Guardian Legacy: Forgotten Part 42

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My stomach growled as I walked to the window. The sun must have set hours before, because stars dotted the sky. Fear floated through the window and hit my empathic sense like a hurricane. I looked down and frowned. What looked like the entire population of the island had gathered on the lawn, the light from the crystals in their hands lighting up the yard. The people were scared and needed to see me. Not up here but down there, rea.s.suring them.

Someone saw me and pointed. Whispers of "the princess" followed. I waved. They lifted their crystals, but their fear didn't lessen. I channeled my powers and sent a ma.s.s telepath. Thank you for watching over me. I am okay now.

The whisper of "the princess" became a chant, a demand that I join them. No matter what Lady Nemea and Solange had done to me, these people were innocent. They were my people and they needed me.

I smiled and waved again. I am coming.

Hunger pangs. .h.i.t me as I cut across my bedroom. How long I had been out? I was starving, yet I didn't feel weak. With a wave of my hand, the door flew open to reveal Katia, Lottius, Ravan, Skylar, and Gus. Behind them stood Kewpie and Barbie and the Specials they'd introduced to me the first week at the Academy. In the back on the sofa were more people. Children, actually. And Locke? The children were all Specials. No wonder I'd felt their energies.

"Don't ever scare us like that again," Katia scolded, hugging me.

Was she or was she not working with Gavyn? "How long was I unconscious?"

"Five days."

Which meant today was a school night. "Shouldn't you guys be doing homework or something?" I teased, hugging Lottius.

"School was canceled, thank goodness," Lottius said. "We should have prison breaks more often."

Katia rolled her eyes, but the others looked shocked. Guess they weren't used to Lottius's glibness. "I'm sure they'll allow a few inmates to escape just for you, Lottie. Thanks for coming, guys." I touch Skylar and Ravan's arms and smiled at the omni girls. I would have expected Tannin and the guys to show up, not the Specials. "Thank you."

"We had to come." Kewpie indicated the children behind them. "They picked up your ping just before you pa.s.sed out two days ago and told us you needed our help."

"You said someone was draining your energy," a boy with curly hair said with a lisp. He couldn't be more than eight.

A girl of about ten pointed at Locke. "And he helped fix you."

"Fix me?" I asked.

"Your energy was too low," Katia said. "He gave you some."

"Oh." I studied the shy guy. He still couldn't meet my gaze. "That was a dangerous thing to do. In my weakened state, I could easily have drained him."

"We know, but he offered when you didn't recover," Barbie added.

"He was very careful, though," Kewpie again.

"Then I owe you a lot more than thanks, Locke." I glanced at the others. "Let's all go downstairs. I want to talk to the people." I pulled Katia and Lottius aside. "I'm starving. Can one of you get me something to eat?"

"I'll do it," Katia said, and teleported.

The Specials didn't leave, despite the fact that I'd told them to head downstairs. I also noticed another odd thing. My guards weren't at their usual station. "Where are my guards?"

Lottius nodded toward the Specials. "When the scary little people got your SOS, they decided you needed new guards. As you can see, they're still not leaving."

I wasn't sure whether to be impressed or worried.

"Even their parents tried to convince them to leave, but they refused," Lottius continued in a whisper. "Xezbeth and Zagan organized s.h.i.+fts, and they took turns watching over you. Impressive, if you ask me, except for the part where they insisted on invading my head and Katia's in the name of vetting us." She glared at Kewpie and Barbie.

"We had to confirm you were not traitors," Barbie protested.

Lottius made a face. "Yeah, whatever. Just stay away from me." Bran had already told us to keep an eye on you.

You saw him?

He sent a message with his brother after he tried to come back. Yeah, I know all about Gavyn. I heard something you told him made him change sides. Her dislike for Gavyn was still obvious and justified. He said to tell you the G.o.ddess took away his s.h.i.+eld, whatever that means.

It meant his deal with the G.o.ddesses was over. "You do know we can all hear you," Kewpie piped in, interrupting our private conversation.

"Then quit eavesdropping, Xezbeth," Lottius snapped. "Oh, FYI, the guards left."

"What guards?" I asked.

"The ones upstairs. They're all gone."

Upstairs meant the top security team that watched over the island. "Gone where? Never mind. I'll find out downstairs. Let's go."

"There's something else you need to see, Princess," Barbie called out before I could teleport.

Fear and hunger were making me queasy and irritable. "Not now. I have to go..." My voice trailed off when I saw the box Locke was carrying. The Kris Dagger box. "What are you doing with that?"

"He took it from Lady Nemea," Kewpie said. "She was stealing it, along with a trunk full of crystals with your energy. She escaped with those. Sorry."

My dagger was more important, and I knew it had better be there. I pointed at the lock and lifted the lid of the box. The sack with the ancient markings lay inside. With a curl of my finger, I loosened the string and lifted the dagger.

It rose in the air, the blade clear and wavy, the green jewel on the guard catching light and sparkling. I realized what the red light I always felt on my eyelid was-the red stone on Solange's jewel. They'd used her dagger to drain me, just like Queen Coronis had used it on the junior Guardians when we'd attacked Coronis Isle. I'd relived that night during my mind-meld with Bran. Not something I wanted to imagine happening to me while I was unconscious.

The dagger floated to my hand. The tingle at the base of my spine kicked into gear. It shot up my spine, the writings appearing on my arms. Instead of my hand glowing like it always did, the writings flowed to the blade. When all the writings left me, I felt strangely bereft. The dagger started to glow.

I knew it! an excited Locke yelled.

He finally spoke! Knew what?

That the powers of the Kris Dagger were inside you, he said. I felt them. Lady Nemea didn't.

No, she didn't. She hoped the dagger would link with...her, so she drained my energy and absorbed it. I couldn't tell anyone Solange was involved. When that failed, she tried to possess me.

Locke's eyes widened. She's a Lazarus?

Yes. Anyway, thanks for giving me your energy. I owe you one.

Bring my brother home, he said.

I blinked. Your brother?

He's a Special like us. He's only seven.

I nodded. Then I promise I'll do my best to find him and all the Specials if it's the last thing I do.

He looked down, his cheeks reddening. I glanced at the others, but they were mesmerized by the dagger. Lottius was the only one who didn't seem impressed. But then again, she'd seen it. She just couldn't remember it. I transformed my nightdress into a regular dress and the robe into a cloak, then indicated that we should leave.

Downstairs, the offices were empty. Usually, they were open twenty-four hours a day. Guards stood in groups around the foyer, talking in low tones.

Callum looked up and saw me first. "Princess Lilith."

Heads whipped up. They teleported upstairs, Ruby and Callum leading.

"What's going on? Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Sir Malax and Lady Nemea left two days ago," he said.

"Left for where?"

"To search for your father, Princess. At least, that's what they told us. They left with all the high-ranking knights and nearly half of the guards. When we checked the tower, the live-feed crystal that monitors security around the island was gone, and their rooms were emptied of personal belongings."

Why would they leave the island unprotected? I'd bet the knights who left with them were their followers or people loyal to Solange. The remaining guards looked young and unseasoned.

Katia appeared beside me with a tray. There were sandwiches, meat-filled pastries, and a tall gla.s.s of juice. I went for the juice.

"Do the people know they're gone?" I asked.

Callum glanced at the others and nodded. "Yes. We had to tell them something. We have families in the city."

"It's okay." Now I understood the fear pouring from the people outside. I was still hungry, but food became number two on my list of priorities. "I have to rea.s.sure the people. Who's in charge of security now?"

"We are." Callum looked at Ruby and then added, "We've been taking turns doing rounds. Visually. I have a roster Sir Malax used to rotate guards."

"Then I'm putting you in charge of security for now, Callum. However, we're not using Sir Malax's roster, and we don't need his live CC feed. We will create a better system." There was much I'd learned about the Kris Dagger from Bran's memories and his grandfather's journal. Now was the time to put them into use. I pointed the Kris Dagger at the water fountain in the middle of the foyer.

Light shot from the blade and hit the fountain. The guards hurried to the rail to watch as the fountain solidified and then remolded into a crystalline replica of the island.

"I'll put a s.h.i.+eld over the island. Once it's up, you can monitor everything from here," I said. "Anyone not loyal to my father won't be able to teleport into the island without setting off an alarm. If you prefer one in the tower, I'll create it, but right now, let's keep it down here." I turned and walked to the balcony on the second floor, the dagger in my hand, my stomach churning. The guards followed.

The buzz below died down. Within seconds, I had the attention of the crowd. I studied the upturned faces, my friends and the Specials among them. I wondered how many of them knew about my years with the Guardians and chose to ignore them. I also wondered how many were still secretly suspicious of me. Even though I felt vulnerable, scared, and angry, I knew I couldn't lie to them. I was their princess and they were my people.

"Thank you for watching over me while I was unconscious. Without your thoughts and love, your devotion and support, I would not be standing here before you. I'd especially like to thank my friends who stayed by my side and made sure no more harm came to me." I named Lottius and Katia, Xezbeth, Zagan, and Locke, then the rest of the Specials as Lottius telepathed me their names. "Your parents should be very proud of you for your bravery. I know I am."

Some people looked at each other and smiled. Others just nodded. Die hard skeptics watched and waited to see what I would do. I didn't let their att.i.tude nip at my confidence.

"Ten and a half months ago, I lived with my grandfather, the father of my mother. My mother died when I was a child, so I never knew her. Growing up, I had no idea my father was still alive." I took a deep breath, my hand gripping the rail. "I had no idea who I was or who my people were. I traveled with my grandfather and lived among my grandmother's Gypsy tribe." A buzz rippled through the crowd. That was news to some of them. I raised my hand and the murmurs died down. "When I turned sixteen and my powers appeared, my grandfather explained to me who I was. That was the first time he took me to meet the Guardians."

Whispers swept the crowd. I didn't stop them this time.

"I lived and trained with the Guardians for a year. I did things I deeply regret when I lived with them. I now stand before you and apologize for the pain I caused. I was nave and thought I was doing the right thing. I was wrong."

The murmurs disappeared.

"I hope that, one day, you'll forgive me. Not because I am my father's daughter. But because you've found me worthy and deserving of your forgiveness."

The silence was spooky, and b.u.t.terflies fluttered in my stomach.

"I promise you right here and now that I will never allow a Guardian to hurt any one of you. I plan to do everything in my power to stop the constant raids so we can all live in peace. War only breeds misery and suffering. We've been doing it for hundreds of thousands of years and it's time it stopped. We are the same people, Hermonites and Guardians, and it's time we accepted it."

I waited for the people to boo me. Throw something at me. Teleport. All I got was silence. I swallowed, but my throat had seized up and I was close to throwing up.

"This island you call home is my home now. You are my people. Despite the year I spent with the Guardians, I never visited Xenith. I wasn't allowed to. Yes, it hurt, but I've learned to forgive them because, you see, I already have a home. Here. On the island. With my father and you. Until we forge peace with the Guardians, I will protect our island, our homes, our children, our mothers and fathers, from anyone who dares to step on our and attack us."

The applause started in spurts and picked up momentum. I raised the Kris Dagger. The blade started to glow, the green light reflecting in the eyes of the people below. The applause grew thunderous.

Protect the island and those loyal to my father.

Green light shot from the tip of the dagger and sped into the darkness. It appeared to stop and coalesce thousands of feet above the island. Then it exploded and fanned out like an umbrella. The green light formed a thin protective field like a dome around the island, the edges disappearing into the ocean.

Below, the people watched in awe. Once the green film blended with the air and became invisible, applause and whistles followed. I raised my hand until they grew silent.

"I have created a s.h.i.+eld over the island. Nothing and no one hostile to our people will enter the island without our security team knowing about it."

I turned and indicated to Callum and the guards to step forward.

"These brave men and women have been taking care of you since you moved to this island and will continue to do so. As you are aware, some of the senior guards left with Sir Malax and Lady Nemea, leaving us a bit short-handed. We are going to need the help of the new trainees who were being trained by Sir Norath. So, please, if you've been taking lessons with Sir Norath, come to the foyer for debriefing by the leader of the guards, Sir Callum." I glanced at Callum, who raised his hand.

A round of applause followed. I waited for it to die down.

"My father will be home soon. He's been away for too long. I miss him." There was a rumble of laughter. "I'm sure you miss him, too." More laughter and whistles. "But he will be home soon. I want him to find the home he created for us to be exactly how he left it. Safe, happy, and thriving. The students will go back to school tomorrow and the castle staff will be back to monitoring our businesses."


I glanced over my shoulder at Callum.

Sir Norath is here. He indicated the castle, and I peered at a group of guards standing just inside one of the doors leading to the balcony. They were surrounding someone.

Sir Norath was the head of my father's security. My stomach hollowed out, but I kept the smile on my face as I turned and looked at the people. "So, what I want you all to do right now is go home knowing that you are safe. Tomorrow is a new day." I kept waving until applause died down and people started teleporting. Some were taking their sweet time.

I couldn't wait anymore. I whipped around and hurried into the castle. Sir Norath looked like he'd been hit by a truck. His clothes were dirty and singed in some places. I hoped the s.h.i.+eld hadn't done that to him.

"What happened, Sir Norath?"

"We were ambushed by the Guardians. Your father and the others were captured."

My mind went blank and wooziness washed over me. No way. There must be a mistake. Blood slowly returned to my head. "Are you sure? Did you see their faces?"

"No. They attacked us from behind. It was dark and they were many, but they left behind this." He pulled a replica of the Kris Dagger.

From Bran's memories, the Guardians had plenty of replicas of the Kris Dagger to fool Hermonites who'd want to steal the real one. But they also wouldn't attack my father without a reason. Dirty and underhanded was something I'd expect from Lady Nemea and Sir Malax, not my grandfather.

I hated doubting Sir Norath, but I had to know everything before I left. "Where did the attack take place?"

"In L.A." He glanced at the guards and added, "Can we talk privately, Princess?"

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Guardian Legacy: Forgotten Part 42 summary

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