Forever Love: The Last Husband Part 6

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"No, I didn't. And he wasn't the first guy who tried to get with me." I was angry now.

"I'm just saying be careful." She paused. "I was thinking that maybe I could come visit you. Make sure he's not a stalker."

"He's not a stalker, Leeza!" I sighed. "And when did you want to come?"

"Next weekend?" Her voice was hopeful.

"I'll let you know." And then I hung up, not caring that I was being rude.

My head was spinning and I knew that I needed to sit down and think about everything. I felt like I was lost in a maze of people I didn't know and everything I thought I knew about was wrong. I was angry and upset, and if I was honest, I was a little bit scared. What else had Zane lied to me about?

We ate the apple pie in silence. There was a cold air between Leo and Zane, and I was also giving Zane the silent treatment. I wanted very badly to ask him why he hadn't told me he had arranged to have me at the party. I wasn't even that mad. In a way, it was endearing, and I felt a warm glow. He'd had his eyes on me, just like I'd had my eyes on him. However, I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want to bring Leo into our drama.

I could see Zane's surrept.i.tious glances and I just avoided all eye contact with him. I felt like I was in a spy movie or something-only I was the oddball that didn't realize that she was in it. I had no clue what was going on anymore and I was annoyed. Really annoyed. I liked being in control and knowing exactly what was going on. Zane had my head spinning.

"This is delicious, Lucky. Thank you." Leo smiled at me and I smiled back at him.

"Thanks to Sara Lee."

"Well thank you, Sara Lee." Leo licked his lips and dropped his spoon back down into his bowl. "That was really good."

"I'm sorry that nothing was homemade." I frowned.

"The salad was to-die-for." Leo made some noises that reminded me of s.e.x, and I blushed.

"Really, Leo?" Zane muttered at him.

"He's just showing me that he liked the pie," I snapped at Zane. "At least he can express his feelings."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Zane looked at me with a question in his clouded, blue eyes. "I don't tell you how I feel enough?"

I remained mute and looked away from him. I didn't want to start an argument with him in front of Leo. I wasn't that angry. And it wasn't even about expressing feelings.

"Do you want me to sing you a love song in front of Leo, Lucky? So he knows how I feel?"

"No." My face burned with humiliation.

"How's about some Frank Sinatra?" He cleared his throat. "Let me see, I could sing 'Lady Luck' or ... wait, 'Strangers in the Night.'"

"You're an a.s.s." I glared at him.

"You're a woman."

"Excuse me?" I jumped up. "What does that mean?"

"You're so moody. I don't even know what your problem is." He glared back at me.

"You stalked me!" I spat out.

"Here we go again," he sighed. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I've never stalked you, Lucky."

"I know about the party and Evan." I stared him down, and if it wasn't for the slightest flinch, I would have thought I was wrong. Zane looked at me calmly and didn't say a word.

"Hey, guys, I think that is my invitation to leave." Leo jumped up and walked over to me and gave me a hug. "It was great meeting you. Thank you for a lovely dinner, and maybe we can hang out again soon?"

"Thanks." I smiled at him weakly, slightly embarra.s.sed. "And sure."

"Awesome." He kissed my cheek and then turned to Zane. "Remember what I said, man."

"I'll call you tomorrow." Zane spoke to him, but his eyes never left mine.

"Bye, guys." Leo walked to the front door and let himself out. I heard the door close behind him, but still we both remained silent.

"That was rude of you." I couldn't help myself. "You should have seen Leo to the door."

"He'll live." Zane didn't blink.

"Typical response." I rolled my eyes. "What do you have to say about the fact that you were stalking me?"

"I didn't stalk you," Zane sighed and I watched as he swallowed.

"Explain it to me then. I'm extremely curious." My cheeks were heated and I stood there staring at him with wide eyes. Tears were threatening to fall and I wanted to turn away from him, because I didn't want him to see how he had affected me.

"Lucky, I ..." He sighed again and stood up and walked over to me. He made a gesture to bring me into his arms and I pushed him away.


"I don't understand why you're mad at me." He pursed his lips.

"Because you're a creeper!" I shouted at him and his eyes darkened. "Are you going to explain to me what happened or not?"

"I didn't stalk you." He sighed. "I was hanging out with some friends and your roommate was there."

"Are you sure you didn't plan that?"

"I didn't even know she was your roommate." He looked at me pleadingly. "But she made some comment about having a roommate named Lucky who worked in a diner, and I figured out that it was you. She said she didn't think you'd go to the party. And I wanted you to go."

"I see." I continued frowning at him, but I was starting to relax inside.

"So I asked Evan to convince her to invite you and bring you to the party."

"How did you know Evan could convince her?"

"He has powers of persuasion." He laughed.

I shook my head. "So what was in it for Evan?"

"An audition for a movie if you made it to the party." He smiled.

"I did wonder why Evan didn't seem that interested when Leeza dragged me up there." I frowned. "But you never said much to me. Not really."

"Evan texted me when you got to the room, but two things happened." Zane sighed. "Angelique wouldn't leave my side, and you ended up talking to Braydon."

"So you just left me?" For some reason I felt sad.

"I watched you like a hawk the whole night." His voice was hard. "I wanted to punch Braydon so hard, but I didn't want to do anything that would make him suspicious and think that I liked you. So I just watched to make sure nothing bad happened."

"So you followed me home?" I already knew the answer.

"I wanted to make sure Braydon wasn't following you." He frowned. "I had no idea your car was going to break down. I was so angry at you. I kept thinking, what if Braydon had been there? What if it was him you had to depend on? I wanted to throttle you."

"Yeah, I could tell you were p.i.s.sed." I laughed at him, and I saw him smile back at me.

"I was more than p.i.s.sed." He replied. "I was angry that you had spent the whole night dancing with Braydon and then you gave him your phone number. It should have been me."

"But we were talking when I first got there, you had your chance."

"But then your friend Leeza came and dragged you away." He sighed. "And I had to play along so it didn't look so obvious. I didn't want you to know just what lengths I had gone to, to try and spend some time with you, outside of the diner."

"And then you came to the room too late," I continued understandingly.

"Exactly, my perfect plan was foiled."

"What was the plan for?" I smiled at him, wondering what he had expected.

"I wanted us to talk and dance and get to know each other, outside of the diner." He looked a little embarra.s.sed.

"Why?" I continued.

"Because I liked you and wanted to get to know you better," he muttered.

"You liked me?" I grinned.

"Yes, Lucky." He pulled me towards him, and this time I didn't protest. "I thought you were beautiful, engaging, delightful, and someone I very much wanted to get to know better."

"So you really liked me, huh?" I couldn't stop smiling and I felt his hands wrap around my waist and bring me in closer to him.

"Yes, I really liked you." He grinned at me. "I guess I didn't know how to approach you in the restaurant and not get shot down."

"Why would I shoot you down?"

"Uh, let me think ... because I was on a different date every week."

"You could have asked me out."

"And you would have said yes?" He looked at me in surprise.

"No." I laughed. "I don't think I would have. Well, I don't know. You did have me intrigued."

"Not as intrigued as you had me." He smiled at me and bit my nose. "I used to live for Fridays and your smile and witty comments."

"I used to live for Fridays so I could see you and make fun of you with Maria and Shayla."

"I know." He laughed.


"I used to see the three of you peeking at my table from the kitchen."

"Oops." I laughed.

"I love your laugh." His voice was emotional. "It makes me feel all warm and happy inside. Your smile and your laugh make me feel like life is worth living. All I want is to see you happy. You know that, right?" He looked at me and I nodded back at him silently. "Please be patient with me, Lucky. I'm rough around the edges when it comes to love and how to treat a lady. I know that sometimes I don't give you what you need, but I'm trying. I'm really trying. I want to be worthy of your heart."

"You are," I protested, and he leaned forward and kissed me.

"I want to feel like I'm worthy of your love." He smiled awkwardly. "You deserve the best. And sometimes I know it's hard for me to let other people in. I don't want you to ever feel like you can't talk to me or come to me."

"I feel the same, Zane. I want you to trust me and come to me as well."

"I will." His eyes flashed with an emotion I didn't recognize and I was about to say something when he pulled me against him hard.

"Tell me you're not aroused right now?"

I looked up at him in amazement as I felt his erection press against my belly.

"I'm always aroused when I am with you, Lucky." He kissed my forehead and slid his hands to my a.s.s, cupping my b.u.t.tocks. "I want to make sweet love to you all day and night."

"All day and night, huh?" I grinned and pushed my b.r.e.a.s.t.s into his chest, relis.h.i.+ng in his hardness against my body. "You smell so good." I leaned my nose into his chest and breathed him in.

"How good?" I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Really good." I sighed and lay my head against his chest, loving the warmth of his embrace.

"Good enough to eat?"

"I'd eat you in a second," I giggled, running my hand down his chest to his pants and grabbing hold. "In fact, I'm feeling quite hungry right now."

"Do I turn you on then?"

"Hmm, I'll have to think about that." I fiddled with the b.u.t.ton at the top of his jeans and then yanked the zipper down before pus.h.i.+ng my hand down his pants and grabbing a hold of him. I slid my fingers up and down the length of him, amazed at how hard he was already.

"I think you know you turn me on."

"Isn't that what all the stalkers say?" I giggled again and I felt Zane's hand on my chin bringing my face up to his.

"I wasn't stalking you, Lucky." He looked at me seriously. "Stalking is a serious thing. I don't want you to think I'm that crazy guy. I did do everything in my power to get you to that party, and I did follow you because I was scared of what Braydon may do, but I would never stalk you, or tap your phone, or anything like that."

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Forever Love: The Last Husband Part 6 summary

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