Denise's Daily Dozen Part 6

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I did my Daily Dozen exercises .

I did some of my weekly twelve miles of cardio (write how many miles) .

I did some fidget-cisers today (write how many) .

Rhonda Duell,37, a.s.sistant librarian, s.h.i.+nglehouse, PennsylvaniaPOUNDS LOST: 45At 189 pounds, I was self-conscious, depressed, and uncomfortable in my body. So on my thirty-sixth birthday, I decided it was time for a change. I set a goal to enter my forties in better shape than I was in my thirties. I felt excited that I was going to take charge of my life, even if I was overwhelmed by the amount of weight I had to lose. One thing I knew for sure: This time I didn't want to 'diet' in order to lose the weight. I had tried diets in my early thirties. They were great as long as I stuck to them, but when I'd lost what I wanted to lose and went off the diet, all the weight came back-and then some! This time I needed a lifestyle change, not a diet. That's what I found with Denise's plan. "I used to drink soda all day long, but gave it up and now I drink mostly water, at least a hundred ounces a day. I also try to choose fruits and vegetable more often, instead of sweets. I exercise at least half an hour a day, six days a week, and make sure I change my exercise routine monthly. I have a lot of Denise's exercise workouts on tape and DVD, and that gives me variety so I don't get bored. So far, I have lost forty-five pounds! And my cholesterol has also come down from 268 to 167 so I no longer have to take the high blood pressure medicine I was on for thirteen years! I still have more weight to lose, but I know I'll be able to do it. Thanks to Denise, I'm more confident and less self-conscious. I have so much more energy and I'm able to keep up with my five kids and a full-time job!" "I used to drink soda all day long, but gave it up and now I drink mostly water, at least a hundred ounces a day. I also try to choose fruits and vegetable more often, instead of sweets. I exercise at least half an hour a day, six days a week, and make sure I change my exercise routine monthly. I have a lot of Denise's exercise workouts on tape and DVD, and that gives me variety so I don't get bored. So far, I have lost forty-five pounds! And my cholesterol has also come down from 268 to 167 so I no longer have to take the high blood pressure medicine I was on for thirteen years! I still have more weight to lose, but I know I'll be able to do it. Thanks to Denise, I'm more confident and less self-conscious. I have so much more energy and I'm able to keep up with my five kids and a full-time job!"

You can get in shape at any age.It's never too late to start taking care of you!

Tuesday Welcome to Tuesday! Another day to get fit, feel terrific, and move closer to the shape and fitness level that you want to-and can can-achieve. I've always liked the saying "You can do anything that you set your mind to," and it's certainly true when it comes to losing weight and shaping up. I'm a big believer in facing each day with a positive att.i.tude, focusing on what you can do and what you can control, and moving forward from there. Remember that you deserve to be fit and feel great (and look good in your jeans, too!). Beyond that, you're going to be healthier, and that's worth every second that you exercise or seek out foods that are good for you. Keep focused on your goals, stay positive, and by this time next week you'll start to notice big changes-be it pounds lost, looser-fitting clothes, increased energy, or all of the above.

Tuesday's Daily Dozen workout focuses on your lower body and abs. These two areas tend to be trouble spots for a lot of people, so the twelve easy exercises are some of the most effective and efficient for targeting the hips, thighs, and b.u.t.tocks. They'll trim those saddlebags, lift your rear, tighten up those jiggling thighs, and whittle your middle. These are the exercises that I do to keep my own lower body in shape, so I know that they work. Today's Daily Dozen includes lunges and squats, two moves that research has shown are the best ones to tone your rear-and they're moves you can do almost anywhere. In fact, I often do them while brus.h.i.+ng my teeth or standing at the stove (see Twelve Favorite Fidget-cisers Twelve Favorite Fidget-cisers). Also, like the majority of the exercises in the Daily Dozen, many of Tuesday's moves do more than tone and firm your body. For example, the seated thigh toner strengthens the muscles in front of your thighs above the kneecap (called the quadriceps), which helps ward off very common-but painful-knee injuries. And the plank is a major mult.i.tasker because it simultaneously works your legs, b.u.t.t, abs, and arms. And here's more inspiring news for you: Tuesday's Daily Dozen lower-body exercises can even help reduce the appearance of cellulite. (I thought that would get your attention.) But enough talking, let's get going. Just grab your two sets of dumbbells and exercise mat and get ready to slim down below the waist.

TAKE IT SLOW TAKE IT SLOWResist the urge to cheat and use momentum to keep going with your exercises. I know it's tempting to rush through your work-out, especially if you find part of your routine particularly challenging. But trust me, you'll get the most bang for your body if you keep a slow-and-steady pace-consistency pays off. You're doing great! n.o.bODY'S PERFECT n.o.bODY'S PERFECTLike me, I'm sure you always try your hardest to stay on top of things, but sometimes you get derailed. An unexpected phone call leaves you running fifteen minutes late. One of your children stays home from school with a cold, and you need to stay home, too. Or you have lunch with a friend and overeat that chocolate mousse. Then what happens? You get mad at yourself. You aim for perfection and then get upset when you miss the mark. And that's negativity you just don't need! We all make mistakes (it's human!), but you can't let those slipups get the best of you. Don't get discouraged if you eat junk or miss a workout-and certainly don't throw in the towel! Plan to do better tomorrow: Do an extra twelve-minute Daily Dozen workout or walk a little bit farther. You can do it! K Knowledge is power! The more you learn about your body, the stronger you'll be!

TUESDAY'S LOWER-BODY AND AB WORKOUTReshape and transform your bottom half to make it your better half! Get firm and lose the flab. You'll lose inches because fat takes up five times more s.p.a.ce than muscle.

1. Warm Up

SQUAT WITH OUTER THIGH: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your hands on your thighs, and squat down. As you stand up, alternate swinging your legs straight out to the side. Time: 30 seconds. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your hands on your thighs, and squat down. As you stand up, alternate swinging your legs straight out to the side. Time: 30 seconds.

CHALLENGE: Repeat the squat while lifting your arms straight up and down over your head. Repeat the squat while lifting your arms straight up and down over your head.

INNER-THIGH STRETCH: Stand with your legs three to four feet apart and your toes facing forward. Lunge to the right, keeping your weight on your right leg. Place your left hand on the ground and twist your upper body, extending the right arm toward the ceiling. Switch sides and repeat. Time: 30 seconds. Stand with your legs three to four feet apart and your toes facing forward. Lunge to the right, keeping your weight on your right leg. Place your left hand on the ground and twist your upper body, extending the right arm toward the ceiling. Switch sides and repeat. Time: 30 seconds.

2. Squats Remember that your rear end is the last thing to leave the room, so make a good lasting impression.

DOUBLE-LEG SQUAT: Holding a weight in each hand, stand with your feet a little wider than your hips and your arms by the sides of your body, elbows slightly bent. Holding a weight in each hand, stand with your feet a little wider than your hips and your arms by the sides of your body, elbows slightly bent.

Squat down, sitting way back and keeping your body weight through your heels. Squeeze your b.u.t.tocks as you straighten your legs to the start position, then repeat. Time: 1 minute.

CHALLENGE: Single-leg squat: When you squat, lift the heel of the left foot off the ground, balancing only on the left toe. Sit all your weight into your right leg, keeping your back strong and abs pulled in. Switch legs and repeat. Single-leg squat: When you squat, lift the heel of the left foot off the ground, balancing only on the left toe. Sit all your weight into your right leg, keeping your back strong and abs pulled in. Switch legs and repeat.3. Lunge Series Stubborn cellulite be gone!

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms extended straight down by your sides, back straight, and abs pulled in.

Step your left leg behind you about three feet. Then bend your right knee so it's at a ninety-degree angle, with the left knee pointing down toward the floor.

Push off your back leg, using the right thigh and b.u.t.t cheek to lift it off the floor, bringing the left knee in front of you to hip height. Make sure to pull your abs in every time you lift your knee. Switch legs and repeat. Time: 1 minute.CHALLENGE: Add a curtsy when you bring the leg back behind you Add a curtsy when you bring the leg back behind you4. Deadlift Kiss that flabby b.u.t.t good-bye! And firm up the backs of your thighs.No more "cottage cheese" look!

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms down in front of your body. Stand nice and tall with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent.

Keeping your abs strong and back straight the whole time, slowly bend forward at your hips to lower the weights toward the floor with your hands directly under your shoulders. Then return to standing as you squeeze your b.u.t.tocks and thighs (it's this squeeze that really helps lift and shape this area). Time: 1 minute.

CHALLENGE: As you bring your body weight down in front of you and reach toward the floor, extend one leg straight off the ground behind you. Alternate which leg you lift each time. As you bring your body weight down in front of you and reach toward the floor, extend one leg straight off the ground behind you. Alternate which leg you lift each time.5. Side Lunge You'll love this great outer-thigh slimmer.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms extended straight down in front of your body.

Step out to the right side about three to four feet and lunge down with the right leg. Return to standing and repeat on the left side. Continue alternating side lunges. Time: 1 minute.

CHALLENGE: As you stand up out of each side lunge, bend the right knee and lift the right leg up to hip height before doing the next lunge. As you stand up out of each side lunge, bend the right knee and lift the right leg up to hip height before doing the next lunge.6. Seated Thigh Toner Zap flab above the knee fast.

Sit with your back straight and tall with your left leg extended straight. Bend your right leg and place your right foot flat on the floor. Rest your hands on your left knee to help you keep good posture.

With your left foot flexed, lift and lower your leg. Do all reps on one leg, then switch legs and repeat. Time: 30 seconds per leg.

CHALLENGE: Turn your foot slightly out to the side to about two o'clock for the right foot and ten o'clock for the left. Turn your foot slightly out to the side to about two o'clock for the right foot and ten o'clock for the left.7. Plank with Back of Thigh Firmer Need a move to sculpt you head-to-toe? This is it!

Position your body in a plank, balancing on your toes and hands. If this is too challenging, position yourself on your knees and forearms.

While holding your tummy up and in, bend your left leg, bringing your flexed foot toward your rear in a hamstring curl. Complete all the reps on one leg and then switch legs and repeat. Time: 30 seconds per leg.

8. Leg Circles with Core This zeros in on your hips, outer thighs, and core,creating lean legs and a taut tummy!

Kneeling on the ground, lean over to your left and place your left hand on the floor. Place your right hand on your hip, lift your right leg off the floor, and straighten it at hip height. Make small circles with your leg. Complete all reps on one side, then switch legs and repeat. Time: 30 seconds per leg.CHALLENGE: Take the hand off your hip and extend it straight toward the ceiling. Look toward your hand. Take the hand off your hip and extend it straight toward the ceiling. Look toward your hand.9. b.u.t.t Blaster Sculpt and carve a rounded, beautiful rear. Make your backside your best side.

Position your body so that you're on the floor on your hands and knees. Place one dumbbell behind your bent left knee.

Flex your foot and lift your left leg up toward the ceiling, then down toward the floor. Keep your back strong and pull your abs up and in as you lift your leg. Complete all reps on your left leg, then switch legs and repeat. Time: 30 seconds per leg.

10. Bicycle The American Council on Exercise rated this as the best ab move you can do.It targets all the ab muscles.

Lie on your back with your legs bent and in the air so that you form a ninety-degree angle between your torso and thighs. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows open out to the sides, tighten your abs, and lift your upper torso so that your shoulder blades hover just off the floor. Keeping your neck and shoulders relaxed, twist your upper body to the right side, bringing your left knee toward your right elbow while extending your right leg a few inches off the floor. Switch sides, bringing your left elbow toward your right knee and extending your left leg a few inches off the floor. Time: 1 minute.11. Inner-Thigh Toner No more inner-high jiggle. Did you know the inner thighs are among the most underused muscles in the body? This move targets and tones them.

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Denise's Daily Dozen Part 6 summary

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