The Jaded: Unveil Me Part 14

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"You stay with Jaxon, okay? Or with Mac once he gets back. Don't go anywhere without either of them until I get there. Understand?" Jase tells Chris, his expression stern.

He looks at Jaxon to make sure he's fine with that. Jaxon, of course, nods in understanding. "You have my word she'll be safe."

"Thank you." Turning back to Chris, he says, "I'll be home in a couple of days. You need me or if anything else happens, call me or Andrew." The look he gives her says she better do as he says.

After the rest of us say good-bye, Jase and I get in my car, with Mac following us in his, and head to the hotel. Although it wouldn't make a difference, because no matter the outcome, these f.u.c.kers are going to pay, I hope Jase's phone call to this Emilio guy proves Damien is working of his own accord. I know Jase can take care of himself, but d.a.m.n if I'm going to let him.

Damien is going down, and I'm the man who's going to take him there.

Jase I'm sitting on the couch in our hotel room with my elbows resting on my knees. My head is bent, my loose hair falling around my face. I have my phone gripped in my hand. I really don't want to make this phone call. It's not that I'm scared, it's just that when I left Georgia, I had no intention of ever going back or a.s.sociating with anyone I left behind, except maybe my parents, if they ever came around and accepted that I am the way I am. I knew Damien would never let it slide that I killed his brother; Damien is very protective of his family. But I had hoped he wouldn't find me. It was a foolish hope.

I look over at Andrew, who is leaning against the dresser with his arms crossed over his chest, showing off muscle and tattoos. He's angry, and I can't say I blame him, but he understands the importance of finding out what we're dealing with. Even if Emilio says Damien is working of his own accord, we still need to be careful and vigilant. Emilio isn't normally the type to lie, unless he has something to gain. I don't really see him gaining anything from taking me out, but I still wouldn't put it past him.

Mac is sitting across from me in another chair. He runs his hands through his hair, something I noticed he does when he's agitated. I know the feeling. This s.h.i.+t is getting old, and I'm ready for it to be done with.

A small part of me wishes Damien would just go ahead and come for me. I wouldn't give in easily, and at least Chris would be out of danger. If Damien is alone, I'm not really worried-we're evenly matched-but if he has the help of Emilio and his men, then I'm pretty much screwed.

I release the tight grip I have on my phone. Another shattered one is the last thing I need. I scroll through the contacts I had to retrieve from the hard drive of my old phone, and find Emilio's number. It rings four times before he picks up.

"Well, h.e.l.lo, Jase, it's been too long," Emilio says smoothly, his Spanish accent barely distinguishable.

I'm not surprised he knew it was me. Emilio is the type of gang leader who keeps tabs on all his men, including the people they a.s.sociate with. I'm sure he logged my number the first week Damien and I started seeing each other.

"Emilio," I mutter into the receiver.

"I must admit, I'm a bit surprised you called me after the way you left town. Bad business there."

I find that hard to believe. Emilio isn't easily taken off guard. He expects the unexpected and looks at s.h.i.+t from all angles. Nothing surprises him.

Not willing to p.u.s.s.y foot around, I get straight to the point. "We both know you're smarter than that, Emilio. I know you're smarter than that, and you know I'm smarter than that. I'm sure you've been waiting on my call. What I want to know is, are you behind Damien and his vengeance to take me down?"

There's silence for a few seconds, before I hear Emilio laughing on the other end of the line. I grit my teeth, and choke back my retort. It's best to not p.i.s.s him off too much. I need information only he can give me. We need to find out where he stands.

"Boy, you've got big b.a.l.l.s calling me and demanding s.h.i.+t. Fortunately for you, I've always liked you. Damien has gone off the f.u.c.king deep end. I never agreed with what that bratty little brother of his was doing, but I kept my mouth shut because it didn't affect me. Now though, I have no idea what that b.a.s.t.a.r.d will do next, and that's something that can affect me. You know I don't like being left in the dark."

I breathe a sigh of relief. I have no doubt Emilio would lie, but through his tone and words, I don't believe he is. The last several months of my and Damien's relations.h.i.+p, I noticed Damien acting strangely. He seemed to be more secretive. There were several times he came home angry with Emilio. He never showed his anger to him directly; he wasn't stupid and knew that s.h.i.+t would land him in a world of pain. But he'd stomp around the house, and I'd hear him cursing him under his breath. I never asked what the problem was; I didn't want to be involved.

"Did you know he's looking for me?" I ask.

Emilio releases a breath and it whooshes across the line. "I do. He came to me wanting my help. When I told him no, he stormed out, and I haven't seen him since. Good riddance to the little s.h.i.+t. I was about to cut him loose anyway. Too much drama. I don't need attention drawn to me and he was becoming reckless."

"f.u.c.k!" I hiss over the receiver. "No one on the street has seen him? Do you know what man power he has?"

"No, Jase, I don't. All I know is he came to me wanting to use some of my men. He's lost his mind if he thought I was going to allow him to use me or what's mine for his own gain. My men are loyal to me and many others out on the street don't much care for Damien, so whatever he has can't be much."

Well, that's good at least. Knowing Emilio isn't part of this sends relief through me. But then again, Damien is unpredictable and there's no telling what he might do.

"Thanks, Emilio," I grind out between my teeth. It bites my b.a.l.l.s to be grateful to the man, but he's actually made this situation a tiny bit better by answering my questions. Emilio is a hard-a.s.s and rules his streets with an iron fist, but I've never had any personal beef with him. It still doesn't make me like him any more, though. I've heard some s.h.i.+t about him that's made me cringe. If I never hear from or see him again, it'll be too soon.

"Don't sound so enthusiastic in your gratefulness," he chuckles, but then sobers. "I've never had any problems with you, Jase. You always stayed out of my business. That's the only reason I've left you alone. A bit of advice: watch your back. You know how crazy Damien is when it comes to his family. He's out for blood and it won't be pretty."

His words ring true. Damien is extremely protective of his family, willing to do anything to protect them, even taking things to the extreme. There was a time his little sister, Marie, was having problems with a boy in school. They were in tenth grade. He'd pick on her, nothing excessive, just name calling and other stupid s.h.i.+t kids do at school. Damien found out and beat the s.h.i.+t out of the kid. He ended up with a broken jaw and arm. I didn't find out about it until weeks later, when his punk little brother was bragging to some guys at a party.

We hang up a few minutes later, after Emilio tells me to contact him if I'm ever in town. Yeah, like that s.h.i.+t will ever happen.

I get up and pocket my phone, only then bringing my eyes to Mac and Andrew.

"He says he has no idea where Damien is. Damien came to him asking for some men, but he refused," I tell them.

"Thank f.u.c.k for that," Andrew mutters.

"Do you believe him?" asks Mac.

"Normally I wouldn't trust Emilio, but this time I think he's telling the truth. He's got nothing to gain by putting himself and his men in the middle of this. Emilio only does s.h.i.+t if he gets something out of it. There's nothing Damien can offer him that he wants or doesn't already have. So, yes, I believe him."

"Well, at least we have a better picture of what we're dealing with," Mac says, and stands. "I need to get home. There's not much more we can do until Damien shows us his next move."

I understand his words, but they still p.i.s.s me off. With us not having a clue where Damien is or what he's planning next, we have no idea what to plan for. It just feels wrong sitting around doing nothing. Damien could show his face at any moment and this time he could actually hurt Chris, not just scare her. My body vibrates with anger at the thought.

"We'll be home day after tomorrow," Andrew tells Mac, then looks at me. "I just want one more day here while Ally has the transplant done."

I nod, letting him know I understand the importance of him being here. His kid was on the verge of dying, no way would I let him leave before he deems it safe enough. This is where he needs to be at the moment, and I need to be with him. I honestly believe Chris is safe where she is. I may not know Jaxon well, but he's a brick house, and I realize he knows how to keep her safe. If I thought for one second Jaxon wasn't capable of watching out for Chris, I'd be back in Jaded Hollow in a heartbeat.

Even so, I still turn to Mac. "You keep my sister safe." It comes out more as a demand than a request, but I know Mac will do what I said. He's another person I trust with Chris's life.

"Alright, you two stay safe. And you take care of that little girl of yours, Andrew." With a nod, he leaves me and Andrew standing in the hotel room.

"If you need to head back now, I'll understand," Andrew says, coming toward me.

I watch as he crosses the room, his strong legs eating up the s.p.a.ce between us. He's wearing a pair of gray sweats, recommended by the doctor because they're soft and won't press against the site where the bone marrow was drawn, and a black s.h.i.+rt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. His dark hair is a mess and the scruff on his jaw brings my body to life. This man gets my blood pumping like no other.

When he's standing in front of me, he lays one arm on my shoulder, and I feel him fiddle with my hair. He's watching me, waiting for my answer.

"No, I'm staying. I know Jaxon and Mac will keep Chris safe until I get back. You need me here."

I know it's not the others' responsibility to watch after Chris and make sure nothing happens to her, but I also know Jaxon and Mac are friends and they understand the need for me to be here. It doesn't mean I care for Chris less than Andrew, it just means Chris doesn't need me as much as Andrew does because she has people there for her who can protect her.

As selfless as Andrew's offer was, I still see relief flicker in his eyes. He's torn between the s.h.i.+t that's going down with Damien and being here for Ally. I know Andrew loves Chris, but his love for Ally is stronger. She's a child and she needs all the support and love she can get right now.

"You sure?" At my nod, he grips my hair and pulls my head back for a bruising kiss. I noticed he likes doing that; controlling me for his kiss by my hair. I have no problem with it; it's hot as f.u.c.k.

Our tongues plunder each other's mouths. The grip he has on my hair tightens when I nip his bottom lip, which only spurs me on more. I like rough s.e.x and Andrew gives just the amount of roughness I need.

He pulls my head back and attacks my neck. I feel him sucking, and I know there will be a mark left behind.

Grabbing the hip that didn't have a needle poked in it, I grind my rock-hard d.i.c.k into his. He growls against my throat and takes a bite, causing me to hiss in pleasure.

He releases my hair and takes a small step back. Planting his hand on my chest and looking at me with scorching heat in his eyes, he shoves me backward, until my back hits the wall. He stalks forward, taking his s.h.i.+rt off as he goes, and doesn't stop until we're lined up, touching from head to toe. He grips the bottom of my s.h.i.+rt, yanks the material over my head, and slams his mouth back on mine.

I run my fingers through his hair and yank him closer. Our chests meet, and I feel the rapid beat of his heart, just like mine.

Andrew palms my a.s.s through my jeans, making me wish the d.a.m.n material wasn't there.

He must sense my need because he pulls back and growls, "Take those f.u.c.king things off."

Not needing to be told twice, I reach down, unsnap, unzip, and yank down my jeans, leaving me standing there with my hard d.i.c.k swaying. I palm it and give it a few strokes. Andrew follows my movement as he tears off his own pants. When he's standing in front of me in all his glory, I want to drop to my knees and wors.h.i.+p the ground he walks on, after I wors.h.i.+p his body, of course. I've had plenty of lovers in my life, but none of them compare to Andrew.

"Turn around," Andrew says in a gravelly voice. I again do what he says, wanting and needing whatever Andrew is about to give me.

I feel his chest hit my back and the bristly hair has my hips grinding back against him. My a.s.s meets his c.o.c.k, and I groan deep in my throat. I want it in me now.

"No f.u.c.king around, Andrew. f.u.c.king f.u.c.k me," I snarl over my shoulder at him.

Instead of answering me right away, he reaches around my chest, puts his hand on my throat, applying light pressure, and brings my head back. He a.s.saults my neck, sending s.h.i.+vers down my spine.

Once he releases his lips and teeth from my neck, he whispers in my ear, "I'm in control here, Jase. You do what I say, and I'll give you what you need. You don't tell me to do jack s.h.i.+t, you hear me?"

I tip my head back and rest it against his shoulder. His words send sparks throughout my body. Having Andrew in complete control is what I crave right now.

"Yes," I groan. I'll tell him any d.a.m.n thing he wants right now, as long as he continues touching me.

Satisfied with my answer, Andrew lets go of my throat and glides his hand down my chest, until he reaches a nipple and tweaks it. I lift my head from his shoulder and let my forehead fall against the wall. With his other hand, Andrew grabs hold of his c.o.c.k, pushes it down, and fits it between my legs. I tighten my legs around him and feel the tip rub against my b.a.l.l.s.

"Put your hands on the wall and leave them there. Then spread your legs," Andrew says, and pulls my hips back a little.

I bend and place my hands on the wall in front of me. Andrew still has his d.i.c.k between my legs, and I feel him pump his hips a few times, before I spread my legs and release the hold I have on him. He runs his hands down my back until he reaches my a.s.s. Once there, he spreads my cheeks and notches the length of himself against me. It feels so f.u.c.king amazing, and I can't help but push back against him.

He slaps my a.s.s and snarls, "Don't f.u.c.king do that. Stay still."

I want to turn around and growl at him to stop f.u.c.king around, but I clench my jaw and hold myself still.

Andrew wiggles his hips a couple times, causing my d.i.c.k to jump in response.

A minute later, Andrew runs his finger along my lips. "Suck."

I open my lips and draw his finger in my mouth, sucking hard on the digit.

Once his finger is well lubricated, he pulls it free and places it at my a.s.shole. He takes the tip and rubs it along the bundle of nerves, before slowly pus.h.i.+ng it in. He slips it in and out a few times before pus.h.i.+ng all the way in to his knuckle.

"Oh yeah," I groan and drop my head forward.

I barely hold on to my control, needing him to give me more. I need his d.i.c.k in me. His finger is not nearly enough. He slides it in and out a few times, and I feel myself clenching around him.

Andrew withdraws his finger, and I feel the tip of his d.i.c.k at my entrance. I hear a click and a second later feel liquid dribbling down my a.s.s crack. Andrew uses his d.i.c.k to smear the liquid around, making sure I'm wet for his invasion.

I ball my hands into fists with the first inch he slides in. My muscles spasm around him. Andrew grips my hips and pushes in another couple of inches. Our heavy breathing and moans are the only sounds in the room.

Working his hips back and forth, he slides the rest of the way in. The fullness is mind-blowing and so f.u.c.king intense. I know d.a.m.n good and well I won't last long.

"s.h.i.+t, baby, you feel so G.o.dd.a.m.n good. You're gripping me so f.u.c.king tight," Andrew groans from behind me and holds his hips still.

"Please, Andrew, just move." I'm not above begging if I have to. I'll d.a.m.n near do anything at this moment.

Before the words even leave my mouth, Andrew withdraws and slams back, over and over again.

"Ah, f.u.c.k, yeah!" I shout.

"You like that, Jase? You like my c.o.c.k buried deep inside you? You like me f.u.c.king you hard and dirty, baby?"

This is what I need, right here. I need him to f.u.c.k me hard and fast, like it's the last time he'll do it and he wants to imprint me so f.u.c.king deep that I'll never forget the feeling of him inside me.

Barely able to form a coherent thought, much less a word, I grunt out, "Harder."

"You got it," he rasps, before grabbing a handful of my hair in each hand and using it as leverage as he continues to f.u.c.k the living daylights out of me. His hips piston back and forth and his b.a.l.l.s slap against mine. My muscles tighten up as I get closer and closer to release.

Letting go of my hair, he circles his arms around my chest and stomach, bringing my sweat-slick body tight against his. With the close proximity, his thrusts become shallow, but no less intense. He hits just the right spot and my body tenses, ready to let loose.

"Don't come yet. I want it in my mouth," Andrew says at my ear.

I have not a f.u.c.king clue how I'm going to pull off not coming, especially with him whispering s.h.i.+t like that in my ear. My body is in control here, but I push the need to release away.

Just as I'm about to say f.u.c.k it and let go, I hear Andrew grunt in my ear and grind his d.i.c.k in my a.s.s as far as it will go. He jerks and spasms and it nearly sends me over the edge. Only the promise of coming in Andrew's mouth, holds me back.

Andrew stills behind me and licks and kisses my neck, his hot breath fanning over me. Once his breathing has somewhat regulated, he slowly pulls himself from me and turns me around.

I watch with antic.i.p.ation as he immediately drops to his knees in front of me. One of my hands grabs my d.i.c.k to aim it at his mouth, while the other grips his hair. Andrew opens wide, and I stick my d.i.c.k inside.


The warm wetness of his mouth is almost too much. I have to force myself not to unload. I don't want it to end just yet.

Andrew uses his tongue on the slit at the tip of my d.i.c.k, and it feels so good my d.i.c.k jumps. He then takes the head into his mouth and swirls his tongue around it. After a few seconds of torture, he opens his mouth wider and takes half of me in.

I move my hand from my c.o.c.k and use both hands to grip his hair. "Take all of it," I growl down at him.

He grabs my a.s.s and in one smooth motion, engulfs my c.o.c.k with his mouth, until I hit the back of his throat. I hold his head there for a few seconds before releasing.

The tightness of his throat and the slight hum of his moans send me soaring higher than I've ever been before. I slam my hips forward, and with my head thrown back, I shout out my release as jet after jet of c.u.m shoots from my d.i.c.k and into his mouth. Andrew greedily swallows every last drop.

After licking and sucking the very sensitive tip, Andrew stands and places a kiss against my lips. The taste of my c.u.m on his lips is both thrilling and erotic. Our breathing has evened out slightly.

Ending the kiss, Andrew says "sleep" before grabbing my hand and walking to the bed, flicking the lights off as we go. The covers are thrown back and we slip underneath the sheet, the coolness of it feeling good against our heated skin. It's still early evening, but the events of the day and last night and the thorough f.u.c.king we just had, has worn us both out.

"Roll over," Andrew says quietly into the darkened room.

I comply and feel Andrew's heat against my back. He wraps his arm around my chest and his face in my hair. I'm normally not the type to snuggle with my lovers, but having Andrew wrapped around me feels different. h.e.l.l, everything about Andrew is different from any lovers I've had in the past. I can't quite explain it, but it's a feeling I don't want to ever let go of.

"Night, baby," Andrew murmurs, his voice deepened with sleep.

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The Jaded: Unveil Me Part 14 summary

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