Belonging. Part 9

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"It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. f.u.c.k me...please, I can't..." She mewled in her throat and threw her head back against his shoulder. Her face...something familiar- His hands touched cool flesh.

There was a startled gasp.

Dream and reality blended. She wasn't kneeling naked before him now, but she was here. Close...and then in his arms after he reached out, caught a slender wrist and jerked her up against him. She opened her mouth to speak-he even heard her soft squeal of surprise before he crushed his lips to hers.

His tongue rasped against something sharp-fangs-and blood filled his mouth. She tensed. Her body went rigid against his and if he hadn't caught the tantalizing scent of hunger, he would have thought she was afraid.

When she tried to tear her mouth from his, he fisted a hand in her hair and held her still, kissed her until she stopped fighting. Until she closed her hot little mouth around his bleeding tongue and suckled. Levi thought the top of his head was going to come off. His c.o.c.k jerked against his belly and something wet and heated seeped from the head. f.u.c.k her-had to. He was dying and if he didn't bury his d.i.c.k inside her...

His hands encountered clothes. Hadn't she just been naked?



He didn't know where one ended and the other began. She whimpered into his mouth, arched up against him. "Levi, please..."

Deja vu. It rippled over him. Tearing his mouth from hers, he buried his face against her neck. "I can't stop. s.h.i.+t, baby, if you want me to stop, tell me now. Scream for help. Make me stop."

She shook her head, cupped the back of his head in her hand. "Don't stop. Touch me, Levi. Please, touch me."

He did, but he wasn't gentle. He tore her clothes away and once he had her naked, he rolled her onto her belly. Dark hair fell, hid her face away. He wanted to do something about that but then he made the mistake of looking down, seeing that perfect, tight a.s.s lifting for him. Dipping his head, he caught the firm flesh of one cheek between his teeth and bit her. She jolted. He reached between her thighs and touched her, seeking out the slick flesh-she'd be hot, pulsating with need...

But she wasn't. Oh, she was wet. But her flesh was cool. Every touch of his hand made her warmer, though. Warmer and warmer, until he held fire in his arms. Pus.h.i.+ng a knee between hers, he made her spread her stance and then he sprawled on his belly and nuzzled her p.u.s.s.y. She was perfect and sleek and wet. He pushed his tongue inside her and growled. She shuddered. With her face buried against the mattress, she screamed. Unable to fight it, unable to take the painful need that gripped his b.a.l.l.s, he straightened and stared down at her. The long, slender line of her back undulated as she rocked back. He reached down, wrapped his hand around his c.o.c.k, steadied himself. Mouth dry, heart pounding, he stared, watched as he pressed the swollen head of his c.o.c.k against her, watched as pink, wet flesh slowly yielded to his. She cried out and tried to push back.

He gripped one hip in his hand and grunted. Too quick, she was moving too quickly and d.a.m.n it, he wouldn't have it. This was going to last. Last and last and last... "Be still," he growled.

She ignored him and pushed herself down on him, forcing two more inches inside her. Levi spanked her.

She tensed. Stunned. He could smell her surprise. Feel it as a hot, vicious punch of arousal slammed into her.

He spanked her again and asked, "You like that?"

She moaned and tried to rock back against him, but he wouldn't let her. Gripping her hips with steely hands, he asked again, "You like me spanking you?"


He did it again, staring down at her pale flesh, watching as it blushed pink for him. He'd never hit a woman in his life, not with the intent to hurt, and not with the intent to arouse either. Torn between shock and need, he lifted his hand and traced the pinkened flesh with his fingertips. "Did I hurt you?"

"No, d.a.m.n it. But you are now!"

Startled, he jerked his gaze away from her blus.h.i.+ng a.s.s, tried to see her under the veil of her hair. "How am I hurting you?"

"Because you're not moving. Levi, please-" her cry bounced off the walls as he slammed into her.

Deep, tunneling through the swollen, wet folds of her p.u.s.s.y until she'd taken all of him. Then he spanked her again, stopped to stroke her a.s.s. "Should I do it again?"

"Yes." A harsh guttural moan and then she shoved back against him. "f.u.c.k, yes."

So he did. Thrust, pause just long enough to spank that pretty a.s.s, and then a slow, teasing retreat. His skin gleamed with sweat, his b.a.l.l.s ached with the need to come and his c.o.c.k swelled and ached with an intensity that d.a.m.n near doubled him over. The sound of flesh slapping together, her broken moans, animalistic growls that rumbled deep inside him before escaping.

It wasn't s.e.x. Something deeper, something so raw and primitive that he had no words for it. s.e.x filled a need. This created a need. A need for more. A need for everything. He reached up, fisted a hand in her hair, pulled her up. Banding an arm around her waist, he held her steady and rolled his hips against hers. She shuddered and pushed back with her a.s.s, trying to ride him.

"More...please, give me more," she whispered.

Levi slid a hand down her midsection and petted her, stroked the flesh of her p.u.s.s.y where she stretched so tight and sweet and wet around him. "I'll give you more. I'll give you everything."

He pinched her c.l.i.t and she went wild, working her hips up and down, riding him desperately. He stroked his hand up, cupped her cheek and tugged, arching her neck. He bit her roughly, swore as he broke the skin and blood welled. "s.h.i.+t...I'm sorry." But even as he tried to ease his grip, ease some distance between them, she turned her head and pressed her mouth to his biceps.

She bit down. Hard. Blood flowed but there was no pain. An icy flash, the whisper just before pain. She pressed her mouth to the wound on his arm and sucked on him. He felt each pull of her mouth with exquisite detail. Felt each delicate muscle in her p.u.s.s.y as she tightened around him. His head fell back and he roared, coming so hard that it left his vision blurred. Sagging to the side, he took her with him, still rocking against her. She clenched around him, wiggling, mewling in her throat. She drained him. Emptied him.

And when she pulled her mouth from his arm and sighed, cuddled back against him, Levi felt complete.

For a moment.

Was she real, or was he still dreaming?

He closed his eyes and then forced them back open.

Didn't work.

She was still there. Cuddling in his arms and stroking a hand down his biceps, with her face pressed against the pillow.

"You're the woman from the alley," he said, not even considering the possibility that he might be wrong.

He wasn't wrong.

Even if he hadn't seen her face, she left his body burning in a way n.o.body else ever had. It was her. His body knew it.

She was still for a minute and then she nodded.

Reality came cras.h.i.+ng down on him and he jerked away as though burned. He'd bitten her.

The healed wounds on his neck throbbed. The memory of the agonizing pain burned through him, a nasty, ugly reminder. "f.u.c.k, what have I done?" he whispered, reaching up and touching the marks.

Through the bite. Through the claws. It's like a virus, I guess would be the best way to explain it. But the blood mutates.

It doesn't work on everybody, but those who don't Change usually die. The redheaded woman had somberly explained that to him a few days earlier, when he woke up in a strange place, a bandage on his neck and his entire body burning with fever.

The redhead-she'd been familiar. The schoolteacher.

You're crazy, he'd told her. But he knew otherwise. Already his body felt different. He was stronger.


His hand shook as he reached up and brushed her hair away, staring at the mark on her neck. A drop of blood beaded there.


She glanced at him from under the fringe of her lashes, but he was so obsessed with the mark on her neck, he didn't notice. "Stop panicking, Levi. I can't be affected by your bite."

He tensed. "How do you know my name...and what do you... You know." He narrowed his eyes, stared at her, though she continued to hide behind all that hair. "You know."

"Yes, I know."

"Why won't you be affected? Is there some kind of vaccine or something?"

She laughed, but it was a bitter sound, one heavy with anger. "No. There's no vaccine. But I can't be Changed."

"Changed." He snorted. Man, that was such a tepid word for what was happening to him. He changed his s.h.i.+rt. He changed shoes, underwear, women. h.e.l.l, a job, or a car. But to change from human to a monster? "Why not? How come I got stuck with this mess but you can't be?"

"Because I've already got my own mess that I'm stuck with."

That voice. s.h.i.+t, that voice was familiar. Disturbingly so. Why?

"Look at me," he demanded.

She pulled away, climbed out of the bed. He grabbed her arm, but she pulled away, fluid and easy, evading him.

"What kind of mess do you have? Why don't you have to worry about turning furry in a few weeks?"

"Believe me, I'd take furry any day of the week."

With her back still to him, she bent over.

His mind went blank and he felt himself staring at her a.s.s. Without realizing his intention, he reached out and grabbed her, pulled her back against him. She cried out and slapped at his hands, but then, as he pressed against her, she whimpered.

"I'm starving for you," he whispered, pressing his lips to her shoulder. "I want to take you over and over.

I want to lick every last inch of you and cover you with my scent. s.h.i.+t, what's going on with me?"

She sank down on him, her swollen s.e.x stretching around him, her voice weak and broken. "It's just the Change. The wolf inside you. That's why you want me."

"No." He closed his eyes and gripped her hips, lifted her up, eased her down, over and over, falling into a slow, easy rhythm. He didn't need to possess this time, didn't have to devour. He just wanted. He just craved.

And he wanted her to do the same. "I want you. I'm always going to want you. Why don't you run from me?

You know what I am."

"Yes...I know." She reached up with her arms, up and back, linking her hands behind his neck and holding him close as they rocked against each other. "I know."

"Who are you?" He needed to know. Needed to see her.

She hissed as he surged to his feet. It drove her weight down completely on him. He gritted his teeth and wrapped an arm around her middle, striding across the floor. She panted and rocked, her movements hampered by the fact that her feet were dangling several inches off the ground and she was still impaled on his c.o.c.k.

There was a dresser, plain and simple oak, the surface scarred by marks that now made sense to him. Over the dresser was a mirror. He needed to see her-had to. He lowered her to the floor, widening his stance to accommodate her shorter height. "Look at the mirror," he ordered as he drove his length into her. "I want to see you."

She dipped her head and all the dark silk of her hair hid her face.

Growling, he shot a hand into the ma.s.s and tugged until she lifted her face.


Narrow, catlike features. Big eyes. A pointed chin and a plump, cupid's bow mouth. s.h.i.+t!

He wanted to pull away. Had to pull away.

She licked her lips and the sight of that pink tongue slicking over that soft, full mouth killed him.

Growling, he braced his hands on her hips and f.u.c.ked her. f.u.c.ked her hard. f.u.c.ked her until she screamed out his name, and then he still didn't stop. He took every last month of worry, every last year of anger, every moment of frustration out on that slender, sweet body. She came once. Then again. Again. By the fourth climax, she wilted against the dresser, barely able to support her weight but he didn't care. Blind to everything but grief and need, Levi f.u.c.ked Corinne Lewis and fought not to think about just how bad this final betrayal of his was.

In the end, though, he couldn't hide from it, even as he rode her, even as he finally climaxed, s.e.m.e.n spurting from his c.o.c.k in hot, fiery bursts.

He'd failed his cousin.

Then he'd gone and f.u.c.ked the woman who had supposedly died years ago, the woman whom Owen had grieved himself into madness over.

She was alive.

She'd been with him that night in the alley.

She'd saved his life from a monster three days earlier and now he was one of the monsters.


Jerking away from her, he stalked to the other side of the room and grabbed a pair of jeans from the floor.

"Get the f.u.c.k away from me," he snarled.

She turned and before she tucked her chin against her chest, he caught the sight of tears in her eyes. He hardened himself against them. She'd known who he was-she'd called him by name. She knew who he was, and still, she'd let him touch her. She had been Owen's...

Clenching his jaw, he watched as she made her way across the room to grab her clothes from the floor. But they were in shreds. Literally. Scowling, he glanced at his hands. They looked perfectly normal. Her clothes were tattered though, barely enough material to hide her chest, much less that entire body.

Without saying a word, he bent and grabbed a T-s.h.i.+rt from the floor and threw it at her. But he didn't watch as she pulled it on.

Already, his d.i.c.k was pounding and throbbing and if he kept looking at her...

Her scent flooded his senses as he circled around her. His brain struggled to process the stimuli. His instincts scented pain, fear, sadness, regret. But he didn't trust his new instincts.

And he didn't trust her.

Cori stumbled out of Levi's room and sagged against the wall.

Her mind whirled.

What had just happened?

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Belonging. Part 9 summary

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