Whipping Star Part 18

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"Good. f.a.n.n.y Mae will keep you posted on various things and bring your people here for reports and such as you need them. Won't you, f.a.n.n.y Mae?"

"Connectives remain available. Contract permits."

"Good girl."

"I'd almost forgotten how hot it was in here," Furuneo said, mopping his forehead. "So I can summon people. What else?"

"You watch for Abnethe."


"The instant she and one of her Palenki floggers make an appearance, you get a holoscan record of everything that happens. You do have your toolkit?"

"Of course."

"Fine. While you're scanning, get your instruments as close to the jumpdoor as you can."

"She'll probably close the door as soon as she sees what I'm doing."

"Don't count on it. Oh, one thing."


"You're my teaching a.s.sistant."

"Your what?"

McKie explained about the Caleban's agreement.

"So she can't get rid of us without violating the terms of her contract with f.a.n.n.y Mae," Furuneo said. "Cute." He pursed his lips. "That all?"

"No. I want you and f.a.n.n.y Mae to discuss connectives."


"Connectives. I want you to try finding out what in ten billion devils a Caleban means by connectives."

"Connectives," Furuneo said. "Is there any way to turn down the furnace in here?"

"You might take that as another subject: Try to discover the reason for all this heat."

"If I don't melt first. Where'll you be?"

"Hunting -- provided f.a.n.n.y Mae and I can agree on the connectives."

"You're not making sense."

"Right. But I'll try to make tracks -- if f.a.n.n.y Mae'll send me where the game is."

"Ahhh," Furuneo said. "You could walk into a trap."

"Maybe. f.a.n.n.y Mae, have you been listening?"

"Explain listening."

"Never mind!"

"But mind possesses ever!"

McKie closed his eyes, swallowed, then, "f.a.n.n.y Mae, are you aware of the information exchange just concluded between my friend and myself here?"

"Explain conclu . . ."

"Are you aware?" McKie bellowed.

"Amplification contributes little to communication," the Caleban said. "I possess desired awareness -- presumably."

"Presumably," McKie muttered, then, "Can you send me to a place near Abnethe where she will not be aware of me, but where I can be aware of her?"


"Why not?"

"Specific injunction of contract."

"Oh." McKie bent his head in thought, then, "Well, can you send me to a place where I might become aware of Abnethe through my own efforts?"

"Possibility. Permit examination of connectives."

McKie waited. The heat was a tangible thing inside the Beachball, a solid intrusion on his senses. He saw it was already beginning to wilt Furuneo.

"I saw my mother," Furuneo said, noting McKie's attention.

"That's great," McKie said.

"She was swimming with friends when the Caleban dumped me right in the pool with them. The water was wonderful."

"They were surprised, no doubt."

"They thought it was a great joke. I wish I knew how that S'eye system works."

"You and a billion billion others. The energy requirement gives me the chills."

"I could use a chill right now. You know, that's one weird sensation -- standing one minute talking to old friends, the next instant yakking at empty air here on Cordiality. What do you suppose they think?"

"They think it's magic."

"McKie," the Caleban said, "I love you."

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Whipping Star Part 18 summary

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