Foreign Foes Part 2

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Anger and frustration clas.h.i.+ng with intense pride, the empath said.

I think you have him where you want him, sir.

A corner of Picards mouth drew down. He wasnt quite ready to believe that.

Captain, Anderson called, the Klingons have signaled that our message to Starfleet is unwarranted.

Theyre entering orbit around Velex.

Picard glanced at Deanna. His brows went up, a little surprised that a failed plan had so quickly given way to one that had workedfor the moment.

Well, Deanna sighed, that was more difficult than we thought.

Picard shook his head and lowered himself back into the command chair.

That, Counselor, was the easy part.

Chapter Two.


Data leveled his weapon at the two Hidran.

I would not want to injure either of you.

Zhad and Urosk laughed, a loud mocking growl that could not be mistaken for anything but ridicule.

Riker accepted Datas glance. There was no annoyance in the androids features. How often had Riker looked for a flash behind Datas gaze that could not be dismissed as merely electrical? The android shouldnt have liked to be laughed at, if even just a little, but that didnt play on his face, behind those bright sulfur eyes.

Suddenly Urosk tensed and launched himself forward.

Riker snapped his attention back.


he warned.

The android twisted to one side and with his free hand sent Urosk stumbling across the floor and into Worf.

Amba.s.sador Zhad aimed his disrupter and fired.

Riker rolled away, then skidded to his feet as the orange bar of energy scattered on the marble floor.

He wasnt sure if it was the weapon blast or anger, but he felt a flush of heat rise in his face.

Worf seized Urosk, spun him around and rammed a knee into the small of the Hidrans back. The Klingon pulled Urosks elbows together with his right hand and wrenched the weapon away with his left.

Riker squinted as Zhad targeted him again. At the edge of his focus he saw Data grab the amba.s.sadors leathery wrist and bend it backZhad cried out in angry pain. The android holstered his phaser, ripped Zhads own weapon away, then released the amba.s.sador from the vice with a quick shove.

Zhad stumbled back, crumpling like so much musty laundry, a mound of damp limbs against the cold stone wall.

Data reset the amba.s.sadors disrupter to stun and trained it on its owner.

Riker spotted his weapon on the floor, s.n.a.t.c.hed it up, and aimed it at Urosk. With a nod he gestured for Worf to release the Hidran captain.

The Klingon loosened his grip. Urosk jerked himself away, spun around, and faced the one whod humiliated him so. Dank burgundy fingers tensed over an empty holster.

Thats enough!

Riker said.

The Hidran captain braced himself, but did not move forward.

Worf stood in front of him, looking like an Old West gunfightera phaser in each fist.

Furious and insulted, Zhad dragged himself up and over to Urosk.

I will see that you all die for this.

He pulled the communicator from his captains belt and growled into it.

Meliosh, tell me you have defeated the Klingon s.h.i.+p.

Amba.s.sador, I regret to report ... a stalemate.

Zhad sharpened his glare on Worf, but spoke to Urosk.

Relieve Meliosh as first officer. He does not deserve the rank!

He held the communicator before the captains face.

He is a competent warrior, Amba.s.sador, Urosk said in a tone that Riker almost recognized as one hed often heard from Picard.

Do it!

But Urosk hissed at him in the Hidran tongue and pulled him toward the far end of the hall.

Riker rubbed his tender shoulder and croaked out an order for Worf to keep an eye on them.

Nodding, Worf handed the Hidran weapon to Riker. The Klingon s.h.i.+fted his own phaser to his right hand and set out to follow the two Hidran at a distance.

The comm badge on Rikers uniform chirped. He tapped a channel open.

Away team.

Picard, here. Report, Number One.

The Hidran are a bit ... resistant, sir, but alls under control down here. Theyre off sulking, hopefully ready to bargain.

Dont be too sure, Mr. Riker, Picard said.

These are a hard people, by necessity. In their experience, those who bargain are those who die. Its going to take more than one threat to change that.

Ill be down shortly. Picard out.

Riker rubbed the knuckle of his thumb against his lower lip. He wondered if Picard meant there would be more threats, or that threats were useless. And he wondered where his part in the next move would lie.

If one thing was true it was that Picard could still pluck surprising rabbits out of hidden hats.

Unfortunately, thanks to the Klingons irritatingly early arrival, this plan of Picards had failed.

Originally the captain had hoped to talk the Hidran into accepting a conference with the Klingons, who were to arrive after Picard had a chance to make sure they understood the conditions hed worked out with the Hidran. The fact that neither side knew the other was coming was supposed to a.s.sure no one would cause an incident that would politically require the other side to drop out.

Riker shook his head.Nothing ever , evergoes as planned .

That was a nice move with Amba.s.sador Zhad, Mr. Data, Riker said, still keeping one eye on Worf and the Hidran across the hall.

You acted very quickly. In fact, you saved my tail.

Data nodded a salute.

Thank you, sir. However, I was surprised by Captain Urosks attack. I did not expect him to underestimate my abilities.

Examining the Hidran disrupter he rolled in his palm, Riker chuckled.

You a.s.sume its obvious that youre an android, dont you, Data?

he asked, thumbing the weapons safety.

I have never considered it, sir. I suppose so.

Riker looked up.

Why wouldnt he think you were human? Because you dont lookexactly like other humans?

There was silence as Data considered.

Let me put it this way, Riker continued.

Would you notice minor variations in a Hidrans appearance?

I believe so, sir.

Riker swallowed a sigh.

All right, wouldI notice ?

Data paused and considered that too.

I do not think so, sir, he said finally.

Riker shook his head, a chuckle rising in his throat Drop all weapons!

Riker swung toward the unfamiliar angry voice. A womans voice.

Who was she? And why was she pointing a phaser at him?

As she stomped toward theEnterprise officers, silver-blond hair brus.h.i.+ng her shoulders, she kept her weapon high in spite of the two armed security men flanking her.

I said drop them.

Im Commander Riker he tried to explain.

I dont care if youre the presidents personal shoe stretcher! There was phaser fire in here, and that wasnt part of the bargain. Youre the ones holding the phasers.Put them down!

Riker looked from her to the security men and back. Hired help. One of them had his weapons safety on.


He shrugged, holstered his phaser, and nodded for Data to do the same.

Theyre down. Now, who are you?

She took another step toward him, her phaser angled down only slightly. Impatient hazel-green eyes blazed with a steady determination.

Whats going on in here?

The rent-a-bicep security men were less resolute. They wanted to be behind the woman, not next to her.

There was probably nothing in their three minutes of extensive training that mentioned anything about pointing phasers at someone in a Starfleet uniform. Starfleet personnel just werent the bad guys. They were the ones called when the bad guys showed up.

I asked you first, Riker said.

Barbara Hollitt. Im in charge here.

Yes, you are, arent you?Riker suppressed a smile. She was not gorgeous. Not a vision. But she was exciting somehow, attractive.

What happened in here? I was a.s.sured thered be no problems.

Im sorry, Ms. Hollitt, Riker said, gesturing to the dark smudges where Zhads disrupter had scorched the floor.

We had a little trouble, but its under control.

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Foreign Foes Part 2 summary

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