Foreign Foes Part 41

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One can use the threat of violence as easily as violence itself.

And if they dont comply with any demand you make?

Then, Data said, from the area of the door now, force must be used. A threat without intent and ability is no threat.

Then youll have to stun me, Data. Because youre not getting my help. A threat not only has to be realbut the person youre threatening has to care. I care more about stopping you than whether or not Im stunned ... or even killed.

Geordi, Data said slowly, still near the door, I am very sorry. I do hope you can be rehabilitated.

Datas voice fell quiet ... his phaser whined ... then silence dominated.

Chapter Eighteen.

GEORDI... IAM VERY SORRY . I do hope you can be rehabilitated.

They heard the phaser whine, then silence.

Picard jabbed at the communicator hed grabbed from Beverlys jacket.

Picard to Data! Return to orbit and beam me aboard. We have found Commander Riker. Hes injured and needs medical care.

He could still hear the open frequencyheard Geordi fall to the deckthen a footfall, and then the static crunch of a closing frequency.

He punched at the comm badge again.


A closed frequency argued back. He should have spoken up soonerwhile Geordi was talking. Perhaps hed have had a chance to argue with the android himself ... convince him somehow.

Kadar stepped forward.

I have confirmed the attack on my vessel. We have sustained damage and casualties.

The Klingon Captain was somber, his tone almost sympathetic. There was no accusation in his voice. Part of this was his faultKadar too had let the situation escalate, and perhaps he felt the regret Picard saw in Urosks eyes as well.

They stood together, Urosk and Kadar, Picard noticed. An almost surreal sightfor two people whod been trying to kill each other fifteen minutes before, they were practically cuddling.

Quietly, Urosk pulled Picards attention with low voice.

My s.h.i.+p ... We partic.i.p.ated in the battle and have both caused and sustained damage.

His wound still very sore, Worf shakily stepped forward. Picard realized now just how close to death his officer had come. Had the wound been a little worse, Worf might not be standing.

Data must be stopped, Worf said gravely.

Picard nodded and looked down at Beverly who worked on his arm. He wasnt sure when she had begun or what she had done, but from his shoulder to his fingers, his arm was numb and he was glad of it. Worf probably could have used the same, but no mention was made of it. To do so would be an insult, and both Picard and Beverly knew that.

Doctorcould Data have taken this grain? Mighthe be affected by it?

Picard asked.

Barbara, following Riker to the core of the little group Picard and his fellow captains had formed, spoke up.

Yes! I gave him some. I didnt think it When?

Picard snapped.

She paused, taken aback, then said, When I was with him on the s.h.i.+p. I was running tests and he was . .

Picard glanced to Urosk who remained silent.

He was reading the Hidran history of the war with the Klingons.

Will Riker, appearing very much like a s.h.i.+pwreck survivor with his tattered uniform and rather rancid smell, pressed his way through to Picard. Deanna followed, her uniform looking no better. In contrast, physically they both looked rested and refreshed.

I overheard, Riker said.

Ive made contact with the saucer section. We have a very confused ensign in command. He wasnt been able to use communications until just a few minutes ago.

Our subs.p.a.ce communications are down, Kadar said.

If you have access, we must alert our homeworld to protect itself. TheEnterprise will go unchallengedWorfs s.h.i.+p would not be questioned. His brother sits on the High CouncilWorf himself is respected.

Worf straightened proudly. He looked stronger. No grain therejust ego.

I know, Picard grumbled.

But theyll destroy theEnterprise,Captain. I cant let that happen.

You cant letQonoS be destroyed either, Kadar said.

I know that as well, Picard said.

But if we can catch up to Data ... reason with him ... or trick him. I need your s.h.i.+p, Kadar.

Kadar looked from Worf to Urosk, then back to Picard. There was no way to know what the Klingon commander thought, but Picard wagered there was some regret in there.

My s.h.i.+p is yours. But the damage is extensivewe are lacking materials and manpower. Five deaths, twenty-three injuries ...

Deaths ... injuries ... No sooner had Picard convinced these two warring parties to lay down their arms than they found theEnterprise itself had led an unwarranted attack.

Well help effect repairs, Picard said.

If we can overtake him before he reaches Klingon s.p.a.ce ...

We must, at any cost, Kadar said tightly.

If not, the Klingon fleet will have to disable or destroy your s.h.i.+p.

The s.h.i.+p ... the lives ... Picard pulled away from Beverly, whod been fussing with his numb arm, and faced Kadar, grabbing the Klingon commanders shoulder with his left hand.

I understand that, Captain, Picard said, making sure the Klingon knew Picard wouldnt a.s.sign blame to those who were guiltless.

But if there is a way to avoid that, he added, Imust try.

Kadar said nothing, just nodded, but there was that flicker in his eyes. The flicker of a captain who knew what a s.h.i.+p was, what it meant to its masters soul.

Picard nodded his grat.i.tude then swung toward Riker.

Coordinate the Saucer with the Klingon vessel. I want their s.h.i.+p up and running within the hour. Data said Geordi had used the computer to lame the s.h.i.+p.

Knowing Data, thats temporary. Weve been given knights odds, Number Onelets not waste the advantage.

Aye, sir, Riker acknowledged, moving away, already sh.e.l.ling out orders into his comm badge.

Beverly s.n.a.t.c.hed Picards arm again and tried to wriggle it into a makes.h.i.+ft sling. The pain gone, he pulled away, but she struggled and he finally gave in and turned to Deanna.

What can you tell me about Datas condition?

he asked.

I a.s.sume you heard the broadcast.

She nodded.

Data is difficult to read. Most people when they act irrationally have an emotional reasonData cant, yet from the sound of it, Id say he regrets his action with Geordi.

Regret is an emotion, Barbara said.

Deanna turned to her.

Confusion can manifest itself as regret in Data. He doesnt really have emotions.

He does have likes and dislikes, opinions, but ... theres conviction, not pa.s.sion.

We dont have time for a seminar, Counselor, Picard said.

Give me something I can use.

She hesitated, looked down a moment, then sighed.

I dont know, Captain. Data is different. If the grain is somehow affecting him it has more to do with biology than psychology.

I realize that.

Pulling his arm from Beverly for the last time as she closed her medical case, Picard tugged at the sling and cast her an appreciative glance.

Your arm needs more than I can do for it here, Beverly said.

The bone is set and mending but sensitive. No more rabble-rousing.

Picard nodded, caring less about the condition of his arm and more about the condition of his s.h.i.+p. He returned his attention to Deanna.

What I need to know, Counselor, is if theres anything I can use when dealing with him.

Deep brown eyes looking distant, then intently at Picard, Deanna finally said, Workwith his insanity, rather than against.

Twisting toward the opening lift doors, Picard b.u.mped his still tender elbow on the Klingons high command chair. He winced in pain and sucked in a breath of the stale bridge air that still reeked of smoke and burnt circuits.

Riker stepped off the lift, followed by Kadar.

Nearly ready to get underway. Warp speed should be available in a few minutes, Riker said.

Well only be able to manage about warp fourtheres too much structural damage.

Picard knitted his brows.

Lets hope its enough. Sensors indicateEnterprise Battle Section is nearing warp three. We can catch upif she maintains speed.

Its only a matter of time before Data fixes whatever Geordi did in the computer, Riker pointed out.

And once we get there, what can we do? Kadars engineer is injured, and even if he wasnt, the disrupter core is fused.


Picard asked.

They are operational but damaged, Kadar said, lowering himself into the command chair.

The entire system could short out any moment. I have contactedQonoS. They will be ready for theEnterprise with ten cruisers. If we fail to stop the android ...

Kadar let the sentence trail off, but it hammered into Picard nonetheless. The Klingon captain obviously understood the sensitivity and perhaps had also gained some respect for the Federation and its Starfleet.

Vessels in this sector?

Picard asked Riker.

Nothing within range. TheExcalibur is Amba.s.sador cla.s.s, but its twelve days away at maximum warp.

Theyre the closest.

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Foreign Foes Part 41 summary

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