Foreign Foes Part 38

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I believe I saidI would not try it.

Okay, Riker huffed, suddenly realizing he wasrunning on his supposedly bad leg.

We a.s.sume theyre outside rather than crushed under the rubble. Deanna and Ill take to the roof. How many people do we have up there?

Five, Worf said.

They all stopped at the entrance to the main hall. Riker looked into the hall, saw a few of Barbaras security, then turned back to Worf.

I want five more waiting inside, in case the Hidran decide to fall back. Give Halford five and have her come around the eastside of the building, and you take five and come round the westside.

Worf nodded.


This is our chance to get the captain back, Riker said as he turned toward the stairway that led to the roof.

Lets not blow it.

Stop this!

Picard stood, blocking Kadars direct view of Urosk.

No more!

Kadar, and the three other Klingons who had taken positions a few meters behind him, were all carrying sophisticated projectile-firing chemical combustion rifles. Each of them had a Hidran target, and each of the Hidran, Picard a.s.sumed, had a Klingon one.

Everyone had some sort of cover as well, behind a wall corner or the rubble from the fallen wall.


The Klingon weaponswith no active power sourcewere difficult to scan for. Firearms of this type were still used by some, for sport usually.

There was no sport here.

Obviously the Klingons had planned ahead and hidden the weapons. Amazingthat Kadar had been kept in his makes.h.i.+ft cell for so long. Picard knew they couldnt be kept there forever ... now the timing might be used to his advantage.

Stay out of this, Picard!

Kadar stomped forward aggressively.

With the four remaining Hidran loosely around him, and the dead one at his feet, Picard took a step toward the Klingons.

Lay down your weapons! All of you!

Glancing back Picard saw only the tops of three Hidran. Urosk came up behind Picard, guarding himself from the Klingons with Picards small frame.

Yes, Urosk called, his voice rough from the dust, lay down your weapons or Picard dies.


Picard spun around and faced Urosk. Despite his arm throbbing with blood, swollen and numb, anger nearly clenched his right fist.

I will not be used as an ongoing excuse for murder! End thisnow! You have each encountered loss needlessly. Talk to each othersettle differences ascivilized beings.

Urosk aimed deliberately at him and called to Kadar.

I do not care what he says! Do as I say or he d A meter behind Urosk the ground exploded into dust and clods of dirt. The whine of a phaser snapped the air and Picard looked up just long enough to see Riker firing from the roof of the main hall building.

Seizing the moment of distraction, Picard swung his good arm around and knocked the phaser from Urosks grasp. The weapon went flying and Urosk belted Picard out of the way as they both scrambled to retrieve it.

Kadar took aim at Urosk and fired. ricocheted off the ground. Picard jumped forward and forced the Hidran captain down, out of the line of fire. They rolled onto his bad arm but continued to grapple for the phaser.

Wincing relief as he tilted off his broken bones, Picard gripped the weapon and kicked Urosk in the stomach, then the face.

The Hidran captain crumpled away, grunting in fierce pain.

With effort, Picard pulled himself up. He could feel a trickle of blood run down his right arm. He made the break worse with every move, but had to ignore that for now as best he could. He aimed the phaser at Urosk and took a step back, making sure he was out of a.s.sault range by the Hidrans long arms.

Excellent, Picard!

Kadar laughed.

Now, the Hidran will lower their weapons If we die, we die in battle!

Urosk dragged himself off the ground and into a crouched position.

Not helpless at the hands of executioners!

As you executed two of our men?

Kadar bellowed.

Picard glanced up at Riker again and nodded sharply. Another bolt of phaser-lightening sizzled into the groundthis time in front of Kadar.

No more!

Picard shouted.

Its over!

Because you say it is over, Picard?

Urosk bellowed.

Will you kill us if we choose to exercise our right to kill one another?

You have no such right!

Phaser in hand, Picard managed to keep pivoting between Urosk and Kadar, letting both know neither had an ally right now.

You cannot have the right to take away someone elses right to life.

Tall frame shaking with fury, Urosk rose to his full height.

Do you not believe in justice? Does a ma.s.s-murderer have the right to his own life?

No, Picard snapped, there is an obvious difference between the blatant initiation of violence and the use of defensive force Retaliationis defense!

Urosk roared.

Retaliation for what?

Picard shot bitterly.

A crime you cannot prove? Upon individuals who did not commit it? Is that your justice, Urosk?

He spun around to face Kadar.

Or yours? Your cultures may suggest that a son pays for the sins of his father, but who are you to force that upon others without their consent? How can you a.s.sign to all Hidran the punishment only one should receive?

He turned again, backed up, and faced both as best he could.

Both of you are guilty ofthat crimeacting outside your purview because of some misplaced indignation.

They killed our amba.s.sador!

Urosk shouted, pointing at Kadar.

There is no they!

Picard thundered.

Theys do not exist! Groups neither have rights nor shared responsibility upon which judgments can be meted out! There is insufficient proof to suggestone Klingon killed your amba.s.sador, let alone the entire race.

There is more than enough, Urosk growled, to see that you act to protect your Starfleet Klingon!

Stepping into the circle of angry combatantsfrom where Picard had not noticedWorf answered for himself as he stepped toward the center.

I need no protection. Ive done nothing wrong.

Worfs timing was impeccable, but Picard noticed he only held a knife, no phaser, and that might add to the tension rather than quell it.

So says every murderer, Klingon, Urosk spat.

Picard could see the Hidrans muscles tense and knew Urosk was in want of a weapon.

One of the Hidran moved toward Worf from behind his barrier of rubble. Picard noticed and gestured to Riker.

Another phaser shot from above, this time just centimeters in front of the Hidran aggressor. The ground plumed up, mushrooming into a cloud of stone and grit, and the Hidran collapsed forward, choking and sputtering. His weapon fell and he quickly scrambled for it before retreating back behind the collapsed wall.

You will hear me out, Worf said evenly.

Amba.s.sador Zhad was not murdered. His death was a twist of fate It is not fate that is twisted Urosk barked.

Picard brought up his phaser.

Hear him out.

There is a human saying, Worf said, and drew his knife.

Actions speak louder than words.

The blade sparkled in the setting sun ... as Worf thrust it into his gut and twisted.


Picard leapt forward, astonished, as Worf pulled out the knife and let it drop to his feet. What was he doing? What kind of impulsive act of honor had motivated this?

Riker, Picard called up the side of the building, I want Crusher here on the double!

He turned back to Worf and demanded, Why?

No doctorno help!

Worf grunted, crus.h.i.+ng the wound with his hand as blood began to soak his uniform tunic.

The knife even the Hidran will recog nize as Klingonthe blade specially made to bring slow and certain death.

You have a Klingon fool for an officer, Picard, Urosk laughed.

His enemies need only wait for him to killhimself .

Worf shook his head.

No, I have not, he said, obviously pained as blood soaked between the fingers of his hand.

I have eaten a loaf of the bread that killed your amba.s.sador. That shall save my life.

Ignoring Kadar and Urosk, Picard pressed closer to his security chief.

Explain, he ordered.

This planets flora is artificial, Worf said. He s.h.i.+fted his weight, but had trouble keeping his balance.

The grain is machineryon the molecular level, with a purpose ... healing the hosts body.

And yet it killed Zhad, Urosk spat.

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Foreign Foes Part 38 summary

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