mirabelle said she and the other girls could handle things. Relieved to be away from the horrors within the castle, Marian didnt argue or question. She simply accepted it.

The first thing she did was head into the village to check on her neighbors. All day long she kept hearing tales of the hungriest families receiving baskets of food on their steps"baskets full of cheese, white bread, fruit, and even delicate pastries.

Where are they coming from? Marian asked each one, but no one knew.

It couldnt have been Robin. He was out of town visiting Father Clark, and before that he rarely ventured out of the forest. It might have been Will or John, but they had so little food themselves that Marian didnt think they had it to spare, and they certainly had no access to fine pastries like the villagers spoke of receiving.

While Marian was glad to hear that some of the villages starving had received the help they so desperately needed, she was confused. She could think of no one who could have done such a thing, and it concerned her deeply. She was determined to find out who it was.

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House Of Gisborne: The Secret Of Gisborne Part 9 summary

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