The Elvenbane Part 26

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There was no hunting with hounds; Cheynar did not keep a pack. His His dogs guarded the pens of his slaves, and he did not have enough of them to spare for such frivolities as hunting. dogs guarded the pens of his slaves, and he did not have enough of them to spare for such frivolities as hunting.

The only other form of exercise and amus.e.m.e.nt was riding-through cold, dark pines that dripped constantly, even when it wasn't actually raining.

Other than that, there wasn't much of anything to do. Valyn had often thought that he was bored back on his father's estate. Now Now he knew what boredom really was. he knew what boredom really was.

:On the other hand, we could have Lord Cheynar's undivided attentions,: he thought wryly, and saw Shadow nod.

"There are always worse situations, brother," Shadow said aloud, and sneezed again.

"Like having a cold-" Valyn teased, producing a handkerchief and handing it to him. "Or being out in that that with a cold. Or keeping my gos from taking your eye out." with a cold. Or keeping my gos from taking your eye out."

"Like being the person-or persons-who really really have Lord Cheynar's undivided attentions," Shadow corrected, and bent closer, lowering his voice. "My lord is not at all happy at the moment. It seems there's been a disturbance at one of his breeding farms." have Lord Cheynar's undivided attentions," Shadow corrected, and bent closer, lowering his voice. "My lord is not at all happy at the moment. It seems there's been a disturbance at one of his breeding farms."

"Oh?" Valyn suddenly found the view out the window just as fascinating as Mero did. There probably weren't any watchers-or at least Mero couldn't detect them-but it was a good idea to exercise a little caution now and again, just in case. "And what was this disturbance?"

"When we first arrived here, he had a message that the latest crop of youngsters included an unknown number with wizard-powers among them," Shadow informed him, as they both stared fixedly out the window at the dripping pines. "That was just before he met us, when he sent me to the suite with the baggage and took you off to his office. I haven't said anything until now, because he's had someone watching us. Either he can't spare the watcher, or he's convinced we're harmless."

"I devoutly hope the latter," Valyn replied grimly. "So, there were children with wizard-powers... Halfbloods?"

Mero shook his head. "No. Full-humans. There isn't a chance you'd get a halfblood on this estate. He sterilizes all his concubines, and elves caught using anything other than a sterile concubine get thrown out without a copper piece."

"Full-humans." Valyn mused on that for a moment. "I take it that the signs were objects flying about, and the rest of the usual symptoms?"

Shadow turned his head just enough so that his cousin could see his approving smile. "Your father taught you better than he knew."

"My father doesn't know that I know that," Valyn corrected. "Most of the elven lords my age think human magic is a myth, and I think my father wants to keep it that way. So, what happened to the children?"

"Ah, now that is what has Cheynar's undivided attention," Shadow whispered, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "It seems that they vanished, right out of the slave pen, before they could be identified positively. About a dozen, more or less; that night they were bedded down with the rest, the next morning, they were gone. You might almost say, they disappeared."

"They what! what! Valyn kept his voice down with an effort. "How could they-" Valyn kept his voice down with an effort. "How could they-"

"With help." Shadow licked his lips, and Valyn felt a tingle of excitement. "I've been hearing magic since we arrived, Val. Quite a lot of it, in fact, but none of it on this estate. It's all out there in the woods. I think it's probably safe to a.s.sume that it had something to do with the children disappearing out of the slave pens."

"So there are more halfbloods?" Valyn whispered, half to himself, half to Shadow. When he got no reply, he turned back to see his cousin watching him soberly, red nose and all.

"I don't know, Val," Shadow replied. "I'm just not that good, to tell what and who is out there. But I do know that those children are gone, and magic had something to do with it, and Cheynar is really, really worried. And that is all I can can tell you." tell you."

"That's enough," Valyn said, excited at the very idea. "That's enough for me me to do something. I haven't been able to train you, because I didn't really know what you to do something. I haven't been able to train you, because I didn't really know what you could could do. But if there's a wizard out there good enough to steal children, if I can scry and watch him, I can start showing do. But if there's a wizard out there good enough to steal children, if I can scry and watch him, I can start showing you you what to do." what to do."

"Well-" Shadow said suddenly, his eyes going distant, his brows creasing, "better get ready to watch, then. Because I hear it-them-and they're right out there in those woods!"

Chapter 18.

KEMAN STOPPED IN the middle of the road, with a chilly spring breeze whipping his mane and tail, and raised his head suddenly at the unexpected trill of melody in his mind.

Magic-an elven lord? Here? It "sounded" like someone he knew- Then he realized why it "felt" so familiar. The last person on earth he expected. Fire and Rain, it's Shana! She's alive! She's all right Fire and Rain, it's Shana! She's alive! She's all right ! !

Now Keman knew what was meant by the two-legger expression, "It made the hair on the back of my neck crawl"-if that was the right expression. Did hair crawl? Feeling Shana's magic at close range for the first time in months did something like that to him. The hair of his mane actually stood upright, and he raised his tail a little as he cast about for direction.

It's her! he thought, first stunned, then incredulous, then overwhelmed by an avalanche of simple joy. It's her! I found her! I found her It's her! I found her! I found her ! !

And it was was Shana's magic; there was no doubt of that. But it was much, much stronger than it had been when she'd been driven out of the Lair. Stronger, and more controlled as well; be read that in the complexity and implicit power of the melody, and the general feeling that it was effortless. The change in her was astonis.h.i.+ng. Shana's magic; there was no doubt of that. But it was much, much stronger than it had been when she'd been driven out of the Lair. Stronger, and more controlled as well; be read that in the complexity and implicit power of the melody, and the general feeling that it was effortless. The change in her was astonis.h.i.+ng.

All of which boded interesting times for the Kin and the Lair when they got back. If she'd been this strong, she wouldn't have been driven out in the first place-and they wouldn't be able to drive her out again! No one would be able to do anything to to her anymore- her anymore- But that was secondary, really. What was important was that he had found her in the first place. I can't wait to see her, to find out what's happened to her can't wait to see her, to find out what's happened to her ! He tossed his head and pranced with glee, all of his discouragement and depression changed in that single moment of discovery. ! He tossed his head and pranced with glee, all of his discouragement and depression changed in that single moment of discovery.

He looked about quickly, out of sheer force of habit. It was growing dark, and he hadn't seen anyone on this wilderness track for-days. There was absolutely no point in keeping to the one-horn form he'd taken to keep predators and hunters away, not now, not when there was no one to see him. Without another thought, he sprang into the air and s.h.i.+fted in midleap, resuming his Kin-shape with a sigh of relief.

Not for the first time, he wondered how his mother could stand it. Anything else felt like his skin was too tight. He'd had no choice, until now. Several times, when he'd thought he was safe, he'd rounded a bend in the road and come face-to-face with a collared human out on some errand of his master's-or even an entire pack-train of them. With the collars on, it was impossible to sense them; impossible to know where they were. So Keman had kept to a form that, while unusual, was also threatening enough to keep the curious at a distance.

The seductive song of magic came again, this time sustained, as if Shana was doing something that took a good deal of time. And it was joined by other, lesser melodies. She wasn't alone, then. No, he could feel-hmm-six or seven other wizards, and a lot more people. Humans, but uncollared, and young, he thought. Keman caught his direction and flew off, wings beating strongly, at just above treetop-level. And with every wing-beat, he wanted to sing along with the melodies of well-constructed magery, caroling with joy. I can't believe it can't believe it - - I finally, finally found her! And no one is ever going to take her away from me again I finally, finally found her! And no one is ever going to take her away from me again!

It had been a discouraging winter. Lord Dyran's estate had proved as barren of information as the city, and his rivals offered little* more. Keman's guise of a young elven lord made him practically invisible-and for some cases, s.h.i.+fting into human slave form was even better, for very little attention was paid to slaves on most estates, so long as they were either working or at least not not absent from an appointed duty. But none of this helped Keman in his quest for information, for Shana might just as well have vanished down a hole to the center of the earth. absent from an appointed duty. But none of this helped Keman in his quest for information, for Shana might just as well have vanished down a hole to the center of the earth.

Finally, for lack of anything else, Keman had taken to the wilderness. There were "wild humans" rumored to be living there; Shana might might have escaped to them. Certainly, between them, the terrain and the wildlife made traveling the few roads that pa.s.sed through those lands quite difficult. have escaped to them. Certainly, between them, the terrain and the wildlife made traveling the few roads that pa.s.sed through those lands quite difficult.

All of which just proved that the elven lords didn't have quite as much control over this world as they thought they did.

Elves didn't take to those tracks willingly, and humans not at all unless ordered. Every year, pack-trains were lost to causes unknown, and more than a few travelers desperate or stupid enough to journey alone never reached their destinations. The elves claimed officially that the losses were due entirely to weather and wildlife, but rumors spoke of huge bands of bandit humans, commanded by some unknown or unnamed elven lord, who swooped down on the unwary traveler to rob and kill.

And there were other rumors, spoken in whispers, in corners, that said those bandits were commanded by no elven lord, but by other humans, and that they had sworn to die before wearing a collar.

In honest truth, during all his time here Keman had seen no sign of "huge bands of humans," collared or otherwise. What he had had seen was the result of elven tampering with weather and ecology; terrible storms that could sweep up out of nowhere, pounding an area with wind, torrential rain, and lightning, or burying it in snow and ice. He had never seen so many one-horns before, black and white-he guessed that at least half the one-horns still alive and breeding were here, in these wilderlands. And one-horns were by no means the fiercest of the predators prowling these woods. He'd encountered many creatures he had no name for, more evidence of failed elven tampering in hopes of producing creatures that could be sent out to kill hundreds of human p.a.w.ns in their staged battles. Evidently they had not learned their lesson with the one-horns. seen was the result of elven tampering with weather and ecology; terrible storms that could sweep up out of nowhere, pounding an area with wind, torrential rain, and lightning, or burying it in snow and ice. He had never seen so many one-horns before, black and white-he guessed that at least half the one-horns still alive and breeding were here, in these wilderlands. And one-horns were by no means the fiercest of the predators prowling these woods. He'd encountered many creatures he had no name for, more evidence of failed elven tampering in hopes of producing creatures that could be sent out to kill hundreds of human p.a.w.ns in their staged battles. Evidently they had not learned their lesson with the one-horns.

But there was no need for "huge bands of bandits" to explain the losses on these roads. Elven interference and indifference were more than enough to ensure that these wilderlands remained hostile.

The light was failing, but Keman altered his eyes for night-vision; both to use all the available light, and to see things by the heat they radiated. The second gave him an odd kind of view down through the boughs of the trees below. Pine-scent blew up to him as the branches tossed with his pa.s.sing, as if he were creating a kind of tiny windstorm as he flew.

The magic-song ended, but Keman had his bearings. His own mind-reach was limited, but as soon as he thought Shana might hear him, he began calling with his mind. At first there was no answer, which was pretty much what he had expected, but as he neared, he heard a reply, and much much sooner than he thought he would. sooner than he thought he would.

:Keman?: The voice in his head was incredulous, faltering a little, a bit stunned. :Keman, is that... That :Keman, is that... That is is you! Fire and Rain, I never thought you! Fire and Rain, I never thought - - where are you where are you?: She sounded even better than her magic; her thoughts were strong and clear, and he thought fleetingly that Alara would be proud of her control.

:Northeast of you, and closing.: he replied smugly, feeling rather proud of himself. :Did you really think I'd let you get thrown out here and not at least :Did you really think I'd let you get thrown out here and not at least try try to find you? I've been looking for you since before the snow fell, and to find you? I've been looking for you since before the snow fell, and -: -: :Keman, I've got people with me.: she interrupted warningly. :Halfbloods and humans, and I can't leave them. And they :Halfbloods and humans, and I can't leave them. And they can't can't see you, you know that. You know what would happen to you, and to Foster Mother. It's bad enough that the elven lords have dragon-skin. At least most of them don't have the faintest idea what it is. But if anyone, even the elven lords' enemies, see a real dragon see you, you know that. You know what would happen to you, and to Foster Mother. It's bad enough that the elven lords have dragon-skin. At least most of them don't have the faintest idea what it is. But if anyone, even the elven lords' enemies, see a real dragon -: -: :Not a problem, don't worry,: he a.s.sured her. . I know how to handle the situation. Just be ready for your long-lost foster brother to find you shortly. He's been looking for you since those humans stole you out of the desert. Umm I know how to handle the situation. Just be ready for your long-lost foster brother to find you shortly. He's been looking for you since those humans stole you out of the desert. Umm- halfblood brother, or human halfblood brother, or human?: Silence for a moment, while powerful wingstrokes closed the distance between them. :Halfblood; I may have to bring you back with me to the Citadel :Halfblood; I may have to bring you back with me to the Citadel - - never mind, I'll explain all that. You just think up a convincing story about how you found me, why you came looking for me, and how you tracked me from the desert. I've told them that's where I lived, and I said I was a fosterling, but I never mentioned you or Alara never mind, I'll explain all that. You just think up a convincing story about how you found me, why you came looking for me, and how you tracked me from the desert. I've told them that's where I lived, and I said I was a fosterling, but I never mentioned you or Alara.: :All right,: he replied-scanning the forest ahead for an unusually large grouping of heat-sources. I think I see you I think I see you ,: he said, when one appeared just ahead of him. : ,: he said, when one appeared just ahead of him. : I'll land and walk in I'll land and walk in.: With that, he cut off his mental sendings; landing in trees this thick was going to take all his concentration. In fact, for a moment he wasn't sure he was going to manage it at all- Then he spotted the clearing, where one of the forest giants had fallen, taking down an entire swath of lesser trees with it. There was just enough room along the path of its destruction for him to make a prey-catching stoop and backwing into a good landing without getting impaled on the branches...

Moments later, he was in halfblood form, and lurking in the shadows, watching from behind the shelter of a tree trunk and trying to think of how best to approach the camp. He couldn't see Shana from this angle, but there were three or four others in plain view from where he crouched, one human and two halfbloods, firelight flickering on their faces. They looked very young, at least to him-the human especially couldn't have seen more than a dozen summers. He was afraid to walk right up to them, for fear he'd startle them; the halfbloods probably could do the same kinds of things Shana could, and he didn't feel like getting pummeled by rocks-or worse, they might well be able to hurt or even kill with their powers. But he didn't want to sneak up on them, either; that could be misconstrued, too.

Someone solved the problem for him.

"Don't move," said a hard, controlled voice in his ear, as something very sharp poked into his ribs. "And be grateful your ears are a little less pointed than an elven lord's, or you wouldn't be standing here alive."

The pure, expressionless cold of that voice sent s.h.i.+vers up his back, and ice down his veins. He swallowed, and coughed to clear his throat. "I-uh-I'm looking for someone," he began. He wondered if he ought to turn around, then decided that he probably had better not.

"I'll bet you are," the voice said, with just a trace of mockery.

"No, really-I'm looking for my sister, my foster sister, I mean, and I've come a long way," he said, babbling desperately. "All the way from the desert. I've been looking for her since fall. She was taken by humans-"

"The desert?" The point digging into his ribs eased up a little. "What's her name, stranger?"

"Shana," he whispered, relaxing as the pointed object was removed from his side entirely. "She's been gone for months and months-the others didn't want me to look for her because they were afraid of the elven lords finding out about us, but I had to come. I've been looking for her for so long, and there hasn't been a trace of her anyplace and-"

"That's because she's been with us for months and months," the voice said dryly. "You're not in the clear yet, stranger, but you're closer. Let's just move into camp, and see if Shana recognizes you."

Keman stepped carefully from behind the tree trunk and picked his way across the branch-strewn, root-rutted, uneven ground towards the circle of firelight. As soon as he got a little closer, he saw Shana, who appeared to be deep in conversation with one of the human children. That was when he noticed something interesting-most of the halfbloods were in their late adolescence, and there wasn't a single human that could be called anything but a child. Although Keman was no kind of expert, he judged them to be no more than ten, and several were younger.

Although Shana had every appearance of being engrossed in talk, Keman saw her taking quick glances about her out of the corner of her eye. Watching for him, he had no doubt. He did not reopen his mental contact with her, though. If she didn't know when he was going to appear, her surprise would be more genuine, and more believable to his captor. Keman also had no doubt that this this was the one to convince of his veracity. This one was woods- and worldly-wise. He had been keeping watch while the others huddled about the campfire. If Keman slipped, he'd catch it. was the one to convince of his veracity. This one was woods- and worldly-wise. He had been keeping watch while the others huddled about the campfire. If Keman slipped, he'd catch it.

A twig snapped under his foot just as he entered the circle of firelight, and everyone looked up, variations on alarm and surprise on their faces. And a fraction of a heartbeat later, Shana leapt to her feet, and flung herself at him.

"Keman!" she cried, as he caught her awkwardly. "Oh, Keman, Keman Keman -" -"

Then she burst into tears, which was not something he expected at all; he held her awkwardly, while the owner of the voice chuckled, and came around the two of them, into the firelight.

"Looks like you're what you say you are," the young halfblood said, tossing long, dark hair out of his eyes, and bestowing a half smile on his erstwhile captive. Keman had the oddest feeling, looking at the young man's deep, troubled eyes, that a half smile would be all anyone anyone would ever get from him... would ever get from him...

"Look, family reunions are wonderful, but we've got a problem here, Shana," said another young man-not with the kind of disparaging self-importance that would normally accompany words of that nature, but as if he was genuinely afraid. "We've got a dozen human kids with wizard-powers, and nowhere to take them. So now that we've got them loose, what are we going to do with them?"

One of the youngest girls snuggled up to him, and he put his arm around her as she looked up at him with frightened eyes.

"He's right, Shana," Keman's guard said soberly. "You know know we can't take them to the Citadel, and they aren't old enough to survive out here on their own-and even if they were, the elven lords would track them down in a season. They've hardly even seen the outside World, they certainly don't know how to take care of themselves in the wilderness!" we can't take them to the Citadel, and they aren't old enough to survive out here on their own-and even if they were, the elven lords would track them down in a season. They've hardly even seen the outside World, they certainly don't know how to take care of themselves in the wilderness!"

One of the other children began to cry softly, and a halfblood girl got up to comfort her.

Shana stood away from Keman and wiped her eyes, becoming all business. "Why can't can't we take them to the Citadel?" she asked, challenge in her voice and stance. "Why not? Who told you that? Who made the rule that we weren't to let full-humans in?" we take them to the Citadel?" she asked, challenge in her voice and stance. "Why not? Who told you that? Who made the rule that we weren't to let full-humans in?"

The second young man spluttered for a moment, and the one who'd caught Keman moved back a step, startled. "We can't" can't" the second managed to get out. "It's never been done. The wizards would never-" the second managed to get out. "It's never been done. The wizards would never-"

"The wizards did did , back in the old days," she said triumphantly. "And there's no rule against it, either! That's one of the reasons why the Citadel's so big-half the people there were full-humans with wizard-powers, and not halfbloods at all! And there's records in my room that prove it!" , back in the old days," she said triumphantly. "And there's no rule against it, either! That's one of the reasons why the Citadel's so big-half the people there were full-humans with wizard-powers, and not halfbloods at all! And there's records in my room that prove it!"

The second boy's mouth fell open-and Keman thought he caught a glimmer of approval from the first one. She really was leading them all, he thought with surprise. She was the one making the plans and doing the thinking.

Shana had changed; she'd been rebellious in the Lair, but in a disorganized way. She was still a rebel, but now she had battle-plans to get where she wanted to go-and Fire and Rain weren't going to stop her.

"Look," she said, dropping her voice. "Right now the real problem is getting the elven lords off the track. They're definitely hunting us; Zed's caught them trying to find us with magic, and I've been watching them too. So let's split the party. If you take the children back to the Citadel, and smuggle them in by night, the masters won't have a choice about letting them in or not, because they'll already be be there. Use one of the escape tunnels I showed you, instead of the front entrance, and they won't know until it's too late." there. Use one of the escape tunnels I showed you, instead of the front entrance, and they won't know until it's too late."

"And meanwhile you'll be doing what?" the first wizard asked, in a matter-of-fact tone that suggested to Keman that he already knew the answer.

"Keman and I will be decoying the pursuit," she said confidently, though he could feel her trembling. "Between the two of us, we can convince them that you're all still with us, I think. It'll take some work, but in some ways it will be easier than if we were all still together."

Keman nodded, feeling that some sort of show of agreement was called for at this point. "Shana and I have done things like this before, losing enemies. We've been at it all our lives," he said truthfully. "We'll confuse your trail, and make ours the only clear one. Really, it's easier for two people to look like two dozen than for two dozen to look like two. We'll lead them north, I think, then lose them."

"How?" the first one asked, skeptically.

Shana smiled. "Oh, trust me, Zed; they'll think we sprouted wings and flew away."

Keman coughed to cover the fact that he almost choked on that that statement. When they looked at him curiously, he flushed. "There-there's dozens of one-horns farther on," he improvised hastily. "Shana's always been able to control them. If we drove them down our backtrail, not even a demon would be able to pick it up again." statement. When they looked at him curiously, he flushed. "There-there's dozens of one-horns farther on," he improvised hastily. "Shana's always been able to control them. If we drove them down our backtrail, not even a demon would be able to pick it up again."

Zed shrugged, but Keman caught admiration in his eyes for a moment. "All right. If you can do that, I guess I can take on the masters when they find out about these kids. Maybe I can get Denelor and Agravane to take our side; neither one of them can resist a kid. When do we start?"

"At dawn," Shana said with determination. "Especially if a storm comes up to wash out your trail."

-:Well, Keman,: the young dragon heard in his mind. :How good are you at calling rain these days :How good are you at calling rain these days ?: ?: :As good as I have to be,: he told her, soberly. .-You're not the only one who's been learning things .-You're not the only one who's been learning things .: .: :Neither are you. That idea of using the one-horns is a good one, and we might as well do it if we get the chance. Well then,: she replied, with the same seriousness, something that seemed alien to the Shana he had known, :it's about time we showed each other what we've learned :it's about time we showed each other what we've learned .: .: Keman hugged her shoulders, a two-legger gesture he had observed, but never had a chance to use. To his surprise, it felt good. Very good. It made him feel... no longer alone.

:I agree,: he said, some of that warmth spreading into his thoughts and coloring them with confidence. .:Let's show them all .:Let's show them all .: .: She looked at him in surprise; then, slowly smiled.

Valyn crouched on his heels and stared at the muddied ground for a moment, rain dripping from his hat-brim down his back. He saw no reason to use magic to keep himself dry; there was too much magic in use out here as it was. And he wasn't supposed to be in these wild lands in the first place; if anyone detected him, they'd know in a moment that there was an elven mage out here, and the hunt might switch to him. After all, there had been rumors for decades that there was an elven lord acting as a bandit leader, operating out here with a band of collared humans. Catching such a renegade as that would be as useful as capturing the unknown parties who had released the slaves-in fact, such a leader might well be the one who had released them.

He didn't need that, and neither did Shadow.

Cheynar didn't know Shadow was a halfblood, but if he decided to be ruthless and use his coercion-spells on Valyn again- He just might babble it, he thought unhappily. Now he knew why Cheynar didn't use magic much. He saved it all for those moments when he really needed to know what was going on in someone's mind, what things they were hiding, and he was good good at it. at it. If he hadn't stopped questioning me, I would have told him about Mero, I know I would have If he hadn't stopped questioning me, I would have told him about Mero, I know I would have . .

"The bigger party went off that way," he said, pointing. "And I think with luck, this rain is going to wash the trail away long before Cheynar and the others find it. But the one halfblood we we want to follow went off that way, or that's the way it looks, and she isn't making any attempt to hide her trail." want to follow went off that way, or that's the way it looks, and she isn't making any attempt to hide her trail."

"She's acting as a decoy," Shadow said flatly, peering through the rain in the direction Valyn pointed. "I'm sure of it. She's the best they've got-Valyn, I have to find her, or I'm never going to learn what I can do, because none of those others will ever trust someone-"

He broke off, and flushed with embarra.s.sment. Valyn stood up, and patted his shoulder awkwardly. "I know," he said, a little sadly. "I'm a liability to you, aren't I? If I just went back right now-"

"You can't, and we both know it," Mero replied fiercely. "If you go back now, heir or not, your father-I don't know what he'll do to you. He might even be willing to kill you. He'll certainly certainly hurt you a lot, and-you know what he can do. He'll work spells on you, and when he's done, you won't be Valyn anymore. You don't have a choice. But hurt you a lot, and-you know what he can do. He'll work spells on you, and when he's done, you won't be Valyn anymore. You don't have a choice. But she's she's the one who saved the humans, and the one who saved the humans, and she's she's the one who convinced the others to take the kids back to-wherever the other wizards are. If anybody will accept both of us, it's her. And I'm not going without you." the one who convinced the others to take the kids back to-wherever the other wizards are. If anybody will accept both of us, it's her. And I'm not going without you."

Valyn swallowed the lump in his throat that threatened to choke off his words. Cheynar had discovered him scrying, tracing the movements and actions of the young wizards, where he and his men had been able to read little or nothing.

He had not been amused. Valyn should should have come running to him with everything the young Lord had learned, and they both knew it. So he had used his toughest coercive spells to pry everything he could out of Valyn, and left him in his room, in a sweat-sodden, helpless heap, when he'd heard what he have come running to him with everything the young Lord had learned, and they both knew it. So he had used his toughest coercive spells to pry everything he could out of Valyn, and left him in his room, in a sweat-sodden, helpless heap, when he'd heard what he thought thought was the end of it; where the outlaws were, what they were doing, and that Valyn had been spying on them for his own purposes. was the end of it; where the outlaws were, what they were doing, and that Valyn had been spying on them for his own purposes.

Cheynar thought thought he knew what those purposes were, that Valyn was working for Dyran, or possibly even working for himself against both Dyran and Cheynar. It was a logical a.s.sumption; it wouldn't have been the first time a son had acted against his father. Cheynar himself had done so, allying himself with Dyran and eventually taking the estate from his father. he knew what those purposes were, that Valyn was working for Dyran, or possibly even working for himself against both Dyran and Cheynar. It was a logical a.s.sumption; it wouldn't have been the first time a son had acted against his father. Cheynar himself had done so, allying himself with Dyran and eventually taking the estate from his father.

Thank the Ancestors, Cheynar had been wrong about Valyn, and had been impatient to take up the hunt. If he'd questioned Valyn a moment longer...

But he hadn't. Shadow had come in sometime later-how long, he couldn't say, his mind was still fogged with the effects of Cheynar's spells-and managed to wake him up. That was when he realized exactly what the results of all this would be, when Lord Cheynar returned, successful or not, from his hunt.

First, as soon as he recovered from the draining of his own magic, he would be at Valyn again, and this time he would not stop until he knew everything the young elven mage did.

He would learn that Shadow was not not the trained bodyguard he was supposed to be. He would learn why Shadow was with Valyn-and the trained bodyguard he was supposed to be. He would learn why Shadow was with Valyn-and what what Shadow was. Shadow was.

And he would have a halfblood in his possession.

Then he would report everything Valyn had done to Lord Dyran-possibly turning Shadow over to him, possibly not; he might choose to eliminate the "dangerous halfblood" himself. It didn't much matter. The moment Cheynar returned, Shadow was doomed, and so was Valyn.

Though he had been weak-kneed and shaking, Valyn had laid his plans and packed everything he thought he might need-and so did Mero. In the morning, claiming that they were following Lord Cheynar on his orders, they set out for the wilderness with packs and horses.

Within hours of entering the confines of the forest, they lost the horses-one, while they were setting up their first camp, to something they never even saw, only heard; the second to a broken leg as it fled whatever had carried off the first.

At least they hadn't lost the packs.

Perhaps it was just as well. If the horses-or their remains-were ever found, it might be a.s.sumed that Valyn and Shadow had fallen victim to the unknown predator as well. A young and zealous elven lord might well have decided to follow Cheynar on his father's behalf, with or without orders. That would give them at least the semblance of innocence, and might prevent Cheynar from being suspicious about why they had left the estate so abruptly.

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The Elvenbane Part 26 summary

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