The Jaded: Unveil Me Part 9

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By the time he's done talking, he's scooted over to my side of the bed and is running his fingers through my chest hair. It feels good and my body starts to respond again.

I'm not exactly sure how to feel about what he just told me. On one hand, I feel deceived because Andrew knew about me before I got here and didn't tell me. But on the other, it's hot as f.u.c.k that he's wanted me from the beginning, before he even met me.

I look at the time on my watch and decide to let the subject go for now.

I turn to my side and lean over to give Andrew a kiss before murmuring against his lips, "I don't like the idea of you thinking about another man. It me off and makes me want to hurt someone. But I know you had a life before me. I have to accept that, and I will."

"Believe me, baby, you've got nothing to worry about," he says. "There's no other man out there I want besides you. Jaxon will always mean something to me, but you're the one I will always want. You're stuck with me, whether you like it or not. Now, get your a.s.s up and dressed so we can go." He finishes with a slap to my a.s.s.

He chuckles against my lips at my growl, before pulling back and getting off the bed. I watch as he saunters into the bathroom for a shower, his tight a.s.s making me wish we had more time.

I get up from the bed to grab the jeans I had on earlier and finish getting ready. Ten minutes later, Andrew comes out of the steamy bathroom, puts his own clothes on, and then we leave to go have dinner at his mom's place.

Andrew, his mom Sandra, and I are all sitting around the table finis.h.i.+ng up dinner. When we first got here, Sandra welcomed me with open arms. Literally. When we walked up the steps to the porch she was already waiting for us. As soon as Andrew introduced us, she grabbed me, tugged me forward, and wrapped her arms around my waist. She left me no choice but to do the same.

I wouldn't say I was worried that she wouldn't like me, but a little part of me, the part that's still hurt over my parents' reaction to me revealing I'm gay, was a little leery. She immediately put me at ease, and I knew I was going to like her. I enjoy watching Andrew and her interact. They are so easy with each other and you can plainly see the love they share.

I never really had that with my parents. Chris didn't either. They weren't bad parents, but they weren't there for us like they should have been. We always had the material things we needed, we just didn't have any emotional support.

"So, Jase, do you plan to stick around Jaded Hollow long?" Sandra asks me from across the table.

I s.h.i.+ft in my seat, unsure how to answer. Andrew and I have talked more about what's going down with Damien. He's adamant I stay here and let him and Mac help, but I'm still not sure if that's the best thing to do. If it were up to me, I'd never leave; however, if I feel it's best I leave, I will. I won't play around with Chris's safety. And I have no doubt Damien will do what he threatened.

"I'd like to, ma'am, but we'll have to see how it goes," I tell her, and then feel Andrew squeeze my thigh underneath the table. I glance over at him and see irritation in his eyes.

"Well, I hope you do. Andrew needs someone to keep him in line and curb his tongue. I'm hoping you can do that for me." She says this with a twinkle in her eye, and looks over at her son.

"Sorry, Mom. There's no chance of that happening. No one can take away the awesomeness that is me," Andrew says, winking.

"See what I mean?" she asks me with a smile.

"Well, I do have to admit, Andrew is pretty awesome, and as much as he can be a bit boisterous at times, I wouldn't change him. Andrew's special and one of a kind."

"Ha!" Andrew says with a big grin on his face, and points his finger at Sandra. "Told you so! Even Jase sees that I'm special and there's no one else like me. He has great taste."

"Oh, dear Lord, help us all," she mutters to the ceiling, but I see mirth in her eyes. She dips her head back down and looks at me, her expression turned serious. "I'm glad you feel that way," she says quietly. "My boy is one of a kind and not just anyone can make him happy-the kind of happy he truly deserves. I think he may have found that person in you." She has tears in her eyes when she gets done talking.

My chest tightens at her words. I hope I'll always live up to her standards and never let her down.

"Thank you," I tell her, and let the truth in my words be heard through my tone.

After smiling at me, she gets up from the table and grabs her plate. "Andrew, grab Jase's plate and come help me load the dishwasher."

I get up from my chair to help, but she shoos me back down.

"No, no, you stay here. Or better yet, go make yourself at home in the living room. Guests don't help with dinner dishes. We'll be back in a few minutes."

I watch as Andrew and his mom leave the dining room. I look around the room and see a few pictures hanging on the walls. Hearing the tinkling of the dishes, I get up from my chair and make my way over to one of the pictures. Andrew, Sandra, and a beautiful light-brown-haired woman I've never seen before are sitting on a porch swing. Andrew is seated between the two women with his arms draped over both of their shoulders. All three are smiling big at the person holding the camera. Judging by the younger look of Andrew, I would say that the picture was taken several years ago. The unknown woman is heavily pregnant. I wonder who she is.

Just as I'm about to walk out of the dining room, I hear Andrew's mom's voice drift through the door. Now even more curious about Andrew, I continue my perusal of the photos, not even trying to tune her out.

"How is Ally doing?" comes Sandra's concerned voice.

"Not too good," Andrew replies to his mom's question, his own voice laced with worry. "The last couple of days have been hard. The treatments are really starting to get to her because of the higher dosage."

I turn toward the door they are behind. I have no idea who they are referring to. I've never heard Andrew mention someone by the name Ally before, but she clearly means something to them both. Is she the woman in the photo? Is she the one Andrew visits when he leaves town?

"My poor girl," Sandra continues. Even through the door I can tell her reply is tearful. "Something's got to give. Every time I see her she seems weaker. She's strong, but a body can only take so much."

I move on to another photo as I listen to them talk. This one is of a young kid of about eight or nine, Sandra, and an older man. The young kid has to be Andrew, judging by the looks. The man, who is the spitting image of Andrew now, I a.s.sume is his dad. All three of them are out on a boat in a lake. Andrew is standing between the man's legs. Both are laughing. Sandra has one of her hands on the other side of Andrew's head, pulling it toward her and kissing his temple.

"I know, Mom. Becky said the doctors are doing everything they can for her. Unfortunately, it's a waiting game. With her recent heart problems, they have to be more careful."

"I'm just so scared for her," Sandra says sadly.

It turns quiet after Sandra's heartbreaking reply. I may not know who they are talking about, but I still feel for the unknown Ally. Obviously, she's sick and not doing well. She's important to Andrew, and therefore, she's important to me. It saddens me to think that someone that means so much to Andrew and his mom is suffering.

I make my way out of the dining room and into the living room. Taking a seat on the couch, I grab the remote and switch on the TV. A football game is on. I watch the game without really paying attention to it as I wait for Andrew and his mom to reappear.

It bothers me that Andrew hasn't confided in me about this Ally person. She's undoubtedly a big part of his life. I care for Andrew, and I know he feels the same way. And because I care, I want to be a part of every aspect of his life. I want to be there for him while he goes through whatever he's currently going though. I just hope eventually he trusts me enough and reveals whatever it is he's trying so hard to keep from all his friends.

Andrew "Yeah, baby, get 'em!" I yell at Jase, and watch him ram his car into Mia's, who in turn hits Bailey's, both of whom decided to attack me.

"I got your back," he hollers back at me, puts his car in reverse, and proceeds to push both girls out of the way so I can get out of the corner I'm stuck in.

Once I'm free, I turn my car in their direction to help out my man. Pus.h.i.+ng the gas pedal down as far as it will go, I creep along at a whopping eight miles per hour. Just before I make contact with Bailey's car, I'm hit from the side by Chris. I'm thrown off course and smack into a wall.

"Hey, what is this? Gang up on Andrew day? What'd I do to y'all?" I ask Chris.

She just shrugs and says with a laugh, "Nope, just seemed like something I should do."

I narrow my eyes at her as she slowly drives away. I back my car up and align it with hers. I'm on one end of the b.u.mper car platform and she's on the other. She's paying me no mind, already forgotten that she just b.u.mped me off course. I look over at Jase, and see he has help from Jaxon, both chasing Bailey and Mia.

Gripping the steering wheel with both hands, I jam my foot down on the gas pedal. Chris is just ahead, laughing as she chases after two kids on the ride with us. I dodge left and narrowly miss Mac. Then to the right to avoid hitting Trent, Mac's son. I straighten my steering wheel and am only feet away from paying Chris back.

She glances up and sees me coming for her, but there's nowhere she can go. She's surrounded by unused b.u.mper cars and the person who has blocked her against them. Her eyes go wide, which causes a huge toothy grin to pop up on my face.

Right before my car plows into hers, it starts to slow down. My car comes to a complete stop, just barely tapping hers.

"No!" I groan loudly, hitting the steering wheel with the palm of my hand. I'm pouting and I know it, but I was so d.a.m.n close! "That's not fair! I wanna go again!"

"Aww... suck it up, b.u.t.tercup," Chris laughs, getting out of her car. "Maybe you'll get me next time."

I unfold my tall frame from the car and make my way over to the exit. Jase and the others are already there waiting on me.

"So, where to next?" Mia asks.

"Ferris Wheel!" Bailey yells.

We head in that direction and get in the short line.

"Wanna make out if we get stuck at the top?" I ask Jase quietly, but obviously not quietly enough.

"Ugh! Please! I really don't need to see my brother making out with another man," Chris says, slapping my arm.

"Then don't watch," Jase says to his sister, laughing.

"There are kids around. You can't do that s.h.i.+t," pipes in Jaxon, his eyes pointing in Trent's direction, who is standing at the front of the line with Scott, his friend.

"We'll be at the top. No one can see us." I shrug.

"You're a h.o.r.n.y b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you know that, Andy?" Mia says. She has her arm wrapped around Mac's waist with her hand in his pocket.

Her use of the nickname Ally calls me sends a sharp pain to my chest. Ally, Becky, and Brent should be out enjoying themselves as well, but with Ally being so sick and tiring so easily, it's not possible. She needs as much rest as she can get.

Guilt enters my system at the thought of Ally never going to the fair again. Of never getting the chance to be a kid again. I shouldn't be here like this. Why should I be out having a good time when a little girl is stuck at home, sick and barely surviving?

I wipe the thoughts away and plaster a fake smile on my face, keeping up the act with my usual comeback.

"d.a.m.n straight I am," I tell her, unashamedly. "Have you seen my man?" I face Jase and give him a quick kiss on the lips. There's no way I could ever get enough of him. He's intoxicating and I'm completely addicted. "Besides, I'm not the person currently feeling my man's a.s.s." I hold my hand up, warding off her retort. "And, you call me Andy again, and I'll dump you over in that dunking booth over there."

"Bring it, big man."

"I will. Just as soon as I finish feeling Jase up on the Ferris Wheel," I tell Mia, and chuckle when Chris makes gagging sounds as we make our way to our seat.

After a few heated kisses and some mind-blowing groping, we get off the ride and decide to grab something to eat and drink. As we pa.s.s by the dunking booth, I look over at Mia and see her watching me. I smile at her.

"Don't you f.u.c.king dare," she says, pointing a finger at me.

Ignoring her warning, I grab her, put my shoulder in her belly, and throw her over my shoulder. She immediately starts pounding on my back with her tiny fists, which doesn't faze me at all. I hear everyone behind us laughing.

"Put me down, you jacka.s.s," she says with a slap to my a.s.s.

I stop and ask, "Are you going to call me Andy again?"


"Wrong answer." I start walking again toward the pool of water.

"Mac!" she yells, squirming and wiggling on my shoulder. I slap her behind to get her to stop.

"Sorry, Pix, you're on your own with this one. You know he doesn't like to be called Andy." You can hear the amus.e.m.e.nt in his voice.

"Traitor!" she yells back.

I'm almost to the abandoned dunking pool when I feel a sharp sting on my a.s.s. The little minx just bit me!

"Ow!" I quickly put Mia on her feet and rub my b.u.t.t. "Did you just bite my b.u.t.t?"

Looking smug, she folds her arms across her chest and juts out a hip. "Yes."

"My a.s.s is off-limits. I know it's tempting and all, but only Jase can bite it."

"You put it in my face, it gets bit," she says with a smirk.

I take a step toward her, ready to get her back for her little stunt, when Jaxon walks up to us and puts his hand between our chests. "Children, children, that's enough now."

I feel Jase walk up behind me and I turn to face him. "She bit my a.s.s, Jase. Kiss it and make it better later?"

Giving me a s.e.xy smile, which shows off his dimple, he winks and says, "You know I will."

With just that look, my d.i.c.k starts to harden. f.u.c.k! I can't wait to get him home. I let my eyes tell him what I'm thinking. His own flare back at me. If we were anywhere else, I'd haul his a.s.s somewhere and f.u.c.k his brains out.

"Alright, enough with the mind-f.u.c.king," Chris says, shuddering for effect. "I'm hungry. Let's go eat."

We all make our way over to one of the concession stands, order expensive and unhealthy food, and sit under one of the pavilions.

"How's Joe doing?" Mac asks Jase, after taking a bite of his greasy burger.

"He's doing better. The d.a.m.n fool said he would be back to work middle of next week. I told him I've got things covered, but he's being stubborn," Jase replies.

Unfortunately, Joe's granddaughter had to rush him to the hospital last week because his left arm started going numb and he kept getting dizzy. He refused to go at first, insisting he was fine, until Heather threatened to call an ambulance and have him hauled off that way. Turned out he'd had a minor stroke. Luckily, it did no lasting damage.

The stubborn old man is refusing to take it easy. It's no surprise, really. He's old enough that he should have retired two decades ago. We all figure he'll probably die in that shop.

"Hey, Dad, can Scott and I get on the Zipper?" Trent asks Mac, carrying his trash over to the trash bin.

Mac looks over to the ride Trent is asking about and back to his kid. "Yeah, but when you get off, come straight back here, okay?"

Trent and Scott take off running toward the ride that'll flip this way and that. My stomach does a little flip as I watch it sling the carts around upside down. I used to be able to handle those things, but not so much anymore.

"Has anyone heard or seen from Nick lately?" Bailey asks everyone. "I invited him to come along with us last week. He said he'd let me know, but I haven't seen him since then."

"He was in the bar a few nights ago. Drunk off his a.s.s," Mia says.

"He seems to be doing that more and more lately," Chris says sadly from beside Jase. Jase reaches over and puts his arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer. It's plain to see the hurt in Chris's eyes at Nick's continued downward spiral.

"I'm worried about him." Bailey says what we're all thinking.

We all thought Nick would eventually snap out of his mourning after a while. We get that he's hurt over losing Anna, particularly the way Anna died. h.e.l.l, we all felt the loss, especially Jaxon, Bailey, and Mia. But he seems to be getting worse. Nothing we do seems to be working.

Jaxon pulls Bailey to his side and kisses her forehead. "We'll give him a bit longer. If he continues the way he is, we'll figure out what to do."

Bailey nods, tears glistening in her eyes.

My body tenses when I hear Chris ask Jase, "Have you heard any more from that guy Damien?"

Everyone looks to Jase for his answer, me included. They all know of the situation and understand why he did what he did. They also understand why he ran and the potential danger.

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The Jaded: Unveil Me Part 9 summary

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