Foreign Foes Part 37

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On the display, Data watched the Klingon vessels att.i.tude change as it prepared for an obvious maneuver out of orbit.

Data typed quickly, moving theEnterprise to a new course.

Lock phasers on primary targets of engineering and weapons centers. Stand-by to lock phasers on secondary targets of life support and bridge operations.

Phasers lock achieved.

Data nodded again.


Chapter Sixteen.

ORANGE THREADS CONNECTEDtheEnterprise Battle Section with the Klingon Cruiser. Datas tactical board sparkled. Each filament represented anEnterprise phaser blast that had hit and caused damage.

Computer, estimate damage to Klingon vessel.

Damage to forward and rear s.h.i.+elds, seventy-two and sixty-one percent respectively. Warp engines of Klingon vessel are overloading and being taken off line.

A series of beeps brought Datas eyes off his console and back to the tactical screen. The Hidran s.h.i.+p had entered the fray, and was firing on the Klingon vessel as well. This was, of course, not truly within their purview, but Data could hardly fire on them in return. They were only seeking to protect themselves from the Klingon threat.

His hands flying across the controls, Data opened a channel to the Klingon vesseland continued to fire.

Klingon cruiseryou are outgunned and out-maneuvered. Surrender your vessel.

There was no response. Klingons tended not to surrender, and to Data that was a pity: they would lose.

Yes, they were experienced and clever, but Data was equally experienced, and he knew that what he lacked in creativity he made up for in speed and foresight. His only limitation was the automation of s.h.i.+ps systems: if something broke down, or was damaged, he could hardly go repair it himself without leaving the battle.

Surprising ... that no Klingon infiltrators had sabotaged the automation or weapons systems to destroy the s.h.i.+p when engaged. Were there limits to the Klingons influence? Or, more likely, they wanted to capture theEnterprise intact.

Data a.s.sumed there was some type of mind-control taking placeperhaps that was what interfered with scans of Velex and also accounted for the drain of the white-noise broadcast.

Klingon Battle Cruiser is now attacking Hidran vessel, announced the computer.

Hidran vessel is damaged on port nacelleweapons systems down.

Target Klingon cruisers offensive system conduit and fire repet.i.tive photon burst, Data ordered.

Red globes lit up across the tactical display, connecting theEnterprise and the Klingon s.h.i.+p.

Direct hit, the computer said.

Null power reading from Klingon weapons systems.

Data nodded and re-hailed the vessel.

Klingon cruiser, this is theEnterprise . Surrender your vessel.


Computer, scan s.h.i.+eld strength of Klingon cruiser.

Scanning ... overall s.h.i.+eld strength is at forty-three per cent.

Achieve phaser lock at s.h.i.+eld generation points.

Phasers: locked.


A pause ... a series of tones ...

Unable to fire.

Data looked up from his console.

State problem with phaser controls.

There is no problem with the phaser controls.

Tapping at his board quickly, Data took the Battle Section into a high orbit.

Computer, run diagnostic on all offensive systems.

That function is not available from this station.

That is not possible.

That statement is incorrect.

Something was wrong. Had someone escaped the anesthetic gas?

Computer, a.s.sure all command functions are routed to this station.

There was a much longer pause and a longer series of bleeps.

Computer, acknowledge, Data ordered, keeping an eye on the Klingon and Hidran vessels that were unmoving on his scope.

Another series of beeps was the computers only reply.

Datas tactical display suddenly went blank, then his phaser controls.

He tapped in a manual override code.

Computer, transfer all command functions to manual control.

Silencethis time not from the Klingons, but from his own s.h.i.+p.

Computer, acknowledge.

Suddenly what was happening became clear, and Data stood.


Picard felt Urosks cold fingers around his neck again. The Hidran captain wrenched hard and brought Picard to his feet.

Holding his broken arm lightly with his good hand, Picard refused to make a sound in pain.

Urosks grasp tightened.

Are you going to kill me now?

Picard asked tightly through his closing airway.

Is this Hidran justice? The murder of an innocent man?

The Hidrans face was a twist of angry flesh. Green eyes blazed as he yanked his phaser up to rest on Picards left cheek.

The heat of itthe throbbing energy ... Picard needed to slip his one good arm up, get that phaser.

Maybe hed die in the action, but even if there was the slightest chanceit had to be taken. If it was within his power, this conflict could not leave the plant.

As the muscles in his left arm strained, Picard brought a fist up to Urosks arm and slapped the phaser away.

The Hidrans fingers tightened around Picards throat and Urosk dragged him toward the back of the room.

I will wait no longer, Urosk hissed, releasing Picard with a shove toward the back wall.

Picard recovered his balance as Urosk played with the settings on his Starfleet phaser, and tried to find some means of escape. There were two Hidran soldiers on either side. He saw Urosk thumb the phaser setting higherheard it hum as it built up the surge of power, ready to be fired.

Urosk wouldnt get the satisfaction of fear from the captains eyes. Picard would stand tall and earn a grudging respect for the Federation by dying without a flinch.

The Hidran captain aimedand fired.

Orange flame spat forward and singed Picards face. The beam enveloped the wall behind. The stone disintegrated, collapsing into vapor and dust and rubble. Shards of gravel snapped against his back and arms, and he crouched to protect himself as the wall came down around him.

Another rumble shook the roomthe ceiling cracked and threatened to fall in on them and the side walls lost their form as they toppled in.

Move! Everyone move! The Earther first!

Urosk choked over the dust, but endured and pushed Picard through the hole that had been wall. Beyond was cool air and an open alley between two buildings.

Picard stumbled through the dust, his arm hot with pain. He saw his moment for escape, and took it. He crouched lowrolled to the left through the rising dust he knew the Hidran would not venture into.

He choked, coughed through the pain and over the stone, as he tried to push toward fresh air. Before he could press further, long fingers coiled around his limp arm and pulled him up. He gasped in bitter pain, but covered any outcry with a grunt.

He twisted angrily, saw he was in the grip of some Hidran soldierBatokand tried to wrench his broken arm free of the aliens ma.s.sive grip.


Suddenly the Hidran began to convulse. First a small shudder, then a series of trembles as pockets of moist blood opened on the Hidrans tunic. The sound of wet flesh slapping against itself filled the air.

Thwockthwock. Thwock.

The Hidran fell forward, dragging Picard to the rubble with him.

Deadthe Hidran wasdead .

No one move!

The voicedeep and angry.

With great pain Picard managed to pull his arm free. He rolled away and looked up ...

Captain Kadar stood, some kind of metal hand weapon aimed out toward the Hidran behind Picard.

Where is Urosk?

demanded Kadar.

And where is the animal that killed my warrior!

What the h.e.l.l was that!

Riker spun toward the rumbling soundtoward the room where the Hidran were.

Worf turned an instant after him.

They must have broken through the back wall!

Get back to the main hall!

Riker ordered Beverly and Barbara.

Deanna, youre with us.

He aimed toward the main hall and began to run, Worf and Deanna at his side.

I thought you said they wouldnt try that, he grumbled to Worf.

As they ran, Worf shrugged.

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Foreign Foes Part 37 summary

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