Forever Love: The Last Husband Part 12

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"Oh, Zane," I sighed. "You're incorrigible."

"Please, Lucky. It will make me feel better to know that he is with you when I can't be."

"This is crazy." I shook my head. "I don't want to go everywhere with either you or him."

"Just until we get Braydon," he pleaded with me. "Please, Lucky. I need to make sure you're safe. I need to make sure I'm not worrying about you when I'm not with you. I've already lost two people I love in my life. I can't afford to lose another one. I don't even want to think about it."

"I ..." I paused and stared into his eyes. The pain and worry that shone out of them made my heart stop. I was vehemently against having a bodyguard, but maybe I would acquiesce for now. "I'll see how it goes." I smiled at him weakly, Sidney's words ringing in my ears. Love means following your heart. Well, okay, Sidney, I hope you're right.

"So, you'll go to dinner with him tomorrow then?" He looked at me hopefully. "And you'll let him accompany you on days that I can't be with you?"

"Yes," I sighed. "There's nothing else I should know, right?" I looked at him carefully. I wasn't sure how much more I could take.

"There's nothing else." He leaned forward and kissed me hard. "I love you, Lucky. Thank you for trusting me and loving me."

"Zane," I squealed as I felt his hands on my a.s.s. "We're in public."

"So?" His eyes twinkled back at me. "That's part of the fun."

"People are going to stare." I pushed him away, giggling as his hand crept up my s.h.i.+rt and cupped my breast. "Zane." I hit his hand away. "Stop."

"I want to make sweet love to you, Lucky," he whispered in my ear. "I want to throw you down on the sand and kiss you all over, and then take you from behind. I want to hear you crying out my name to the wind so that the birds can hear."

I listened to him and swallowed hard. He was turning me on and I was loath to admit it.

"Oh, Lucky. Can you feel what you do to me?" I felt him press into me and his erection was hard against my belly. I giggled as I stared up at him.

"Zane, you're so bad."

"Bad enough for you to throw caution to the wind?"

"Zane!" I rolled my eyes. "There is no way in h.e.l.l I'm gonna to have s.e.x with you for everyone to see. And I don't want sand in unspeakable places either."

"We can go in the ocean." His eyes bored into mine. "No sand there."

"Whatever." I shook my head, exasperated.

"Look." He pointed to a stretch of sand about 300 yards away. "There's no one on the sand there really, and no one in the ocean."

"Zane," I giggled, though I was slightly intrigued. I'd never really had crazy s.e.x or outdoor s.e.x, and I had to admit that it was slightly thrilling to me.

"What do you say?"

"We have all our clothes on."

"I can strip down to my boxers and you have on a skirt." He raised an eyebrow. "You could go into a restroom and take off your panties."

"I can't do that." I shook my head hesitantly and Zane grinned at me before taking my hand and pulling me.

"There's a restroom up there."

"Zane." My voice was soft and my heart was beating. "Oh, my gosh, are we really going to do this?"

"Yes." He wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Please say yes."

"As long as you promise that you don't intend for me to have a bodyguard forever." I grinned at him.

"I promise." He laughed. "I promise."

"Fine. But if we get caught I will hate you forever."

"Hey, it's a great story for the grandkids."

"You've got to be joking." I laughed.

"I'm excited for our doctor's appointment." He smiled into my eyes. "I can't wait to see if we're pregnant."

"Zane, way to ruin the mood," I groaned. "Isn't it me who's supposed to do that?"

"I'm excited." He laughed.

"You really want to have a kid, huh?" I looked at him in surprise.

"I shouldn't be so excited. I know!" He stroked my hair. "But when I think of having a family with you, I feel like I can finally have the happy family life that I've always wanted. I know you still have school and all that stuff, but I promise you, we can make it work."

"I know." And in my heart, I did. I knew that Zane and I were in this for the long haul. There was nothing that could tear us apart. We were made for each other.

"I don't have protection." He stared at me and bit his lip. "And frankly I'm not sure how it would work in the water."

"Oh." I stared into his eyes, my heart was thumping. "I guess it won't hurt this once."

"Are you sure?" He looked hopeful.

"No." I laughed. "You make me forget my own mind, Zane Beaumont."

"Let's go." He grinned and walked into the men's room to change. I quickly walked into a stall in the ladies room and pulled down my panties and decided at the last moment to take off my bra as well. I held them in my hand and shook my head at what we were about to do. I ran out quickly and my breath caught as I saw Zane standing there in his white Calvins.

"Zane, those are not boxer shorts!" I gasped as I stared at him standing there in his briefs half-naked.

"What can I say?" He grinned at me and grabbed me by the waist. "I have no shame when it comes to you."

"Why do I think we're making a huge mistake?" I laughed and we ran to the ocean hand-in-hand. We dropped our clothes on the sand and I raced ahead of Zane. "Catch me if you can!" I jumped into the water and gasped at how cold it was. I dove under and swam to warm myself up and as I bobbed back up, the cool air caressed my face while the sun kissed me. I lay on my back and floated in the water, enjoying the warmth on my face for a few seconds before Zane grabbed me from behind.

"Come here, you," he growled and wrapped his arms around me tightly. I felt his hands creep up under my top and his fingers encircled my nipples and he squeezed them tightly.

"Zane," I squealed while treading water, and I turned around to face him.

"Shh." He grinned and lifted my skirt up. "Wrap your legs around my waist." I obeyed his command dutifully and felt him press against me.

"You still have your briefs on." I bobbed against him and his mouth came down onto mine, shutting me up. I felt his tongue dart into mouth and I reached my hands down and pulled his briefs off before grabbing him. His eyes popped open at my bold move, and I winked at him as I eased him into me. I closed my eyes and cried out as he pushed into me hard and I bit down on his shoulder. I cried out as we bobbed back and forth in the water and it was minutes before I realized that I had let go of his briefs in the water.

Zane grunted in my ear as he pummeled into me and we both came pretty quickly. I held onto him tightly and we were both gasping as we bobbed in the ocean.

"That was hot." He grinned.

"Yes," I gasped. "It was."

"I want to take you home now so I can have my way with you slowly."

"Uh, about that." I grinned.


"I let go of your briefs."

"What?" His eyes widened and he chortled as he realized what that meant. "You do realize there is a very good chance I could be arrested for flas.h.i.+ng now."

"No." I shook my head. "Oh, man."

"We'll have to walk out slowly with you in front of me."

"Okay." I nodded.

"You planned this, didn't you?"

"No, no. I swear." I laughed. "It was a mistake."

"I guess I'm to blame." He winked.


"I made you lose your mind with my good loving."

"Yeah," I snorted. "That was it." At the same moment, a huge wave crashed over us and I swallowed a mouthful of salt.w.a.ter. I started coughing and spitting and Zane grabbed a hold of me tightly.

"Are you okay?" He looked concerned and I nodded.

"I'm just a bit cold."

"I guess we need to get out now?" He paused and grimaced and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"It was your bright idea."

"I didn't expect you to drop my underwear in the ocean." He shook his head. "I bet you did it on purpose."

"Who me?" I shook my head in denial. "I promise I didn't, but I can't say it's not funny."

"You won't think it's funny if I get arrested." He laughed and we swam back to sh.o.r.e.

"Now what?" I looked at him as we got to the sh.o.r.e and he winked at me.

"Now we run." He grabbed a hold of me and we ran to our clothes with him pressed against me. He let go of me quickly and grabbed his pants and tried to drag them on. I laughed as I watched him wiggling and hopping around, trying to pull his pants up his wet body.

"What are you laughing at?" he growled as I watched him struggling and he shook his head. "Maybe this wasn't such a great idea."

"It would have been better if you had a towel."

"You're so helpful, Lucky."

"I try." I walked around and slapped his pale white a.s.s before reaching down and helping him to pull his pants up. I had noticed a couple walking towards us and I knew we only had a few seconds left to cover his naked p.e.n.i.s.

"Thanks." Zane b.u.t.toned up his pants and turned around to kiss me. "I'd do it over again if I had to."

"Sure you would." I winked at him and held onto my panties and bra tightly. "Let's go home. I need to shower."

"You need to shower?" he groaned. "I have sand in places that nothing should ever have access to."

"Ha ha. I'll have to guess where those places are."

"Perv." He reached over and grabbed my breast through my wet top and licked his lips. "Oh the things I want to do with you right now."

"You wish, Beaumont." I screamed and went running as quickly as I could across the sand and to his car. I heard him behind me and I increased my pace. I felt Zane grab hold of me and we fell to the sand, laughing and exhausted. "No fair." I studied his face and smiled up into his eyes and he gazed down at me.

"You know all's fair in love and war."

"Are you in love with me or are we at war?"

"I love you more than words can say, I'll love you for a million days, I love you in many different ways, I love you if you'll always let me pay, I'd love you even if you were made of clay."

"You're a goof." My heart thudded at his short little ditty. "But thank you."

"I never told you before, but I like to write songs." He stared down at me carefully. "I'm not great, but I like to do it for fun."

"Ooh, write me a song." I grinned. "I love music and musicians."

"Oh, so now you love me because I'm a musician?"

"Well, of course."

"Let's make a deal." His eyes sparkled. "I'll write you a song, if you write me a song."

"I can't sing," I wailed. "There is no way."

"You don't have to sing it."

"You want me to write you a song?" I looked at him in amazement. "Why?"

"The same reason you want me to write you a song."

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Forever Love: The Last Husband Part 12 summary

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