The Jaded: Unveil Me Part 15

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"Night, Andrew." I drift off to sleep a few minutes later.

Andrew A week later, I'm standing behind the bar at Jaxon's slicing lemon and lime wedges. Mia and I are singing along to Kansas's "Carry On Wayward Son." Mia is in an exceptionally silly mood tonight, something you don't see very often, but something I enjoy.

Jase and I have been back in Jaded Hollow for several days and tonight is my second night back at work. I've missed the place and the people here. This is my family. I feel lost without them.

Ally is doing much better. So far, her body has taken to the new marrow. If all continues to go well, she'll be released from the hospital tomorrow. This is the first day I haven't been to the hospital and I miss seeing her. A couple of days after Ally's released, Becky and Brent are throwing a small get-together for family and close friends, nothing too big so it doesn't overwhelm Ally. Just a small gathering to celebrate her leukemia going into remission and to show everyone she's doing much better. I'll see her then, if I can force myself to not go sooner. I talk to her every day, but it's not the same as seeing her beautiful face in person.

I look across the room and see Jase with Chris and Bailey, playing pool. They're all laughing and goofing around. My mom talked her way into watching Amari for the night for Jaxon and Bailey. I was grateful to them both. I think she misses Ally more than usual, and having another little girl in the house helps keep her mind off things.

Jase laughs at something his sister said and my body tingles with the sound. It doesn't matter what Jase is doing or what sound comes from him, my body reacts to everything.

Mia comes to stand beside me and b.u.mps my hip with hers. She's so tiny it's actually more of her b.u.mping her hip to my upper thigh.

"How are things going with Jase?" she asks, just loud enough for me to hear over the music, but low enough for others not to hear.

I look down at her and give her my trademark grin. "It's going great. He loves me."

Her eyes twinkle when she laughs. "Did he tell you that?"

"No, not yet, but I know he does," I say and look back over to Jase, who's looking back at me with hooded eyes.

I'm not being I know Jase loves me. It's written all over his face when he watches me sometimes. The love and affection so plain to see. The way his body reacts so readily to mine. It's in the way his eyes always seek mine, like he doesn't like the thought of not having me in his sights. How he was by my side every second I spent in the hospital with Ally. I have no doubt about it.

"I think you're right," Mia murmurs beside me.

When I look at her, I see her watching Jase. She sees it, too. It excites me that I'm not the only one who's noticed. I want to shout it to the world, but I'll wait until Jase actually says the words.

"And you love him." She doesn't say it as a question, but a simple fact.

"f.u.c.k yeah, I do." I couldn't help but love Jase even if I tried. The man is everything I've ever wanted in a partner and so much more than what I thought I'd get.

"I'm happy for you, Andy," she says with a smile. I grin down at her, the nickname not bothering me anymore. Before it was a reminder of the secret I kept hidden and the little girl I couldn't really have. But now, with my friends knowing about Ally, I have nothing to hide and can share her life with them.

"Hey there, s.e.xy. Would you mind getting us a couple of beers?"

Mia rolls her eyes at the request. I give her a wink and turn toward the two girls standing at the bar. I've only seen them in here a couple of times. If I remember correctly, they're from the next town over. They've always been flirty.

Walking over, I bend and rest my arms on the bar, giving them a s.e.xy grin. "What kind you want, sugar?"

The brunette on the right says in a breathy voice, "Anything."

"You got it."

I stand back up and get their beers. I set the mugs down in front of them and offer another smile. Before I get a chance to turn around and start back on my lemons and limes, the redhead on the left asks, "Hey, do you want to get a drink sometime?"

I saunter back to them and again lean on the bar. I crook my finger at the redhead. She leans over the bar, excitement and antic.i.p.ation clearly written on her face. This doesn't surprise me. I'm not full of myself, but I know I look d.a.m.n good. I'm used to girls coming on to me.

When she's a few inches away from my face, I look toward the pool tables. I point and say, "You see that man over there?" She and her friend both look to where I'm pointing. Turning back to me, she nods. "Well, see, he might have a bit of a problem with me having a drink with you, since he's my lover."

At first her eyes go wide as saucers, and I can't help but laugh. I feel bad for the poor girl.

Once she composes herself, she leans back and her lips form a pout. Looking at her friend, she says, "That's no fair. All the good ones are always taken. I say f.u.c.k it all to h.e.l.l and just f.u.c.k each other. What do you say, Amanda?"

Amanda taps her chin with her forefinger, like she's contemplating her friend's suggestion. Coming to her decision, she says, with mischief in her eyes, "Okay."

I burst out laughing as the redhead's eyes bug out of her head. "s.h.i.+t, girl, I was only joking."

"I know, Stacey," Amanda says, patting her friend on the leg. "So was I." She turns back to me and rolls her eyes.

"I'm sure you ladies will come across the right man someday. No need to switch fields just yet." They're funny and d.a.m.n pretty. It'd be a shame for them to give up.

"Yeah, yeah," Amanda mutters. "I just wish someday were right now. A girl needs a good f.u.c.king just as much as a man does and it's been too long of a dry spell for me."

Stacey nods in agreement.

Just then, Jesse walks up to the two women and wraps his arms around both their shoulders.

"Hey, ladies. I can help you out with your little problem."

Chuckling, I walk away from the budding threesome. My eyes seek out Jase, and when they find him, I'm instantly hit with a powerful wave of jealousy and rage.

Still by the pool tables, Jase is standing with some guy I've f.u.c.ked before. I'm not ashamed to admit I can't recall his name. He was an a.s.shole and wasn't worth s.h.i.+t in the sack.

I watch with anger surging through my veins as the guy leans a little too close to Jase. He takes a step back from the guy, but the douche bag doesn't take the hint and inches forward again, reaching out to grab Jase's arm. I see anger form on Jase's face, and I'm about to storm over and smash the f.u.c.ker's face in with my boot when he grabs the guy's arm and does something to it that has him falling to his knees.

h.e.l.l, yeah, my man is hot and kicks a.s.s!

My d.i.c.k hardens in my jeans as I watch Jase bend down and whisper something in the guy's ear, before yanking him to his feet and marching him to the door. He throws the door open and tosses the d.i.c.khead out.

"Jase!" I boom across the room, once Jase closes the door.

Jase glances over at me. I lift my chin in a gesture for him to come to me. I meet him at the bar part.i.tion, and before a word is even said, I take possession of his lips.

The vibration of Jase's moan causes my own moan to slip free. I grab his ponytail and twist his head to a better angle. Slipping my tongue inside his mouth, I taste Jase's unique flavor and the Jack Daniels he had earlier. It spikes my desire up several notches.

I force myself to pull back from Jase's delicious lips before I do something Jaxon will kick both our for.

"Watching you manhandle that f.u.c.khead was hot as s.h.i.+t."

His pupils dilate and his nostrils flare with my words.

"You can show me just how hot it made you later, baby," Jase says, and reaches down and palms my c.o.c.k before winking and turning to walk away.

Before he's out of reach, I slap his a.s.s. "d.a.m.n straight I will. You better be ready for it too, 'cause it's going to be hard, fast, and rough."

"Wouldn't have it any other way," he says, laughing as he walks away.

Shaking my head at Jase's comment, I walk back behind the bar. That's just one of the many things I love about him: he likes f.u.c.king hard just as much as I do.

I finish the lemon and lime wedges and then move on to stocking the fridges with bottles of beer and bringing liquor we are low on up from the bas.e.m.e.nt. A few customers come up, and I serve them their drinks. It's getting late, so most of the patrons are heading home, leaving only about a dozen people.

Jaxon came out from his office about an hour ago and he's been playing pool with Bailey, Chris, and Jase. From the looks of things, his teaching Bailey to play pool is biting him in the a.s.s. She jumps up and down, with her pool stick above her head, while Chris cheers her on. Jaxon watches from the side, a slight smile on his face. Jase stands at the end of the table laughing.

I notice the door opening and glance over to see Nick walking in. It's been three weeks since he's shown his face around here. Jaxon went to his place the other day and found him pa.s.sed out on his bedroom floor. He'd gotten drunk off his a.s.s and never made it to bed. There's been several times Jaxon and Bailey have called him, but he either doesn't answer or he's too busy to talk. According to him, he's been out of town a lot lately, but I personally think he's hiding from the world.

With the way he's walking, I can tell he's already had one too many drinks. He staggers to the bar, his hair a mess, his face unshaven, and his clothes wrinkled. The d.a.m.n man is declining fast and won't let anyone help him. I understand his grief, but it's been over two years and you'd think he would be getting better by now, not worse. Someone needs to give him a swift kick in the a.s.s and send him back to reality. Right now he's living in what I'm sure is no less than h.e.l.l.

Once he's seated at the bar, he mutters, "Jack, no ice."

I look down at him with pity and firmly say, "No."

He brings his bloodshot eyes to me, narrowing them slightly, before saying, "Why the f.u.c.k not?"

Instead of answering him, I ask a question of my own. "Did you drive here?"

He better f.u.c.king say he didn't, because so help me G.o.d, if he did I'll kick his a.s.s myself. Grieve all you want, but you don't put others in danger through your grief.

"What's it matter to you if I did," he slurs at me across the bar.

"Because I'm your f.u.c.king friend. I don't want you to hurt someone and grieve over that s.h.i.+t as well. I don't want you thrown in jail because your dumb a.s.s didn't think before you got behind the wheel."

"f.u.c.k you, Andrew." He bares his teeth at me. "I f.u.c.king walked. Now get off my back and get me a d.a.m.n drink."

Mia comes up beside me, and I see Jaxon walking over. Nick slumps down in his chair, looking down at the bar in front of him.

"What's going on here?" Jaxon asks, once he's standing beside Nick's chair. He looks from me to Nick.

"This a.s.shole won't give me a d.a.m.n drink," Nick says, and slowly lifts his bobbing head to Jaxon, d.a.m.n near falling off his seat in the process.

Jaxon reaches out to steady him. "I can see why he won't. You're a f.u.c.king mess, Nick."

Nick s.n.a.t.c.hes his arm back. "I'm fine. I don't need a d.a.m.n babysitter."

"I'm thinking maybe you do," Mia says, and earns a "f.u.c.k off" for her efforts.

Chris, who is beside Jaxon now, sees the state Nick is in and sucks in a sharp breath. "Oh, Nick," she whispers, tears gathering in her eyes. The sadness I hear in her voice is heartbreaking.

Nick hears Chris's whisper and shoots his eyes to her. They immediately turn to slits. He points at her and growls, "Not f.u.c.king her again! What the h.e.l.l is that b.i.t.c.h doing here?"

The crowd around Nick tenses, me included. Being p.i.s.sed at the world is one thing. Mouthing off at the guys because you're p.i.s.sed? Whatever. But you don't get to be a complete a.s.s to the women and think you can get away with it. Friend or not, that s.h.i.+t doesn't fly.

"Nick," Jaxon and I both warn him.

"Hey, a.s.shole!" Mia yells, and tries pus.h.i.+ng me aside so she can get to Nick over the counter. I pull her back with an arm around her waist.

Her attempt to rip him a new one is not needed. Jase steps in front of Chris and gets in Nick's face.

"Alright, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you got a problem with my sister, you take that s.h.i.+t up with me. You're done disrespecting her. I've held my tongue out of respect for these guys and because Chris asked me to. For some reason she thinks you're so G.o.dd.a.m.n special. No f.u.c.king more."

Nick's eyes are glazed over as he stares up at Jase unfazed. Jaxon sticks close to Jase's side, just in case he needs to break s.h.i.+t up. Mia is panting in my arms, her anger and adrenaline making her breathless. Bailey has a weeping Chris in her arms, her own eyes s.h.i.+ny with tears.

"What the f.u.c.k are you going to do? Beat my a.s.s? Teach me a lesson? You go right ahead, Jase. I f.u.c.king dare you," Nick taunts.

From the look in Nick's eye, I can tell it's not just words. He's actually begging Jase to do it. He wants Jase to hurt him. Beneath the drunken stupor, the deep-rooted pain he's been dealing with is still very much alive. Realization dawns. If Jase hurts him with his fists, it may help ease the pain in his heart.

It's hard seeing Nick this broken. The fun-loving and sweet guy he was before is lost, and I don't know if he'll ever be found again.

Jase must realize this too, because he takes a step back and says, "You know what? You're not worth the trouble. I think the pain you're in right now is punishment enough."

"Whatever. You don't know jack s.h.i.+t. p.u.s.s.y."

"Call Mac. Get his a.s.s down here," Jaxon says, his voice hard. The look on his face says he's done.

"No!" Chris says, pulling herself from Bailey's arms and coming to stand beside Nick. Placing her hand on Jaxon's arm, she pleads, "Please, Jaxon, just let me take him upstairs. He can sleep it off. He'll be fine in the morning."

Nick pays her no mind and lays his forehead down on the bar. Jaxon watches him for a few seconds before looking back at Chris.

"Fine," he agrees, and then turns to Nick. He grabs the back of his s.h.i.+rt and pulls his head off the counter so he can look in his eyes. "You don't come here like this again. You come back sober and you're welcome, but not when you're f.u.c.kin' drunk. You hear me? And be nice to Chris, f.u.c.kface, or you'll deal with me." He growls the last.

"Yeah, whatever," he mutters.

"You're not taking him up there alone, Chris," Jase says.

"Yes, Jase, I am," she tells him softly. "I'll be okay. He won't hurt me."


"Please, Jase, just let me do this for him. I need to do this alone. I can handle him." Chris begs him with her eyes. "He won't hurt me," she says again. "I promise."

Jase looks around to the others, his eyes finally resting on mine. I know he's asking me if she'll be okay. Nick may be in a bad place right now and being a complete d.i.c.k, but I know he would never hurt Chris, or any female for that matter.

I give him my honest answer. "She'll be okay. The last thing Nick will do is hurt Chris. It may not look like it now, but Nick is a good guy and would rather cut off his own d.i.c.k before hurting a woman."

Nick wouldn't ever physically hurt a woman. But what I don't tell Jase is that I'm afraid that he'll hurt her emotionally before it's all said and done. Looking at the way Chris cares for Nick and the way Nick is so against it, makes me think she may be the only one who can pull him from this hole he's fallen into. He needs someone who won't give up on him, and as much s.h.i.+t as he's put Chris through, she's stuck by him. I worry that Nick hasn't hit rock bottom yet and hope he doesn't do irreparable damage to Chris on his way down. Chris is strong though, and I believe she can handle it.

After a few more seconds of indecision, Jase finally relents. "You don't stay there tonight. You go home with Jaxon and Bailey." At her nod, he turns to Nick and pins him with a glare. "You hurt my sister and I'll f.u.c.king end you."

Nick doesn't respond verbally, just shoots his middle finger up at him. Jase grits his teeth, but lets it go.

Chris steps up to Nick and wraps her arm around his waist. He seems to be mostly out of it, because he allows it and even puts his arm around her shoulders. When she rests her hands on his stomach, he tenses, but doesn't say anything. Slowly, they make their way down the hallway to the back entrance, where a door leads outside. From there, another door leads to the apartment upstairs.

"I don't care what anyone says, I'm checking on her before we leave," Jase says, as he watches them until they disappear.

"I'll go with you," I tell him.

"Me and Bailey are staying until the place closes down. I'll grab her when we leave, if she's not down before then."

Jase grunts his acceptance.

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The Jaded: Unveil Me Part 15 summary

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