The Jaded: Unveil Me Part 10

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"No, which worries me. Damien isn't the type to keep quiet. I can't help but think he's up to something."

My hands ball into fists at the thought of something happening to Jase. If that f.u.c.ker thinks he can come into my town and take away or hurt something that belongs to me, he better f.u.c.king come prepared. Chris and everyone at this table are included in that category. No one f.u.c.ks with my family or friends. I have every intention of stopping the b.a.s.t.a.r.d, d.a.m.n the consequences.

"Still no leads on where he is?" Jaxon asks Mac.

"No, he's disappeared. When they pulled Emilio in for questioning, he claims he has no idea where he is either."

"If he's in cahoots with Damien, he's lying. He'd be running the show and would in no way let Damien just go off grid. Emilio's top notch and doesn't let anyone run over him."

"So, either Emilio's lying about Damien's whereabouts or Damien's lying about Emilio wanting revenge as well," Chris finishes for Jase.

"Maybe I should call Emilio myself and ask him," Jase suggests. "I have no idea what I'm dealing with here."

"What we're dealing with," I tell Jase, reminding him he's not alone in this.

Our gazes lock for a minute. I don't hide the anger I know is blazing in mine. The anger at the situation and the rage I feel at the thought of Jase contacting Emilio. I know it's probably the smart thing to do. We need to know if this Emilio is after Jase and Chris as well, but I still hate the thought of him a.s.sociating with those pieces of s.h.i.+t.

"Let me talk to the guys down in Georgia, see if they've got anything else on Damien or Emilio, before you do that," Mac says, gathering his and Mia's trash. "Either Emilio is keeping a low profile for the time being, or he's not in on this mess. I'll let you know in the next day or two."

Jase gives him a nod and turns his attention to Chris.

"How are you holding up at Jaxon and Bailey's?"

When it came to light that Damien, and possibly Emilio, was after Chris, we all decided it was best if she stayed with Jaxon. His place is the most secure.

"It's great. I get to spend time with my best friend and I get to see and play with little Amari any time I want. But I still miss having my own s.p.a.ce."

Jase's voice lowers when he replies to Chris, "I'm sorry this is happening. I wish I hadn't come here, putting you in danger. Or at least I wish I had come sooner, before all this started."

Jase's words p.i.s.s me off. Not only because of the reason he wishes he didn't come to Jaded Hollow, but because he regrets it. This is where Jase needs to be. Around friends who care about him and are willing to help. There's no better place than here. I'm about to tell him so when Chris's words stop me.

"Don't you dare say that, Jase," Chris says heatedly. "I've missed you and am so glad you came here. I hate what's happened to you, what you've been through, but here is where you should be. Here is where you have friends who will help. You won't be alone." Chris looks over at me when she says this, and I understand her unspoken message. She s.h.i.+fts her eyes back to Jase before continuing. "As far as my safety, I know you won't let anything happen to me. I've also got these guys who'll help protect me." She gestures to Mac, Jaxon, and me.

"She's right, Jase," Jaxon says, and Bailey nods. "You shouldn't have to deal with this by yourself. You need help taking care of it. You're Chris's brother, so you're family. We protect our families."

And this is why I'll never leave this town. This community is filled with people just like Jaxon. The people here are close-knit and will do anything to protect their own. Jase is now part of the town.

I lay my hand on top of Jase's thigh under the table. When he looks over at me, I tell him, "Baby, you won't find a better place to be. We've got your back, no matter what. Those f.u.c.kers will find out soon enough that you don't f.u.c.k with the people in Jaded Hollow. If I hear you say you regret coming here again, I'll spank your a.s.s, and it won't be one that you'll like."

His brows jump at my comment, but I see mirth in his eyes. "You really think you're big enough for that?" he asks.

He has no d.a.m.n clue what I'm capable of when I set my mind to something. I wasn't lying to him. He says that regret bulls.h.i.+t again, I'll tie his tight a.s.s to the bed and give him the a.s.s slapping of a lifetime.

"Don't try me," I warn him. "You may not like the outcome. When I want something, I get it. You should know this already."

His lips tip up into a smile, showing off that d.a.m.n dimple again. My mood goes from serious to carnal in a split second. That dimple is dangerous. Every time I see it I want to lick it.

Jase breaks our connection and turns to the rest of the table.

"Thank you all. When I spoke with Chris on the phone about coming here, she told me what a great place it was, but I never imagined I would find the friends I have."

Trent and Scott come running up to our table, breaking the gravity of the situation. They chatter to Mac and Mia about the ride. Bailey and Chris break away from our table and head over to grab cotton candy from a vendor. Jase, Mac, Jaxon, and I talk about the upcoming basketball game for the local high school.

I feel a vibration in my pants and reach into my pocket for my phone. Looking at the screen, foreboding envelops me at seeing Becky's name on the screen. I get up from the table and tell the others I'll be back. I take a few steps away and answer, heart pounding in my chest. I get that feeling every time Becky calls me lately.

"Becs, is everything okay?"

I hear a sniffle on the other end of the line before Becky whispers, "Andrew, we need you."

My gut clenches at the tone of her voice. She sounds lost and broken. I know the feeling. From the moment I was told Ally had leukemia, I've felt a hole in my heart. A hole that keeps getting bigger the weaker she gets. I know that if the worst were to happen that hole would stay there forever. Nothing would ever be strong enough to fill it. I send up a silent prayer, asking G.o.d to keep Ally safe and whole.

"What happened?" I ask, afraid of the answer.

"She's in acute renal failure. We don't know anything else right now. They're running tests."

Becky lets out a pained cry and my gut clenches at the sound. I hear a shuffle on the line, and a second later Brent's on the phone.

"Andrew, we need you here as soon as you can. They want to go ahead and take bone marrow from you and store it for when she's better." His voice breaks at the end and he stops to clear his throat. "She's not doing too good. Everything is piling up at the same time. Once they have her kidneys working properly they want to do the transplant."

"I'm on my way, Brent. Let the doctors know I'm ready, and I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Alright, we'll see you in a bit."

After we hang up, I turn to face the others, prepared to give whatever excuse I can come up with for needing to leave. The words die on my lips, and I know my time is up. If I know anything about these people, it's that they won't let me get away with lying anymore. They've obviously heard my conversation, judging by their worried expressions, and know something's happened.

Even though I know I need to explain, I don't have time at the moment. I need to leave and get to the hospital.

With my hands shaking and my heart pumping double time with fear for Ally, I tell the group, "Something's come up. I've got to go."

They all stand at the solemnity in my voice, but it's Jase who's by my side in a flash.

"What happened? What's wrong?" he asks.

I look in his eyes and see the concern there. I want to reach out and touch him, but I don't.

"I don't have time to explain right now," I tell him, and then look to the others. There's worry in their eyes as well. "I'll tell you all later. I've got to go now. I'm sorry."

I lean forward and give Jase a quick kiss. When I pull back and turn to leave, he stops me.

"Wait. I'm coming with you," he says.

I don't have time to argue with him, so I just nod. If I'm honest with myself, I'm glad he is going with me. I've kept this part of my life a secret for so long that it'll be nice to share it with someone. I don't want to do it alone anymore. Telling Jase and the others will lift a huge weight off my shoulders.

After a quick good-bye to the others, I practically run to my car. Jase doesn't say anything as he easily keeps up with me. I know he's worried though. I see him casting me troubled glances out the corner of my eye.

The drive to the hospital is made in silence. I think Jase knows I need the quiet right now, and I'm grateful for that. I need to think. I need to process what's about to happen. I'm not scared of giving marrow. I'm scared of the reason I need to give the marrow. What if it's too late? What if Ally's body rejects it? The thought of either of those things happening causes my heart to nearly stop, and I feel more emotions than I've felt in my life. I can't live in a world without Ally in it.

We make it to the hospital in record time. I don't take the time to park, instead asking Jase to park it for me after stopping at the entrance.

I rush into the main entrance and head straight for the nurse behind the desk.

"I'm here for Ally Dawson," I tell her, before I even reach the counter. "I'm donating marrow. Her doctor's name is Adams."

She presses a few keys on her computer, then looks up at me and asks, "Name?"

"Andrew Donovan."

"Okay, Mr. Donovan. I'll page Dr. Adams and let her know you're here. Someone will come get you in a few minutes." She hands me a clipboard with papers and a pen. "In the meantime, I need you to fill out these papers."

I grab the clipboard and head over to the small waiting area to take a seat. I stare at the papers in front of me, not really seeing them. This is really happening. I have no idea what condition Ally is in. Becky told me it was bad, but how bad? Not knowing is killing me inside.

I jot down the answers to the questions on the paper, take them back to the nurse, and stiffly start pacing the floor. I'm about to lose my s.h.i.+t and demand someone go get Dr. Adams when Jase walks through the door. A sense of calm rushes through me and my shoulders sag as he heads my way.

"Everything okay?" he asks when he reaches my side and grabs my hand.

Before I get a chance to answer him with a growled "I don't f.u.c.king know," Jaxon, Bailey, Mia, Mac, Trent, and Chris come rus.h.i.+ng over.

"How did you know I was here?" I ask the people I regret keeping this secret from. I know I'll need them later.

"We followed you," Jaxon answers.

I must have been so deep in thought on our way here that I didn't notice them behind me.

I nod and run my fingers through my hair. I'm jittery and the longer I stand here not knowing what is going on, the closer my control gets to the edge.

"What's going on here, Andrew," Mia says, coming to stand beside me and placing her hand on my arm.

I give a slight jerk at the touch, my nerves getting the best of me. I feel so helpless just waiting here. Why haven't they come to get me yet? This waiting bulls.h.i.+t is driving me insane.

I pull in a lungful of air and look to Jase. He gives my hand a squeeze. Unbeknownst to him, he's giving me the courage I need to tell everyone the truth. A truth I worry will have everyone disappointed in me. I know they will forgive me. That's just the type of people they are. They love me just as much as I love each of them, but I still don't want to see displeasure in their eyes.

I never planned on keeping Ally from them for so long, but it's just the way it happened. Becky's parents made it impossible for me to tell them from the start, then Bailey came along and everyone needed to focus on her. After that, it was just easier to keep the secret. I also wanted to hold on to Ally myself just a little bit longer. But I don't need to anymore. I know I'm going to need their support in this.

"Hey," Jase says, taking a step closer. "Just as you told me earlier, whatever it is, we'll get through it together. Everything will be okay. Trust me, trust us."

This man will never know how much he means to me. There will never be enough words to express my feelings for him or how grateful I am he's here.

Gathering the courage that Jase's words and actions just gave me, I tell everyone my secret.

"Ally, a six-year-old little girl, is currently fighting for her life. She has leukemia, but the treatments weren't working as fast as her doctors need it to, so they've upped her chemo dosage, which has killed her bone marrow. My phone call earlier was from her mom, Becky. Her kidneys are failing. I've signed up and am a match to donate marrow if Ally should need it. They want to go ahead and take my marrow now for when she's better and her body can take the transplant."

My eyes stay on Jase as I talk. He's the one keeping me grounded right now. I feel a weight lift from my shoulders as I'm talking, but it also makes the situation even more real. For the most part I've always been able to keep this life away from my life with Ally, Becky, and Brent, and in a sense I've been able to hold off the emotions while in Jaded Hollow. But with my friends knowing the truth, those two lives converge. There's no way I can fight the emotions and fear anymore.

My eyes flick to Bailey and Chris, who both have tears in their eyes. Jaxon pulls Bailey to his chest. Jase reaches over with his other arm and places it over Chris's shoulders.

"As you know, I met Becky and Brent twelve years ago in Bakersville when I was visiting my cousin Richard. I saved her from being robbed."

I was seventeen at the time. I remember the fear on Becky's face when I made it behind the building, and the relief when she saw me. I knocked the guy away and was checking to make sure she was okay when he took off. I wanted to chase him, but didn't want to leave her alone.

"You all have met them a few times, but what you don't know is we've gotten really close over the years. Seven years ago, Ally came along, and I fell in love with her. She's the most precious thing to ever grace the earth."

I stop talking for a minute, remembering the first time I saw Ally wrapped up tight in a pink blanket in the hospital. The tiny fragile baby girl I held in my big hands took hold of my heart tight in her fists. And the older she gets the tighter that fist gets. There's nothing I wouldn't do for her. I would give my life in a second if I knew it would help her. If there was any way I could change places with her, I would.

I look up at the others and see compa.s.sion written on their faces. These people deserve to know Ally, but more importantly, Ally deserves to know them. Becky and Brent both need all the support they can get, and this bunch is the most supportive you can get.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear someone call my name frantically. I look up just in time to catch my mom in my arms. She wraps her arms tightly around my neck and squeezes. I feel her tears soak my s.h.i.+rt.

"How is she? Have you seen her yet? Why aren't you back there getting ready?" she asks, pulling back from me.

I put both of my hands on either side of her head and focus on her tearstained face.

"I haven't seen her yet, so I don't know how she is. All I know is she's in renal failure. I'm waiting on them to call me back."

"My poor baby girl," she says, and more tears slide down her face.

I gather her in my arms again and rock her gently. Looking over her shoulder, I see everyone's eyes on both of us. Jase has moved to the side with Chris. He hasn't said anything this entire time, and I wish I knew what he was thinking. Mia is standing with Mac's arm around her shoulders. Trent stands beside his dad. Scott, his friend, probably dropped of at home. Jaxon has Bailey in front of him, his hands on her hips. Each pair of eyes are watching my mom and me with open curiosity. I know it looks strange to them for my mom to be so upset over someone else's child.

The door that leads to the back whooshes open and a nurse appears. "Andrew Donovan," she calls.

I look from the nurse to Jase. I don't have time to explain, but I also need him and the others to understand the importance of Ally and her role in my life. I know this is big, but I hope he gives me the chance to explain later.

Taking one last look at Jase, I tell him with eyes that say I'm sorry for hiding this from him.

Right before I turn to follow the nurse, I tell him and the others, "One more thing you all should know. I'm Ally's biological father."

Jase "I'm Ally's biological father." Those words play over and over in my head.

I'm sitting on one of the hard gray plastic chairs in the waiting room and stare at the door Andrew walked through ten minutes ago. When he dropped that bombsh.e.l.l down everyone was left with their mouths hanging open and their minds reeling, me included. After a few moments of stunned silence, the room exploded with murmurs and shocked whispers of what this revelation meant. It was obvious Sandra knew about Ally and the situation. She avoided questions as best she could, until I stepped up and told everyone to back off.

"Leave her the h.e.l.l alone," I growl to the crowd. "It's not her place to explain anything. Andrew will tell us what's going on when he can."

After my small outburst, the group dispersed with guilty faces into small separate groups, talking quietly amongst themselves. I understand everyone's need to know what the h.e.l.l is going on, but it's clear she's upset and doesn't need to be interrogated. h.e.l.l, I'm just as shocked as everyone else and dying to know how Andrew became a father, but I also know Andrew is the only one who can tell us.

Sandra left to grab coffees for everyone. I offered to go with her but she insisted she needed time alone. I can't say I blame her.

I run my fingers through my hair and grab chunks of it as I bend over and place my elbows on my knees. The look on Andrew's face right before he walked away tells me he regrets me finding out this way, all of us finding out this way. I'm not upset he kept this from me. I'm just surprised and curious, and I have to admit, a bit intimidated. He obviously cares for this Ally girl deeply. The sadness and desperation in his eyes while he talked about her illness showed he's hurting. I hated the look and wanted to wipe it from his face. My need to be there for Andrew is strong. I wish there was something I could do to help, but all I can do is be there for him and comfort him if the outcome isn't good.

I have no idea how serious Ally's condition is. I just hope for her and Andrew's sake whatever treatment she's getting works. No little girl should have to go through what she has. My heart hurts for her, Andrew, Sandra, and her family.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" Chris asks, taking the seat beside me.

I release my hair and glance up at her. "I'm alright. Just shocked and worried. Andrew's back there giving bone marrow to a daughter I knew nothing about. A daughter who could be dying. I feel like I need to be back there with him. I can't imagine the pain he's going through right now."

Andrew's a strong person, but it doesn't matter how tough you are when it comes to the possibility of losing a child.

s.h.i.+t. It's weird to think he has a child.

"He'll get through this," Chris says quietly, grabbing my hand. "He's got you, me, and everyone else to help him. He won't be alone, no matter what happens."

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The Jaded: Unveil Me Part 10 summary

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