The Empire Project_ The Rise And Fall Of The British World-System, 1830-1970 Part 9

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Preface and acknowledgments 1. A. Smith A. Smith, The Wealth of Nations The Wealth of Nations [1776] (Everyman edn, 1910), p. 430. [1776] (Everyman edn, 1910), p. 430.2. J. A. Gallagher J. A. Gallagher, The Decline, Revival and Fall of the British Empire The Decline, Revival and Fall of the British Empire (Cambridge, 1982), p. 73. (Cambridge, 1982), p. 73.3. J. Gallagher J. Gallagher and and R. Robinson R. Robinson, 'The Imperialism of Free Trade', Economic History Review Economic History Review New Series, 6, 1 (1953), pp. 115. New Series, 6, 1 (1953), pp. 115.4. P. Cain and A. G. Hopkins, P. Cain and A. G. Hopkins, British Imperialism 16882000 British Imperialism 16882000 (new edn, 2002); (new edn, 2002); J. Darwin J. Darwin, 'Imperialism and the Victorians', English Historical Review English Historical Review 112 112, 447 (1997), p. 616.5. See See C. Bridge C. Bridge and and K. Fedorowich K. Fedorowich (eds.), (eds.), The British World: Diaspora, Culture and Ident.i.ty The British World: Diaspora, Culture and Ident.i.ty (2003), 'Introduction', for an excellent statement of this. (2003), 'Introduction', for an excellent statement of this.


1. For an authoritative account of early usage of the term, see A. Parchami, 'The Pax Romana, Britannica and Americana: A Conceptual and Historiographical Study' (Oxford, DPhil thesis, 2006). For an authoritative account of early usage of the term, see A. Parchami, 'The Pax Romana, Britannica and Americana: A Conceptual and Historiographical Study' (Oxford, DPhil thesis, 2006).2. The cla.s.sical account of this process is P. J. Cain and A. G. The cla.s.sical account of this process is P. J. Cain and A. G. Hopkins, British Imperialism Hopkins, British Imperialism, 2 vols. (1993). For the emphasis on the speculative and often fraudulent dimension of the City's foreign investment, see I. R. Phimister I. R. Phimister, 'Corners and Company-Mongering: Nigerian Tin and the City of London', Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 28 28 (2000), 23. (2000), 23.3. See See S. J. Potter S. J. Potter, News and the British World: The Emergence of an Imperial Press System 18761922 News and the British World: The Emergence of an Imperial Press System 18761922 (Oxford, 2003). (Oxford, 2003).4. The cla.s.sic account is in The cla.s.sic account is in S. B. Saul S. B. Saul, Studies in British Overseas Trade Studies in British Overseas Trade (Liverpool, 1960). (Liverpool, 1960).5. For the 'Black Indies', see For the 'Black Indies', see W. S. Jevons W. S. Jevons, The Coal Question: An Inquiry Concerning the Progress of the Nation, and the Probable Exhaustion of Our Coal Mines The Coal Question: An Inquiry Concerning the Progress of the Nation, and the Probable Exhaustion of Our Coal Mines (1865). (1865).6. Calculated by Calculated by M. G. Mulhall M. G. Mulhall, Dictionary of Statistics Dictionary of Statistics (1892), p. 545. (1892), p. 545.7. University of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransome Center for the Humanities, J. L. Garvin Papers: Milner to J. L. Garvin, 27 May 1917. University of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransome Center for the Humanities, J. L. Garvin Papers: Milner to J. L. Garvin, 27 May 1917.8. For the most influential exposition of this, see For the most influential exposition of this, see R. Robinson R. Robinson and and J. Gallagher J. Gallagher, Africa and the Victorians Africa and the Victorians (1961), esp. pp. 4712. (1961), esp. pp. 4712.9. This is the argument of This is the argument of A. L. Friedberg A. L. Friedberg, The Weary t.i.tan: Britain and the Experience of Relative Decline, 18951905 The Weary t.i.tan: Britain and the Experience of Relative Decline, 18951905 (Princeton, 1988). (Princeton, 1988).10. See J. Ferris, '"The Greatest Power on Earth": Great Britain in the 1920s'; B. McKercher, '"Our Most Dangerous Enemy": Great Britain Pre-eminent in the 1930s'; and See J. Ferris, '"The Greatest Power on Earth": Great Britain in the 1920s'; B. McKercher, '"Our Most Dangerous Enemy": Great Britain Pre-eminent in the 1930s'; and G. Martel G. Martel, 'The Meaning of Power: Rethinking the Decline and Fall of Great Britain', all in International History Review International History Review, 13 13 (1991). (1991).11. The grand argument of The grand argument of J. Gallagher J. Gallagher, The Decline, Revival and Fall of the British Empire The Decline, Revival and Fall of the British Empire (Cambridge, 1982). (Cambridge, 1982).12. For an example of this genre, see For an example of this genre, see A. McClintock A. McClintock, Imperial Leather: Race, Gender and s.e.xuality in the Colonial Contest Imperial Leather: Race, Gender and s.e.xuality in the Colonial Contest (1995). (1995).13. B. Porter B. Porter, The Absent-Minded Imperialists: Empire, Society and Culture in Britain The Absent-Minded Imperialists: Empire, Society and Culture in Britain (Oxford, 2004). (Oxford, 2004).14. P. J. Jupp, British Politics on the Eve of Reform (1998), p. 338. Sales of the leading London newspapers rose from 16 million per year in 1837 to 31.4 million in 1850. See P. J. Jupp, British Politics on the Eve of Reform (1998), p. 338. Sales of the leading London newspapers rose from 16 million per year in 1837 to 31.4 million in 1850. See J. White J. White, London in the Nineteenth Century London in the Nineteenth Century (2007), p. 230. (2007), p. 230.15. For this lament, see For this lament, see P. A. Buckner P. A. Buckner (ed.), (ed.), Canada and the British Empire (Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series) Canada and the British Empire (Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series) (Oxford, 2008), Introduction. (Oxford, 2008), Introduction.16. R. E. Robinson R. E. Robinson, 'The Non-European Foundations of European Imperialism: Sketch for a Theory of Collaboration', in R. Owen and B. Sutcliffe (eds.), Studies in the Theory of Imperialism Studies in the Theory of Imperialism (1972). (1972).17. Gallagher, Gallagher, Decline, Revival and Fall Decline, Revival and Fall, p. 75.18. See See S. Ward S. Ward, Australia and the British Embrace Australia and the British Embrace (Melbourne, 2001). (Melbourne, 2001).19. For the best accounts of this period, see For the best accounts of this period, see C. A. Bayly C. A. Bayly, Imperial Meridian Imperial Meridian (1989); and the three Presidential Addresses by P. J. Marshall on 'Britain and the World in the Eighteenth Century', (1989); and the three Presidential Addresses by P. J. Marshall on 'Britain and the World in the Eighteenth Century', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 1998, 1999, 2000. For a longer perspective, see B. Simms B. Simms, Three Victories and a Defeat: The Rise and Fall of the First British Empire, 17141783 Three Victories and a Defeat: The Rise and Fall of the First British Empire, 17141783 (2007). (2007).20. B. R. Mitch.e.l.l B. R. Mitch.e.l.l, Abstract of British Historical Statistics Abstract of British Historical Statistics (Cambridge, 1971), p. 130. (Cambridge, 1971), p. 130.21. The closing lines of the The closing lines of the Wealth of Nations Wealth of Nations.

Chapter 1.

1. C. W. Dilke C. W. Dilke, Greater Britain Greater Britain (1869). (1869).2. For Naoroji's views, see For Naoroji's views, see chapter 5 chapter 5.3. PP 18678 (197) VI.789, Select Committee on Duties Performed by the British Army in India and the Colonies: PP 18678 (197) VI.789, Select Committee on Duties Performed by the British Army in India and the Colonies: Report, Proceedings Report, Proceedings.4. Reflected in the appointment of the Royal (Carnarvon) Commission on Colonial Defence 187982. Its report (TNA, CAB 7/24) was left unpublished. Reflected in the appointment of the Royal (Carnarvon) Commission on Colonial Defence 187982. Its report (TNA, CAB 7/24) was left unpublished.5. PP 1837 (425) VII.1, PP 1837 (425) VII.1, Report of Select Committee on Aborigines in British Settlements Report of Select Committee on Aborigines in British Settlements, p. 3.6. For Canning's views and policy, For Canning's views and policy, P. J. V. Rolo P. J. V. Rolo, George Canning: Three Biographical Studies George Canning: Three Biographical Studies (1965), pp. 22333. (1965), pp. 22333.7. C. K. Webster C. K. Webster, The Foreign Policy of Palmerston 18301841 The Foreign Policy of Palmerston 18301841 (1951), II, p. 832: Grey to Palmerston, 23 April 1833. (1951), II, p. 832: Grey to Palmerston, 23 April 1833.8. E. D. Steele E. D. Steele, Palmerston and Liberalism, 18551865 Palmerston and Liberalism, 18551865 (Cambridge, 1991), p. 293. (Cambridge, 1991), p. 293.9. Webster, Webster, Palmerston Palmerston, I, p. 390.10. C. S. Parker, C. S. Parker, Sir Robert Peel Sir Robert Peel, 3 vols. (2nd edn, 1899), III, p. 405: Wellington to Peel, 22 September 1845.11. Webster, Webster, Palmerston Palmerston, II, p. 848: Palmerston to Melbourne, 26 October 1840.12. Parker, Parker, Peel Peel, III, p. 208: Peel to Wellington, 9 August 1845.13. Webster, Webster, Palmerston Palmerston, II, p. 842: Palmerston to Melbourne, 8 June 1835.14. For a brilliant survey, see For a brilliant survey, see A. Rieber A. Rieber, 'Persistent Factors in Russian Foreign Policy', in H. Ragsdale H. Ragsdale (ed.), (ed.), Imperial Russian Foreign Policy Imperial Russian Foreign Policy (Cambridge, 1993). (Cambridge, 1993).15. Webster, Webster, Palmerston Palmerston, II, pp. 7389: Palmerston to J. C. Hobhouse, 14 February 1840.16. The French expeditionary force was twice the size of the British. The French expeditionary force was twice the size of the British.17. Henry Clay Henry Clay, Speech in Defence of the American System against the British Colonial System Speech in Defence of the American System against the British Colonial System (Was.h.i.+ngton, 1832), p. 26. Clay had been Secretary of State in 18259, and was a senator in 183142. (Was.h.i.+ngton, 1832), p. 26. Clay had been Secretary of State in 18259, and was a senator in 183142.18. Ibid Ibid., p. 18.19. D. W. Meinig D. W. Meinig, The Shaping of America: Volume 2: Continental America, 18001867 The Shaping of America: Volume 2: Continental America, 18001867 (1993), p. 155. Meinig's is a brilliant a.n.a.lysis of the geopolitical issues. (1993), p. 155. Meinig's is a brilliant a.n.a.lysis of the geopolitical issues.20. Henry C. Carey, Henry C. Carey, The Past, the Present and the Future The Past, the Present and the Future (1847). Quoted in (1847). Quoted in D. Ross D. Ross, The Origins of American Social Science The Origins of American Social Science (Cambridge, 1990), p. 46. (Cambridge, 1990), p. 46.21. R. Bullen R. Bullen, Palmerston, Guizot and the Collapse of the Entente Cordiale Palmerston, Guizot and the Collapse of the Entente Cordiale (1974), pp. 3841; (1974), pp. 3841; J. S. Galbraith J. S. Galbraith, The Hudson's Bay Company as an Imperial Factor The Hudson's Bay Company as an Imperial Factor (Berkeley, 1957), pp. 246, 261. (Berkeley, 1957), pp. 246, 261.22. Southampton University Library Palmerston Papers PP/LE/230 (consulted online), Palmerston to Sir G. C. Lewis, 26 August 1861. 10,000 soldiers were to be sent. Southampton University Library Palmerston Papers PP/LE/230 (consulted online), Palmerston to Sir G. C. Lewis, 26 August 1861. 10,000 soldiers were to be sent.23. For New York, see For New York, see R. G. Albion R. G. Albion, The Rise of New York Port The Rise of New York Port (New York, 1939). (New York, 1939).24. See See S. Bruchey S. Bruchey, Cotton and the Growth of the American Economy 17901860 Cotton and the Growth of the American Economy 17901860 (New York, 1967). (New York, 1967).25. The presence of the other Western powers in East Asia, remarked Disraeli, meant that 'a system of political compromise has developed itself like the balance of power in Europe'. See The presence of the other Western powers in East Asia, remarked Disraeli, meant that 'a system of political compromise has developed itself like the balance of power in Europe'. See W. C. Costin W. C. Costin, Great Britain and China, 18331860 Great Britain and China, 18331860 (Oxford, 1937), p. 228. (Oxford, 1937), p. 228.26. See See L. Beth.e.l.l L. Beth.e.l.l, The Abolition of the Brazilian Slave Trade The Abolition of the Brazilian Slave Trade (Cambridge, 1970). (Cambridge, 1970).27. See PP 1843 (596) x.x.xV.607, See PP 1843 (596) x.x.xV.607, Correspondence and Return relating to Military Operations in China Correspondence and Return relating to Military Operations in China.28. See the See the Appeal on Behalf of British Subjects Residing in and Connected with the River Plate against Any Further Violent Intervention by the British and French Governments in the Affairs of the Country Appeal on Behalf of British Subjects Residing in and Connected with the River Plate against Any Further Violent Intervention by the British and French Governments in the Affairs of the Country (1846). (1846).29. PP 1849 (56) x.x.xII, PP 1849 (56) x.x.xII, Return of Numbers on 25 January in... 1829, 1835, 1840 and 1847 Return of Numbers on 25 January in... 1829, 1835, 1840 and 1847, p. 93.30. See PP 1843 (140), See PP 1843 (140), Return of Numbers...Serving in Great Britain, Ireland and the Colonies 1792, 1822, 1828, 1830, 1835, 1842 Return of Numbers...Serving in Great Britain, Ireland and the Colonies 1792, 1822, 1828, 1830, 1835, 1842.31. PP 1834 (570) VI, PP 1834 (570) VI, Report of Select Committee on Colonial Military Expenditure Report of Select Committee on Colonial Military Expenditure, Q.2152 (Sir Rufane Donkin).32. Ibid Ibid., Q. 1873 (Sir Lowry Cole).33. J. Belich J. Belich, The New Zealand Wars The New Zealand Wars (Auckland, 1986), ch. 3. (Auckland, 1986), ch. 3.34. R. Graham R. Graham, Britain and the Onset of Modernization in Brazil 18501914 Britain and the Onset of Modernization in Brazil 18501914 (Cambridge, 1972), pp. 1078; Beth.e.l.l, (Cambridge, 1972), pp. 1078; Beth.e.l.l, Brazilian Slave Trade Brazilian Slave Trade; R. Miller R. Miller, Britain and Latin America in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Britain and Latin America in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century (1993), pp. 4859. (1993), pp. 4859.35. J. Rutherford J. Rutherford, Sir George Grey Sir George Grey (1961), pp. 470ff. (1961), pp. 470ff.36. Parl.Deb Parl.Deb., Third Series, Vol. XLIX, 1391 (6 August 1839).37. R. Cobden R. Cobden, England, Ireland and America England, Ireland and America (1836), p. 11. (1836), p. 11.38. J. H. Clapham J. H. Clapham, An Economic History of Modern Britain: The Early Railway Age 1820-1850 An Economic History of Modern Britain: The Early Railway Age 1820-1850 (Cambridge, 1939), p. 211. (Cambridge, 1939), p. 211.39. S. D. Chapman S. D. Chapman, Merchant Enterprise in Britain from the Industrial Revolution to the First World War Merchant Enterprise in Britain from the Industrial Revolution to the First World War (Cambridge, 1992), p. 161. (Cambridge, 1992), p. 161.40. N. Buck N. Buck, The Development of the Organisation of Anglo-American Trade 18001850 The Development of the Organisation of Anglo-American Trade 18001850 (New Haven, 1925), pp. 1723. (New Haven, 1925), pp. 1723.41. J. Stuart J. Stuart and and D. McK. Malcolm D. McK. Malcolm (eds.), (eds.), The Diary of Henry Francis Fynn The Diary of Henry Francis Fynn (Paperback edn, Pietermaritzburg, 1986), pp. 401. (Paperback edn, Pietermaritzburg, 1986), pp. 401.42. See See John Langdon John Langdon, 'Three Voyages to the West Coast of Africa 18811884', in B. Wood B. Wood and and M. Lynn M. Lynn (eds.), (eds.), Travel, Trade and Power in the Atlantic 17651884 Travel, Trade and Power in the Atlantic 17651884 (Cambridge, 2002). (Cambridge, 2002).43. Chapman, Chapman, Merchant Enterprise Merchant Enterprise, p. 69.44. Graham, Graham, Britain and Brazil Britain and Brazil, ch. 3.45. The cla.s.sic account is The cla.s.sic account is M. Greenberg M. Greenberg, British Trade and the Opening of China 18001842 British Trade and the Opening of China 18001842 (Cambridge, 1951). (Cambridge, 1951).46. See See D. G. Creighton D. G. Creighton, The Commercial Empire of the St Lawrence The Commercial Empire of the St Lawrence (1937). (1937).47. See PP 1862 (380) x.x.xIV.881, See PP 1862 (380) x.x.xIV.881, Return of Applications by Commercial Interests for s.h.i.+ps of War to be Sent to Foreign Stations for Protection of British Interests or Commerce Return of Applications by Commercial Interests for s.h.i.+ps of War to be Sent to Foreign Stations for Protection of British Interests or Commerce. In the five years (185762) covered, there were 102 applications.48. C. W. Newbury C. W. Newbury, British Policy Towards West Africa: Select Doc.u.ments 17861874 British Policy Towards West Africa: Select Doc.u.ments 17861874 (Oxford, 1965), p. 120: Lord Palmerston, Minute, 22 April 1860. (Oxford, 1965), p. 120: Lord Palmerston, Minute, 22 April 1860.49. PP 1867 (178) XLIV.721, PP 1867 (178) XLIV.721, Return of Number of Vessels-of-War Employed on Foreign and Colonial Service Return of Number of Vessels-of-War Employed on Foreign and Colonial Service, p. 5.50. E. G. Wakefield E. G. Wakefield, England and America England and America (New York, 1834). (New York, 1834).51. From around 10,000 chests in 18301 to over 80,000 by the early 1860s. See PP 1865 (94) XL.83, From around 10,000 chests in 18301 to over 80,000 by the early 1860s. See PP 1865 (94) XL.83, Return of Opium Exported to China from Central India via Bombay and Bengal, 18301864 Return of Opium Exported to China from Central India via Bombay and Bengal, 18301864.52. PP 1859 (2571) x.x.xIII.1, PP 1859 (2571) x.x.xIII.1, Correspondence Relative to Lord Elgin's Special Missions to China and j.a.pan, 185759 Correspondence Relative to Lord Elgin's Special Missions to China and j.a.pan, 185759, Clarendon to Elgin, 20 April 1857.53. B. R. Mitch.e.l.l B. R. Mitch.e.l.l, Abstract of British Historical Statistics Abstract of British Historical Statistics (Cambridge, 1971), p. 47. (Cambridge, 1971), p. 47.54. C. Erickson, C. Erickson, Leaving England Leaving England, p. 184.55. W. S. Shepperson W. S. Shepperson, British Emigration to North America: Projects and Opinions in the Early Victorian Period British Emigration to North America: Projects and Opinions in the Early Victorian Period (Oxford, 1957), p. 201. (Oxford, 1957), p. 201.56. P. Burns P. Burns, Fatal Success: A History of the New Zealand Company Fatal Success: A History of the New Zealand Company (Auckland, 1989). (Auckland, 1989).57. See See Correspondence with the Secretary of State relative to New Zealand Correspondence with the Secretary of State relative to New Zealand, published in The Times The Times, 21 April 1840.58. The Times The Times, 3 February 1838.59. R. G. Wood R. G. Wood, From Plymouth to New Plymouth From Plymouth to New Plymouth (Wellington, 1959). (Wellington, 1959).60. For the Kaipara, see For the Kaipara, see B. Byrne B. Byrne, The Unknown Kaipara: Five Aspects of its History, 12501875 The Unknown Kaipara: Five Aspects of its History, 12501875 (Auckland, 2002); (Auckland, 2002); W. Rayburn W. Rayburn, Tall Spars, Steamers and Gum: A History of the Kaipara from Early European Settlement, 18541947 Tall Spars, Steamers and Gum: A History of the Kaipara from Early European Settlement, 18541947 (Auckland, 1999). (Auckland, 1999).61. Mitch.e.l.l, Mitch.e.l.l, Abstract Abstract, p. 47.62. Parl.Deb Parl.Deb., Third Series, Vol. 121, col. 956 (21 May 1852).63. Ibid Ibid., Vol. 179, cols. 91114 (26 May 1865). Cardwell was Colonial Secretary.64. E. Elbourne E. Elbourne, 'Religion in the British Empire', in S. Stockwell (ed.), The British Empire: Themes and Perspectives The British Empire: Themes and Perspectives (2008), p. 139. (2008), p. 139.65. I. Bradley I. Bradley, The Call to Seriousness The Call to Seriousness (1976), p. 90. (1976), p. 90.66. A. Aspinall A. Aspinall (ed.), (ed.), English Historical Doc.u.ments 17831832 English Historical Doc.u.ments 17831832 (1959), p. 662: 'Receipts of the Religious Charities in London', (1959), p. 662: 'Receipts of the Religious Charities in London', The Scotsman The Scotsman, 21 July 1821.67. E. Stock, E. Stock, The History of the Church Missionary Society The History of the Church Missionary Society, 3 vols. (1899), vol. 1, p. 243.68. Stock, Stock, Church Missionary Society Church Missionary Society, vol. 1, p. 485.69. C. P. Groves, C. P. Groves, The Planting of Christianity in Africa The Planting of Christianity in Africa, 3 vols. (194860), p. 267.70. See See M. Mackinnon M. Mackinnon (ed.), (ed.), New Zealand Historical Atlas New Zealand Historical Atlas (Auckland, 1997), Plate 36. (Auckland, 1997), Plate 36.71. Groves, Groves, Planting of Christianity Planting of Christianity, vol. 2, pp. 49, 36.72. A. J. Broomhall, A. J. Broomhall, Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century, vol. I, Barbarians at the Gates Barbarians at the Gates (1981), chs. 3, 4. (1981), chs. 3, 4.73. Ibid Ibid., p. 278.74. Broomhall, Broomhall, Hudson Taylor Hudson Taylor, vol. II, Over the Treaty Wall Over the Treaty Wall (1982), p. 161. (1982), p. 161.75. Stock, Stock, Church Missionary Society Church Missionary Society, vol. I, p. 490.76. Bradley, Bradley, Call Call, p. 141.77. Ibid Ibid., p. 78.78. The Times The Times, 15 February 1858.79., Livingstone to Lord Palmerston, 13 May 1859.80. J. Belich J. Belich, Making Peoples: A History of the New Zealanders Making Peoples: A History of the New Zealanders (1996), p. 168; for the request by the chiefs of Bonny in 1848, see (1996), p. 168; for the request by the chiefs of Bonny in 1848, see J. F. A. Ajayi J. F. A. Ajayi, Christian Missions in Nigeria 18411891 Christian Missions in Nigeria 18411891 (Ibadan, 1965), p. 56. (Ibadan, 1965), p. 56.81. Ajayi, Ajayi, Missions Missions, p. 29.82. A. C. Ross A. C. Ross, John Phillip (17751851): Missions, Race and Politics in South Africa John Phillip (17751851): Missions, Race and Politics in South Africa (Aberdeen, 1986), p. 167: Phillip's journal for 28 March 1842. (Aberdeen, 1986), p. 167: Phillip's journal for 28 March 1842.83. Ibid. Ibid., pp. 141, 221.84. See See A. Porter A. Porter, 'An Overview: 17001914', in N. Etherington N. Etherington (ed.), (ed.), Missions and Empire Missions and Empire (Oxford, 2005), p. 51. (Oxford, 2005), p. 51.85. Memorial by Aborigine Protection Society to Lord Glenelg (the Colonial Secretary), 3 February 1838. See 'Early Canadiana Online' at Memorial by Aborigine Protection Society to Lord Glenelg (the Colonial Secretary), 3 February 1838. See 'Early Canadiana Online' at H. M. Wright H. M. Wright, New Zealand 17691840: Early Years of Western Contact New Zealand 17691840: Early Years of Western Contact (Cambridge, MA, 1959), p. 109. (Cambridge, MA, 1959), p. 109.87. See See M. Fairburn M. Fairburn, The Ideal Society and its Enemies: The Foundations of Modern New Zealand Society The Ideal Society and its Enemies: The Foundations of Modern New Zealand Society (Auckland, 1989), Part One. (Auckland, 1989), Part One.88. K. T. Hoppen K. T. Hoppen, The Mid-Victorian Generation 18461886 The Mid-Victorian Generation 18461886 (Oxford, 1998), p. 381. (Oxford, 1998), p. 381.89. G. Wynn G. Wynn, 'Industrialism, Entrepreneurs.h.i.+p and Opportunity in the New Brunswick Timber Trade', in L. R. Fischer L. R. Fischer and and E. W. Sager E. W. Sager (eds.), (eds.), The Enterprising Canadians: Entrepreneurs and Economic Development in Eastern Canada, 18201914 The Enterprising Canadians: Entrepreneurs and Economic Development in Eastern Canada, 18201914 (St John's, 1979), p. 12. (St John's, 1979), p. 12.90. See See Dictionary of Canadian Biography Dictionary of Canadian Biography (online version). (online version).91. See See G. Tulchinsky G. Tulchinsky, 'The Montreal Business Community, 18371853', in D. S. Macmillan D. S. Macmillan (ed.), (ed.), Canadian Business History: Selected Studies 14971971 Canadian Business History: Selected Studies 14971971 (Toronto, 1972), pp. 12543. (Toronto, 1972), pp. 12543.92. See See Australian Dictionary of Biography Australian Dictionary of Biography (online version) for details. (online version) for details.93. See See J. McAloon J. McAloon, 'Resource Frontiers, Environment and Settler Capitalism: 17691860', in E. Pawson E. Pawson and and T. Brooking T. Brooking (eds.), (eds.), Environmental Histories of New Zealand Environmental Histories of New Zealand (Melbourne, 2002), pp. 5266; (Melbourne, 2002), pp. 5266; D. A. Hamer D. A. Hamer, 'Wellington on the Urban Frontier', in D. A. Hamer and R. Nicholls (eds.), The Making of Wellington The Making of Wellington (1990), p. 247; (1990), p. 247; J. H. Millar J. H. Millar, The Merchants Paved the Way The Merchants Paved the Way (Wellington, 1956), pp. 378. (Wellington, 1956), pp. 378.94. R. C. J. Stone R. C. J. Stone, Makers of Fortune: a Colonial Business Community and its Fall Makers of Fortune: a Colonial Business Community and its Fall (Auckland, 1973), p. 9. (Auckland, 1973), p. 9.95. See M. D. N. Campbell, 'The Evolution of Hawke's Bay Landed Society' (PhD, Victoria University Wellington, 1972), pp. 578. See M. D. N. Campbell, 'The Evolution of Hawke's Bay Landed Society' (PhD, Victoria University Wellington, 1972), pp. 578.96. Graphically described in Graphically described in K. Sinclair K. Sinclair, The Origins of the Maori Wars The Origins of the Maori Wars (Wellington, 1957), pp. 589. (Wellington, 1957), pp. 589.97. For an excellent description of commando expansion, see For an excellent description of commando expansion, see P. Delius P. Delius, The Land Belongs to Us: The Pedi Polity, the Boers and the British in the Nineteenth Century Transvaal The Land Belongs to Us: The Pedi Polity, the Boers and the British in the Nineteenth Century Transvaal (Johannesburg, 1983), pp. 3040, ch. 6. (Johannesburg, 1983), pp. 3040, ch. 6.98. See See J. Carruthers J. Carruthers, 'Friedrich Jeppe: Mapping the Transvaal c. 18501899', Journal of Southern African Studies Journal of Southern African Studies 29 29, 4 (2003), 959.99. See See L. Subrahmanian L. Subrahmanian, 'Banias and the British: The Role of Indigenous Credit in...Imperial Expansion in Western India', Modern Asian Studies Modern Asian Studies, 21 21 (1987), 473510. (1987), 473510.100. D. k.u.mar D. k.u.mar (ed.), (ed.), Cambridge Economic History of India, vol. II, c.1757c.1970 Cambridge Economic History of India, vol. II, c.1757c.1970 (Cambridge, 1982), p. 916. (Cambridge, 1982), p. 916.101. See See D. Kolff D. Kolff, Naukat, Rajah and Sepoy Naukat, Rajah and Sepoy (Cambridge, 1990), pp. 180ff. (Cambridge, 1990), pp. 180ff.102. M. Yapp M. Yapp, Strategies of British India Strategies of British India (Oxford, 1980), p. 175, for the 'horseshoe'. (Oxford, 1980), p. 175, for the 'horseshoe'.103. Parl. Deb Parl. Deb., vol. 120, cols. 647ff (5 April 1852).104. Ibid Ibid., col. 651.105. See PP 18578 (59), See PP 18578 (59), Return of Number of Cadets.h.i.+ps Conferred by the East India Company and the President of the Board of Control, 184057 Return of Number of Cadets.h.i.+ps Conferred by the East India Company and the President of the Board of Control, 184057, p. 2.106. The Times The Times, 6 August 1853.107. PP 18478 (511) IX.1, PP 18478 (511) IX.1, Report of Select Committee on the Growth of Cotton in India Report of Select Committee on the Growth of Cotton in India, p. 307; Speech by John Bright at the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, 20 June 1853, in The Times The Times, 22 June 1853.108. See See A. J. Baster A. J. Baster, The Imperial Banks The Imperial Banks (1929), pp. 1013. (1929), pp. 1013.109. See See C. A. Bayly C. A. Bayly, Empire and Information: Intelligence Gathering and Social Communication in India, 17801870 Empire and Information: Intelligence Gathering and Social Communication in India, 17801870 (Cambridge, 1996), ch. 9. (Cambridge, 1996), ch. 9.110. For the Mutiny, see For the Mutiny, see C. A. Bayly C. A. Bayly, 'Two Colonial Revolts: The Java War 18251830, and the Indian "Mutiny" of 185759', in "C. A. Bayly and and D. H. Kolff D. H. Kolff (eds.), (eds.), Two Colonial Empires: Comparative Essays on the History of India and Indonesia in the Nineteenth Century Two Colonial Empires: Comparative Essays on the History of India and Indonesia in the Nineteenth Century (The Hague, 1986), pp. 11135; (The Hague, 1986), pp. 11135; S. David S. David, The Indian Mutiny The Indian Mutiny (2002); (2002); F. Robinson F. Robinson, 'The Muslims of Upper India and the Shock of the Mutiny', in his Islam and Muslim History in South Asia Islam and Muslim History in South Asia (New Delhi, 2000), pp. 13855. (New Delhi, 2000), pp. 13855.111. PP 1867 (478) VII.197, 553, PP 1867 (478) VII.197, 553, Select Committee to Inquire into the Duties of the British Army in India and the Colonies: Report, Proceedings, Minutes of Evidence Select Committee to Inquire into the Duties of the British Army in India and the Colonies: Report, Proceedings, Minutes of Evidence, p. 327: Minute by Lord Dalhousie, 13 September 1854.112. Graham, Graham, Britain and the Modernization of Brazil Britain and the Modernization of Brazil, chs. 13.113. See See P. Gootenburg P. Gootenburg, Between Silver and Guano: Commercial Policy and the State in Postindependence Peru Between Silver and Guano: Commercial Policy and the State in Postindependence Peru (Princeton, 1989). (Princeton, 1989).114. Chapman, Chapman, Merchant Enterprise Merchant Enterprise, pp. 2034.115. C. Trocki C. Trocki, Singapore: Wealth, Power and the Culture of Control Singapore: Wealth, Power and the Culture of Control (2006), pp. 1415. (2006), pp. 1415.116. Trocki, Trocki, Singapore Singapore, p. 24.117. Opium made up 33 per cent of Chinese imports in 1868, cotton goods 29 per cent: Opium made up 33 per cent of Chinese imports in 1868, cotton goods 29 per cent: F. E. Hyde F. E. Hyde, Far Eastern Trade 18601914 Far Eastern Trade 18601914 (1973), p. 217; for legalisation, see (1973), p. 217; for legalisation, see S. T. w.a.n.g S. T. w.a.n.g, The Margary Affair and the Chefoo Agreement The Margary Affair and the Chefoo Agreement (Oxford, 1940), p. 120. (Oxford, 1940), p. 120.118. N. Pelcovits N. Pelcovits, The Old China Hands and the Foreign Office The Old China Hands and the Foreign Office (New York, 1948), pp. 35, 42. (New York, 1948), pp. 35, 42.119. Pelcovits, Pelcovits, Old China Hands Old China Hands, p. 42.120. Y. P. Hao Y. P. Hao, The Commercial Revolution in Nineteenth-Century China The Commercial Revolution in Nineteenth-Century China (1986), p. 355. (1986), p. 355.121. See PP 1877 (5), See PP 1877 (5), Report and Statistical Tables Relating to Emigration and Immigration, 1876 Report and Statistical Tables Relating to Emigration and Immigration, 1876, Table XIII.122. Dilke, Dilke, Greater Britain Greater Britain (1869), p. vii. (1869), p. vii.123. For the debate on the motives behind Peel's decision to repeal the Corn Laws, see For the debate on the motives behind Peel's decision to repeal the Corn Laws, see B. Hilton B. Hilton, 'Peel: A Reappraisal', Historical Journal Historical Journal, 22 22 (1979); (1979); B. Hilton B. Hilton, The Age of Atonement: The Influence of Evangelicalism on Social and Economic Thought 17851865 The Age of Atonement: The Influence of Evangelicalism on Social and Economic Thought 17851865 (Oxford, 1988); (Oxford, 1988); A. C. Howe A. C. Howe, 'Free Trade and the City of London c.18201875', Economic History Review Economic History Review, New Series, 77, 251 (1992); C. Schonhardt-Bailey C. Schonhardt-Bailey, From the Corn Laws to Free Trade: Interests, Ideas and Inst.i.tutions in Historical Perspective From the Corn Laws to Free Trade: Interests, Ideas and Inst.i.tutions in Historical Perspective (Cambridge, MA, 2006). (Cambridge, MA, 2006).124. From under 4 million to 58 million. Mitch.e.l.l, From under 4 million to 58 million. Mitch.e.l.l, Abstract Abstract, pp. 3334.125. J. A. Froude, 'England and Her Colonies', J. A. Froude, 'England and Her Colonies', Fraser's Magazine Fraser's Magazine, January 1870, p. 16.126. Goldwin Smith Goldwin Smith, The Empire The Empire (1863). (1863).127. PP 1866 (3683) x.x.x, PP 1866 (3683) x.x.x, Royal Commission into the Origins, Nature and Circ.u.mstances of the Disturbances in...Jamaica: Report Royal Commission into the Origins, Nature and Circ.u.mstances of the Disturbances in...Jamaica: Report, p. 41.128. R. Cobden R. Cobden, 'How Wars Are Got up in India', in Political Writings of Richard Cobden Political Writings of Richard Cobden, 2 vols. (1868), vol. 2, pp. 105ff.129. Bodl. Mss Clarendon dep.c 85: Bowring to Clarendon, 18 January, 10 March, 9 April 1858. Bodl. Mss Clarendon dep.c 85: Bowring to Clarendon, 18 January, 10 March, 9 April 1858.130. H. T. Manning H. T. Manning, British Colonial Government after the American Revolution 17821820 British Colonial Government after the American Revolution 17821820 (New Haven, CT, 1933), p. 361. (New Haven, CT, 1933), p. 361.131. J. S. Mill J. S. Mill, Representative Government Representative Government (1861), ch. 18. (1861), ch. 18.132. For a detailed reconstruction of British att.i.tudes, focused on Birmingham, the Baptists and For a detailed reconstruction of British att.i.tudes, focused on Birmingham, the Baptists and Jamaica, C. Hall Jamaica, C. Hall, Civilising Subjects: Metropole and Colony in the British Imagination 18301867 Civilising Subjects: Metropole and Colony in the British Imagination 18301867 (2002), Part Two. (2002), Part Two.133. Parl. Deb. Parl. Deb., Third Series, vol. 190, col. 394 (28 November 1867).134. PP 1872 (C.493) x.x.xVII.383. PP 1872 (C.493) x.x.xVII.383. Memorandum by Commander-in-Chief on the Secretary of State's Proposals for Organization of Military Land Forces Memorandum by Commander-in-Chief on the Secretary of State's Proposals for Organization of Military Land Forces, p. 7.135. See See C. Jones C. Jones, 'Business Imperialism and Argentina 18751900: A Theoretical Note', Journal of Latin American Studies Journal of Latin American Studies, 12 12, 2 (1980), 43744.

Chapter 2.

1. A. J. H. Latham A. J. H. Latham and and L. Neal L. Neal, 'The International Market in Wheat and Rice, 18681914', Economic History Review Economic History Review, New Series, 36, 2 2 (1983), 26075. (1983), 26075.2. BLIOC, Curzon Papers, Mss Eur. F 111, Lord George Hamilton to Curzon (India), 2 November 1899. BLIOC, Curzon Papers, Mss Eur. F 111, Lord George Hamilton to Curzon (India), 2 November 1899.3. M. Swartz M. Swartz, The Politics of British Foreign Policy in the Age of Disraeli and Gladstone The Politics of British Foreign Policy in the Age of Disraeli and Gladstone (1985), p. 13. (1985), p. 13.4. C. H. Pearson C. H. Pearson, National Life and Character National Life and Character (1893); (1893); B. Kidd B. Kidd, Social Evolution Social Evolution (1894); (1894); A. Mahan A. Mahan, The Problem of the Pacific The Problem of the Pacific (1900); (1900); J. Bryce J. Bryce, The Relations between the Advanced and Backward Peoples The Relations between the Advanced and Backward Peoples (Oxford, 1902); (Oxford, 1902); H. Mackinder H. Mackinder, 'The Geographical Pivot of History', Geographical Journal Geographical Journal, 23 23, 4 (1904), 42137.5. Sandford Fleming, quoting Parkin at the Colonial Conference, held in Ottawa in 1894. Sandford Fleming, quoting Parkin at the Colonial Conference, held in Ottawa in 1894. Proceedings of the Colonial Conference Proceedings of the Colonial Conference (Ottawa, 1894), p. 89. (Ottawa, 1894), p. 89.6. Mackinder, 'Geographical Pivot', p. 422. Mackinder, 'Geographical Pivot', p. 422.7. Kidd, Kidd, Social Evolution Social Evolution, p. 339.8. Pearson, Pearson, National Life National Life, p. 13. For Pearson's career, see J. Tregenza J. Tregenza, Professor of Democracy: The Life of C. H. Pearson Professor of Democracy: The Life of C. H. Pearson (Melbourne, 1968). (Melbourne, 1968).9. Pearson, Pearson, National Life National Life, pp. 845.10. Kidd, Kidd, Social Evolution Social Evolution, p. 50.11. J. Bryce J. Bryce, 'The Roman Empire and the British Empire in India', in Studies in History and Jurisprudence Studies in History and Jurisprudence (Oxford, 1901), pp. 12. (Oxford, 1901), pp. 12.12. Ibid Ibid., pp. 67.13. Ibid Ibid., p. 36.14. See See A. Lyall A. Lyall, 'The Religious Situation in India', Asiatic Studies Asiatic Studies 1 1 (1899), 3203. (1899), 3203.15. See See T. Raychaudhuri T. Raychaudhuri, Europe Reconsidered: Perceptions of the West in Nineteenth-Century Bengal Europe Reconsidered: Perceptions of the West in Nineteenth-Century Bengal (Oxford, 1989). (Oxford, 1989).16. S. Teng S. Teng and and J. K. Fairbank J. K. Fairbank (eds.), (eds.), China's Response to the West China's Response to the West (Cambridge, MA, 1979), p. 152. (Cambridge, MA, 1979), p. 152.17. E. W. Blyden E. W. Blyden, Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race (1887), pp. 20, 65, 387. (1887), pp. 20, 65, 387.18. See See A. Hourani A. Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age 17981939 Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age 17981939 (1962). (1962).19. The cla.s.sic study is The cla.s.sic study is B. H. Sumner B. H. Sumner, Russia and the Balkans 18701880 Russia and the Balkans 18701880 (Oxford. 1937). (Oxford. 1937).20. For this estimate, see For this estimate, see R. W. Seton-Watson R. W. Seton-Watson, Disraeli, Gladstone and the Eastern Question Disraeli, Gladstone and the Eastern Question (1935), pp. 5601. (1935), pp. 5601.21. See Swartz, See Swartz, The Politics of British Foreign Policy The Politics of British Foreign Policy, p. 101.22. G. Waterfield G. Waterfield, Layard of Nineveh Layard of Nineveh (1963), p. 442: Salisbury to Layard, April 1880. (1963), p. 442: Salisbury to Layard, April 1880.23. See See A. Scholch A. Scholch, 'Egypt for the Egyptians': The Socio-Political Crisis in Egypt 18791882 'Egypt for the Egyptians': The Socio-Political Crisis in Egypt 18791882 (1981). (1981).24. See See J. R. I. Cole J. R. I. Cole, Colonialism and Revolution in the Middle East: The Social and Cultural Origins of the 'Urabi Movement' Colonialism and Revolution in the Middle East: The Social and Cultural Origins of the 'Urabi Movement' (Princeton, 1993). (Princeton, 1993).25. See See Baron Meyendorff Baron Meyendorff (ed.), (ed.), Correspondance diplomatique de M. de Staal 18841900 Correspondance diplomatique de M. de Staal 18841900 (Paris, 1929), vol. (Paris, 1929), vol. 1 1, p. 30: Instruction to De Staal (Russian amba.s.sador in London), 8 June 1884.26. See See D. A. Farnie D. A. Farnie, East and West of Suez: the Suez Ca.n.a.l in History East and West of Suez: the Suez Ca.n.a.l in History (Oxford, 1969), esp. p. 294; and (Oxford, 1969), esp. p. 294; and A. G. Hopkins' A. G. Hopkins' scintillating critique in 'The Victorians and Africa: A Reconsideration of the Occupation of Egypt, 1882', scintillating critique in 'The Victorians and Africa: A Reconsideration of the Occupation of Egypt, 1882', Journal of African History Journal of African History, 27 27, 2 (1986) 36391.27. Robinson and Gallagher, Robinson and Gallagher, Africa and the Victorians Africa and the Victorians, p. 111.28. For Egyptian hostility towards Europeans in these two towns in the 1870s, see Cole, For Egyptian hostility towards Europeans in these two towns in the 1870s, see Cole, Colonialism and Revolution Colonialism and Revolution, p. 203.29. H. C. G. Matthew H. C. G. Matthew, The Gladstone Diaries (18811883) The Gladstone Diaries (18811883), vol. X X (Oxford, 1990), p. 327: Gladstone to Ripon (India), 6 September 1882. (Oxford, 1990), p. 327: Gladstone to Ripon (India), 6 September 1882.30. B. Holland B. Holland, The Life of Spencer Compton Eighth Duke of Devons.h.i.+re The Life of Spencer Compton Eighth Duke of Devons.h.i.+re (1911), vol I, p. 295. (1911), vol I, p. 295.31. Seton-Watson, Seton-Watson, Eastern Question Eastern Question, p. 236: Disraeli to the Queen, 3 November 1877.32. See Farnie, See Farnie, East and West of Suez East and West of Suez, ch. 14.33. Ibid Ibid., ch. 12.34. Ibid Ibid., p. 265.35. The cla.s.sic account is The cla.s.sic account is P. M. Holt P. M. Holt, The Mahdist State in the Sudan 18811898 The Mahdist State in the Sudan 18811898 (Oxford, 1958). (Oxford, 1958).36. See See R. C. Mowat R. C. Mowat, 'From Liberalism to Imperialism: The Case of Egypt, 18751887', Historical Journal Historical Journal, 16 16, 1 (1973), 10924.37. P. G. Halpern P. G. Halpern, The Mediterranean Naval Situation 19081914 The Mediterranean Naval Situation 19081914 (Cambridge, MA, 1971), p. 2. (Cambridge, MA, 1971), p. 2.38. For the diplomacy of the Berlin conference, see For the diplomacy of the Berlin conference, see S. Forster S. Forster, W. Mommsen W. Mommsen and and R. E. Robinson R. E. Robinson, Bismarck, Europe and Africa Bismarck, Europe and Africa (Oxford, 1988). (Oxford, 1988).39. For Cromer's 'reign' in Egypt, see For Cromer's 'reign' in Egypt, see R. Owen R. Owen, Lord Cromer Lord Cromer (Oxford, 2004); (Oxford, 2004); R. L. Tignor R. L. Tignor, Britain and the Modernization of Egypt 18821914 Britain and the Modernization of Egypt 18821914 (Princeton, 1966); (Princeton, 1966); A. Milner A. Milner, England and Egypt England and Egypt (1892); and his own magnificent two-volume apologia, (1892); and his own magnificent two-volume apologia, Modern Egypt Modern Egypt (1908). (1908).40. Essays by the Late Marquess of Salisbury Essays by the Late Marquess of Salisbury (1905), p. 55 (originally published in 1862). (1905), p. 55 (originally published in 1862).41. Swartz, Swartz, British Foreign Policy British Foreign Policy, p. 25.42. Essays Essays, p. 1243. Ibid Ibid., p. 53.44. The best recent a.n.a.lysis of Salisbury's foreign policy can be found in The best recent a.n.a.lysis of Salisbury's foreign policy can be found in E. D. Steele E. D. Steele, Lord Salisbury: A Political Biography Lord Salisbury: A Political Biography (1999). (1999).45. For the pattern of French conquest, see For the pattern of French conquest, see A. S. Kanya-Forstner A. S. Kanya-Forstner, The Conquest of the Western Sudan The Conquest of the Western Sudan (Cambridge, 1969); (Cambridge, 1969); M. Klein M. Klein, Slavery and Colonial Rule in French West Africa Slavery and Colonial Rule in French West Africa (Cambridge, 1998). (Cambridge, 1998).46. Quoted by D. Gillard, 'Salisbury', in Wilson, Quoted by D. Gillard, 'Salisbury', in Wilson, Foreign Secretaries Foreign Secretaries, p. 122.47. E. T. S. Dugdale E. T. S. Dugdale (ed.), (ed.), German Diplomatic Doc.u.ments 18711914 German Diplomatic Doc.u.ments 18711914 (1929), vol. II, pp. 4034: Hatzfeldt to Holstein, 21 January 1896. (1929), vol. II, pp. 4034: Hatzfeldt to Holstein, 21 January 1896.48. See See J. A. S. Grenville J. A. S. Grenville, Lord Salisbury and Foreign Policy Lord Salisbury and Foreign Policy (1964), ch. 6. (1964), ch. 6.49. See See G. N. Curzon G. N. Curzon, Problems of the Far East Problems of the Far East (1894). (1894).50. Lo Hui-min Lo Hui-min (ed.), (ed.), The Correspondence of G. E. Morrison The Correspondence of G. E. Morrison, 2 2 vols. (Cambridge, 1976), vol. I, pp. 35, 40: Chirol to Morrison, 26 May, 11 August 1898. vols. (Cambridge, 1976), vol. I, pp. 35, 40: Chirol to Morrison, 26 May, 11 August 1898.51. L. K. Young L. K. Young, British Policy in China 18951902 British Policy in China 18951902 (Oxford, 1970), p. 70. (Oxford, 1970), p. 70.52. Ibid Ibid., pp. 92ff.: Salisbury to MacDonald, 23 May 1900. See also T. G. Otte T. G. Otte, 'The Boxer Uprising and British Foreign Policy: The End of Isolation', in R. Bickers and R. G. Tiedemann (eds.), The Boxers, China and the World The Boxers, China and the World (2007), pp. 15777; and his longer study, (2007), pp. 15777; and his longer study, The China Question: Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation The China Question: Great Power Rivalry and British Isolation (Oxford, 2007). (Oxford, 2007).53. Anon., Anon., Blackwood's Magazine Blackwood's Magazine, 168 (December 1900).54. See See R. Kubicek R. Kubicek, The Administration of Imperialism The Administration of Imperialism (Durham, NC, 1969). (Durham, NC, 1969).55. See See R. J. Blyth R. J. Blyth, The Empire of the Raj: India, Eastern Africa and the Middle East, 18581947 The Empire of the Raj: India, Eastern Africa and the Middle East, 18581947 (2003). (2003).56. A. P. Kaminsky A. P. Kaminsky, The India Office 18801910 The India Office 18801910 (Westport, CT, 1986), p. 107. (Westport, CT, 1986), p. 107.57. For the debate on this question, see For the debate on this question, see J. MacKenzie J. MacKenzie (ed.), (ed.), Imperialism and Popular Culture Imperialism and Popular Culture (Manchester, 1983); (Manchester, 1983); B. Porter B. Porter, The Absent-Minded Imperialists: What the British Really Thought About Empire The Absent-Minded Imperialists: What the British Really Thought About Empire (Oxford, 2004); (Oxford, 2004); A. Thompson A. Thompson, The Empire Strikes Back The Empire Strikes Back (2006). (2006).58. Its cla.s.sic expression is in Its cla.s.sic expression is in R. Robinson R. Robinson and and J. Gallagher J. Gallagher, Africa and the Victorians: The Official Mind of Imperialism Africa and the Victorians: The Official Mind of Imperialism (1961). (1961).59. For some discussion of the debate, see For some discussion of the debate, see J. Darwin J. Darwin, 'Imperialism and the Victorians', English Historical Review English Historical Review, 112 112, 447 (1997), 61442.60. See See P. Cain P. Cain and and A. G. Hopkins A. G. Hopkins, British Imperialism British Imperialism (2nd edn, 2000). (2nd edn, 2000).61. Lugard to his brother, 29 August 1895, in Lugard to his brother, 29 August 1895, in M. Perham M. Perham, Lugard: The Years of Adventure 18581898 Lugard: The Years of Adventure 18581898 (1956), p. 555. (1956), p. 555.62. K. Wilson K. Wilson, 'Drawing the Line at Constantinople', in K. Wilson (ed.), British Foreign Secretaries and Foreign Policy: From the Crimean War to the First World War British Foreign Secretaries and Foreign Policy: From the Crimean War to the First World War (1986), p. 202: Salisbury to Randolph Churchill, 1 October 1886. (1986), p. 202: Salisbury to Randolph Churchill, 1 October 1886.63. Darwin, 'Imperialism and the Victorians', p. 628. Darwin, 'Imperialism and the Victorians', p. 628.64. Bodl. Mss Selborne Box 5, Salisbury to Selborne, 26 August 1897. Bodl. Mss Selborne Box 5, Salisbury to Selborne, 26 August 1897.65. Salisbury's remark, Robinson and Gallagher, Salisbury's remark, Robinson and Gallagher, Africa and the Victorians Africa and the Victorians, p. 454.66. Rhodes House Library, Mss Afr.S 1525, John Holt Papers Box 3/7, George Goldie to George Miller, 13 November 1887. Rhodes House Library, Mss Afr.S 1525, John Holt Papers Box 3/7, George Goldie to George Miller, 13 November 1887.67. J. Flint J. Flint, Sir George Goldie and the Making of Nigeria Sir George Goldie and the Making of Nigeria (1960), p. 275: Goldie to Colonial Office, 21 July 1897. (1960), p. 275: Goldie to Colonial Office, 21 July 1897.68. Flint, Flint, Goldie Goldie, p. 258; for the blitz of articles launched by Lugard in the British press in 18956, Perham, Lugard: The Years of Adventure Lugard: The Years of Adventure, p. 544.69. Flint, Flint, Goldie Goldie, p. 207.70. Bodl. Mss Milner 3, Milner to Clinton Dawkins, 1 March 1895. Bodl. Mss Milner 3, Milner to Clinton Dawkins, 1 March 1895.71. Bodl. Mss Milner 3, Dawkins to Milner, 18 February 1895. Bodl. Mss Milner 3, Dawkins to Milner, 18 February 1895.72. Bodl. Mss Milner 3, Dawkins to Milner, 17 July 1896. Bodl. Mss Milner 3, Dawkins to Milner, 17 July 1896.73. Salisbury's essay was reprinted in Salisbury's essay was reprinted in P. Smith P. Smith, Lord Salisbury on Politics Lord Salisbury on Politics (Cambridge, 1972). (Cambridge, 1972).74. H. Spencer H. Spencer, The Man Versus the State The Man Versus the State (1884). (1884).75. D. A. Hamer D. A. Hamer, John Morley: Liberal Intellectual in Politics John Morley: Liberal Intellectual in Politics (Oxford, 1968), p. 162. (Oxford, 1968), p. 162.76. R. F. Foster R. F. Foster, Lord Randolph Churchill Lord Randolph Churchill (Oxford, 1981), p. 319. (Oxford, 1981), p. 319.77. P. Marsh P. Marsh, Joseph Chamberlain: Entrepreneur in Politics Joseph Chamberlain: Entrepreneur in Politics (New Haven, 1994), p. 191. (New Haven, 1994), p. 191.78. W. S. Churchill W. S. Churchill, Lord Randolph Churchill Lord Randolph Churchill (new edn, 1951), pp. 3756. (new edn, 1951), pp. 3756.79. Ibid Ibid., p. 521.80. Kub.i.+.c.hek, Kub.i.+.c.hek, Administration of Imperialism Administration of Imperialism, p. 76.81. See See J. A. Hobson J. A. Hobson, Imperialism: A Study Imperialism: A Study (1902). (1902).82. G. R. Sloan G. R. Sloan, The Geopolitics of Anglo-Irish Relations in the Twentieth Century The Geopolitics of Anglo-Irish Relations in the Twentieth Century (1997). (1997).83. P. Marsh P. Marsh, The Discipline of Popular Government The Discipline of Popular Government (1978), p. 303: Salisbury to Cranbrook, 19 October 1900. (1978), p. 303: Salisbury to Cranbrook, 19 October 1900.84. For a cla.s.sic expression, see For a cla.s.sic expression, see F. W. Hirst F. W. Hirst, 'Imperialism and Finance', in Liberalism and the Empire: Three Essays Liberalism and the Empire: Three Essays (1900), p. 75. (1900), p. 75.85. A. M. Gollin A. M. Gollin, Proconsul in Politics Proconsul in Politics (1964), p. 106: Milner to Amery, 1 December 1906; (1964), p. 106: Milner to Amery, 1 December 1906; B. Porter B. Porter, The Absentee-Minded Imperialists: Empire, Society and Culture in Britain The Absentee-Minded Imperialists: Empire, Society and Culture in Britain (Oxford, 2004). (Oxford, 2004).86. See See A. S. Thompson A. S. Thompson, Imperial Britain: The Empire in British Politics c. 18801922 Imperial Britain: The Empire in British Politics c. 18801922 (2000), esp. chs. 1, 2, 3. See also his important study, (2000), esp. chs. 1, 2, 3. See also his important study, The Empire Strikes Back: The Impact of Imperialism on Britain since the Mid-Nineteenth Century The Empire Strikes Back: The Impact of Imperialism on Britain since the Mid-Nineteenth Century (2005). (2005).87. T. W. Freeman T. W. Freeman, A Hundred Years of Geography A Hundred Years of Geography (1961), pp. 589. (1961), pp. 589.88. J. MacKenzie J. MacKenzie, 'The Provincial Geographical Societies in Britain, 18841914', in M. Bell M. Bell, R. Butlin R. Butlin and and M. Heffernan M. Heffernan (eds.), (eds.), Geography and Imperialism 18201940 Geography and Imperialism 18201940 (Manchester, 1995). (Manchester, 1995).89. C.4715 (1886), Royal Commission on Trade and Industry, C.4715 (1886), Royal Commission on Trade and Industry, Second Report Second Report, Appendix Part One, p. 408.90. Ibid Ibid., p. 402.91. Ibid Ibid., p. 406.92. B. R. Mitch.e.l.l B. R. Mitch.e.l.l, Abstract of British Historical Statistics Abstract of British Historical Statistics (Cambridge, 1971), pp. 47, 50. (Cambridge, 1971), pp. 47, 50.93. For this estimate, see For this estimate, see A. N. Porter A. N. Porter, 'Religion and Empire: British Experience in the Long Nineteenth Century', Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 20 20, 3 (1992), 1531.94. See the studies in See the studies in M. Harper M. Harper (ed.), (ed.), Emigrant Homecomings: The Return Movement of Migrants 16002000 Emigrant Homecomings: The Return Movement of Migrants 16002000 (Manchester, 2007). (Manchester, 2007).95. H. A. L. Fisher H. A. L. Fisher, James Bryce James Bryce (1927) vol. I, p. 172. (1927) vol. I, p. 172.96. A. Seal A. Seal, The Emergence of Indian Nationalism The Emergence of Indian Nationalism (Cambridge, 1968), pp. 212. (Cambridge, 1968), pp. 212.97. See See J. R. Seeley J. R. Seeley, The Expansion of England The Expansion of England (1883); (1883); J. A. Froude J. A. Froude, Oceana, or England and Her Colonies Oceana, or England and Her Colonies (1886); (1886); C. W. Dilke C. W. Dilke, Greater Britain Greater Britain (1869). (1869).98. C. W. Dilke C. W. Dilke, The Present Position in European Politics The Present Position in European Politics (1887), p. 360. (1887), p. 360.99. See See S. Potter S. Potter, News and the British World: The Emergence of an Imperial Press System 18761922 News and the British World: The Emergence of an Imperial Press System 18761922 (Oxford, 2003). (Oxford, 2003).100. For Lord Strathcona, Canadian High Commissioner in London 18961914, see For Lord Strathcona, Canadian High Commissioner in London 18961914, see B. Willson B. Willson, The Life of Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal The Life of Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal (1915), chs. 21ff. Strathcona was Canada's most prestigious businessman. (1915), chs. 21ff. Strathcona was Canada's most prestigious businessman.101. See See C. Kaul C. Kaul, Reporting the Raj: The British Press and India 18801922 Reporting the Raj: The British Press and India 18801922 (Manchester, 2003). (Manchester, 2003).102. S. D. Chapman S. D. Chapman, Merchant Enterprise in Britain: from the Industrial Revolution to World War I Merchant Enterprise in Britain: from the Industrial Revolution to World War I (Cambridge, 1992), p. 203. (Cambridge, 1992), p. 203.103. W. Cronon W. Cronon, Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West (New York, 1991), p. 126. (New York, 1991), p. 126.104. For an evocative account, see For an evocative account, see R. Jefferies R. Jefferies, 'A Wheat Country', in his Hodge and His Masters Hodge and His Masters (1880). (1880).105. For the peerage (who did better), see For the peerage (who did better), see A. Adonis A. Adonis, Making Aristocracy Work: The Peerage and the Political System in Britain 18841914 Making Aristocracy Work: The Peerage and the Political System in Britain 18841914 (Oxford, 1993), pp. 2445. For the gentry, see (Oxford, 1993), pp. 2445. For the gentry, see D. Cannadine D. Cannadine, The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy (1990), p. 126. (1990), p. 126.106. J. M. Crook J. M. Crook, The Rise of the Nouveaux Riches The Rise of the Nouveaux Riches (1999), p. 12. (1999), p. 12.107. See See J. MacKenzie J. MacKenzie, The Empire of Nature: Hunting, Conservation and British Imperialism The Empire of Nature: Hunting, Conservation and British Imperialism (Manchester, 1988). (Manchester, 1988).108. Crook, Crook, Nouveaux Riches Nouveaux Riches, chs. 1, 2, 4.109. H. G. Wells H. G. Wells, The New Machiavelli The New Machiavelli (1911), p. 59. (1911), p. 59.110. See See R. McKibbin R. McKibbin, 'Why Was There No Marxism in Great Britain', English Historical Review English Historical Review, 99 99, 391 (1984), 297331.111. See See G. Stedman-Jones G. Stedman-Jones, Outcast London: A Study in the Relations.h.i.+p between in Victorian Society Outcast London: A Study in the Relations.h.i.+p between in Victorian Society (Oxford, 1971), ch. 6. 'The theory of urban degeneration'. (Oxford, 1971), ch. 6. 'The theory of urban degeneration'.112. A persistent theme in Froude, A persistent theme in Froude, Oceana Oceana.113. See See G. R. Searle G. R. Searle, Corruption in British Politics 18951930 Corruption in British Politics 18951930 (Oxford, 1987). (Oxford, 1987).114. J. Harris J. Harris, Private Lives, Public Spirit: Britain 18701914 Private Lives, Public Spirit: Britain 18701914 (Oxford, 1993), p. 12. (Oxford, 1993), p. 12.115. M. Pugh M. Pugh, The Tories and the People The Tories and the People (Oxford, 1985), pp. 8792. (Oxford, 1985), pp. 8792.116. Quoted in Quoted in E. D. Steele E. D. Steele, 'Imperialism and Leeds Politics c.18501914', in D. Fraser D. Fraser (ed.), (ed.), History of Modern Leeds History of Modern Leeds (Manchester, 1980), pp. 3445. (Manchester, 1980), pp. 3445.117. G. Chisholm G. Chisholm, Handbook of Commercial Geography Handbook of Commercial Geography (7th edn, 1908), p. 58. (7th edn, 1908), p. 58.118. H. Mackinder H. Mackinder, Britain and the British Seas Britain and the British Seas (1902), p. 4. (1902), p. 4.119. Ibid Ibid., p. 11.120. Ibid Ibid.121. W. C. Hutchinson W. C. Hutchinson (ed.), (ed.), The Private Diaries of Sir Algernon West The Private Diaries of Sir Algernon West (1922), p. 259: Ripon to Sir A. West, 26 January 1894. (1922), p. 259: Ripon to Sir A. West, 26 January 1894.122. Quoted in Quoted in W. H. Parker W. H. Parker, Mackinder: Geography as an Aid to Statecraft Mackinder: Geography as an Aid to Statecraft (Oxford, 1982), p. 61. (Oxford, 1982), p. 61.123. See See C. Erickson C. Erickson, Leaving England Leaving England (Ithaca, 1994), ch. 3; (Ithaca, 1994), ch. 3; H. L. Malchow H. L. Malchow, Population Pressures: Emigration and Government in Late Nineteenth-Century Britain Population Pressures: Emigration and Government in Late Nineteenth-Century Britain (Palo Alto, 1979). (Palo Alto, 1979).124. A. J. Hammerton A. J. Hammerton, Emigrant Gentlewomen: Genteel Poverty and Female Emanc.i.p.ation 18301914 Emigrant Gentlewomen: Genteel Poverty and Female Emanc.i.p.ation 18301914 (1979). (1979).125. G. Wagner G. Wagner, Children of the Empire Children of the Empire (1982). (1982).126. Cmd. 7695, Cmd. 7695, Report of the Royal Commission on Population Report of the Royal Commission on Population (1949), ch. 12. (1949), ch. 12.127. The cla.s.sic account is The cla.s.sic account is J. Roach J. Roach, 'Liberalism and the Victorian Intelligentsia', Cambridge Historical Journal Cambridge Historical Journal, 13 13, 1 (1957), 5881.128. This transition is explained in This transition is explained in E. T. Stokes E. T. Stokes, The English Utilitarians and India The English Utilitarians and India (Oxford, 1959). (Oxford, 1959).129. The key concept in Kidd, The key concept in Kidd, Social Evolution Social Evolution.130. Hobson's 'anti-imperialism' did not permit the 'closed economy'. Hobson's 'anti-imperialism' did not permit the 'closed economy'.131. Mackinder, Mackinder, Britain and the British Seas Britain and the British Seas, pp. 3489.132. Rhodes House Library, Mss Afr s.228, C. J. Rhodes Papers, C 27, Milner to Rhodes, 6 August 1898. Rhodes House Library, Mss Afr s.228, C. J. Rhodes Papers, C 27, Milner to Rhodes, 6 August 1898.133. B. Schwertfeger B. Schwertfeger (ed.), (ed.), Zur Europaischen Politik 1897: Unveroffentliche Dok.u.mente, vol. I, 18971904 Zur Europaischen Politik 1897: Unveroffentliche Dok.u.mente, vol. I, 18971904 (Berlin, 1919), p. 32: Memo by Belgian Foreign Office, 13 June 1898. (Berlin, 1919), p. 32: Memo by Belgian Foreign Office, 13 June 1898.134. See See N. Blewett N. Blewett, 'The Franchise in the United Kingdom 18851918', Past and Present Past and Present, 32 32 (1965), 2756; (1965), 2756; K. T. Hoppen K. T. Hoppen, The Mid-Victorian Generation 18461886 The Mid-Victorian Generation 18461886 (Oxford, 1998), pp. 2656. The percentage was lower in Scotland and Ireland. (Oxford, 1998), pp. 2656. The percentage was lower in Scotland and Ireland.135. R. Shannon R. Shannon, The Age of Salisbury The Age of Salisbury (1996), pp. 553, 556. (1996), pp. 553, 556.136. See See D. A. Hamer D. A. Hamer, Liberal Politics in the Age of Gladstone and Rosebery Liberal Politics in the Age of Gladstone and Rosebery (Oxford, 1972), ch. 11. (Oxford, 1972), ch. 11.137. Schwertfeger, Schwertfeger, Europaischen Politik Europaischen Politik, p. 44: Memo by Belgian Foreign Office, 29 August 1898.138. See below ch. 6. See below ch. 6.139. Speech at the Royal Colonial Inst.i.tute, 31 March 1897. See Robinson and Gallagher, Speech at the Royal Colonial Inst.i.tute, 31 March 1897. See Robinson and Gallagher, Africa and the Victorians Africa and the Victorians, p. 404.

Chapter 3.

1. I have adapted this term from W. K. Hanc.o.c.k, who derived it from Adam Smith's 'great mercantile republic'. I have adapted this term from W. K. Hanc.o.c.k, who derived it from Adam Smith's 'great mercantile republic'.2. PP 1898 (344), PP 1898 (344), Return of Public Income and Expenditure...18691898 Return of Public Income and Expenditure...18691898, pp. 10, 20, 21.3. For a vigorous exposition of this, see For a vigorous exposition of this, see D. C. North D. C. North, 'Conference Summary', in L. R. Fischer L. R. Fischer and and E. W. Sager E. W. Sager (eds.), (eds.), Merchant s.h.i.+pping and Economic Development in Atlantic Canada Merchant s.h.i.+pping and Economic Development in Atlantic Canada (St John's, Newfoundland, 1982). See generally, (St John's, Newfoundland, 1982). See generally, D. C. North D. C. North, Understanding the Process of Economic Change Understanding the Process of Economic Change (Princeton, 2005). (Princeton, 2005).4. F. Knight F. Knight, Risk, Uncertainty and Profit Risk, Uncertainty and Profit (Boston, 1921), p. 268. (Boston, 1921), p. 268.5. Figures from Figures from W. Woodruff W. Woodruff, The Impact of Western Man The Impact of Western Man (1966), p. 253. (1966), p. 253.6. D. Headrick D. Headrick, Tentacles of Progress: Technology Transfer in the Age of Imperialism, 18501914 Tentacles of Progress: Technology Transfer in the Age of Imperialism, 18501914 (1988), p. 105. (1988), p. 105.7. Woodruff, Woodruff, Impact Impact, p. 289.8. Ibid Ibid., p. 313.9. R. C. O. Mathews R. C. O. Mathews, C. H. Feinstein C. H. Feinstein and and J. C. Odling-Smee J. C. Odling-Smee, British Economic Growth, 18561973 British Economic Growth, 18561973 (Stanford, CA, 1982), p. 433. The figure for 1964 was 16.3%. (Stanford, CA, 1982), p. 433. The figure for 1964 was 16.3%.10. B. R. Mitch.e.l.l B. R. Mitch.e.l.l, An Abstract of British Historical Statistics An Abstract of British Historical Statistics (Cambridge, 1971), p. 334. (Cambridge, 1971), p. 334.11. R. C. Michie R. C. Michie, The City of London The City of London (1992), p. 72. For an account stressing the diverse interests in the City, see (1992), p. 72. For an account stressing the diverse interests in the City, see M. J. Daunton M. J. Daunton, 'Financial Elites and British Society, 18801950', in R. C. Michie (ed.), The Development of London as a Financial Centre The Development of London as a Financial Centre, 4 vols. (2000), vol. II, pp. 3556.12. Woodruff, Woodruff, Impact Impact, p. 257.13. Mitch.e.l.l, Mitch.e.l.l, Abstract Abstract.14. M. Edelstein M. Edelstein, Overseas Investment in the Age of High Imperialism Overseas Investment in the Age of High Imperialism (1982), p. 48. (1982), p. 48.15. C. H. Feinstein C. H. Feinstein, 'Britain's Overseas Investments in 1913', Economic History Review Economic History Review, New Series, 43 43, 2 (1990), 28895.16. Woodruff, Woodruff, Impact Impact, p. 154.17. Michie, Michie, City City, p. 112.18. Ibid Ibid., p. 113.19. Ibid Ibid., p. 114.20. D. Kynaston D. Kynaston, The City of London: Golden Years, 18901914 The City of London: Golden Years, 18901914 (1995), p. 262. (1995), p. 262.21. A cla.s.sic example was the firm of Brown, s.h.i.+pley and Co. See A. Ellis, A cla.s.sic example was the firm of Brown, s.h.i.+pley and Co. See A. Ellis, Heir of Adventure: The Story of Brown, s.h.i.+pley and Co., 18101960 Heir of Adventure: The Story of Brown, s.h.i.+pley and Co., 18101960 (privately printed, n.d.). (privately printed, n.d.).22. For Rothschilds, see For Rothschilds, see N. Ferguson N. Ferguson, The World's Banker: The History of the House of Rothschild The World's Banker: The History of the House of Rothschild (1998); for Barings, see (1998); for Barings, see P. Ziegler P. Ziegler, The Sixth World Power: A History of One of the Great Banking Families, the House of Barings, 17621929 The Sixth World Power: A History of One of the Great Banking Families, the House of Barings, 17621929 (1988). (1988).23. See See S. G. Checkland S. G. Checkland, 'The Mind of the City 18701914', Oxford Economic Papers Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, 9 9, 3 (1957), 26178.24. For a recent study, see For a recent study, see R. C. Michie R. C. Michie, The London Stock Exchange The London Stock Exchange (Oxford, 2001). (Oxford, 2001).25. Michie, Michie, City City, p. 134.26. J. A. Hobson, J. A. Hobson, The Evolution of Modern Capitalism The Evolution of Modern Capitalism [1894] (rev. edn, 1926), p. 246. For Hobson's views, see [1894] (rev. edn, 1926), p. 246. For Hobson's views, see P. Cain P. Cain, Hobson and Imperialism: Radicalism, New Liberalism and Finance, 18871938 Hobson and Imperialism: Radicalism, New Liberalism and Finance, 18871938 (Oxford, 2002). (Oxford, 2002).27. C. Harvey C. Harvey and and J. Press J. Press, 'Overseas Investment and the Professional Advance of British Metal Mining Engineers, 18511914', Economic History Review Economic History Review, New Series, 42 42, 1 (1989), 678; 'The City and International Mining, 18701914', Business History Business History 32, 3 (1990), 98119; 32, 3 (1990), 98119; J. J. van Helten J. J. van Helten, 'Mining, Share Mania and Speculation: British Investment in Overseas Mining 18801913', in J. J. van Helten and Y. Ca.s.sis, Capitalism in a Mature Economy Capitalism in a Mature Economy (1990). (1990).28. For a graphic description of the speculative and disinformational tendencies to be found in the City, see For a graphic description of the speculative and disinformational tendencies to be found in the City, see I. R. Phimister I. R. Phimister, 'Corners and Company-Mongering: Nigerian Tin and the City, 19091912', Journal of Imperial

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