The Butterfly Effect Part 3

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"I hope you're hungry," he says, grinning.

"Yes," I say, crossing my arms over my chest and giving him the you need to tell me now look.

"Okay, when we sit, I'll tell you all about it."

I watch as Nathan moves around the kitchen, and then plates the food, setting the plates on the table and filling the with water.

"How did you do that over there?"

His eyebrows raise. "That was you. I accidentally saw you in your room, and all I saw was fire until I realized what you were doing. So naturally, I rushed over there before you caught the place on fire."

Chapter Five.


"I was perfectly in control," I say.

"That fireball was not you in control. So I guess I'll just come out with it. I'm a witch of sorts. I possess a lot of magic, so much magic that I'm one of the most powerful witches. Most refer to me as The Wizard. I don't mind it, actually. But you my dear, Riley, are the witch of nature. I knew this afternoon when you attracted all the animals. It's you."

"How did you become a witch?" I stab my food with the fork.

He chuckles. "Been since birth, I guess. My mom was struck by lightning when she was pregnant with me and my brother. And it got her pretty good, I guess. So my dad rushed her to the hospital to make sure everything was okay. And it was. But we were born with some powerful abilities. I've mastered the technique so well, all I have to do is flick my finger a certain way, say a chant, and something happens."

"You mentioned people refer to you as The Wizard. Is this recent?"

When he spoke of people referring to him as The Wizard, my mom's words reminded me that I had heard that before. But I have to hear it from him.

He reaches across the table, and touches my hands. And the sparks between us ignite.

"Riley, there is something I need to tell you. I'm a few hundred years old. I'm immortal, so is my brother. But people think we're in our late twenties."

I swallow a hard lump. "How do you know you're immortal?"

"Because my brother and I have had plenty of near death experiences messing around as boys that we shouldn't even be alive." He chuckles.

"So you and your brother are immortal?"

"Yes. Riley, you astound me and I can't believe you are taking this all in and you aren't scared, especially about the immortal part."

"Well, I am a witch, so not much can faze me. It's so weird, because I know for a fact that my mom has mentioned "The Wizard" before. I was a little girl, and I confidently told her maybe I would meet him. And here we are."

Nathan's eyes crinkle as he smiles. "So tell me about you and your witchiness." We've just finished dinner and he props his head in the palm of his head, and is deeply interested about me. I start from the beginning and leave out the kissing part. That will have to wait.

After a super long engaging conversation, I'm back at my place. Hoping that Bea calls me soon or lets me know she's home. Funny enough, talking with Nathan was easy, so easy that I forgot he is my professor. The nostalgia from when I was little came to life today, all those years ago when my mother sat me down to tell me a story.

Friday approaches and Ace texts me, inviting me to come to his game to watch him. Not having anything else to do, I agree. Cursing myself for agreeing because of the cold, I'll have to really bundle up. After the next few games, I won't get to see any until the season starts back up. Dressing into warm clothes with a coat, gloves, and a hat I hike to the stadium and the cool air surrounds me.

Arriving early, I spot Ace practicing. He waves up in the stands at me. I wave and smile back. Once I spot the concession stand, I head over to order a mug of hot cocoa.

"Make that two," Someone says behind me. The familiar voice belongs to Nathan.

"Thanks, Professor Murphy," I say, playing it off.

When we walk away, I smile at him. "What brings you here?"

"I can't teach at a college where I can't support the sporting events."

"I didn't peg you for the football type," I say boldly.

"I didn't peg you for the type either."

"Well, I'm here supporting my friend Ace," I admit.

"Ace, huh?" he says enthused.

I c.o.c.k my head. "He's just a friend."

"Drink your hot chocolate before you freeze to death."

I smile. Is he just a tad jealous?

The game starts and the stadium fills up, providing me with extra warmth. Nathan is to my left, deeply involved in the game while I can make no sense of the rules or the plays. I do know the goal is to make a touchdown, so I watch Ace's number 44 jersey. Ace is a beast, while those that try to catch him or tackle him bounce off him like he's steel. I watch in amazement.

Then the unthinkable happens; Ace trips, and then Nathan chuckles. It happens again. He gets tackled, more like trampled. He trips again. I watch in horror. One bad thing after another, and Nathan is laughing his a.s.s off. He can't contain himself. That's when I knew.

"Oh my G.o.d, you are horrible. Stop doing that," I hiss, hitting him on the arm.

"Doing what?" he asks innocently.

"Stop it. You're making him do those things. Is this how you get your rocks off, because this," I circle my finger around, "is not attractive."

I stand then walk away.

"Oh come on; I was messing around," I hear him say.

Ticked off by Nathan's childish behavior, I leave the stands and move to stand along the sidelines to watch the rest of the game. Unfortunately, the coach pulled Ace from the game, hitting him on the shoulder and asking him what the h.e.l.l is going on.

Disgusted with everything, I head home. Students are scattered everywhere, so I don't worry about my safety after dark. But the warmth of home is definitely calling me. Inside my apartment, I flick on the light I'm thankful for the heat, shedding my coat and warm clothes in exchange for pajamas and the coziness of my bed.

One week has gone by since I last saw Nathan. Unfortunately, I miss the guy. But the way he acted was immature and something I didn't expect, from him especially. But I can't dwell on that because I feel like I have a burst of energy to burn off, and I head to the one place I've been dying to see. The dance studio. It's a place I've been familiar with since my early days of dancing. Shockingly, when I see who is in there and I hear the music, my pulse kicks up when I see Ace dancing. He spots me, motioning with his hand and inviting me in.

"I see you found out my secret." He smirks.

"I didn't know you danced," I say, shocked.

"I didn't know you did either," he says, looking at my dancing outfit. A black bodysuit and leggings.

He takes my hand, and I'm immediately back to where nothing else matters but me and the music. Even dancing with Ace is euphoric, our body collectively matching the other, in sync. Dancing with a partner helps you build trust. You have to trust that they won't let you fall, and if you do, they are there to offer a hand to help you back up.

If you can't trust your dance partner then you can't be one hundred percent in. The way he whips my body around and brings me back in to him. It's the kind of dance where you have to show pa.s.sion, and heat and with Ace, that isn't hard to do.


It's almost the weekend, and I arrive at my brother's place for our monthly get together. Being twins meant I always had a built in best friend. We've always been close growing up. He manages a sports bar for a living.

Knocking on the door, Alex greets me. "Hey, little brother." He smiles bright, patting me on the shoulder.

I hate when he calls me little because he is only three minutes older than me. Walking inside, I follow him to the kitchen where he hands me a beer and grabs one for himself. "So what's new?" he asks, twisting the cap off.

"Nothing. Same ole, same ole," I tell him.

"You are a terrible liar. Always have been. You have been grinning ever since you arrived, and I know it's not just because you're seeing me. So spill it. There's a girl, isn't there?"

s.h.i.+t, I forgot I was talking to my brother. I could never get anything pa.s.sed him when we were younger, and even now he knows instantly I'm holding something back. "Yes and no. It's complicated," I say. "I thought we were going to play pool." I try to change the subject.

"Fine, come on," he says.

I follow him down to the bas.e.m.e.nt where he has the pool table. Grabbing a pool stick, I wait while he organizes the b.a.l.l.s in the triangle.

"I'm not going to let up until you tell me. What's she like?"

I shake my head. Even one hour away from home, Riley is still on my mind. I wonder if she went home for winter break. She probably went home with her friend. They seem like they've been close for a long time.

"If I tell you, I don't want to hear any sort of lecture. I already know how all kinds of wrong it is."

He looks up at me curiously, and then shoots the ball with his stick. "Okay fine."

"She's a student of mine. Nothing has happened, but there have been several occasions where something could have happened. She's s.e.xy, yet innocent. She's made it very clear that she wants me. So far I have managed to resist her, but I'm not sure how much longer this little dance will go on before something does happen."

"You know you could get fired, right?" Alex says.

"I know. f.u.c.k. She lives right across the street from me, right off campus. I just can't find myself staying away from her, especially since she started as my a.s.sistant. I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Dude, I have no words. Maybe just f.u.c.k her once and get it out of your system." He shrugs and grins. "Besides, with the way you and I are, our family line... she's mortal, and we are immortal. But sounds like you're screwed, my brother." He smiles patting my shoulder.

"Yeah, maybe. I just don't know. Your jaw would even drop if you saw her. She has these big doe brown eyes so innocent looking. Then she has long, deep caramel colored hair, and a f.u.c.king banging body."

I leave out the part about her being a witch for now. After a game of pool, Alex offers me a cigar, and I agree.

"Like I said, f.u.c.k her and get it out of your system. You should be good after that," he tells me. "Wham bam, thank you, ma'am." He chuckles.

Somehow, I don't think it will be that easy. Just f.u.c.king someone just to be f.u.c.king isn't my style. I've never looked at another student the way I look at her. So this is new to me. There is some sort of connection between us. I would never just have a one night stand for kicks. I'd rather jerk off. Plus, you have to be careful these days. Being single sucks.

An hour later, I bid Alex goodbye. "Let me know how everything goes."

"Will do. I'll see you."

I walk out into the brisk air and get in my car, turning the heat up full blast. I s.h.i.+ver from the cold. On the drive back home, it starts to snow, and Riley consumes my mind. The thought of brus.h.i.+ng my hand across her soft cheek comes to my mind, as well as kissing her soft lips. I wonder what she would taste like. Probably f.u.c.king delicious.

How am I going to resist her? I can only imagine what she does to the college boys. I bet they try to get in her pants a lot. The thought of anybody touching her me off so much, my knuckles turn white from gripping the steering wheel. I already feel possessive of her. I'm royally f.u.c.ked, just like Alex said. Plain and simple.

Arriving on campus an hour later, the snow has quickly acc.u.mulated, and I stop in my office for some papers I forgot to grab earlier. After I grab my papers, I hear music faintly somewhere. I follow it. It takes me a while to find it, but when I do, my breath is stolen from me. Riley is in the auditorium doing some sort of ch.o.r.eography dance with a guy. When they turn, I recognize Ace. I silently watch her, from the door; she hadn't heard the door close behind me. The two are engrossed in the dance routine.

I'm mesmerized by her graceful movements. The way her body sways to the music, the way she seems lost in the music...her sorrow fills the room. I can't take my eyes off her, not even to blink. She's wearing a black bodysuit, and is barefoot. Focused on her movements, she moves so fluidly. I f.u.c.king hate seeing another man lay his hands on her, even if they are just practicing a ch.o.r.eographed dance. And it just so happens to be Ace Givens. Her moves are elegant as she goes from one position to the next, kicking her legs up and swinging her body. Suddenly, she sees me watching her and moves to turn off the music.

She turns to the Ace thanking him for the dance. Sweat beads dance across her face, and she swipes a towel over her face as she walks toward me.

"Hi," I say nervously.

"Hey," she says, catching her breath.

Chapter Six.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude," he says, looking shameful that he was watching me.

"How much did you see?" I ask.

"Not much," he says. "You looked really great up there. I take it there are a lot of years of practice behind it. I'm sorry about the game last week. I don't know what came over me."

"I'll let it slide this time." I give him a look, putting a hand on my hip. "And yes, I've done it most of my life. I ended up quitting in high school. I've gained a little weight since, so I just thought I would try to see if I still had it in me." She takes a deep breath. "So what are doing here on a Friday night?" I ask him.

"I had some papers to grab on my way home. I just got back from visiting my brother. I figured you'd be away for winter break."

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The Butterfly Effect Part 3 summary

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