Coloring Outside The Lines Part 1

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Coloring Outside The Lines.

Diana DeRicci.

Chapter 1.

"I DON DON'T think you're grasping the gravity of the situation." Ralph sipped at his drink then gave his best friend, Tony, a squarely pokerfaced look. "I'm about to explode, my c.o.c.k is so in need of being sucked." think you're grasping the gravity of the situation." Ralph sipped at his drink then gave his best friend, Tony, a squarely pokerfaced look. "I'm about to explode, my c.o.c.k is so in need of being sucked."

Tony chuckled and rolled his eyes. "You're such a drama queen," he accused.

Ralph pursed his lips and then swallowed the rum mix in his gla.s.s. "I need another one of these." At least one more. At least one more. He wouldn't argue a half dozen. He tipped the tumbler, then tapped the bottom to get the last chunk of ice. He wouldn't argue a half dozen. He tipped the tumbler, then tapped the bottom to get the last chunk of ice.

"Ralph, you're only thirty-five. It's not the end of the world."

He huffed. "Says you. You have Mr. Hottie Centerfold."

Tony laughed under his breath. "Brandon is not a centerfold." Tony leaned close on his high stool to be heard over the house style music vibrating the air. "Could be, though."

Ralph groaned loudly. "See!" He smacked the tumbler down. "Fetch, or I'm going to get"

"Okay, okay." Tony rose from his seat. "Stay."


"Hey, you just told me to fetch."

Ralph glared at him, then "Touche." He sighed once Tony was out of earshot. It wasn't his friend's fault he was feeling like warmed over s.h.i.+t. Turning thirty-five should have been a good thing. He was settled in a good career, juggled more accounts than a sane man would ever dream of taking on, and his best friend had brought him out to celebrate. Sadly, it wasn't turning out to be the party Tony thought he was giving him.

Three nights ago, he'd b.u.mped into his ex. Darling Jackie had rubbed his wonderful new love life in Ralph's face. When Ralph hadn't been able to produce even a name, Jackie and his beau had left in a wail of laughter. Ralph may have only just turned thirty-five, but lately he'd felt eighty.

While he waited for Tony's return, he ran a hand down his thigh where he sat, the sleek linen pants holding their crease. The rich, seash.e.l.l-white tone went well with the rose hue of his s.h.i.+rt. It was late summer and he wanted to enjoy the colors before fall sucked out all the brightness from every fas.h.i.+on eyeball on the planet. He detested fall. Orange Orange. Who in their right mind built a wardrobe around orange and brown? He could could work with mint green.... He shook his head. Who was he kidding? work with mint green.... He shook his head. Who was he kidding?

Give him spring and summer. He could almost almost work with winter, but fall? h.e.l.l no! work with winter, but fall? h.e.l.l no!

He s.h.i.+vered, wrapping long fingers around his upper arms, sending a seeking look into the crowd, hunting for Tony. It was early yet, so the dance floor wasn't very full, but that was only a matter of time. Ralph was a watcher, not a dancer. Maybe by the time he was a little more plastered he'd enjoy the scenery more. He guessed he was still stinging from Jackie's kiss off and the fact that he was hornier than h.e.l.l with no hope in sight.

"h.e.l.lo, sugar."

Ralph rolled his eyes at the interruption to his mental tirade, not to mention the exaggerated drawl. "Please." Last he checked, Texas was east. As in, welllll welllll east. He turned to the interloper to give him a very vocal smack down. He was doing just fine pouting alone, thank you. He just caught his tongue from rolling out loose and free. The snark-filled, biting remark was cut off at the pa.s.s. "Uh, h.e.l.lo." east. He turned to the interloper to give him a very vocal smack down. He was doing just fine pouting alone, thank you. He just caught his tongue from rolling out loose and free. The snark-filled, biting remark was cut off at the pa.s.s. "Uh, h.e.l.lo." Da-yum. Da-yum.

Shoulder to shoulder, eyes the color of sweetened cappuccino gleamed at him from beneath too-perfect eyebrows, surrounded by some of the thickest, darkest eyelashes Ralph had ever had the good fortune to see up close and personal. He was definitely delicious, and Ralph had seen all brands, types, and breeds when it came to men, naked and clothed.

It was a good thing Ralph's lungs worked on autopilot because this guy had sucked every atom of oxygen right out of Ralph's chest. Immediately, his mind's eye began putting him in different poses and lights, wanting to capture all that handsome to save, and maybe to savor. G.o.d, the gorgeous things he could do with this man. And that was with his clothes on on.

His new admirer s.h.i.+fted where he stood, putting him just that much that much too close for comfort. too close for comfort.

Ralph batted him away, the move snapping him out of his stupor. "Personal s.p.a.ce. I don't even know your name."

"Julian." The gorgeous man purred it into Ralph's ear. The ensuing rush of l.u.s.t that coursed through Ralph's body was hotter than lava. "Why are you sitting here all alone, a beautiful treat like you?"

"I'm not alone."

A deeper-than-brown eyebrow arched teasingly. "Oh?" He blatantly searched the table. "I'm sorry. I didn't see your imaginary friend."

Ralph growled. "That's not even close to being funny." Gratefully, Ralph spotted Tony weaving back to the table then. "See?"

"Deduction. He's not yours."

Ralph gasped, leaning to stare upward into Mr. Perfect's face. "Why would you say that?"

"He's wearing a ring. You are not. Plus, three drinks. Unless Mr. Imaginary is real, I sincerely doubt that is for me."

The light stroke of fingers at the small of his spine had his c.o.c.k twitching like a flag in a brisk wind. From a touch. Ralph wanted to grind his teeth. "So you're an infuriating charmer?" He twisted his lips in mockery. Good looks be d.a.m.ned. The man was arrogant as h.e.l.l.

"Here you go." Tony slid the drinks onto the table, then faltered as he focused on Julian. "Uh, sorry. Who are you?"

"Julian Franzese." He reached across the table to shake.

"Tony Teagan. Friend of Ralph's?"

"I am now," Julian purposely said close to Ralph's ear, nodding in answer to Tony. "Now I know your name. I'll know even more before you leave."

Ralph wanted to throw him off, but wasn't going to start a scene. "Presumptuous of you, don't you think?"

"I like a little coy playfulness," Julian said at his shoulder.

"You're a game hunter."

"Not as much as you probably think."

"I'm not going to play along."

Julian hummed against Ralph's neck. "So you say, beautiful. You've been caught and you don't even know the trap has been sprung."

Ralph growled. Loudly. The harsh sound earned him a curious look from Tony. "Is Brandon coming?" he asked, determined to ignore and get away from the leech homing in on his neck. The man was draped around Ralph like a shawl. Or a boa constrictor.

"Just called. He finished his registration details and starts in three weeks."

Ralph wasn't surprised. Brandon was ready to tackle his final year. The guy had really come into his own since finding Tony, not only at work, but in his private life as well.

Ralph grabbed one of the drinks and started to inhale it. He knew he was just feeling sorry for himself, but he couldn't help it amid all the happiness Tony exuded whenever he spoke of Brandon.

"So what do you do, Julian?" Tony asked, easing closer to talk over the waves of sound from the bar and music.

"I'm a cop."

Ralph spit out his drink. Julian was nice enough to grab napkins and cover his leaky chin.

"Easy, suns.h.i.+ne."

Ralph glared at him again. "What is with with the nicknames?" the nicknames?"

"One of these days, I'll tell you." Julian winked.

"Any particular department?" Tony asked.

"Street patrol. Nothing exciting. Well, not often anyway."

Ralph spotted the arms first as they appeared looping around Tony's middle, then the cap of red hair. The sheer pleasure and focus that overcame his best friend threatened to kill Ralph with jealousy. He wanted that. So badly.

"h.e.l.lo, beautiful boy. How was it?" Tony asked in greeting.

Brandon slunk around, coming up under Tony's arm to be cradled into his side. "Long lines, b.i.t.c.hing, moaning. I think someone lost it but I wasn't close enough."

Ralph caught the shudder of distaste. That had to be charming to witness.

"Nerves?" Tony asked. He wedged Brandon between his thighs, holding him as close as publicly allowed.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Brandon nipped at Tony's chin until he got a kiss in greeting.

Ralph felt Julian's body s.h.i.+ft into his side. "I know you." Julian peered openly across to the other pair.

Brandon's lashes lifted when Tony straightened. "Oh?"

He snapped his fingers. "The tea ad? Right?"

Brandon beamed and laughed. "Yeah. How many of those billboards did Gwen put up, anyway?"

"I've seen at least three," Julian answered. He offered a hand. "Julian."


And just like that, Julian became part of their group whether Ralph wanted him there or not.

JULIAN BENT BENT close. "Why are you fighting it?" close. "Why are you fighting it?"

Ralph glared at him. "Because I don't know you. You make nice with my friends, move in like a mother-in-law, and you're not fooling me with that smile. You have your own cologne called Trouble."

"Ah, you wound me."

Ralph twisted his body to put Julian behind his shoulder. "You should find an easier lay. It won't be me."

"Who said I wanted s.e.x?"

Ralph rolled his eyes. Julian was careful to not make him feel threatened. He was sure given the right initiative, Ralph would still pierce him with an elbow. "I could have sworn someone said he was in desperate need of having his d.i.c.k sucked. Maybe it was just my imagination, but I'm more willing to bet it was my super hearing."

Ralph swung around, a mixture of horror, shock, and arousal playing over his features. "You heard that?" he croaked.

"Could eat on you for hours," Julian murmured, letting his lips ghost over Ralph's ear. "You're gorgeous, smell like candy, feel like heaven."

Ralph frowned then pushed with a firm hand into his chest. "Okay. Trying too hard now."

"What? Honesty not something you're used to?"

"Look, smooth talker." Ralph huffed. Julian waited for the next flurry of barbs, but as suddenly as the fiery spark of irritation was aimed at him, it faded like a snuffed wick when Ralph's gaze shot behind Julian. "Oh f.u.c.k," he spat. "s.h.i.+t."

Julian whirled. Something was seriously upsetting Ralph and that was not cool with him.

A hand clutched his upper arm. "Forgive me for this," Ralph whispered. The hand gripping Julian like a lifeline snaked into his hair and tugged him around. The sudden onslaught of hot and hungry lips against his was a shock. For about three seconds. Then Julian took over.

Tony and Brandon, everyone surrounding them, faded away. Julian roped Ralph into his chest and plundered his mouth. G.o.d, he was as sweet as he looked. He had a perfect upper lip and the bottom was smooth as silk. Julian hadn't expected it, but he wasn't going to pa.s.s up a prime opportunity to enjoy Ralph's mouth.

At first, Ralph barely met his kiss, but Julian wasn't going to settle for that. A firm tug on longer-than-shoulder-length hair and Ralph opened up like a dream. A shudder rolled down Julian's frame when one of Ralph's legs hooked behind his knee, bringing them deeply into each other's bodies.

Julian captured Ralph's tongue to suckle on it. Ralph was everything Julian hoped, and so much more. Julian didn't usually take wild chances like he had with Ralph. Didn't pick up guys in bars or clubs. He came to hang out with friends and share a drink where he could relax out of uniform. But the second he'd spotted that head of bright-blond hair and the lean body under the clothes, Julian had homed in like a bloodhound. It was good to know his instincts were right here, too.

Overhearing Ralph had simply been the means to make his move.

They separated from the kiss with an almost surreal slowness. "Wow," Julian panted. He'd had a feeling the man in his arms was going to be a livewire, but that.... That That blew his mind. blew his mind.

Ralph's lips were a blus.h.i.+ng red and there was a definite flushed heat to his skin. Julian could imagine every inch of him like that and the thought threatened to drive him insane. He toyed with the top b.u.t.ton of Ralph's s.h.i.+rt, trying to get his feet and his mind back on planet Earth.

"Ralph! What a surprise." The cooed call was layered in so much false interest, it immediately set Julian's teeth on edge. He spun casually to stand next to Ralph to inspect the invading pair.

"h.e.l.lo, Jackie. Cody."

"It's Corbin" came the sharp retort.

"Right. Sorry." Ralph gave them a pinched smile. The total lack of honest apology was just as clear as their feigned interest in what Ralph was doing at Burgandy's.

Julian noted when Tony and Brandon inched around the table and took up places on Ralph's opposite side, s.h.i.+elding him.

"Wasn't expecting to see you here."

Ralph glared coolly. "I didn't die when you left, Jackie."

Julian looped an arm around Ralph. Publicly staking his claim.

"You didn't mention you were seeing anyone on Tuesday," Jackie needled, obviously trying to see through their kiss. Honestly, Julian didn't care the reason behind it. He got one, and he was going to get more.

"I asked him not to. I've been working undercover." He gave the watching pair a shark's grin. And unlike before, he didn't offer his hand or a name.

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Coloring Outside The Lines Part 1 summary

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