Foreign Foes Part 1

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Foreign Foes.

by Dave Galanter.

Chapter One.


For a moment, no one moved. The Hidran amba.s.sadors order crashed off the meeting halls stone walls and into the ears of theEnterprise officers. His breathing mask m.u.f.fled the threat, but made it no softer, no less a demand.

Captain Urosk crushed his phaser into Worfs chest.

If Worf moved, he would die.

He tensed, his wide shoulders tight, his dark face clenched in anger.

Hold it!

Commander William Riker yanked up his phaser and took a step toward them. Close enough to smell themnot to stop them.

He motioned Data forward from the other side.

The hall had grown uncomfortably large. What had been a meter between them now seemed much more. The only thing within reach was Rikers regret at having brought Worf when judgment should have told him better. Klingons and Hidran never mixed.

Urosk and Amba.s.sador Zhad glanced at Riker. It was long enough for Riker to see their eyes, dark green marbles set under brows of wet red leather.

Worf seized the moment of distraction and swung his arm, slapping Urosks weapon away.

But Urosks tall frame gave him advantage, kept him on his feet. He whipped the disrupter back around.

I said stop!

Riker jumped forward and wedged himself between his own security officer and the two Hidran.

Riker was tall as welltall enough to shoulder the Hidran captain back in a sweeping motion. Why hadnt he seen this coming?

Kill him!Kill him!

Zhad shouted to his captain. Lieutenant Commander Data came up beside them, the androids gold-skinned hand gripping his holstered phaser, ready for Rikers order to draw.

You insult us with the presence of this animal!

Amba.s.sador Zhad spat, his glare intent on Worf, his voice gravel beneath the breathing mask that shrouded half his face.

Urosk took only one step back. The Hidrans long scarlet fingers anxiously pumped the handle of his weapon, waiting to finger the trigger.

How dare you?

Zhad growled, his tall body shaking, his red hue darkening in anger.

Riker looked from the Hidran to Worf and back.

How darewe?

Staggering audacity. To demand that the Federation help the Hidran people, then act as if they were doing the Federation a favor by accepting such charity ... Riker had to restrain himself from explaining to the good amba.s.sador just where he could stuff his vainglorious att.i.tude.

He took in a settling breath, then regretted it as he choked on the Hidrans musty odor. He should have been ignoring the stenchhumans probably smelled to a number of alien racesbut that was easier said than done when the alien next to him reeked like mold and wet burlap.

What do you know of seventy years of oppression?

Zhad roared, his voice shaking the hall, his dark eyes burning with contempt.

Or twenty years of war? And twenty more of hara.s.sment?

He pounded a ruby fist on the granite table next to them. Rock on rock.

When was the last time your comrades were killed in cold blood? Was your family murdered in your home?

He angrily wagged a dripping crimson limb at Worf.

Hehas done this to us!He has ravaged our homeworld, and strangled our future!

Worf straightened stubbornly.

Ihave done nothing.

The Klingons deep baritone and skysc.r.a.per posture were a reminder of just how intimidating he could be.

Riker stepped back.

Your war was with the Klingon Empire, gentlemen, he said.

Not the Klingon race.

That is a matter of opinion.

The Hidran amba.s.sador turned his head away.

I will speak with your captain now.

h.e.l.l be here, Zhad.

Riker couldnt force the anger from his tone. His body held it toofists clenched, jaw tight.

Data moved his hand away from his phaser.

Not yet. Riker shook his head once, and the android gripped the weapon again.

Zhad was too unpredictable, too irrational. Every amba.s.sador was a creature of rhetoric, but Zhad was also a bully who coerced his way to victory. His reputation said he twisted facts to suit his purposes, freely perverting his opponents arguments, all despite the breathing mask that distorted his voice. He was a rooster who announced the dawn with such arrogance that he convinced every ear hed created the sun himself. It had worked for him and his race, and was why he was present.

That thought stiffened Rikers spine, for if Zhad had a purpose here, so did Urosk.

And Urosk was a soldier. Riker had watched the Hidran captains eyes as he surveyed his situation and summed it up. There was little Urosk would do without reason. Captains were all alike in some ways. At least the ones who survived were. And that was why the Hidran captain was the danger. Loudmouths with fists were annoyingclever thinkers with fists were dangerous.

Riker a.s.sured himself he would not be caught off guard again.

Nothing ever went quite as planned. Riker had been ordered to keep the Hidran occupieddiplomatically.Cant be done . And adding Worf to the mix hadnt been the wisest move. Hed hoped it might show the Hidran how Klingonscould be. No such luck. Now it looked as if an argument was the only way they would communicate.

Well not wait much longer.

Zhads face twisted into what Riker a.s.sumed was a frown.

Amba.s.sador, were here because your planet is dying, Riker said.

Interesting lie!

Zhad spat.

Agreements are signed over subs.p.a.ce. Why has the Federation brought us to this G.o.dforsaken planet, where we are met by our enemy and forced to wait at his bay?

Lieutenant Worf isnt your enemy, and this G.o.dforsaken planet was the only one your government would agree to, Riker said.


Zhad axed Rikers plat.i.tudes off with a bark and turned back away. He slithered the perimeter of the table, spying every corner of the large hall.

Weare the only ones here.

Riker gestured for Data to follow the amba.s.sador.

Zhad flashed an unamused eye at Riker and ran his palm along one of the tapestries that lined the high walls. With two quick tugs he tested the strength of its hold on the ceiling. He lifted it and looked behind.

Klingons dont come that thin, Riker grumbled dryly.

And their dont hide in the cracks of walls. If we had brought you here to kill you, youd already be dead.

Perhaps I was interested in the rugs, Zhad said.

They are quite old, Amba.s.sador.

Data motioned to the tapestries.

They are believed to be the work of the ancient Velexians.

Zhad shot a glare at all three Starfleet officers.

Who cares?

Data began to answer, but Riker shook his head again.

The amba.s.sador stomped back and stood next to Urosk.

Summon your captain or we leave now.

Amba.s.sador, Captain Picard said zero-eight-thirty hours, and he meant zero-eight-thirty hours.

Riker squeezed the grip of his phaser and felt the tension grow. It had smothered all diplomacy since the first weapon had been drawn, and now it threatened to spoil what civility was left.

In fifteen minutes Captain Urosks communicator screeched wildly and he yanked it off his belt. A voice crackled from the small speaker.

Sir, a Klingon wars.h.i.+p enters this sector. Its weapons are charged and it cruises at battle speed.

Riker groaned.Great. Just great ...

Urosk pulled his disrupter up again and roared into the communicator.

s.h.i.+elds up! Arm for battle! Pull out of orbit.

Understood, sir.

Zhad grabbed Urosks arm and yanked the communicator to his mask.

Destroy the Klingon vessel!


Riker stepped closer, but stopped himself from jumping on Urosks weapon. Instead, he nodded Data back behind the Hidran and held his own ground.

TheEnterprise is up there! Let them handle it!

Zhad wheeled around and rammed the b.u.t.t of his disrupter against Rikers shoulder, knocking him to the ground. Rikers phaser went clattering across the marble floor.

Pain arched Rikers back as he pushed himself up on his elbows and stared at the amba.s.sadors weapon, which that had come from ... where?

Towering over him, Zhad aimed very deliberately at Rikers head.

So, this is the Federations word of honor. As much a lie as Klingon honor.

He turned to Urosk.

Weve been betrayed. Thiswas a trap! They have brought us here to die!

Status report!

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Foreign Foes Part 1 summary

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