The Butterfly Effect Part 16

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Love is in the air. I feel it.

Making it to the car, Nathan helps me down from the carriage and the driver loads our luggage in the car while we get settled.

"I don't want to leave," I tell Nathan.

"I know. But we have to. At least we get to make our way home, and you get to see Bea. I'm sure she is excited hear how our trip went." Nathan smiles.

"I'm sure she's on the edge of her seat waiting for us."

Nathan takes my hand, bringing it to lips to kiss my fingers.

"You looked so beautiful during our ceremony, in that white dress. You're definitely going to have to model that for me again." He smirks.

I swat his arm playfully. I watch out the window as the scenery blurs by.

Chapter Twenty-Two.


A few hours after being on the road, we arrive home. Once Nathan parks the car, Bea rushes to me, throwing her arms around me.

"How was it?" she asks excitedly.

"It was wonderful," I say.

"Why don't you two go catch up and I'll meet you back here later," Nathan suggests, followed with a kiss to my forehead.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course."

Bea throws her arm around my shoulder as we walk toward the apartment we shared.

"Bea, I can't even put it into words how beautiful the bonding ceremony was, and the village and the people. It was magical. I hope you get to visit."

Inside the apartment, it feels foreign to me. I know living here will no longer be my life. My life with Nathan has started and I'm so excited for what the future holds for us. Bea places her hands on my shoulders and looks into my eyes.

"Your eyes are different."

"Oh my G.o.d, you can tell?" I panic, not wanting people to notice.

"I can only tell because I'm a witch, remember? I'm sure your average person wouldn't notice. They are such a deep purple they almost look like your natural brown color. I see the blue specs throughout, which makes your eyes stand out. So you're immortal now?"

"I am. Look at this," I tell her as I pull my sleeve down my shoulder.

"Holy s.h.i.+t, that b.u.t.terfly looks real. It's so beautiful and lifelike. Wow, Riley."

"My eyes and the tattoo turned the day after the ceremony. The deacon and even Nathan said it was a quick transition."

"Do you feel any different?"

"No. I mean, certain sounds and colors are heightened, but other than that, I don't feel different. I think it has something to do with the magic Nathan and I share."

"You're an immortal witch now. That is all kinds of bada.s.s," Bea says.

I pull on the refrigerator door. "Got anything good to eat?" I scour the contents inside.

"Here, I made your favorite." Bea reaches for a foil wrapped product off the stove. Shutting the refrigerator door, I move toward her and she hands me the food. Opening the food, I can smell the banana.

"You made me banana bread?" Taking a slice from inside the foil, I immediately bite into it. "Mmmm. Oh, before I forget, tomorrow we are going on a short road trip. Nathan is taking us, well me to meet his brother. You're coming along. I think you could use a little getaway."

"Perfect. Is he hot?" Bea twirls a blonde curl in her hand and I can see the deviousness in her eyes.

"h.e.l.l, I don't know. But I'm guessing so if he looks anything like Nathan." I take another bite of banana bread. "They are twins afterall."

Bea suddenly grabs my hand. "Oh my G.o.d. Did Nathan get you a ring? It's so freaking gorgeous."

"Yes, we picked out rings while we were there. I got to pick whatever I wanted. He picked out a silver band to match."

"It's beautiful. You deserve all the happiness you are experiencing."

"Yeah, now we just got to get you hooked up with your person. Speaking of which, have you still been having your visions of the man? Anything new?"

Bea leans against the kitchen counter, her hands gripping the edge. "Still having the visions, but nothing new. Just the same thing."


"Yeah, it's really annoying when I can't place a name with the face or anything."

"I bet. Okay, well, I better get over to Nathan. Text you later when to meet us outside tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay. See you then."

I wave and head across the street. Walking inside, the house feels exciting and new and Nathan hangs up the phone just as I walk in.

Excitedly, he grips my shoulders and smiles. "Good news! I got a job over at the high school in the town over. It's like ten minutes away."

"Nathan, that's amazing!" I lean up and hug him tightly. "Congratulations."

"Thank you. I guess we can start looking at houses. Moving to the next town over, you can still attend college here and be close to Bea. Then after you graduate, we can decide where we want to relocate. The downside of being an immortal is moving around a lot. That way people don't catch on to us not aging. But we should be good for four to five years anywhere we live."

"I can understand that. I'm so happy to be starting my life with you. As long as I'm with you, I don't care where we live."

Nathan scoops me up in his arms. "Oh that note, I'm taking you to bed."

I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me upstairs and into the bedroom. As we start to make love, Nathan pays special attention to my body and how it reacts to his touch. "I'm about to make you feel so good, Riley." He kisses down my now naked body, starting at my neck and working his way down my stomach, kissing my belly. Placing himself between my legs, he spreads them wider and starts to lick my c.l.i.t with his tongue, then inserts a finger inside me. My hand reaches down and I run my fingers through his tousled hair.

I feel like I might combust from the adrenaline running through my veins. My back arches and Nathan slides his body back up to me, kissing me fiercely and with hooded eyes. He thrusts inside me and I convulse against him. Nathan releases inside me and rests his forehead on mine while we catch our breath. Nathan rolls to my side and traces my skin with his fingertips.

I breathlessly breathe out. "So I'm meeting your brother tomorrow. What's he like?"

"You'll see. He manages a sports bar for a living. Every time he moves, he opens another one by franchising. But he can only keep that up for so long. But you'll like him. He knows a little about you, about when we first met."

"Good. What time should I tell Bea to meet us? I told her I'd text her."

"We'll leave around one. I'm sure he'll treat us to lunch. He has a pool table in his bas.e.m.e.nt, so I'm sure he'll try to show off."

I giggle. "Boys will be boys."

"It'll be fun. Now, try to get some sleep. You had an exciting couple of days. And we are going on another road trip tomorrow."

At exactly one, Bea meets us at the house, dressed to the nines as usual, in her dark skinny jeans and a black sparkly halter top and black pumps, her blonde curls bouncing on her shoulders.

"Geez, look at you Ms. Hot Stuff."

She laughs. "Well, you never know who you're gonna meet."

In the driver's seat, Nathan chuckles and shakes his head. On the way there, I give Bea the details on what I know about his brother. Nathan refuses to tell us more, figuring we'll just see when we get there. Since our road trip is over an hour, Bea and I sing along to a few Beyonce songs, as well as Maroon Five. Nathan officially thinks we are crazy.

Laughing and having a good time, we arrive to Nathan's brother's place. Ringing the door bell, we wait for him to answer. Bea is standing behind Nathan and me.

A tall dark haired man answers, and immediately, I see the resemblance between him and Nathan. Though he has darker hair, and is about six inches taller, he also has hazel eyes and is well built. Then it hits me.

"Hey, bro," Nathan says. "This is Riley, my girl, and her friend Bea. Ladies, this is my brother, Alex."

We move inside and both Bea and I are sh.e.l.l shocked. I'm having trouble forming words when Bea walks right up to him and cups his cheeks in her hands. "Is it really you?" she asks, stunned.

He smiles at her and places his hands over hers. "It's me."

Nathan gives me a perplexed look. So I tell him what Bea and I know. "Bea has been having visions of a man. Your brother is her one person. He's who she is meant to be with. She only ever saw his face, never knew his name or anything like that. She let me see her vision through magic, while you and I were apart. I never thought it would be your brother."

"I can't believe you're real," Bea says.

"How is all this possible?" Nathan asks, because clearly his brother is not bothered by a young thing touching him and saying the things she is saying.

"Well, seeing how I've never been married I always knew I was meant for someone, I contacted an old witch I knew from way back. I asked her to see if I'd ever get married or meet the woman I was supposed to be with. She did a spell and connected with Bea somehow. And that's when Bea must have started to get her visions. All I saw were those beautiful blonde curls and the bluest eyes."

Bea blushes. Bea never blushes.

"Why don't we all sit down and eat?" Alex says. Bea is snuggled in the crook of his arm.

My heart is full. Full of love and happiness. My best friend found her one. Already having the food ready, Alex places everything on the table and tells us to help ourselves.

Nathan fills Alex in on how he and I came to be, and about our bond. It's a bond that Alex and Bea will also share. She's quiet the whole time we are eating. After eating and talking for an hour, or so, I offer to help clear the table, but Alex insists that he doesn't need a.s.sistance.

"Where's your bathroom?"

"Oh, it's right around the corner and to the right," Alex says.

I wink at Nathan and grab Bea and pull her with me. Finding the restroom, I pull her inside and shut the door.

"Why so quiet? I've never known you be at a loss for words," I tell Bea while putting a hand on my hip.

"Ha ha ha." She crosses her arms over her chest. "Dude, I never expected to meet the one I'm supposed to be with. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it, you know. It's crazy. And he's Nathan's brother. And he's just so freaking hot I don't know how to act. Part of me wants to drag him to the bedroom right now, and part of me wants to be a good girl." She smirks.

"Well, try to not jump his bones in my presence, please. But seriously, you should loosen up." I shake Bea's shoulders. "He won't bite. Well, I can't guarantee that, but you know what I mean." I smile. "Just be yourself. You should be celebrating this moment."

We find our way back to the kitchen. "Everything okay?" Nathan asks.

I smile. "Yep, everything is fine."

"We were just going to go down to the bas.e.m.e.nt to shoot pool and have a cigar."

"Great," Bea says.

Nathan and I follow Alex and Bea down the stairs, and I see him grab her hand gingerly and their fingers interlock. The bas.e.m.e.nt is completely finished with carpeting, a pool table and a small bar off to the side.

"Can I offer you ladies a beer or something?" Alex asks.

"Sure, I'll take one," Bea says, and I nod.

Handing us both a beer, he moves to give his brother each a cigar and then takes one for himself. I catch Nathan's eye as he lights his up and he winks at me. I wink back and we watch them play a game of pool.

Because we are completely clueless when it comes to pool, the guys try to show us, and we try to be seductive, but it just doesn't look good on us. Instead, we giggle a lot and do a lot of high fiving when we get the ball to go where we want.

After a few rounds of pool, Nathan suggests that we should go.

"Thanks for having us, Alex," I tell him, as we head to the door.

Alex has his arm around Bea, and she looks quite comfortable. "I think I'm going to hang back," she says, leaning in to hug me.

"Oh, okay. Call me later or whatever," I tell her.

After saying our goodbyes, Nathan and I walk out the door toward the car.

"Yeah, you probably won't see or hear from Bea for at least a week," he says as he opens my car door.

"Oh my G.o.d," I say, shaking my head, but I smile huge. I can only imagine. I'll be lucky if I hear from her at all. I laugh at the thought. I'm glad she was able to come out of her sh.e.l.l after our little talk. She probably needed that.

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The Butterfly Effect Part 16 summary

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