The Butterfly Effect Part 11

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"I'm okay," I say calmly.

Nathan whispers in my ear. "Don't believe anything you've heard about me. It's not true. We had a thing and it was G.o.dd.a.m.n beautiful, at least it almost was. I apologize for being a jerk. I love you, Riley. Don't you ever forget that. I'll explain the rest another day, but please don't do anything stupid."

With that, he releases me and quickly disappears as quickly as he appeared. His words confuse me even more because he said he loved me and not to do anything stupid. Well, I can guess he doesn't want me doing anything with Ace. Ace and the boys transform back into humans and he rushes over to me.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He places his hands on my shoulders and looks me over.

"I'm fine." I'm just utterly confused.

"Are you sure?" he checks.

"Yes, I promise. So what are we doing here?"

I try to deflect the attention to something else other than me. I'll definitely have to talk to Bea later about this whole confusing situation. Maybe she can help me out.

Ace pulls on my hand and excitedly shows me. "We are cliff diving!"

Taking a step forward, I look down into the water. "I'm not jumping from here. You're even crazier than I thought."

"Yeah, I'm good with my feet planted right here. Solid ground and all," Bea confirms, shaking her head.

"I just can't imagine this going well," I tell him.

He smiles that ever loving smile of his. "Fine, I'm going to do it to show it's perfectly safe and then I'll come get you."

I nod. "It's your funeral."

The boys take their s.h.i.+rts off, along with their shoes. Ace laughs before taking the plunge into the blue water. I hear the splash all the way up to where I am. The rest of the guys soon follow, leaving me and Bea up on the cliff.

"We definitely should talk later," she says, nudging my shoulder.

"Yes, I have some questions I'm hoping you'll be able to help me figure out."

"I'll do my best. You know we could totally make this work." She nods toward the water. "We could do a spell and have a bubble wrapped around us to ease the landing, no one would even notice."

"These guys are nuts," I say, hearing them come up the rocks.

"You ladies get the courage yet?" Ace asks, as the water drips off him. Even I'm not blind to the fact that water and Ace mix very well. I might not think of him the way he'd like, but d.a.m.n, his tanned and toned body is definitely working for him. He could have any girl he wants. He shakes his hair to the side.

Bea winks at me. "We got this," I say to him. We strip out of our clothes and, thankfully, I have on a bra and cotton panties, so it's really no different than a bikini. We leave our clothes in a puddle. Bea and I hold hands, side by side, and close our eyes for a brief moment before we free fall. A knot in my stomach forms, even though we are protected by an invisible bubble.

The splash of the water breaks us out of the bubble and immediately shocks my skin causing gooseb.u.mps to form on my skin and then the guys dive down, splas.h.i.+ng us even more and causing me and Bea to giggle.

After a day of hiking and swimming, we head back to the house. On the way back to the house, the boys are talking about cooking us dinner.

Inside, the kitchen is just as grand as the rest of the house, with a huge dark wood table with a lot of chairs, and a few stools lining the counter. The appliances are all stainless steel and there's a lot of counter s.p.a.ce. The boys spread out to get sorted to cook while Bea and I settle on the stools so we can watch. There are about five muscular guys in the kitchen cooking. It isn't a sight most are privy to see, so this is very interesting. Ace catches my eyes and flashes me a wink while he chops veggies.

Bea and I manage to get the table set and the guys place the food on the table. I think there is a little bit of everything from pasta, to bread, to burgers and fries, to meat on a stick, and lastly, a few veggies.

"Looks like carb overload," I say, smiling.

We all sit and enjoy the meal, along with light conversation accompanied with a gla.s.s of red wine.

Once dinner is over and the dishes are cleaned and put away, Bea and I gather candles from all over and excuse ourselves to a spare room.

Bea sets up the candles around the room and lights them. I sit on the carpet, crossed legged and Bea meets me and sits across from me. We have a candle in the center of us. The sliding gla.s.s door to the room is open, and the light breeze is causing the candles to flicker. Bea and I join hands, creating a circle around the candle.

"Okay, I know you have some questions for me about what happened. But I think it's better if you see for yourself. You should get at least a glimpse of what happened, and then I can help fill in the blanks. Whatever you see, I will see as well."

I sigh heavily, as the nervousness sets in. I nod when I'm ready. Closing my eyes, Bea starts a chant and I join in. A few moments pa.s.s as I get a flash of a heart beating, then me kissing Nathan and then a scene of me crying in bed. I look like a wreck. The scenes being played in my head make no sense and cause my body to jolt.

Pulling my hands away from Bea's, I ask, "What the h.e.l.l was that?"

"From what I gather, you and Nathan had a thing, like a real love kind of thing. I wasn't aware of it. You kept it a secret and never told me. You had your reasons for doing so and I get it. Your mom erased your memories of him, that's why you can't remember."

"Why did she do that?"

"She told you he was bad, and after your magic. But I have a theory, if you are willing to hear me out and don't judge."

Chapter Sixteen.


Panic washes over me. My pulse is racing and sweat is forming on my forehead. "Okay."

"So, we were in your room when she told you all this. Then at one time, she turned to me and said my mom would be proud that I found the one in Trent. Which makes me believe your mom was watching us for a while, to know this. However, Trent is not my one."

"What do you mean? I thought he was."

Bea c.o.c.ks her head. "I was just doing that, just wasting time with one person and it threw her off. I've been having visions of a man, like a real strong man that is meant for me. I don't know where he is or what his name is even, I just get his face in my visions. Anyway, we are getting off track. Your mom is a dark witch; she is no longer the mom you remember her to be as a child. I'm sorry, Riley."

"So my mom is a dark magic witch and you are having visions. s.h.i.+t just got a lot weirder. When did you start getting the visions?"

"A few days ago, right before your mom came."

"Can I see him?"

She smirks. "I thought you'd never ask."

Bea shared her vision with me. The guy was stunning with hazel eyes with flecks of blue, dark chocolate colored hair and a stubbled jaw. He's gorgeous and resembles someone, but I don't know who.

"So you don't have a name or anything?" I ask.

"Nope. I wish I knew. And Riley, I'm really sorry about everything you've been through. What are you going to do about Nathan?"

"I don't know, Bea. I really don't know. I'll just figure it out after spring break."

Bea and I spent two more days at Ace's family's cabin and did some fun activities. I managed to get my mind off things, deciding I'd deal with it when the time came.

Today is our first day back to school and I'm feeling more nervous than ever. Professor Murphy's cla.s.s is the last cla.s.s I have, and I feel like a ball of nerves as I approach his cla.s.s. Stopping outside of the door, I take a deep breath and enter. I don't make eye contact until I'm seated in the center of the front row.

Pulling my subject book out, I set it on my desk and place my bag at my feet. Looking up, I'm met by Professor Murphy's gaze. It's intense and I s.h.i.+ft in my seat uncomfortably.

"Riley, can you stay after cla.s.s?" he asks.

I swallow and nod my head. The clock ticks by so slowly as the antic.i.p.ation sets in. Did we really have a thing, together? Did I love him? Did he love me? Did he break my heart and make the pain so unbearable? These are the questions I don't have the answers for. My memory resonates the words he spoke that day on the cliff. I didn't do anything stupid as he requested, and he said he loved me.

Finally, after an agonizing hour of cla.s.s, the others are excused and I remain seated as the students shuffle by me to leave. Then there is me and Nathan alone. He moves around his desk and leans against the front of it, his hands griping the edge. Well, s.h.i.+t, he's hot. A smile plays across his face and I smile back shyly.

"How was spring break?"

"It was fine," I say. "How was yours?"

"Eh, not too bad I guess."

I stand and slowly walk toward him. His eyes scan me from head to toe and back up. My skirt brushes against my thighs.

"Why don't we skip the chit chat and you tell me why you asked me to stay after?" I say in my sultry voice.

Whatever is happening here, I'm really attracted to him. There is a strong force between us, and I just want to let go and seduce him right here, right now. But I can't. There are too many unanswered questions that I need answers to.

"Are you free later? I'd like the chance to explain things to you," he says.

"Um. Yes. I'm free," I say playfully.

"Can you come over at seven?"

"I'll be there," I say smiling. Bending down, I retrieve my bag, put my book inside, and leave the cla.s.sroom and head home.

I meet Bea in the kitchen. I didn't see her all day.

"How'd your day go? Never mind. How'd it go with Nathan?"

"I'm heading to his place in a few short hours. I still have to deal with my mother, though," I tell her.

"Umm, I'm not sure you want to go messing with her. She's pretty powerful. I'd give it a day or so. Let things simmer down."

"You're probably right. She's probably going to come after me. Which is all the more reason I need to meet with Nathan tonight. He has the answers. You filled me in on a lot, but I need to hear his point of view."

"No, I get it. You are so strong, Riley, in every sense of the word. I don't know if I could be that strong. You've dealt with a lot and I wasn't here for some of it. You can hold your own, and you can own that."

"I love you, Bea." I move to hug her tight.

"I love you. Now you need to go get ready for your date." She shoves me.

"It's not a date."

"Whatever you say." She smiles.

Making my way upstairs, I decide to leave my skirt and my T-s.h.i.+rt on. I brush my hair and freshen up my makeup then I settle on my bed with a book I've been dying to read, until it's time to see Nathan. I a.s.sume he plans on feeding me, or devouring me based on the look he was giving me earlier.

Seven P.M rolls around rather quickly and I say bye to Bea as I'm leaving. She says she won't be waiting up, but I just shake my head at her and head across the street.

Isn't he afraid someone will see me coming over? I am his student after all.

Pus.h.i.+ng that thought aside, I knock on his door and he immediately answers and a wave of deja vu comes over me, but it all still seems unfamiliar territory. It's a weird feeling.

"I hope you don't mind having pizza."

"No, pizza is great," I say.

We make our way to the living room; the pizza is on the coffee table.

"It was just delivered, so it's still fresh." He sits on the couch and hands me a paper plate.

Taking the plate from him, I sit next to him and grab a slice and immediately take a bite. He turns and faces me.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking and trying to process everything. I'm guessing you have the answers," I tell him.

He sighs. "First off, I want to say there hasn't been a day that's gone by that I haven't thought about you. We had something special and I f.u.c.ked up, royally."

"Why don't you start from the beginning, because I don't remember anything? My mom erased any memory I had of you. I know there is something between us. I felt it earlier and I feel it right now."

He finishes his slice of pizza and washes it down with some soda. "We did have something. h.e.l.l, it was magical in every sense of the word. After a few short weeks of being together, I broke it off because the school board doesn't allow professors to have relations.h.i.+ps with students, and at the time, I was worried about getting fired. I know I broke your heart into a million pieces; it f.u.c.king destroyed me, Riley, to do that to you, to us."

His words feel sincere, and I feel it deep in my core. I believe him, because the pain in his face is almost too much to watch. I take a sip of my soda and continue to listen to him.

"The worst part about all this is that your mom let you believe I was bad and that we don't belong together and that I just want your magic. That is not the case. I'd give you all my powers right this second to prove it to you. The truth is your mom is dark and she wants your powers for herself. I'm sorry."

He stops momentarily to take another bite of pizza, and I can't help myself from staring at him. Then he continues telling me about him being immortal, and how he moves around every so often because he doesn't age. He says he has an older brother and it's just the two of them. His name is Alex and he wants me to meet him sometime.

"Riley, if you say the word, I can bring the memories back, our memories, the ones your mom erased."

I lean into Nathan, place my hand on his chest and touch his lips with mine. My heart skips a beat as his tongue invades my mouth and I greedily invite it in. After a few moments I pull away and my eyes flutter back open. I think I could get drunk off him.

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The Butterfly Effect Part 11 summary

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