Guardian Legacy: Forgotten Part 43

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My first instinct was to say yes, but then I remembered my speech. These were my people and I'd sworn to make amends for the past. "Speak freely, Sir Norath. I don't mind if they hear what you have to say."

"Your father's behavior became erratic the last few days. He was absentminded a lot and would take off without his bodyguards. I thought he was meeting, uh, a lady friend." He swallowed, his face becoming red. "I followed him last night. He went to meet an old man with beard, a Guardian." He hesitated before mumbling, "Your grandfather, Princess."


"We followed him again tonight. I took two guards with me this time. We just wanted to make sure he was safe, but we were attacked. I don't know why they left me behind with the dagger."

"So you could let us know they have him. Don't worry. I'm going to find him and bring him home tonight."

"But we don't know where they've taken him, Princess," Sir Norath said.

"I know how to get their attention. Thank you, Sir Norath." I touched his arm and his clothes repaired themselves, and the dirt on his skin peeled off and floated away.

"I will accompany you," Sir Norath said.

"Me, too," Callum said.

I shook my head. "No. We have already lost enough knights, and our people need you here. All of you. Callum will explain."

"But Princess-"

"No, Callum, you can't come with me. You too, Ruby," I added when she raised her hand. "No one is fighting tonight. We are going to show them we are a peaceful people." I glanced at Lottius and Katia. Katia looked scared, and I didn't blame her. The security she'd taken for granted was shaken. "Katia, you are great with people, so I need you here in case we don't return tonight. Take over Lady Nemea's duties. Talk to the castle staff and make sure everything is running smoothly, see that the guards are fed and the Subsixers receive their supplies, and ease the worries of anyone who comes looking for me."

I could smell Katia's relief. She nodded.

"What about me?" Lottius asked.

"You're coming with me. Get Bar..." No more nicknames. They were representing my father tonight. "Get Zagan, Xezbeth, and Locke. Tell them to dress formally in red and black, my father's colors. You, too, Lottie. If they don't have anything red or black, I'll take care of them when they get here."

She grinned and left. Silence followed her departure. The guards didn't hide their confusion.

"If I take knights, the Guardians will believe we've gone to fight them. I plan on bringing my father home alive. Tonight, if possible." I wanted the Specials because they were young and innocent-looking but powerful. What was it the Guardians had called them? Nature-benders. Lottius had Time ability. Messing with time was never fun, but if the Guardians didn't show up, we were going to need a Prime Time. "Excuse me. I need to shower and change."

"Princess, if something happens to you," Ruby said, "the peace you mentioned in your speech is never going to happen."

I smiled. "I promise you, nothing will happen to us. Callum, bring me the couple in the dungeons accused of a.s.sociating with the Guardians."

Lottius and the others weren't back when I returned. The couple was. They looked a little thinner and the man had grown a beard. They looked scared but hopeful.

"Do you still claim you are innocent?" I asked.

"Yes, Princess," the woman whispered. "We only ate at the Neutral's restaurants."

"It was our anniversary, and it's the fanciest Nephilim-owned restaurant in L.A.," her husband added.

"Okay. I'll intercede on your behalf when my father comes home. Right now, I want to know more about this restaurant. Who owns it, and what's the address?"

"It's called Keiran's," the man said. "The restaurant is frequented by the Guardians but also by our people. The young man who owns it, Keiran, is nice and friendly. We've known him for years."

I remembered Keiran and his restaurant from the mind-meld with Bran.

"He even employed our people before Lord Valafar built the island and we moved here," his wife added. "That's how we knew him. He employed our son until Coronis Isle was destroyed and he came to live with us."

"You have a son?"

"We did, Princess." Her chin trembled. "He died during the Great Battle."

A battle my father had used to force me to live with him. I'd avoided thinking about him or Bran since I got up. I couldn't afford to get distracted.

"Do you have a home here, or do you live in L.A.?"

"We have an apartment here in the city and also in L.A," the woman said, tears pooling in her eyes.

I glanced at Callum. "Have some guards take them home. I'll talk to Father when he comes back."

The woman grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Thank you, Princess. Thank you. May the Princ.i.p.alities guide you." Her husband pulled her away, but he was also teary.

"Okay, it's time to go. Where are the...?" I caught their reflection on the wall mirrors and wondered how long they'd been standing behind us. Locke and Lottius wore black. The only color came from the red inner linings of their cloaks.

Xezbeth and Zania both wore crimson dresses and black cloaks lined in red just like Lottius's. Their hairstyles were perfect, as though they'd just left a salon. Then I remembered that Xezbeth had air powers, too. I needed my hair dried and styled.

As though she heard me, she walked to my side, rolled my hair into a bun, then blew warm air through it, using both her energy and air powers. When she unrolled my usually curly hair, it fell in waves down my back.

"Thank you." The others came to join us.

I'd chosen a cream-colored chiffon dress that hugged my upper body, then fell in gentle folds around my ankles. The black cloak with red lining and trim Lottius had given me earlier draped over my shoulders and fell to the floor. Around my neck was the necklace my father had given me the night he'd introduced me to our people. It was my way of honoring him.

My dagger, the only weapon we were carrying, was in a sheath attached to a belt around my waist.

I studied the faces of the guards. No one was smiling. "Come on, guys. Everything will be okay. Remember, our people are depending on us, so you can't walk around with long faces, and that's an order." I took Locke's arm. "You and I will teleport together. Lottius"-I glanced at my friend-"the three of you follow our telegate."

I let the image of Keiran's office fill my head, waved to the guards, then we teleported.


I slowed down when we reached Kieran's office. A man was in the office, but he wasn't alone. The man was making out with some blonde, his back to us. Keiran and Kim? The dark roots said it wasn't my friend Kim. From Bran's memories, she'd been dating him before I went to the island. I had to see the man's face to confirm that he was Keiran. I chose the perfect landing spot and directed Locke in next to me. Lottius and the sisters appeared beside us.

"Get lost, Guardians," he mumbled. The rudeness and voice said he was our guy.

The sisters giggled. Lottius was busy staring at his a.s.s with such l.u.s.tful heat, I was sure he'd burst into flame. He stopped kissing the woman, sighed melodramatically, and mumbled, "Later?"

But the girl was staring at us with her mouth open. He turned, violet eyes widening underneath thick lashes. Bran's memories flashed in my head-tall, dimpled chin, chiseled features and brown hair with purple highlights, and a Gothic array of earrings, chains, rings, and bracelets. We had the right Keiran.

He's hot, Lottius said.

"Hi, Kieran," I said.

He blinked. "You remember me?"

"Of course." I glanced at the girl he'd been kissing, who looked like she was about to c.r.a.p bricks. "So, you and Kim are...?"

"Complicated. I'm surprised to see you considering everything that's happening. I mean, I thought... Never mind. What can I do for you, Lil, uh, Princess Lil...? I'm not exactly sure what to call you." He was a nervous mess.

"'Princess Lilith'will do," Locke said, stepping forward as a bodyguard would, which was cute. He barely reached Keiran's chin.

I didn't correct him. "Can we have a table? I'm starving."

"Uh, a table in my restaurant?" he asked.

"You still serve the best food in L.A., don't you?"

"Of course. A table for five?"

"Make it ten. We're expecting company."

We followed him down a broad hallway and through some double doors. The hostesses watched us with petrified expressions. Whispers followed us. I made eye contact with a few customers and smiled. Mount Hermon Island was in the Pacific Ocean and two hours behind the continental USA. It was too late for little children to be eating out, so most of the clients were adults.

Keiran led us to a window table with a beautiful view of downtown L.A. I took a window seat and had a clear view of the entrance and most of the L-shaped room. He placed CC menus in front of us. He was nervous, but I pretended not to notice.

"What would you recommend, Keiran?" I asked. "I'm starving."

"She hasn't eaten in days," Lottius said.

Keiran studied her, then me. "May I ask why?"

"No, you may not," Locke said.

I hid a smile. We placed our order and he left. We were still drawing attention, which was distracting. We would like privacy, please.

The staring stopped.

We were in the middle of our meal when the Guardians arrived. The pulsing powerful psi energies made the hairs on the back of my head rise. Everyone at our table must have felt them, because they stopped eating. The customers gathered their things and teleported out of the restaurant. Then the Guardians moved closer and surrounded us. Luckily, most of them were old friends of mine.

The guys looked nothing like what I'd seen in Bran's memories. Remy had grown a moustache and beard, Sykes's hair was shorter, and Kim and Izzy looked more gorgeous than Bran had viewed them. They had two new members of their team, a boy and a girl. I wondered what their powers were and if they were my replacements.

I waited for a flood of memories and emotions. Maybe a flash. A smidge.

Nothing. The lack of connection bothered me. The echoes of the past were like stars-there, yet out of reach. I had expected more. A feeling of coming home, perhaps.

The Senior Guardians appeared behind them a moment later. Cardinal, Aunt Janelle was what I'd called her. She looked the same. My insides softened when our eyes met. It was the first real emotion I had felt since seeing them. Where was my grandfather? Surely seeing him would trigger something stronger.

My eyes locked with Cardinal Seth's. He wore sullen arrogance like a cloak, and Cardinal Moira was breathtakingly beautiful. The seniors stood protectively close, but not so close that they couldn't hurl weapons.

Our amulets and daggers are not glowing, Kim telepathed the others.

I told you she couldn't possibly have turned evil, Izzy retorted.

Of course, they expected me to be evil. Guardians were so nave. Just because someone was a Hermonite didn't necessarily make her evil.

She looks amazing, Sykes finally said. He was the flirt. I felt nothing toward him. With his blond locks and hazel eyes, he was cute in a boyish, surfer-dude sort of way. He reminded me of Gus, Lottius's mate.

I don't think she remembers us, Remy said. He was the serious one, the leader of the group. The two new additions thought I looked like G.o.ddess Xenia, which was flattering. The seniors had their s.h.i.+elds up.

"Hey, guys. Join us," I said, and waved at the empty seats.

No one moved.

"Of course, I remember you, silly. Remy, I always liked you better without facial hair. And Kim, you look exactly the same." I studied her, then Izzy. "Like your new short 'do, Izzy. And you're right. I'm not evil. Sykes, I don't know if I like your hair this short. It makes you look old."

Their expressions didn't change. Okay, no red carpet. I pushed my chair back and they all reached for their weapons. Now, that was a reaction I hadn't expected. It hurt and ticked me off. I was tempted to reach for the Kris Dagger.

"You know what? I didn't come here to fight. Just take me to my father and we'll leave. I don't even care why you kidnapped him. Just hand him over."

"We don't have your father, Lil," Aunt Janelle said.

"Why would we kidnap him?" Cardinal Seth asked.

"Because every Hermonite is evil in your book," I said calmly. "Where's my grandfather, Aunt Janelle?"

Cardinal Seth lifted his hand and stopped her before she answered. "We are not here to play games, Lil," he snapped. "You took your grandfather last night and you're here to gloat."

My stomach hollowed out. "Grampa has disappeared, too?"

Seth laughed. "You are good, but I know all the tricks your kind throws."

"My kind?"

"Just because you were once one of us doesn't change what you are. We were told your memories were erased, but from your display a few minutes ago, you remembered and told your people where we live. They've attacked us nonstop for the last several days. Your people destroyed our enclave and annihilated our support staff."

"We did not attack you," I said. "If anyone did, it's the bunch of rebels who left the island two days ago when they realized they couldn't control me. Chances are they are working with Gavyn's stupid dark lord friends."

"Do you really expect us to believe you?" Seth asked. "You grabbed your grandfather and put him out of harm's way, then came out of hiding to finish us."

"Aunt Janelle?"

"Your grandfather has been acting strange the last several days, taking off alone," Aunt Janelle said.

I glanced at Lottius. Sir Norath said the same thing about my father.

She nodded. They were meeting.

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Guardian Legacy: Forgotten Part 43 summary

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