Foreign Foes Part 40

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Command functions switched to saucer access only.

Despite the super-speed of nanoprocessors and the complexity of modern computers, they were all still, like their electronic-abacus ancestors, basically stupid. Computers could only do what they were programed to. Data, either damaged or ... Geordi couldnt guess what, had told the computer to do certain thingshad activated certain aspects of the computers emergency programming. Geordi decided to trump Data by going a step furtherrewriting the computers actual program. If Data was going to take over phaser controls, Geordi was going to make sure that Data could only control them if he were ...

say, doing so from Starfleet Command on Earth. If he wanted to use the tractor beams, perhaps hed have to be in New Chicago on Mars.

Computer, transfer to level eight, overwrite-code thirty-A.

Transfer complete.

The only flaw in this plan was that Data knew the computer just as well as Geordi. He would find out what was happening, as soon as the command functions disappeared, and a battle of reprogramming would ensue. Unless, of course, Geordi took certain steps to protect his changes. He couldnt lock Data out completely, but he could screen his path in a manner that would take Data time to find.

Geordi wagered that Data was, despite his recent fit of illogical conclusions, still a creature of systematic habit. If told to look for a needle in a haystack hed start at one end and sort through the straw until he found what he was looking for or reached the other end.

So where would Geordi hide his needle? Dead center of a computer haystackno matter which end Data began looking from, it would take him the longest amount of time to reach the middle. The android wouldnt dive into the task randomlyhed pick one end and work toward the other. Of that much Geordi was sure.

Computer, access tenth nested command table.

Tenth nested command table available.

Disallow further changes to command pathways from any level but this one.

Working ... acknowledged.

Restrict access to nested command tables, levels one through twenty, with vocal pa.s.sword protection.

Working ... acknowledged. State pa.s.sword.

Geordi smiled.

Five-seven-three-six-one dash two-nine-two-three-eight-three dash nine-six dash five-three-six-four.

He took in a deep breath, then continued.

Dash seven-three-two dash seven-three-one-two-five dash nine-nine-six-five-two-three-eight dash alpha-six-two dash gamma-eight-three.

There was a series of beeps, then, Pa.s.sword entered. Restate for verification.

He wrinkled his brows.

Oh, right, he mumbled.

Guess I got carried away.

He blew out a breath.

Computer, override verification function and accept pa.s.sword as entered.


A chuckle pressed its way outGeordi couldnt help himself. This was pretty good even if he did say so himself.

Computer, he began, grinning from ear to ear, now restrict ability to request access to the pa.s.swordwith another pa.s.sword.

Working ... acknowledged. State pa.s.sword.

Mares eat oats and does eat oats ... and little lambs drink coffee.

He laughed.

Figurethat one out, Data.

Pa.s.sword entered. Restate for verification.

Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs drink coffee.


What? Oh.

Geordi smiled.

Figure that one out, Data.

Another series of bleeps from the computer.


This was going too well. As any engineer could attest, as anyone who worked onanything could attest, when things went off without a hitch for too long, it meant something bad was coming. Either what was being fixed wasnt really broken, or a part was wrong, or something ... No job hadnt at leastone problem lurking somewhere.

Geordi thought for a moment. What was next? What needed to be done? a.s.sume Data found a way to the command pathways ... real possible. What would he do?

Computer, switch to Warp Propulsion Subsystem. WPS factor initiator control.

Switching ... ready.

Restrict access to warp factor one acceleration. Use pa.s.sword in encrypted file: La Forge twenty-three.


Restrict access to warp factors two through nine respectively, using pa.s.swords in the following encrypted files: La Forge twenty-four through La Forge thirty-one.

Working ... complete.

Computer, youre beautiful.

The computer chirped in confusion.

Delete files La Forge twenty-three through La Forge thirty-one. Overwrite current file allocations with life support commands located in nested area fifty-five and mark entire block as unmovable.

Even if Data wanted to recreate the erased files, he wouldnt be able to: they were being overwritten with files that couldnt be transferred. Geordi didnt need a pa.s.sword for thatsome things you could just never recover from a computer.

Function complete.

Okay Geordi turned his headthought he heard something ... a change in the s.h.i.+p ... a creak somewhere, a thrumming that shouldnt have been there.

He was getting paranoid.Keep calm, go about your business.

Computer, are we still broadcasting a white-noise transmission from the deflector array?


Disengage. Attempt to contact planet.

Channel open.

La Forge to Picard, come in.

Static snapped back, then: Picard here.

Captain ...

From behind: Geordi, please put the communicator down.

Data Geordi reached down and spun around.

I have the phaser, Geordi.

There was no anger in that voiceno animosity. It was ... spooky.

Why, Data?

Geordi asked, carefully setting the communicator down, making sure the antenna grid was open and sending. He pushed himself away, taking Datas attention with him.

I would ask you the same question, Data said.

Are you doing this of your own volition?

The voice was from another part of the room nowData was moving aboutkeeping Geordi disoriented.

Data, whats happened to you?

Nothing has happened tome . It would seem I am the only one who hasnot been affected by whatever is coercing you.

Well ...

Geordi s.h.i.+fted left along the wall, hoping that Datas constant movement had led him away from the door.

I dont think Im being coerced ... instead, I think somethings wrong with you.

I have run several diagnostics on myself. There is no evidence of any abnormality.

That casual voicenow from the leftso unmalevolent, so reasonable.

You dont see mutiny as abnormal?

Geordi said, moving right now.

Please stop moving, Geordi. I have the phaser set on stun and aimed at you.

Matter-of-factlyas if describing a chess move.

Geordi stopped his shuffle and stood facing where hed last heard Datas voice.

Are you going to stun me, Data?

I would rather not, Data said, but that does depend on your actions. Please detail what you have done to the computer.


Stall stall stall. Data was a talkerkeep him talking.

It is necessary for my mission.

What mission?

Data paused, obviously considering whether it was in his interests to tell Geordi.

I intend, he began, perhaps thinking he could convince Geordi, to take this vessel toQonoS. A course is set and we are already underway.


Geordi gasped.

You cant!

I can, the android said coldly.

The Klingons must be stopped. It is my hypothesis that your mind, and the minds of mostEnterprise personnel have been corrupted, perhaps coerced, into actions against your respective wills. This is farther reaching than I thought earlier. Captain Picard is also under their control.

Talk to Starfleet, Datahow couldeveryone be under a Klingon influence? How is it that only you are immune?

That you suggest I talk to Starfleet is evidence enough the Klingon influence is indeed pervasive. And I am evidently immune because I am an android.

Hes not paranoid. Everyone is against him.

So youre going to dowhat at the Klingon homeworld, Data? Destroy an entire planet?

I sincerely hope not, Data said evenly.

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Foreign Foes Part 40 summary

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