Coloring Outside The Lines Part 4

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RALPH HAD HAD Julian stop in front of the studio at the curb in a parking s.p.a.ce. "My apartment is above." Julian stop in front of the studio at the curb in a parking s.p.a.ce. "My apartment is above."

"It looks like it was renovated."

"It was an old thrift store. The apartment was already part of it. I redid both floors and created a studio showroom."

Ralph opened the front door to the studio and deactivated the alarm. "This way is less ha.s.sle than circling the building to the outer stairs," he offered. He relocked the door and led the way to the stairs hidden in the corner, then unlocked the door at the top.

Bright walls greeted them, glowing from the morning sun s.h.i.+ning through the windows. Deep-red fabric against cream yellow paint owned the room. Framed artwork adorned two walls. The windows had been resized and broadened to allow tons of sunlight. Ralph loved having them open during warmer months. Wood flooring shone with a sleek polish. Situated toward the farthest corner of the living room was the entry from the alley. It was an old metal service door, narrow and heavy. It was why Ralph preferred using the studio doorway.

"Wow. This is amazing. You did all of this?"

"Not personally, but I oversaw the rebirth." Ralph slipped out of his shoes inside the door and wiggled his toes. Home felt good to bare skin. He dropped the keys held in his hand onto a table by the door. Julian closed it and trailed him. "My skills are not hammer inclined."

Julian smiled. "I can tell."

"Something to drink?"

"I'm okay." Julian shook his head.

Ralph waved a hand for patience. "I'm going to change then I'll show you around."

"Take your time."

Ralph sauntered to his bedroom and undressed, finding one of his favorite loose cotton tunic style s.h.i.+rts to go with the matching billowy elastic pants, sky blue, thank you very much. Tony called them his genie wear. Ralph didn't care. It was and the most he was going to do was nothing.

"That looks comfy," Julian offered, facing him after admiring the various paintings and posters on the walls.

"Best for lounging, Ralph certified."

Julian walked up to him. He brushed hair from the side of Ralph's face and pinned it behind his ear. Ralph's heart pounded at the seemingly innocent caress. It was the fire in Julian's eyes that warmed him.

He wished he could honestly trust it.

"Let's go downstairs."

"Is that where your controversial stuff is?"

Ralph snickered. "That's one way of looking at it." To him, it was still art. It paid bills, either his or the subject's. He wasn't one to throw stones. His apt.i.tude for treating the guys and girls professionally had earned him a reputation. He loved working with Tony, but Tony's needs were limited. He snagged his key ring for the room he wanted.

Ralph guided Julian downstairs, his bare feet silent on the wood flooring. He paused right outside the locked door. "How much do you think what you see behind this door will change how you feel about me right now?"

Julian's mouth opened, something clearly flippant on his tongue. Ralph merely raised a sharp eyebrow and waited. That s.e.xy mouth closed.

"Do you have dead bodies?" Julian asked after a pregnant pause.

"No." Ralph crossed his arms in front of his chest. He tried to ignore how gorgeous Julian was because in the end, that would aid the decision not at all.

Even barefoot, he stood roughly an inch taller than Julian in sneakers. Height honestly had never made a big whoop of difference to him, but he knew from previous relations.h.i.+p attempts, that for some, it mattered a lot. The best he could do was wait and see how the next few minutes played out.

"Then I really can't think of anything that could shock me," Julian finally stated.

"I bet I could," he murmured, reaching for the door. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

Ralph walked in and turned on the light.

"Holy f.u.c.k," Julian croaked. "What is this place?" He hadn't even entered the room fully.

"Please come all the way in. This is a private room and only those who know of it and accept its conditions get to see it."

Julian did, albeit guardedly. Ralph swung the door shut and locked it from their side. "This is my dungeon."

"Do you use this sh-" A sharp, green-eyed reprimand from Ralph had him double thinking his word choice. Julian cleared his throat. "Do you use the equipment?"

"Not often. I don't find any real pleasure in using it. The key is, I understand it. There are moments that are truly transcendental for a submissive."

"What kind of pictures do you take?" Julian went to take a step, then "May I?" almost warily, but with a vocal hint of curiosity.

"Everything is clean. Feel free." Ralph sat on one of the stools. "As for what I get hired to do, it's not very complicated. I do couples appointments, or freelance for magazines. The objectionable part, or so I was told by Jackie, is they are naked, and often engaging in carnal acts. I also freelance for three of the larger p.o.r.n studios, portfolio shots, inserts. Again hot, naked bodies. Jackie swore I was cheating on him."

"Were you?"

Ralph sliced him in half with a glare. "Just because someone is naked doesn't give me the right to abuse that vulnerability for my own gratification."

"Boy, you sure get all indignant and proper. Where is the barely there blond from last night who couldn't hold his liquor?"

Ralph relaxed, lowering his hackles with a slow chuckle. At least Julian was still talking to him. He'd dated Jackie for three months before giving him an inkling of this room. Ralph told him for weeks it was storage. "This is only a side of me, and it's very small. Like I said, it's not here for me."

Julian stopped in front of the St. Andrew's Cross, carefully examining the cuffs dangling from one arm brace. "So this stuff doesn't turn you on?"

Ralph gave him a c.o.c.ked smile. "Does it turn you you on, Mr. Officer?" on, Mr. Officer?"

Julian swallowed. "I-I really don't know." He started walking around the room again.

Ralph schooled his features. He hadn't expected that. He wondered how Julian.... No. It was too soon for that kind of playing. But once there, he knew the thought would stick until something proved him wrong.

"What is this?" Julian touched the top of a trunk.

"The toy chest."

Julian's laugh was raw and low. "I don't think you mean Lincoln Logs."

"No, I do not." He stood from the stool. He was sure Julian had seen enough.

Julian didn't move right away, however. "So, which are you?" he asked respectfully.

"You mean am I the Dom or the sub?" Ralph tipped his head, studying Julian's expressions. He nodded once, waiting. "That's for me to know, Mr. Franzese."

"I think you just answered my question." And if it were possible, Julian's voice was even rougher.

"Come on. I'll show you some of my happier work."

Julian turned. "Oh, I bet a certain level of happy happens in here too."

Ralph smiled naturally. "Depending on definition, you'd be right."

He let Julian out first, turning off the light after making a quick roving check. He locked the door once more.

"So, that is your terrible secret?"

Ralph ambled into another room, this one filled with portraits and scenes. "Not terrible, just my secret. Tony knows I do other work, but he hasn't seen the room."

"I don't want to insult you, but I have a really hard time imagining you controlling a person on that X thing."

Ralph snorted, shaking his head. "First, it's a Saint Andrew's Cross, and second, no one is one-dimensional. I like seeing the brighter side of things. I can get frenetic, especially when I'm on a shoot. Every second, lighting, perspective, emotion can change. It's different from studio work. That room pulls a very different angle out of me, makes me create something that is a one-eighty from the norm. That's part of why I enjoy doing it. It's a challenge to be outside of my comfort zone." Any given shot may only happen once in a session, once in a lifetime, and he had to be prepared. It was a very different pace and style of work.

Julian grunted. "Seems when I think I've got a good idea of what makes you Ralph, you throw something else at me."

"Keeps you on your toes," Ralph quipped. "I can guarantee any person you meet isn't just what you see with your eyes, on the surface, but is an entire kaleidoscope of beauty, color, and emotion."

He stopped in front of a springtime park-bench photo and Julian did the same. "I still think you're beautiful," Julian said sincerely. "I also now think you're amazing."

Ralph swallowed slowly, facing but not seeing the image before him. "So the idea of me shooting p.o.r.n G.o.ds and s.e.x fiends doesn't threaten you?"

"Do you ever get naked yourself?"

"No!" Ralph replied a bit forcefully, then softened the one word. "No."

"If you get turned on, that's biology," Julian added thoughtfully. He slowly spun to face Ralph. "So let me see if I have this straight. I still have brownie points, I haven't freaked out over your secret personality, which intrigues the f.u.c.k out of me, annnnd annnnd I still want to take you out. If you'll let me." I still want to take you out. If you'll let me."

"And I'm taller than you."

Julian bit back a smile. Ralph gave him a few more points for restraint. Julian was definitely maneuvering in such a way that he was getting to Ralph.

"That's a lot for one ego, especially a cop's, to have to deal with."

Julian inched closer. "I think this cop can take it. If you'll let me, I'm going in with my eyes wide open." Julian's hand cradled Ralph's cheek. "Smooth as silk. You're really something else, you know that?"

If this knight in blue wanted to see where this could end up between them, then Ralph wasn't going to fight it. He couldn't deny that he was attracted by those brown eyes and the inquisitive energy in their depths. He wrapped a light arm over Julian's shoulders and cupped his waist with a palm. Chest to chest, Julian felt fantastic.

"I'll be perfectly honest. I almost tripped over my tongue last night and I wasn't drunk when you came to the table. I'd love to spend hours getting you on film."

"I just might let you," Julian replied, bringing Ralph to his lips.

Ralph grew pliant beneath the gentle caresses. Unlike the pounced heat of last night's kiss, this one warmed him with an almost languorous glow. Julian adjusted and swept his hands behind Ralph to tighten him into his frame. Julian was definitely a step above anyone Ralph had previously dated. He seemed honest and willing, and wasn't judging Ralph's career.

And Julian's kisses were divine. Julian's hand slid into Ralph's hair and ma.s.saged his skin with blunt fingertips. A s.h.i.+ver danced over Ralph as their kiss intensified.

He had no problem letting someone else take the lead. On a rare occasion, he enjoyed being the one in control in his private room, when the mood struck him to do more than be behind the camera. The need to dominate another wasn't tied to his inner desires. He enjoyed having freedom to give to another what they needed, what they desired, and what they might not know they craved. It wasn't a necessity to function or to feel physically involved with another person. He was too headstrong to be fully submissive, yet he didn't hunger for constant total control. One boyfriend had gone so far as to call him pathetically wishy-washy, but Ralph knew the truth: he was balanced and knew how to make that work for himself.

"So, s.e.xy. You and me?" Julian asked after a few relished nibbles.

Ralph's gaze locked on Julian's. Warm and sultry with a hint of devil. "When are you off again?"

"Probably Thursday. I'll check the schedule and let you know."

"That's fine. I look forward to our date." He was pretty sure Julian would have cheered, Texas style, but instead he only stole one more unrushed kiss. Ralph slipped free when he could and clasped Julian's fingers, walking with him through the studio casually. Broad, floor-to-ceiling windows in the front wall filtered bright sunlight through dark tints, but it easily lit the rooms. He liked the wide-open illusion.

Julian pulled him into his side, keeping him close as they strolled.

Chapter 6.

JULIAN UNBUCKLED UNBUCKLED his pants belt and slid it into his locker, his vest already hanging next to his s.h.i.+rt. His duty belt pinged quietly as he moved things around inside the s.p.a.ce. Brett was down the bench on the phone with Rocky. A couple of others he knew well were either coming in or leaving. All he wanted was to pack up his gear, head home, and wors.h.i.+p cool water for about two hours. Sitting in a car for the better part of eight hours in the grueling August heat could sap just about anyone's joy in life. his pants belt and slid it into his locker, his vest already hanging next to his s.h.i.+rt. His duty belt pinged quietly as he moved things around inside the s.p.a.ce. Brett was down the bench on the phone with Rocky. A couple of others he knew well were either coming in or leaving. All he wanted was to pack up his gear, head home, and wors.h.i.+p cool water for about two hours. Sitting in a car for the better part of eight hours in the grueling August heat could sap just about anyone's joy in life.

"Hey, Country. Plans?"

"Not tonight," Julian answered Brett.

"Ooh. Tomorrow?"

Julian smiled but stayed silent. He had plans all right.

Brett finished the call and neared. He slapped Julian on the shoulder. "Up for a workout?"

"With you and Rocky?" He'd learned in the last year to start packing exercise clothing. Brett usually asked if Julian wasn't dead on his feet, and if he was coming off s.h.i.+ft at the same time and wanted to join them.

"Yeah. We're meeting in fifteen if you want."

"Okay. Sure. Let me finish here."

"See you out back." Brett sauntered off, already dialing again on his phone. With a touch more energy, Julian finished stripping and jumped into his workout clothes. Ensuring he had all his gear secured, he tossed the bag over his shoulder and followed.

Julian found Brett leaning against his car still on his phone. He ended the call grinning like the devil. "Small change. Rock climbing."

Julian groaned. "How do you do it after a full day?"

Brett patted his shoulder, his grin only growing broader. "Because it's not the climbing I'm going for. It's what comes after."

Julian shook his head. "Do not need to know."

"Follow me."

Julian nodded and followed. It was more prudent than waiting for details.

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Coloring Outside The Lines Part 4 summary

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