The Butterfly Effect Part 9

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Well, compared to me being a witch and finding out Nathan is a wizard this is no more shocking. Okay, maybe a little more shocking.

"I'm not freaked out. I knew you wouldn't hurt me. So I'm guessing that was you in my backyard and you know," I a.s.sume.

He walks to grab his beer and takes a swig of it. "I know what you are, and, yes that was me. Don't worry; your secret is safe with me." He steps closer to me. "Whatever he did to break your heart, he doesn't deserve you." He lightly hooks his fingers with mine. "I feel protective over you because of what you are. I think whatever this is between us is going to be a beautiful friends.h.i.+p." He smiles.

I smile at him, almost beaming. "I'm guessing you aren't the only s.h.i.+fter in this house."

"No. Trent is, as well as a few others. They know about you and Bea. But it's nothing to worry about."

"How do they know?"

He sits down on the porch stairs and I sit next to him. "It's hard to explain really, but I'll try."

I take another drink of my beer and listen for Ace to tell me the story. "When I was young, my father told me about a witch of nature that I would form a relations.h.i.+p with and protect her over any harm. You're kind of a legend among us."

"I am?"

"Yes. I didn't even need to see you in your backyard to know it was you. I just knew. So when you are feeling down or similar emotions, we look out for you. More like watch over you to make sure you're okay."

"I don't know what to say. This is overwhelming."

"We would never ever hurt you or Bea. Even I still feel a strong pull toward you because you are powerful and can help us just as much as we can help you."

"How so?" I ask.

"Well, say for instance we get hurt for some reason. You have the power to heal our wounds. You also have the power to kill us, depending on your magic. But I know you would never do that. You have good magic in you, Riley. I will do anything and everything to keep you safe."

We just stare at each other for a few moments before he speaks again.

"As for Nathan, well, like I said, he doesn't deserve you. Of course, I know it's more complicated than that, isn't it?"

"It is," I respond. "You have to swear not to say a word to anyone, not even him. There are bigger things at play here, and Bea doesn't even know."

He reaches over and touches my hand. "Don't worry about it. But I had to reveal myself to you so there'd be no secrets between us. Now, how about we go in there and show em' how it's done?" He smiles wide.

I nod as he stands and takes my hand.

Chapter Thirteen.


No wonder things feel so natural between Ace and I. He's my protector.

Inside the house, Ace still has a hold on my hand and the music is vibrating through the house as we make it to the living room. He tells everyone to step back to give us s.p.a.ce. He lets go of my hands and moves to change the song on the radio pod, and I grin. Now he stands across the room from me, our eyes locked on each other. Slowly, we walk toward each other, and the b.u.t.terflies dance in my stomach, making me nervous after realizing I'm in a room full of my cla.s.smates.

Ace takes my hand and swings me around then brings me back to him and I giggle. The moves are so fluid in motion and seamless. For once, my mind is clear and I'm having such a good time. Then the unthinkable happens. Fire erupts around us; everyone is screaming trying to get out. Ace pushes me out the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask, my hair whipping around me.

"I'll be back." He rushes back inside the fiery blaze.

My thoughts immediately turn to Bea, hoping she's okay. I stand back as the blaze engulfs farther. Ace comes out carrying a friend, while Trent and Bea are clung to each other for dear life.

"Thank G.o.d you're okay." I wrap my arms around Bea. She breathes a sigh of relief.

The guy Ace carried out doesn't look good. With the firefighters on their way, Bea and the guys that are okay surround me, so no one sees. Getting to my knees, Bea joins me on the other side of the body, and we join hands and chant. Even though Bea is a different type of witch, with both of our powers joined, it provides more a.s.surance to cure the wound. I pull my hands from Bea as we continue to chant, and I place my hand on the wound. I'm thankful for studying my family's magic book. After a few moments, I release my hand and the color has come back to the guy's face, and the wound has completely healed.

The guys look in amazement, as well as Bea. She and I have practiced spells on each other but not on anyone else.

"Thanks," the guy says thankfully as he sits up.

I stand, and we watch as the firefighters put the fire out. Bea turns to me. "What the h.e.l.l was that back there with the fire?"

"I don't know. I thought maybe it was you," I tell her.

She shakes her head. "I thought it was you, because we both know you're magic is a little out of whack lately."

"I don't see how that could have been me. I was happy, dancing with Ace and not thinking about anything else."

"It definitely wasn't me. Maybe you did it unintentionally and just didn't realize it."

"G.o.d, what am I going to do, Bea?" I ask, worried.

"I don't know."

I turn to Ace. "I'm sorry about what happened. Do you guys have a place to stay?" I feel responsible for what happened. Somehow my magic got out of whack and I'm not any closer to controlling it than I was before. Sadly, I might have no choice but to ask Nathan for help. I need to ask before things go from bad to worse.

"It's not your fault, Riley. Don't worry about it. The guys and I will stay at my parents' cabin just outside of town for now. And thanks for saving Liam."

"Of course."

"I'll see you around," Ace says as he and his buddies turn to leave.

Bea and I walk back to our apartment, still shaken up about the events that just unfolded before our eyes. "Ace is a shape s.h.i.+fter, a bear to be exact. He told me everything tonight."

"I already know. Trent told me. It wasn't my place to tell you about Ace. So I let him tell you. And that show you to put on. Oh. My. G.o.d. I knew you could dance, but I didn't know he could."

I laugh. "We kind of had a dancing session in the studio during winter break. I wasn't expecting to run into him when I went there and he was there practicing. So we danced. It wasn't more than that."

"Have you even kissed him, Riley? How do you know if he isn't the one?"

"No, I haven't kissed him. I don't need to, because I know who the one is and I just don't want to talk about it. Besides, I think I would have some sort of inkling if Ace were the one."

"Riley, how do you know you are only meant to be with one person? Maybe there is more than one out there for you. Maybe you're being tested to see who you pick, and maybe that determines your destiny," Bea confesses.

What if Bea is right? What if there is more than one meant for me? What if I choose wrong?

"I think my life just became a lot more complicated. I still stand by already finding the one. I'm ninety nine percent sure," I express. "This is all making my head hurt."

"I'm just throwing all that out there, because sometimes things aren't always as clear as they seem."

"Judging by my tattoo, I know I found the one. The tattoo was the one thing I could count on, and right now, it's fading with each day that, and it was bright and colorful while I was with him."

I ponder everything Bea has said and one percent of me might even agree with her. But if I kiss someone other than Nathan, a part of me would feel like I'd be betraying him even though we aren't together right now, and even though I know my heart lies with him, no matter where my journey heads.

"I'm going to head to bed. There was way too much excitement for one night. See you tomorrow." I wave at Bea and head upstairs. My head is pounding, especially with everything that's happened the last few hours, and Bea's words putting doubt in my head.

As soon as my head hits the pillow, my eyes flutter and my scattered thoughts disappear.

"Riley, wake up," Bea shakes me awake. "Your mom is here. She's on her way up," she says, with a worried look.

In bed, I pull myself up, placing my back against the headboard, and I flip my hair to the side. As soon as I see her, I run to her and put my arms around her. "Mom. I've missed you." I kiss her cheek. But even I see the concern on her face. "What is it?"

"Why don't you get dressed and I'll talk while you do so?"

I do as my mother says. "Is this about me not coming home for Christmas?"

"No. Unfortunately, I'm here on a mission. You are in danger, Riley. Grave danger."

Sliding on my jeans, I stop what I'm doing and look at her, confused. "How can I be in danger?" I offer a nervous laugh. "Mom, I found the one."

"Nathan is not who he says he is, Riley," she says sternly.

I finish dressing and I can't even believe the words she just said. How did she even know about Nathan? But she has done things in the past that were shocking, so I didn't question her. "Yes, he's the one, Mom."

She places her hand on my leg. "I'm really sorry, but he's been manipulating you the whole time. He's really good at that. I'm sorry, Riley but the feelings you think you have for him have all been manipulation. He can make you feel those l.u.s.tful thoughts, and pull you in to make you think he loves you. He's a dark witch, with dark and disastrous powers. He craves all the magic he can get."

Tears stream down my cheeks.

"He's after your magic. Has your magic been crazy, like out of whack?"

"Yes, it has actually." I just can't believe I was so nave and oblivious to Nathan's magic. He never showed me that much, only in my backyard and casually while I was with him. How could I be so stupid?

"Well, he's making your magic be out of control whenever he is near. He wants to possess it and will do anything to achieve that."

Bea stands in the corner of the room, shocked to her core. She had no clue because I kept it a secret, because I thought his career was actually in jeopardy. Because I was so stupid to think this was actually love.

"I know things have happened between you two. I mean, I can imagine they have." She looks at me for a.s.surance and I nod. She remains silent for a moment as I try to let everything sink in. None of this is helping the tears that continue to flow. I'm so hurt; it's beyond anything I can comprehend.

"I can break the bond between you. It will make you forget any feelings you had for him. And it will hurt like h.e.l.l. Breaking the bond will even make you sick for a day or so. It'll hurt. But I can do it."

I jump up. "Then do it. Please undo it. Feeling this way is torture and I'm not sure how much more I can take."

"Well, first we have to arrange to keep you safe, somewhere away from here. I know you have a bond with Ace Givens. He can keep you safe. I trust him. He can mask your magic so no one detects you are with him as long as he is around. At least until you're safe."

Bea takes her phone out of her pocket and I watch as she slides out of the room.

"Then you can do it as soon as possible?" I pace the floor.

"Yes, but we have to be ready for you to go as soon as it happens, because Nathan will know. And the first place he'll come is here. You don't need to worry about me. Your aunts are here as well to help me."

Bea casually comes back into the room, tucking her phone in her jeans pocket. "I called Ace. He and the guys are staying at his family's cabin and they are on their way. It'll be about forty five minutes until they get here."

"Thanks, Bea."

"By the way, Bea, here I thought my daughter was the one to be worrying about you. Your mom would be proud. Now, if just Riley could see..." Mom says.

"See what?" I ask, confused.

"See what's right in front of you. And that's all I'm saying," Mom replies.

What she says. .h.i.ts me like a wrecking ball. Ace Givens. We've had a connection since our first meeting. I always feel at ease in his presence. He always makes me smile or laugh. Maybe the connection between us is more powerful than I realized. I just didn't see it because of Nathan's hold on me. I hate Nathan Murphy. Ace has probably known all along that he and I should be together. I let the silence sink in around me.

When Bea's phones rings, she answers, telling them to wait with the car running and for Ace to meet us in the house.

"How come Nathan isn't after Bea's magic?"

"Because your magic is one of the most powerful. No offense, Bea." Mom smiles at Bea. "Now should we do this or what?"

I nod. Mom takes my hands into hers and I close my eyes as she does. She chants a spell and I completely focus on her words, because I need the spell to be broken between me and Nathan. Because I don't want to feel this pain anymore.

Once Mom gets to a certain point, the pain hits me hard, and I double over in excruciating pain while continuing to hold my hands with Mom's. Her eyes remain closed as she chants. When she lets go of my hands, I collapse.

Chapter Fourteen.


Okay, so maybe I haven't been the most truthful person. Hurting Riley was not in my plans, especially not breaking her heart. But with her magic and mine, we could go places and do amazing things. We could merge our magic and become so powerful no one would be able to stop us. She just doesn't know that yet.

That moment in her backyard, her magic captivated me. Riley's magic is so strong and she doesn't even realize it. Surprisingly, she hasn't come to me yet for help to control her magic since I've been a d.i.c.k to her. The more time that, the more nervous I get.

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The Butterfly Effect Part 9 summary

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