Forever Love: The Last Husband Part 26

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"He didn't tell me exactly, but I think if I had really listened to some of the things he had told me, I wouldn't be as surprised as I am now."

"That Sidney." He laughed and then looked at me curiously. "How did you meet him anyway?"

"We've been working on the doc.u.mentary."

"My doc.u.mentary?" He looked shocked and turned to his brother. "You've been working on civil rights stuff now? Wow, you must really have missed me."

"While I did miss you bro, the doc.u.mentary was for Lucky." Zane raised an eyebrow at me and I blushed. Noah looked back and forth between us and shook his head. "This is all too much for one day. I need to take a nap. I hope you feel better, Lucky. We'll talk later?" He smiled at me warmly before yawning and I nodded eagerly.

"I feel awful. I haven't even asked where you've been. Or how you were able to come back. Or if Braydon knows you're really alive." I blurted out a bunch of questions. "Sorry, that was a bit much."

"No problem." Noah walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek. "I'm honored that you're interested. I'd love to tell you more."

"Back off, Noah." Zane teased his brother and winked at me. "You can sleep in the room two doors down. You okay to go by yourself? I want to make sure Lucky is okay."

I felt myself flush at his words. Oh s.h.i.+t, he still doesn't know that I may be pregnant. I bit my lip and I saw Noah frown as he saw the worry in my face. He gazed at me in concern for a moment before turning back to Zane. "No problem bro, I can find it."

He reached over and gave Zane a pat on the back and Zane brought him close for another bear hug. They stood there for what seemed like five minutes just hugging and then they broke apart. I could see the love and happiness s.h.i.+ning in Zane's eyes as he stared at his brother and I couldn't believe I was in this moment. It was truly one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen in my life.

"Sweet dreams, Noah." I smiled up at him and he winked before he left the room. Zane watched his brother walking away and then came back to the bed to join me. "Crazy day, huh?" I grabbed his hand as he sat on the bed next to me.

"I don't think I even know the definition of crazy anymore." He shook his head in disbelief. "I don't know that I even know which way is up and which way is down right now."

"Are you okay?" I looked at him, worried that it had all been too much for him.

"I'm beyond okay." He shook his head. "Today has been the best day of my life. Lucky, when I saw Noah walking towards me, I thought I was going to pa.s.s out or that I had died and gone to heaven."

"I'm surprised that he got to leave the program? On TV, they always make it seem like once you go into witness protection, it's for life."

"It was slightly different for Noah." Zane explained. "The FBI was worried that Braydon would hire someone to take Noah out. They weren't worried so much that Braydon would do it, but they knew he had a partner that was a lot more coldhearted. The problem is, they didn't know who, so they didn't want to take any chances."

"Oh, my G.o.d, Braydon's partner was Angelique right?" My blood ran cold. "What if something had happened to you that night? What if she got suspicious?"

"She didn't harm me, Lucky. Nothing happened." Zane leaned over and kissed me.

"But something could have happened." I closed my eyes. "And I never would have known. I would have just been sitting here waiting for you to come home and you would have been laying dead in a ditch somewhere."

"It didn't come to that Lucky." He pulled me towards him. "And I don't think she or Braydon had a clue that I was working with the FBI. Or about Noah. My grief and hatred was too real." He shook his head. "In a way, I understand why they didn't want to tell me that he wasn't dead. It was the best way for me to get into the group and to do everything I could to make sure I could get the evidence to prosecute Braydon."

"They used you." I frowned and we sat there in silence for a few minutes. "So what is going to happen to Braydon?" I was scared he was going to try and come and exact revenge on Zane and Noah now.

"Braydon and Angelique both took plea deals to testify against Sanchez." His eyes burned. "But they will likely still be in jail for 20 years at least."

"But what about Sanchez, will he come after us?" I trembled a little at the thought. I didn't want to be looking over my shoulder every time I went out, and I certainly didn't want Leo to become a full-time bodyguard.

"Sanchez was murdered last week." Zane shrugged. "What can I say? Drug lords don't play fair."

"That's really scary." I cuddled up next to him. "Please tell me we don't have to deal with this anymore. I don't want to even think about these things anymore."

"I promise, Lucky. It's over." His eyes gleamed as he looked down at me. "And I have Noah back."

"He looks a lot like you."

"Just a bit more handsome," he laughed and I ran my hands through his hair and down his face.

"No one's as handsome as you, my love."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that." He grinned and kissed me deeply. "I feel so happy Lucky, I don't know that I've ever felt happier in my life."

"I'm glad."

"Make it the best day of my life." He whispered while staring into my eyes. "Say you'll marry me."

"What?" My eyes popped open at his words and I thought my heart stopped beating for a moment. "What did you say?"

"Say you'll marry me, Lucky. I love you to the moon and back. Since you've been in my life, I have felt such contentment. You've been able to awaken my heart and make me whole again, I don't just want to be your last boyfriend; I want to be your husband."

"My husband?" I breathed the words back to him, still shocked to my core.

"Say I can be your last husband, Lucky." He winked at me. "Make me the happiest man in the world. Make this the happiest day in my life."

"Yes, Zane. Yes, I'll marry you. I love you, Zane. I love you more than life itself. I don't even want to think about a day without you in it."

"You will never have to know a day like that ever again, my dear."

"I have something to tell you." I took a deep breath. "Well, two things to tell you."

"What?" He looked worried for a second. "Please do not tell me you're already married."

"No, goofy." I laughed and he laughed back at me, stroking the hair away from my face. "I decided to apply to UCLA. I researched their History program and it's great. I'm hoping to be able to transfer."

"Are you sure?" His face was full of concern. "Don't do that for me, Lucky, I'd be happy to go back to Miami with you so you can finish school there."

"No." I shook my head. "This is our home. I feel like this is my real home. I love it here. I don't want to leave."

"Then we will never leave, my love." I felt Zane's hand creep up to my breast and I pushed it away gently.

"I have something else to tell you, Zane." I grabbed both of his hands and stared into his eyes. "I think we're having a baby."

"What?" His jaw dropped open and he looked at me in shock. "How?"

"Well, one day we had s.e.x and we didn't use a condom ..." I started and giggled as he started to tickle me.

"I know how, you little ..." His words drifted off as he kissed me and then he looked back up at me. "I thought you got your period."

"You can still be pregnant when you have your period. Plus remember that day in the field in Paris?"

"Oh yeah," he grinned.

"And the day at the beach."

"Oh, yeah." This time he licked his lips.

"We haven't exactly been the poster children for safe s.e.x." I shook my head and we both made faces at each other.

"I guess that is what the puke was doing on the couch downstairs?" Zane made a face and I smacked my mouth across my face. "Oh s.h.i.+t, I forgot. Sorry. Let me go and wipe it up." I tried to get off the bed and he held me down. "Don't worry about it, Lucky. I'll go clean it up later." I smiled up at his caring face and felt so special to be loved by this man.

"So when will we know?" He looked serious all of a sudden. "We have to get a doctor's appointment so we can check and find out for real this time. What makes you think that ..." All of a sudden his eyes popped open. "Oh s.h.i.+t, you've had morning sickness, haven't you?"

"I think so." I nodded my head.

"And that would explain why you have been eating so many pickles." He shook his head and laughed. "I thought you were trying to turn me on."

"What?" I laughed. "With a pickle?"

"Well, you know." He paused. "It's the way you eat it, all nibble, nibble and then gulp, gulp. It makes me think things."

"You're disgusting, you know that?" I wrapped my hand around his waist and pulled him closer to me. "But that's why I love you."

"You love me because I'm disgusting?" His hand found its way to my breast again and this time I didn't push it away.

"I love you because you look and act like this big macho guy, but you're really a big ol' softie inside."

"I am?"

"Well, maybe just a big old goof."

"I love you because you're the most beautiful woman in the world."

"I bet you say that to all the girls."

"There are no other girls. For me, there is only you."

"Unless we have a daughter," I spoke softly and he looked at me with shocked eyes.

"I never thought about that. We may have a daughter. I may be a dad."

"Are you okay with that?"

"I'll be the happiest father in the world." His words were light, but I could tell from the intensity of his eyes that he meant every word that he said. "I'd love to see a little Lucky with big curls and big brown eyes."

"I'd like to call her Ruby Lane, if we have a girl." I allowed him to run his fingers gently across my lips. "When I was young, my mother used to read me this book about a little girl, who was the luckiest girl in the world. She had the best mother and father in the world, and she was the happiest girl in the world, and her name was Ruby Lane. I always told myself that if I had a little girl, I would call her that."

"Ruby Lane Beaumont," Zane said the words aloud. "I like that, I like it a lot."

"I love you, Zane Beaumont." I sat up and studied his face. "I'm so thankful you chose my diner to come into that day."

"It was fated, my love." He reached into his back pocket and took out a ring. "I bought this for you before we went to France. But I wanted to wait to ask you. I didn't want to ask you and have you say yes because you felt bad for me in Paris. I wanted to know that when you said yes, it was because it was something you wanted for you, and not because you felt bad for me."

"Oh, Zane, I would never do that." I stared at the large diamond as he slid the platinum band onto my finger. "I love it." I smiled shyly at him. "And yes, a million times over."

"Do you remember my song for you, my love?" He ran his hand along my cheek. "Today is our day, my love, today is our day."

"Do you remember mine? You are me, I am you, and we are one." I sang out in a reggae tone and we both laughed.

"That we are my dear, that we are." And with that Zane and I fell back into the bed and he held me close in his arms. I pressed my face against his chest and allowed myself to breathe all of him in, this man was mine. This handsome, wounded, strong and spectacular man was going to be my husband and I knew that without a doubt he would be the only one I'd have for the rest of my life.

Chapter 13.

Zane "I'll give you my watch," he handed me his watch with sticky fingers and a reluctant look on his face.

"I don't want your watch, Noah." I hit his hand away. "Just get out of my way."

"But I don't want you to go out." He pouted and his eyes bore into mine. "You said you'd stay home and hang out."

"I'm going to a sleepover," I looked at him with an annoyed expression. His whiney 10-year-old voice was irritating me and I just wanted him to leave me alone.

"I wanna come too." He pleaded.

"You can't come." I grabbed my bag and headed to the door.

"I'll give you my watch and all my coins." He looked at me as if he was going to cry. "And three Twix bars I have in my room."

"Noah, I don't want any of those things." I ran down the stairs and headed to the front door. My friend John and his mom were waiting in the driveway to take me to his house. I stopped at the front door and looked up the stairs. Noah was sitting there with a sad face, staring down at me. He looked so alone and tiny, and in that moment, I knew I couldn't leave.

"Alright you win, I'll stay." I dropped my bag on the floor and shouted up at him. His face lit up and he came running down the stairs.

"Here's my watch Zane. It's yours now." He reluctantly held it out to me and I shook my head. I felt guilty that he was willing to give me the watch he had begged to receive for the last six months.

"Thanks, Zane. You're the best big brother ever." He hugged me close to him and I patted him on the back awkwardly.

"Don't ever forget it." I grinned at me and we both walked outside to tell John that I would no longer be attending the sleepover.

"Oh, what a beautiful morning." Lucky's singing woke me up and I saw her pulling on a pair of shorts. Her face was vibrant and happy, and she looked like she was going to workout.

"Where are you going?" I yawned, still slightly tired. The events of the last week had been exhausting and I was emotionally spent.

"I thought I'd go downstairs and cook Noah breakfast."

"Just Noah?" I pretended to pout, but I sat up and jumped out of bed eagerly. I had almost forgotten that Noah was here and back in my life. It had all seemed like a dream-the best dream of my life, but a dream all the same.

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Forever Love: The Last Husband Part 26 summary

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