Coloring Outside The Lines Part 2

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Ralph studied his expectantly waiting friends. "Let's go make nice with the boys in blue."

"I'm the only one you're making nice with," Julian whispered in his ear as they weaved through the standing crowd. Their table was sucked up by the as soon as they were clear.

As they neared, bodies moved over to make room and Julian went around the table giving names.

A fresh round of drinks was ordered. Once it was known it was Ralph's birthday, he didn't have to buy another drink, if he had bought one all night. Standing at his side, Julian did everything short of stamping his name on Ralph's a.s.s for all to see. Buffered in on all sides, Ralph was as protected as the president.

He was only half listening to the lively discussions going around the table when something Tony was saying finally leaked into his hearing.

"Oh, h.e.l.l yeah. You guys would make an awesome calendar. Did you want to do one for a fundraiser?"

One of the guys at Tony's shoulder leaned close, explaining something. When he motioned toward Brandon, Brandon shook his head.

"I can't. I'm under contract and those kinds of appearances need approval."

Tony said, "You could ask. Gwen would let you if you tell her why."

"Maybe. You know her better than I do." He looped an arm under Tony's to lean together. "But I don't look anything like this bunch."

"It's not all about size."

The sudden silence at the table was shattered with a roar of laughter. The man who'd been talking to Tony put a hand over his eyes. "Animals!" he cried, laughing himself. "Jeezus!"

"We could keep the cost down. I'd donate resources, and we already have a photographer," Tony said once the worst had calmed.

"You do?"

Tony nodded and Ralph felt his stomach tighten. Don't do this to me, Tony. Don't do this to me, Tony. His best friend completely ignored his silent message. His best friend completely ignored his silent message.

Tony nudged Ralph around Brandon. "What do you say? It would be for a good cause."

"Tony," he pleaded. It wasn't that he didn't like the idea, but all these men? And Julian? He hadn't really thought beyond tonight. He'd been trying to not think at all. Thus all the drinks. Tony apparently hadn't caught that in the night's rules.

"Please, Ralph" came a couple of entreaties from around the table.

Then Julian put his two cents in. "This is something they've wanted to do for almost a year, but the logistics hadn't ever come together. This would help so much if you would."

That soft, southern drawl melted Ralph. He tilted his head to stare at the man standing at his shoulder.

And that was when he realized he had absolutely no will to tell Julian no.

Chapter 3.

BRETT SHUT SHUT his phone to clear the screen after reading the text. The man had a s.h.i.+t-eating grin when things fell into perfect place. Julian knew what he was going to say before he opened his mouth. Some days, he loved these guys. his phone to clear the screen after reading the text. The man had a s.h.i.+t-eating grin when things fell into perfect place. Julian knew what he was going to say before he opened his mouth. Some days, he loved these guys.

Brett leaned over Rocky's shoulder to not have to shout too loudly. "Your admirer seemed to be driving under the influence and was pulled over. When he was stopped, they found out he had past warrants and an unregistered weapon in the car. And gee, it's a shame, but there wasn't anyone to bail him out on a Friday night. He's cooling his jets until at least eight tomorrow morning."

Julian high-fived the man.

"Really? He's been arrested?" Ralph's eyes shot wide.

Julian saw the way he caressed his upper arm with careful fingers. He wanted to get a look at that to make sure there wasn't deep damage but doubted Ralph would let him.

Personally, he'd wanted to shove his fist through the a.s.shole's face, not the wall, but it would have earned him a write-up from his s.h.i.+ft sergeant to be part of, let alone being the cause of, a bar brawl.

"He's gone, sugar," Julian told him. He nosed up under the wave of hair at Ralph's shoulder. G.o.d, he smelled good. A slight s.h.i.+ver danced down Ralph's body. "I can't seem to stop touching you."

Ralph tipped his chin and Julian almost groaned at the offering. Sleek and smooth skin lay before him like a buffet. Julian guessed saving Ralph's cute b.u.t.t had proven he wasn't such a bad guy after all. Ralph wasn't pus.h.i.+ng him away in the least now.

"Not to ruin a good moment, but Ralph didn't answer."

Julian sighed, standing straight, but reluctantly. Ralph drained another gla.s.s, taking his time. He slurped at the ice, then settled the gla.s.s on the table to touch the corner of his mouth with a slim finger.

"Okay. If Tony is planning to help sponsor the project, I can donate a few hours to get good shots." He crossed his arms to rest elbows on the table. "I'll do it."

Brandon hugged him. "You're the best. This is going to be fun!"

"You're really doing a good thing, sugar," Julian murmured at his side. "We'll make sure you get full credit for working with the charity."

"What is it?"

"It's for GLBT youth and homeless. Darvin has all the info." Julian pointed to the guy collaborating with Tony. "The calendar was one of the ideas they all agreed on but haven't been able to put it together."

Confusion twisted Ralph's brow. "You're not a part of it?"

"I am, but I joined the station after the final votes had been made. I just jumped in with both feet and told them to do with me what they will."

"Trusting soul, aren't you?" Ralph teased, his eyes sparkling.

"I have good instincts," he replied, narrowing the distance to faintly ghost his lips over Ralph's ear. "I found you, didn't I?"

Ralph shook his head, though laughter could clearly be heard. "Conceited, arrogant, pushy. Am I missing anything?"

"I'm fabulous in bed and dead s.e.xy," Julian growled.

Ralph tossed his head and laughed deeply. "And you're a cop?" he said when he could breathe. "Should've been a comedian."

"Nah. I'm actually very quiet."

Ralph's dubious gaze stated his disbelief. Unswayed, Julian bent close for a light kiss. The pull he'd felt when he'd first set eyes on the man was stronger than ever, and growing. Ralph was truly beautiful. Julian had seen men of all types since moving to LA. He'd seen a menagerie in Houston, grown up with a handful of them, but no one had ever stunned him the way Ralph had.

Decadent features that should have been on the glossy page, not behind the camera, hair that begged to be played with, and eyes that glittered like sunlight lit them. Now that he'd seen him up close and kissed him, Julian's heart thudded into his ribs while he wanted to get as close as physically possible.

"You don't have to work tomorrow, do you?" Julian asked when Ralph sagged into his chest one more time and didn't seem interested in sitting straight. The man had a solid train of drained snaking around the table in front of his seat.

"Nope. Which-ch is good. I think I'm dunk-drunk." He giggled and slapped a hand over his mouth. Brandon snorted and teetered on his feet at Ralph's side. Ralph tried to push at him and only managed to plant himself harder against Julian. Comfortably slouched against Julian's chest, Ralph tipped his face upward and stared at Julian, then lifted both arms and hung them around Julian's neck. He danced in his chair to the music, b.u.mping up against Julian, quickly making Julian's jeans two sizes too small.

"You're drunk!" Brandon crowed, pointing at him.

"Am not," Ralph argued haughtily. His denial was ruined when he arched into Julian, practically purring as he started dancing again. Drunk, Ralph was as playful as a pup.

"You're both drunk," Tony said, shaking his head at their antics. "I guess it's time to get you two home."

Brandon pulled Tony close and said something into his ear. Julian watched as heat suffused Tony's face. "Don't you dare!"

"But I'm hot," Brandon whined.

"f.u.c.k." He groaned, catching Brandon's hand when it tried to slither under the front of his s.h.i.+rt. "Uh, Julian. I hate to ask, but I forgot Brandon got like this. Could you get Ralph home? I have about two minutes to get him out of here before clothes start falling off."

Julian withdrew his cell phone from a pocket. "What's your number?" Tony rattled it off and Julian called it. "You have mine." Tony nodded. "I'll let you know when he's home."

"Thank you." Tony pulled Brandon to his feet, trying to stop wandering hands from aiming for his crotch. "Good mercy, Brandon." He growled deep in his chest and Brandon turned into putty.

"Take me home." He wriggled his tight rump into Tony's front. Tony raised his eyes heavenward.

"Handful, huh?" Julian asked, smirking.

"Apparently. Thanks for a great night, guys. Darvin and Julian have my number. Call me next week." A chorus of good-byes and waves floated around the table. Tony nudged to get Brandon moving.

"'Bye!" Brandon called, waving, all smiles again. The guys waved back, laughing as they departed.

"Ralph? Sugar?"

"Hmm?" Ralph stretched. d.a.m.n, the man was amazing. Julian's hands fit so well at his hips, he wanted to run them over his front and caress skin, but he'd be d.a.m.ned before he gave his friends that kind of a show, or humiliate Ralph. That was something he wanted to do in private, not by making out at a club. He also wanted Ralph to be 100 percent aware.

"Time to go home, birthday boy."

Ralph pouted those sweet lips. His eyes had closed at some point and he was simply hanging on to Julian. With effort, he wobbled upright on his seat and hunted. "Where's Tony?"

"He had to take Brandon home." Julian looped an arm around Ralph's waist, holding him steady. "Don't worry, sugar. I got you."

Ralph rotated on the stool and faced Julian. Then he took Julian by surprise when he hooked a foot behind his leg and tugged, bringing Julian tight into the V of his body. His hands returned to their perch around Julian's neck, threading to hold together.

"You are so toasted," Julian remarked with a warm chuckle.

"Much better birthday now," Ralph said, tugging and squirming until Julian rested right against his groin. Then he did this little hip roll, pus.h.i.+ng against his jeans that almost had Julian swallowing his tongue.

Julian folded over him to hide his moan. It was either the wrong move or the right one, because Ralph practically wrapped all the way around him like a winter coat.

"Need to take you home," Julian said, clenching his jaw to not enjoy the slim neck right... f.u.c.king... there.

"Mm. Take me home. Take me to bed. Take me," Ralph sang.

His belted chorus reminded Julian just how drunk he was, sweeping away some of the arousal that was quickly threatening to overwhelm him from the heat and weight of the man against his body.

"We're getting one last round if you're done auditioning for human Velcro," Rocky said, b.u.t.ting against Julian with an elbow at the hip.

Julian shook his head, glancing over a shoulder. "I'm taking him home before he starts singing Broadway."

"Okay, see you on Sunday patrol," Brett said.

As much as he hated doing it, Julian peeled Ralph loose. "Night, guys!" He supported Ralph, who offered the guys a finger-dancing wave and a blinding smile. At least he wasn't threatening to get naked. Poor Tony. Poor Tony. Then again, Brandon wasn't exactly hard on the eyes. Then again, Brandon wasn't exactly hard on the eyes.

Laughing under his breath, he maneuvered them through the crowd toward the exit.

"Ralph, sugar, where do you live?" he asked, walking them as evenly as possible, considering Ralph's steps weren't, to his coupe.

"Somewhere...." He spun around, looking one way then the other. "That way." Then "No, that way." He pointed again.

"How 'bout this? I make sure you're okay tonight, and get you home in the morning?"

Ralph put a flat hand on Julian's chest. "S-said no s-s.e.x." Cute, pale eyebrows drew together in a perfect glower.

"And I promise you, nothing will happen."

"Promise?" Ralph gave him a hard look, as though he was trying to muscle his way through the alcohol fog to get to the truth. Green eyes glittered in the mix of neon lights surrounding them. A mix of green, lit by blues, yellows, and reds.

Julian's hand rose and curled around Ralph's ear, loving the feel of Ralph's hair on his skin. "I very much promise."

Ralph's eyes slid shut as he pressed into Julian's palm.

"Trust me, suns.h.i.+ne, and I'll take care of you."

Ralph snorted, ruining the moment. "Nicknames." He chortled, which of course made him weave on his feet like he was walking on stilts.

"Come on, sugar." He brought Ralph into his side again. When Ralph leaned into him, he sighed in contentment and kissed his temple.

Julian poured him into the pa.s.senger seat and buckled him in after Ralph fumbled for a few seconds, and then called Tony as he walked around the car. He wasn't surprised when there wasn't an answer, but left a message anyway. "I'm taking Ralph to my place. He's practically out on his feet. He'll be safe and should be home before nine." He glanced at the man lolling into dreamland on the car seat. "He won't be up to much, but he'll be home. Shout if you need to. Talk to you next week."

He ended the call and got behind the wheel.

Chapter 4.

RALPH MOANED MOANED. G.o.ddess, but he ached. Fisting the pillow under his head, he dragged it oh-so-carefully from beneath and plopped it on top of his head, m.u.f.fling sound and light. G.o.ddess, but he ached. Fisting the pillow under his head, he dragged it oh-so-carefully from beneath and plopped it on top of his head, m.u.f.fling sound and light.

"Never turning thirty-five again. Ever."

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Coloring Outside The Lines Part 2 summary

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