Coloring Outside The Lines Part 3

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"Physical impossibility."

Ralph shot straight up in bed, blinking at the same time his brain screamed at him. He palmed his head and silently cursed a thousand ways. He was smart to keep his eyes shut. "Who said that?"

"I did." Humor lightened the southern drawl.

Drawl? No way. Tony wouldn't have dumped him at Burgandy's. He wouldn't have. Ralph dared to open an eye and found a calm, if subdued and smiling, Julian by the bedside. No way. Tony wouldn't have dumped him at Burgandy's. He wouldn't have. Ralph dared to open an eye and found a calm, if subdued and smiling, Julian by the bedside.

"Here's some water and pain killers."

Ralph was still trying to find his last functioning brain cell. "What the h.e.l.l?" he croaked, sounding reedy. He straightened off his hip and then reached for the gla.s.s. After several deep swallows, he licked his lips when he paused for air. "Pills."

Julian dropped them into Ralph's outstretched palm and down they went with the rest of the water.

He handed the gla.s.s back. "Thank you." Peeking under the blankets, he saw he wasn't as naked as he'd feared. "Where are my clothes?"

"On the dresser, sugar," Julian informed him. "This isn't even my bed."

Ralph raised a skeptical eye. "It's not?"

"No! It's mine!" came a cranky shout from the living room.

"Who is that?" Ralph almost cried, balling up under the sheets.

"My cousin, Jet. He wasn't home and I commandeered his room."

"You always were a brat!" Jet shouted from the other room.

Julian rolled his eyes then sat on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

Ralph pushed a thick hunk of hair off his face. "Like death warmed over." He winced when movement pulled at his upper bicep, but he'd live.

Julian caressed Ralph's leg through the sheets. "Go ahead and clean up and I'll get you home."

Ralph blinked, still not up to speed. Obviously, Julian was at least a gentleman if he'd left Ralph to sleep in his boxers and alone. He rubbed his parched eyes and met Julian's patient, albeit worried, gaze. "Thank you."

Julian scooted closer, this time reaching to caress the side of Ralph's face. "You're worth it, sugar." He leaned and brushed a gentle kiss to Ralph lips. "Take your time. There's coffee made."

"Now you're speaking my language."

Julian stroked his jaw with a thumb. Ralph's heart leaped in his chest as rich-brown eyes bored into his. Pulling away, Julian stood by the bed. "I think there's toothbrushes. Help yourself."

"A shower?" He bit his lip. He'd kill for hot water right then.

"Sure. Bathroom is across the hall. Come out to the kitchen when you're ready."


"Yeah?" He hesitated at the bedroom door and looked over a shoulder. Tight buns were perfectly packed into blue jeans and he'd tucked his tank into the waist, framing the straight shape of his body from his bare shoulders down. He was a dream and and an angel. What were the odds? an angel. What were the odds?

Ralph swallowed, trying to remember what he was going to say, then said, "Thanks."

Julian's eyes grew dark and something hungry flared in their depths. Ralph watched as his fingers stretched near his hip, like he was reaching as he stared into Ralph. "You're more than welcome, sugar," he said, that Texas appeal coming on strong.

When he was gone, Ralph raked a hand through his hair, almost panting. Wow. Wow. No one's voice alone had ever done that. Or maybe it was the searing heat lurking in those eyes that had hit so deep, because he'd almost melted into a puddle on the bed. No one's voice alone had ever done that. Or maybe it was the searing heat lurking in those eyes that had hit so deep, because he'd almost melted into a puddle on the bed.

JULIAN STOOD STOOD at the counter, listening for Ralph as he moved around in Jet's room. A few seconds later, Julian heard the bathroom open up, and then the shower started to run. at the counter, listening for Ralph as he moved around in Jet's room. A few seconds later, Julian heard the bathroom open up, and then the shower started to run.

"G.o.d, he's hot," Jet muttered, walking into the kitchen, scratching his b.a.l.l.s through his shorts. "f.u.c.king pretty." He leaned next to Julian and against a hip. "You know, Fawn is going to s.h.i.+t bricks that you found someone prettier than her."

"My sister will live." He blew on the mug's contents and sipped, finis.h.i.+ng with a gut-deep sigh. "Needed that."

"So why didn't you put him in your bed? I could've used mine, you d.i.c.k."

Julian snickered. "Because he was drunk and h.o.r.n.y." He hid behind his mug. "And I promised I'd take care of him." He didn't want to imagine how weak his resolve would have been if Ralph had tried his moves in bed, undressed, skin to skin. He was more than just pretty. He was beautiful. And Julian wasn't made of stone.

Julian had stood by his word by keeping walls and doors between them.

Jet rolled to his back beside him, crossing his ankles to relax against the counter. "I'd do him."

"Quit being an a.s.s. You're not even gay," Julian grumbled.

Jet scrubbed a hand over his short black hair. "What? Don't think he'd like me?"

"Jet," Julian groaned impatiently. "I'm not in the mood."

"Hey, you stole my my bed." bed."

"Hey, you you didn't come home until five this morning. Whose fault is that?" didn't come home until five this morning. Whose fault is that?"

Jet just leered.

"That's what I thought, so take a f.u.c.king timeout." His cousin could bag a new date every weekend if he wanted, and usually did. Julian was a little more... okay, a lot lot more, choosey. With light-bronze skin and eyes very similar to Julian's, Jet had more, choosey. With light-bronze skin and eyes very similar to Julian's, Jet had no no problems ever finding a girl. When he was born, he'd actually been the same skin tone as Julian, but had grown darker thanks to his father's Arabic heritage and the California sun. Julian had retained the Tuscan-olive tone of his father's background. Alone they were stunning, exotic looking men, Julian knew that, but put them together and they were a force to reckon with when it came to visual appeal. Thankfully, they'd never had to compete for the same dates. It was the biggest reason they could stand to room together and not kill each other. problems ever finding a girl. When he was born, he'd actually been the same skin tone as Julian, but had grown darker thanks to his father's Arabic heritage and the California sun. Julian had retained the Tuscan-olive tone of his father's background. Alone they were stunning, exotic looking men, Julian knew that, but put them together and they were a force to reckon with when it came to visual appeal. Thankfully, they'd never had to compete for the same dates. It was the biggest reason they could stand to room together and not kill each other.

But Jet was right. Fawn was going to be sooo sooo jealous. Julian smirked as he sucked up more coffee. With Ralph out of his room, Jet slid that way to change, leaving Julian in peace to enjoy his morning caffeine. jealous. Julian smirked as he sucked up more coffee. With Ralph out of his room, Jet slid that way to change, leaving Julian in peace to enjoy his morning caffeine.

"Is coffee still on the menu?"

Julian turned on a bare heel and took in the crisp blond. He should have been rumpled, but Ralph looked like he'd just rolled out of a fas.h.i.+on magazine. He'd tamed his hair and his skin glowed, quite the change from the sleepy-eyed man Julian had found in bed. "Do you even have to shave?" He knew the man had smooth skin, but no morning rough?

"Every other day or so," Ralph replied. "I'm natural, thank you very much."

Julian's chest rocked with a huff of humor. "I believe you."

Ralph narrowed his eyes. "I wasn't wrong. You are so much trouble."

Julian reached and brought forward a filled mug. "Trouble wouldn't offer the elixir of the G.o.ds, now would he?"

Ralph practically lit up. When he stretched for it, Julian brought the steaming mug close to his chest, keeping it out of Ralph's range. Ralph stopped short when he realized what Julian was doing.

"Am I really that bad?" he asked, sincerely wondering what he'd done to make Ralph's mistrust continue. He'd protected him, respected him, even cared for him when he didn't know up from his own a.s.s. Julian didn't get it.

Red warmed Ralph's fair skin. "No. And I think that's what's confusing me."

"Excuse me?" He handed over the coffee mug.


Julian tipped his head in confusion. "What I call you?"

"No. Do you have sugar?"

"Oh!" He set his mug down and drew out a small container from the cabinet at his back, offering a spoon with it.


Julian let him drink a few sips before his impatience started to leak through. "So I confuse you. Is that it?"

"I think so," Ralph replied. "You lied for me, you saved me from that drunk stink pile, you made sure I was safe, and let me sleep alone. I can tell you on one hand how many guys I've known who would do any two of those, and no more. And one of them is my best friend whom you met last night."

"Jackie wouldn't have?"

Ralph made a rude sound. "G.o.ddess, no."

"You're better off, then." Julian reached and tipped Ralph's chin so he was looking into those green eyes. Julian stood a little shorter, not that it mattered to him. The person was more important than the body, or the height, they came in. "Because you deserve someone who will do that and more."

"If you don't want Juli, I'm good in the sack."

"Jet!" Julian snapped in exasperation.

Ralph turned and Julian saw his mouth slowly fall open.

"Holy s.h.i.+t." Ralph breathed each individual syllable. "d.a.m.n. I wish I had my camera."

Jet straightened, a preening peac.o.c.k in black jeans and nothing else. "Oh?"

"He's a photographer."

"Wow, how'd you stumble over someone so normal?" Jet refilled his empty mug.

"The same way you got hit with the stupid stick," Julian shot back. "Luck."

Ralph shook his head, fighting a twitchy grin. "You two could be brothers."

"Pretty close. Whenever he came from Texas for the summers, we roomed together. Gave Mom h.e.l.l of the finest degree, too."

Julian really didn't want his youthful escapades revisited, so he downed his coffee. "I'm taking Ralph home."

"Gonna be home for dinner? If not, I was going to call Sylvia and see if she wants to catch a movie."

Julian shook his head. "Go do your own thing." He gave Ralph a moment longer to finish his coffee while he slipped on a pair of shoes. "Ready?" He grabbed his keys.

Ralph handed the empty mug over and spoke to Jet. "It was nice meeting you."

Julian noted the starstruck awe had faded from his expression. Good. Good. For a split second there, he'd actually been jealous of his cousin. He knew Jet's comments before were just to yank his chain; unfortunately, when they concerned Ralph, they were working. For a split second there, he'd actually been jealous of his cousin. He knew Jet's comments before were just to yank his chain; unfortunately, when they concerned Ralph, they were working.

They took the elevator to the condo garage, Julian playing with his key ring. Once they were in the coupe, he asked for directions.

"Thank you. There aren't many white knights in this world," Ralph said as they were leaving from Julian's.

"My pleasure," he told Ralph. "Do I still have enough brownie points to actually take you out?"

Ralph seemed to contemplate it. "Maybe even twice," he finally said when Julian was beginning to think the man was simply going to avoid answering. A playful smile ghosted over Ralph's lips. Julian didn't doubt he could obsess over them. Easily. "So why last night?"

"Remember that little remark you made, about certain things needing attention?"

Ralph pursed his lips. "Apparently too well."

"I was right behind you when you said it."

"Oh gawd," Ralph groaned, sagging into the car seat.

Julian tapped the wheel in his fingers waiting for the entry gate to rise. "Tony's expression made me laugh, proving I hadn't misheard, then I got a good look at you, and as they say, that's all she wrote." He stole a quick peek at the man at his side. Julian had been working up the courage to talk to him, and Ralph's little slip had been the perfect excuse. "I want to know you better."

Julian got the distinct feeling Ralph was regrouping as the silence grew between them.

"Maybe before you attempt to woo me, you should see the type of work I do."

"Your photography?"

Ralph nodded, only saying, "I'm not exclusively Tony's employee."

Julian heard the cautionary note of warning and couldn't think of one reason for it. "Can't be that shocking."

"Jackie couldn't handle it."

Julian didn't comment. He knew he couldn't say anything more without actually seeing what the big deal was all about.

Chapter 5.

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Coloring Outside The Lines Part 3 summary

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