The Jaded: Unveil Me Part 8

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Andrew nips my bottom lip, and I want to howl in pleasure. Already, in the short time we've known each other, he knows just what to do to turn me on so d.a.m.n much that I don't give a s.h.i.+t about my surroundings.

Andrew pulls his lips from mine and takes a step back. I have to force myself to not yank him back to me and demand he finish what he started. Still, an unfulfilled groan sneaks past my lips.

His lips quirk up into a smirk before tipping back down into a serious line.

"Chris will be safe, baby. Nothing will happen to her. She's like a sister to me, and I promise to do whatever it takes to keep her safe," he tells me softly, and I know he speaks the truth. Andrew is the type of man who would give his life for the ones he cares about. I've known from the beginning that he cares about Chris. I know she holds a special place in his heart for the help she gave Bailey when she needed it. I'm glad that she found that here in Jaded Hollow.

"I know," I reply, and see him smile.

"Come on," he says, taking my uninjured hand. "Let's clean your hand up. And don't do that s.h.i.+t anymore. Your hands are golden, and I need them to rub along my body. That hand is now out of commission, thanks to you mangling it up."

Although it's not the time for humor, I still laugh at him. The poor baby. He sends a grin over his shoulder as he leads me into the bathroom in the garage. Thank f.u.c.k Joe isn't here today. I'd have hated for him to hear what I told Andrew outside.

"Oh, I'm sure I can use other parts of my body that you'd like just as much, if not more," I say with a wink.

"d.a.m.n straight you can, and if we didn't have s.h.i.+t to do, you'd be using them right now."

My body tightens up at his words and a s.h.i.+ver runs through me. What I wouldn't give to do just that. Waiting until tonight to have him might just be an impossible feat.

After cleaning and bandaging my hand, Andrew leans in for another d.i.c.k-hardening kiss, before leaving me at the garage to finish up. He's headed into town to warn Mac we'll need to talk to him later.

Thinking of the reason for that talk sours my mood again. I'm disgusted that I was ever connected to that b.a.s.t.a.r.d, but I can't help but think maybe I was supposed to be, so I'd be there to help that girl. I have no idea if she made it. No clue of the condition she's in. I'm sure after going through what she did, for however long she was in that shed, she's probably not doing too well. Who in the h.e.l.l would be after that? Still, I would like to know. Maybe once this is over, I can ask Mac to look into it.

Jase A couple days later I'm sitting at Maggie's alone, eating breakfast. Andrew is out of town for the next few hours "visiting a friend." His words. When he told me this morning that he would be away for a few hours, I asked where he was going. Not because I'm a jealous lover and have to know where he is at all times, but because I am his lover and want to know more about what goes on in his life. That's part of getting to know each other, right? His answer was vague and stiff, like he didn't want me to know. That's fine. I don't have to know everything about him, but what bothered me was the way he acted after I asked him. He was quiet and withdrawn, not his usual carefree self. I'm nowhere near a sissy boy, but it still hurt that he didn't trust me enough to tell me. This isn't the first time he's left town and stayed away for hours. There've been a couple other times. And I get the feeling no one knows where he goes. I find it strange that normally he's so open, withholding nothing, but with this one thing, he's closed up tighter than Fort Knox.

We're going to his mom's tonight for dinner. He and his mom are close, and I'm looking forward to meeting her. Andrew told me his dad died when he was ten and his mom was so devastated she never remarried. She's still pining after his dad. He said he's tried talking her into going out to meet new people, but she would have none of it. She claims there was only one man for her, and he was taken from her too soon. It's a shame she feels that way. I agree we are all meant to find someone, but sometimes we're meant to find more than one. It doesn't mean you love the ones before any less.

I'm starting to wonder if Andrew is my "one."

I'm at the counter eating Maggie's delicious biscuits and gravy and listening to Jack and Jake bicker at each other behind me. They are two old men I met my first day at Joe's. They like to come hang out with Joe sometimes and it's funny to watch the two of them interact.

"I'm telling you, Jake, the girl was showing me her panties!" Jack says adamantly.

"Oh, shut it, Jack. Why in the world would someone want to show an old fart like you her drawers?" Jake asks Jack.

"'Cause she knows what's good for her. I may be old, but I still got it."

I can't help the laugh that slips out at Jack's words. The man can't be a day younger than eighty and is as skinny as a beanpole.

I try to cover up my laugh with a cough, but Jack doesn't fall for it.

"What you laughing at, boy?" When I turn in my seat to face him, he continues, "You don't think I can get a girl? Why, I bet I can s.n.a.t.c.h any girl out from underneath you." When I lift an eyebrow at his statement, he adds with a mutter, "If you had a girl underneath you instead of a boy, that is."

Jake laughs, and I grin over at him.

"Forget it, old man. Ain't no woman gonna want you. There's much younger fish in the sea."

"I still say she was showing me her panties," Jack mumbles.

Jake ignores his friend and asks me, "How you doing today, Jase? You headed to Joe's after breakfast?"

"Yep, but only for a few hours. Andrew and I are going to his mom's for dinner."

"'Bout d.a.m.n time that boy's found someone else to moon over," Jack pipes in. "Poor boy had his eyes on Jaxon for years, even knowing he played for the other team."

His words are a punch to the gut. I never knew Andrew felt that way toward Jaxon. Yes, I've witnessed him flirting with him, but Andrew flirts with everyone. Does he still feel that way? Am I just a distraction for him? A simple f.u.c.k because he can't get it from who he really wants it from? And how long has he felt that way?

"d.a.m.n it, Jack, stop f.u.c.king opening your mouth before you think," Jake barks at his mouthy friend.

"What?" he asks. "It's not like the whole town doesn't know. Anybody could see the way that boy looked at Jaxon."

"Not everyone, you d.a.m.n fool," he mutters, pointedly looking at me.

Jack catches his meaning and flushes. "Well, f.u.c.k me sideways."

"Don't worry about it. I know Andrew's had other interests besides me. Not like he was a virgin when I came to town."

"He most definitely wasn't, by the looks of all the men I've seen him with."

I grit my teeth and grip the counter top with white knuckles. The thought of Andrew with other men, makes me want to hit something. It's stupid to feel that way, because like I told Jake and Jack, I know he's been with other men, but I still don't have to like it.

Jake reaches over and knocks the back of Jack's head with a menu. "You're a d.a.m.n idiot, you know that, Jack? I'm gonna lock you up in the house and throw away the key so you can't go out in public anymore. Let's go, you a.s.s." He gets up from his seat and grabs Jack's arm, yanking him up as well. When he by me, he stops and says, "Just ignore him, he has hardly any brain cells left after all the drinking he did when he was younger."

"What the h.e.l.l did I do this time?" Jake says, huffing and puffing. "I can't say nothin' right, can I?"

"No, you can't, that's why you need to be put in a nursing home so you're not in public."

With that, he pulls Jack behind him, pays for their food, and then drags him out the door.

With my good mood from earlier gone, I get up a few minutes later and pay for my own food.

A couple hours later I'm at Andrew's house, waiting for him to get home. Since the first night Andrew and I f.u.c.ked, I've been staying here. Andrew offered because I was sleeping on Chris's sleeper sofa and it isn't the most comfortable bed. I agreed because the thought of having Andrew anytime I wanted was too much of a temptation to pa.s.s up. We've been f.u.c.king each other senseless any chance we get.

After the incident with the phone call, Andrew and I met up with Mac, and I explained what went down back home. Mac said he would look into it. There wasn't much he could do until he found out more details.

I was leery on bringing Mac onboard because, well, he's a cop, and I killed a man. Mac's eyes blazed with hatred when I told him what I caught Drake doing to a little girl. I can tell he fought with himself over if he should bring me in or not, but in the end he said he would ignore that part of the story and work on running a check on Damien and Emilio to see if there are any warrants out for them. He's also checking into their pasts. The rest we'll deal with later.

The front door opening and closing pulls me from my thoughts. I'm standing in the closet when Andrew walks into the bedroom. His eyes heat when he sees me standing there in nothing but my jeans, b.u.t.ton undone. Being eye-f.u.c.ked causes my own desire to spike, and I take a step toward him.

"How was your visit?" I ask, still a little peeved by his att.i.tude earlier.

Shadows pa.s.s over his face, and I see a flash of sadness before he looks down to his feet, avoiding my eyes. Andrew from this morning is still present.

"It was fine. You going to be ready to go in about an hour? I need a shower first."

When he tries to pa.s.s me to grab some fresh clothes, I grab his arm. He looks at my hand before lifting his eyes to mine.

"Not yet," I say, making it very clear what I want from him with a look.

"Not right now, Jase. We need to get to Mom's house," he says, surprising me.

Andrew always seems so ready and willing to f.u.c.k. For him to be uninterested is out of the norm. I don't like it. I also don't let it deter me. Ever since this morning, I've needed to show Andrew who he's with. To f.u.c.k any and all thoughts of Jaxon or previous lovers out of his mind. To show him I'm all the man he will ever need. He's f.u.c.king mine and when I get done, he'll know it.

Without releasing his arm, I take a step closer, leaving only an inch between our chests.

"I want you naked, on your hands and knees on the end of the bed. a.s.s in the air," I tell him gruffly, the mental picture I just conjured causing my d.i.c.k to jump.

Andrew's eyebrows fly up and he hisses out a breath. I can tell my words have affected him just as much as me.

"That what you want, baby? To take me?" Andrew asks.

My grip on his arm tightens, and I close the remaining distance between us. I lean forward and run my tongue up his neck. Right before I get to his ear, I bite down. Andrew groans and it ramps up the ache in my c.o.c.k.

"I'm gonna f.u.c.k you hard, Andrew," I whisper in his ear. "I'm gonna grip your hips and ram my c.o.c.k in you over and over again, until you feel it in your throat. I'll be so d.a.m.n deep in you that you'll feel it for days. Every time you take a step or sit down, you'll feel it, and be reminded of me taking your a.s.s." I pull back from him and release his arm. "Clothes off now and get on the bed."

Not saying a word and keeping his eyes on me, he reaches back and yanks his s.h.i.+rt over his head. When his beautiful chest comes into view, I gobble him up with my eyes. His chest isn't completely covered in tattoos, but he does have quite a few. The one I'm most intrigued about is a small gathering of different-colored small circles. They almost look like Skittles candy, but I can't imagine why he would put them permanently on his body. There must be a reason though. The one in the middle of the group has the initials AD and the date 7-18-09. I noticed the tattoo the other day when I watched him sleep. I plan to ask him what it means, but not right now.

When I look back up at Andrew, he has his ever-present s.e.xy smirk on his face. He turns on his heel, and I follow him to the bed. Once he climbs up onto it, with his a.s.s in the air, all the air in my lungs whooshes out. The sight before me has me wanting to drop to my knees and wors.h.i.+p his a.s.s. I've never seen an a.s.s that hot before. I could spend hours exploring it. But we don't have hours right now. We have to be quick. The f.u.c.king I'm about to give Andrew will be fast and hard.

I walk up behind him and run my hands up his back, looking at the black, leafless tree he has tattooed there. My jean-covered d.i.c.k meets his a.s.s, and I grind the denim against him, causing us both to moan. Even through my jeans, he feels good.

When he pushes his a.s.s against me, I pull my hips back. Andrew looks over his shoulder at me with l.u.s.t-filled eyes. I know mine reflect the same emotion.

Raising one of my hands, I slip a finger in my mouth, getting it good and wet. I then move the digit to Andrew's tight, puckered hole. Gently running my finger around the bundle of nerves there, I slip just the tip inside. Andrew drops his head and lets out a low groan. I push my finger in a little deeper and feel the muscles trying to suck my finger in further.

After a few in-and-out strokes, I pull my finger from him.

I reach for the condom and bottle of lube I placed on the bed earlier. I unzip my pants, pull out my throbbing d.i.c.k, and slide the condom on. Uncapping the bottle, I look at Andrew, who has his eyes on me again, and drip some lube on his a.s.shole. I grip the base of my d.i.c.k and line the head up.

With iron will, I gently slip the tip inside.

Andrew grunts as I throw my head back with a loud moan. He feels so d.a.m.n tight, d.a.m.n near strangling my d.i.c.k. I f.u.c.king love it.

Slowly, but steadily, I push forward until I have every inch of my c.o.c.k inside. I clench my teeth and have to wait a minute to move again, or this will be over way too fast.

The grip I have on Andrew's hips gets tighter. I pull all the way out, leaving just the head inside.

"Who's f.u.c.king you, Andrew?" I ask him with a growl.

Turning his head to the side, he looks at me and replies with a ragged voice, "You are, Jase."

Andrew tries to push his hips back, forcing my d.i.c.k back inside, but I stop his movement. I keep my hips still while I ask him the question that's f.u.c.ked with my head all day.

"Do you still want Jaxon? Do you think about him f.u.c.king you?"

Andrew goes completely still below me. He grips the comforter beneath him.

"What the f.u.c.k, Jase?" he growls over his shoulder.

"Answer the d.a.m.n question," I snarl at him, and ram my hips forward at the same time I pull his back to me. "Do you still want Jaxon?"

"f.u.c.k!" he shouts at my sudden movement. The muscles in his arms strain as he holds himself up. "No, I don't want f.u.c.king Jaxon," he growls.

I pull out and forcefully drive back into him again. I reach forward and get a good grip on his hair and yank his face to the side. I look into his black eyes and ask him again.

"Who's f.u.c.king you, Andrew?"

He narrows his eyes at me and tries to pull his hair from my grip. I don't allow it, and instead yank it back more.

"I've already told you who's f.u.c.king me, Jase," he growls. "But if you don't stop d.i.c.king around and start moving, I'll be the one f.u.c.king you."

s.h.i.+t, his att.i.tude turns my d.i.c.k to stone. I angle my lips over his and kiss the ever-lovin' s.h.i.+t out of him.

I pull back just enough to separate our lips and say, "Don't you forget it. I'm the one f.u.c.king you. I'm the only one who will ever f.u.c.k you again. Got it?"

"G.o.ddammit, Jase!" he says through bared teeth. "Yes, I f.u.c.king got it!"

Satisfied with his answer, I release his hair, grab his hips, and plow my d.i.c.k in as far and hard as I can, immediately pulling back out and pounding back in again. The force of my thrusts causes the bed to s.h.i.+ft. The need to dominate and show Andrew I'm the only man who will ever have him this way is uncontrollable.

I reach around to wrap a hand around his c.o.c.k. Squeezing hard, I give it a few strokes as I continue to f.u.c.k him for all I'm worth.

I feel my b.a.l.l.s tighten and draw up. I'm getting close, and I want Andrew right there with me. Below me, he grunts with each of my strokes, both from my d.i.c.k and my hand. Knowing that he is enjoying this as much as I am spurs me on. I want him to want more. I want him to always want to come to me for his s.e.xual needs.

I grind my hips into his a.s.s, trying to get even deeper inside him. Leaning forward, I wrap one arm around his stomach. My stomach is pressed to his back and most of my weight is now on him. I pull my hips back and slam back inside.

The pace of my strokes on his d.i.c.k quickens. Andrew reaches back and grabs my a.s.s, trying to bring me in further. There's no way, though. I'm as far in as I possibly can be.

"f.u.c.k, Andrew, you ready, baby? I can't hold it any longer," I groan against his back.

Andrew's answer is to tighten his muscles around my d.i.c.k and shove his a.s.s back against my hips. My lips find his back between his shoulder blades and I bite down with a growl. I mark him with my teeth as my hips and hand pick up speed.

f.u.c.k, I've never felt anything so good in my life. The feel of Andrew tightening around me has my stomach clenching and me tipping over the edge with a loud shout. Just as I hit my peak, I hear Andrew's own shout and feel his warm release on my hand.

My frantic thrusts slow slightly as I carry us both through our climax. I drive forward a few more times before I slow my hips and rest my head against his back. We both lie there trying to catch our breath.

After a moment, I gently pull out of Andrew, dispose of the condom, and fall to my back beside him. The bed jumps a little and I look over at Andrew, who is on his side with his head propped up on his hand. His breathing has slowed and he lies there watching me.

"What the h.e.l.l was that about?" he asks quietly, his brows arched in question.

I turn my head away and look up at the ceiling. Throwing my hands up behind my head, I answer honestly, "Jack mentioned today that you've had a thing for Jaxon for a while. I let it get to me and didn't like it."

Andrew doesn't say anything for so long that I look back over at him. He has a grin on his face, which piques my temper. I'm glad he thinks this is something to smile about. I personally hate it. I've never felt jealousy before and it's not a pleasant feeling.

"Jase, honey, you've got nothing to worry about. I haven't looked at another man, including Jaxon, for months, since the first time I saw you," he says, smile still in place. The look in his eyes says he's sincere.

This isn't the first time Andrew's mentioned seeing me months ago. There's no way that's possible, because I've only been here a couple of weeks. I ask him to clarify.

"A couple months before you got here, Chris showed me a photo of you. She told us you were planning a trip here and wanted to introduce us. She didn't tell you because she was worried it may scare you off. From the beginning, when I first saw you in that photo, I knew right away I had to have you. I felt an instant connection, even from a simple picture. So yes, I did have feelings for Jaxon, even though I knew he didn't share them, but from the moment I knew about you, I've never, not once, thought about Jaxon that way again. All I can think about is you. I'm sure Chris wanted to snap my neck a few times because I bugged her for information about you and hounded her about when you were coming to town."

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The Jaded: Unveil Me Part 8 summary

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