Invisible Terror Collection Part 34

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Expert opinions. Consider the following points: 1. Most "alien" messages are autowritten or spoken through humans in exactly the same method that occultists use to channel demons.

2. Their messages frequently emphasize the nondeity of Jesus Christ.

3. They generally insist man will never be judged by G.o.d.

4. Many of these channelers experience the exact physical and mental symptoms of people who are possessed by demons: nausea, hallucination, antisocial behavior, and hearing voices.

Ryan leaned back in his chair. "He's describing Krissi to a T."

Becka nodded and was already typing: What about people who claim they've been taken by aliens?

Reports of so-called alien abductions are increasing.

However, it is interesting that every abducted person I've studied has had previous involvement with the occult.

Ryan moaned, "Krissi again."

Becka nodded and continued typing: Every one has dabbled in the occult?

Without exception.

Becka was almost finished, but she had one last question: What sorts of things happen in an abduction?

Sometimes the person is returned physically injured.

Sometimes not. But there are always psychological scars.

Worst of all, once an abduction happens, the victims frequently fi nd themselves being taken over and over again.

Becka and Ryan stared at one another. Each knew what the other was thinking. If it had happened to Krissi once, it would probably happen again.

Chapter 6.

Philip sat, nervous and edgy, in the back room of the Ascension Bookshop. The room was full of shadows. A couple of worn sofas were shoved against the maroon walls, which were decorated with astrological signs. This was the meeting room of the Society, a group of kids who dabbled in the occult. Philip had heard about them, but he'd never taken them seriously. Come to think of it, he had never taken the Ascension Lady or this bookshop too seriously, either.

Until now.

Now the woman had Krissi sitting in a chair and in some sort of trance.

Philip didn't like that. Not that he was a control freak - Krissi was free to do whatever she wanted - but he had always been there to protect and defend her. Not this time. This time there was nothing he could do except sit and listen as she recalled the logging road, the cow, the lights, the fire, and stepping out of the Jeep.

Beads of perspiration covered her face as she gasped for breath. "I'm hanging on to the mirror. I'm screaming to Philip, 'Don't let go; don't let me go, please don't let me go!' "

The room seemed to be charged with electricity, but the Ascension Lady kept her voice even and calm. "And then what happened?"

Suddenly Krissi burst into tears.

Philip rose to his feet, but the Ascension Lady motioned for him to stay back. "It's okay," she rea.s.sured him in a whisper.

"This is what she has been repressing; this is what her subcon-scious needs to uncover."

"Philip ..." Krissi's voice sounded very far away, like a lost little girl.

"What happened?" the Ascension Lady asked. "Where's Philip?"

Tears streamed down Krissi's cheeks. "He let go. He let go of me ..."

The accusation - the idea she would think he let go on purpose - cut deep into Philip's heart. He wanted to set the record straight, to tell her he'd hung on as long as he could, but the Ascension Lady's look told him to remain quiet.

Suddenly Krissi's face filled with horror. "No! Stay away, stay away from me!"

"Where are you?" the Ascension Lady asked. "Where are you now?"

"I'm inside. The light, it pulled me inside. They're all around me."

"Who is? Who is all around?"

"Stay back!"

"Who are they, Krissi? What do they look like?"

"Their eyes! They're so big ... like insects. Black. s.h.i.+ny. Stay away!"

Philip started to stand again, but the Ascension Lady threw him another quelling look. "What else?" she continued. "What else can you tell us about them?"

"No hair. Big heads, like upside-down teardrops. Two little holes for a nose. And their mouths, they don't have any lips, just a thin line."

"How many of them do you see?"

"Six ... no, eight. They're short. Four feet. And they're so skinny, just skin stretched over bone. Gray skin and bones."

"Gray? You said gray?"


"Are you certain they are gray?"

"Is that common?" Philip whispered.

The Ascension Lady nodded.

"Yes," Krissi said. "Smooth, powdery gray. Like they've never even seen the sun." Suddenly she c.o.c.ked her head as if listening.

"What? What do you mean?"

"What's happening now?"

"One of them is talking. He's telling me not to worry. They've come to help us, to help me." Again her expression changed.

"No ... no! Stay away. No, please."

"Krissi, what's happening?"

"They're touching me. Their fingers are long and skinny.

They only have three on each hand. No, please ... I'm not ready for this. Please, you're scaring me."


"No!" Krissi tossed her head first one way, then the other.

"No, please ..." She gulped in air as if she were fighting.

"Krissi, what's going on?"

No answer.

"Krissi, talk to me."

Her thras.h.i.+ng increased. Back and forth. Sweat streamed down her face.

"Krissi, what - ?"

"They're taking off my vest. No! I try to fight, but my arms, they've done something to my arms! I can't move my arms! No!

NO!" Her whole body writhed and convulsed, but her arms stayed perfectly limp at her side. "No ... no!"

That was it. Philip had to do something. He lunged from his seat and rushed to her side.


The Ascension Lady reached out to grasp his arm, shaking her head fiercely. "You'll only make it worse!" she hissed. She turned back to Krissi, fighting to keep her voice calm. "Krissi, can you hear me?"

"Machines ... they've got machines. They're all over me. The machines are touching me everywhere. No. No! Make them stop. Please make them stop!" She shuddered, her face contort-ing in pain. "Nooo ..."

"That's enough!" Philip shouted.

The Ascension Lady shook her head without looking at him.

"No, it's important she - "

"I said that's enough!"

"She's there," the woman argued. "This is what happened.

You can't just - "


They spun to see Krissi shrieking at the top of her lungs.


Philip knelt beside her. The Ascension Lady tried to block him, but he pushed her aside. He grasped Krissi's arms and shook her. "Krissi! Krissi, wake up!"

She continued to fight and struggle and cry.

"Krissi, it's Philip." He shook her again, harder. "It's me!

Krissi, wake up."

"No ... no ... please ..."

"Krissi - "

Suddenly her body went limp. She was still gasping for breath, but apparently whatever she had seen was gone.

Philip touched her face gently, not even noticing the way his hand trembled. "Krissi ... can you hear me? Krissi?" Her eyes fluttered, then opened. They darted back and forth as she tried to get her bearings. Once she realized where she was, her face scrunched into a frown. "Why did you stop me?" Her voice was hoa.r.s.e from the screaming.


"You stopped me. Why did you stop me? They were giving me instructions. They were telling me - " She stopped, noticing the Ascension Lady behind him. "Why did you let him stop me?" The woman only shook her head.

Krissi's eyes s.h.i.+fted back to Philip. "We've got to go."

"What? Where?"

"My folks' cabin. Cougar Creek."

Philip scowled.

"It's too crowded here. Too many interferences. They want me to meet them at Cougar Creek, where it's isolated, where we can be alone."

"Krissi, that's a two-hour drive into the mountains. We can't - "

"They want to give me more information. They said I need further instruct - "

"After all you've been through?" Philip exploded. He'd had enough. "No way. It's over."

She met his eyes. He felt a chill at the icy glare. There was a determination in her eyes that he'd never seen before.

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Invisible Terror Collection Part 34 summary

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