The Ship Avenged Part 12

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The universe would be a far less interesting place without that young woman in it.

He shook his head. The idea had been to lock up a loose cannon while he did the real work. Joat was supposed to merely observe. But having gotten a look at her style up close and personal, I wonder if she's even capable of doing something so pa.s.sive as simply looking. But having gotten a look at her style up close and personal, I wonder if she's even capable of doing something so pa.s.sive as simply looking.

Nomik Ciety was was involved with the Kolnari. To what degree Sperin had no idea. I involved with the Kolnari. To what degree Sperin had no idea. I suspect that he's up to his neck in them, suspect that he's up to his neck in them, he thought disgustedly. But Bros had long ago trained himself not to treat his suspicions as evidence. he thought disgustedly. But Bros had long ago trained himself not to treat his suspicions as evidence. And if he is working with them he's being very discreet. And if he is working with them he's being very discreet.

It was a calculated risk, sending her after a man like Ciety. Still, given his relatively exalted status on Rohan, he should be a perfect choice for Joat to investigate; a personage all but inaccessible to a lowly freighter captain on her first smuggling run.

And yet ...

"Enough," Sperin said aloud. While she leaves a streak across the troposphere, I'll do my entry . . . nice and slow and inconspicuous. While she leaves a streak across the troposphere, I'll do my entry . . . nice and slow and inconspicuous.


"What was in those cargo modules?" Alvec asked.

Joat smiled and touched a control. A chime rang through the Wyal' Wyal's bridge. bridge.

"Beyond gravity well limits," Rand's impersonal voice said. "Prepare for transition. Three minutes and counting."

"That's for me to know, and you to guess," she said smugly. "Got the destination data ready?"

"Schwartztarr system," Alvec said, tossing a data-hedron in one hand. "Why do you want to stop there?"

"It's on the way . . . and I think it might be useful," she said.

"Ten seconds."

"You're the boss."

"d.a.m.ned right. Prepare to cheat Einstein . . . now." now."

The Wyal Wyal twisted itself out of congruence with the sidereal universe. twisted itself out of congruence with the sidereal universe.

Schwartztarr was the fourth planet of a G6 sun, a little brighter than Sol-standard. I've never seen Earth's sun, I've never seen Earth's sun, Joat thought idly as they dropped into normal s.p.a.ce. Schwartztarr's star was pinpoint bright in the screens; the schematics showed the nine planets of the system and a running list of in-system traffic, interstellar s.h.i.+ps, habitats and s.p.a.ce-based fabricators. Joat thought idly as they dropped into normal s.p.a.ce. Schwartztarr's star was pinpoint bright in the screens; the schematics showed the nine planets of the system and a running list of in-system traffic, interstellar s.h.i.+ps, habitats and s.p.a.ce-based fabricators.

Not very much, for a system that had been settled as long as this one. Surprisingly spa.r.s.e, in fact, for a place with a settled planet bearing a breathable atmosphere. She called up data on the main screen.

Well, that explains it. Sort of large planet, gravity 1.2 standard, with a single large continent in the northern polar-to-temperate zone. Rather far out, so it was cold despite the active sun, and with a fairly steep axial tilt. Long cold winters, and the rest of the system was middling-average. The file showed a few scenes from those winters, and Joat s.h.i.+vered slightly, the reflex of someone who'd spent almost all of her life in the climate-controlled environment of s.h.i.+ps and Stations. The people in the vid were wrapped up like bundles, with powered heaters underneath. Another shot showed something with eight short clawed legs, long white fur, red eyes and a head that was mostly mouth filled with long pointed teeth. Whatever-it-was was resting its front pair of legs on something much larger and dead, ripping chunks off and bolting them. Then it looked up at the camera and gave an amazing snarl, with its jaws open at least ninety degrees. Sort of large planet, gravity 1.2 standard, with a single large continent in the northern polar-to-temperate zone. Rather far out, so it was cold despite the active sun, and with a fairly steep axial tilt. Long cold winters, and the rest of the system was middling-average. The file showed a few scenes from those winters, and Joat s.h.i.+vered slightly, the reflex of someone who'd spent almost all of her life in the climate-controlled environment of s.h.i.+ps and Stations. The people in the vid were wrapped up like bundles, with powered heaters underneath. Another shot showed something with eight short clawed legs, long white fur, red eyes and a head that was mostly mouth filled with long pointed teeth. Whatever-it-was was resting its front pair of legs on something much larger and dead, ripping chunks off and bolting them. Then it looked up at the camera and gave an amazing snarl, with its jaws open at least ninety degrees.

Joat shuddered again. "Remind me never to go outside on Schwartztarr," she said.

Joseph had come onto the bridge, toweling down his bare torso after a spell in the exerciser. Muscle rippled under the smooth olive skin of his chest as he stopped beside her command couch. Not bad, Not bad, she thought. Joe was an uncle, so the thought was pretty theoretical- but Alvec caught her eye and winked. she thought. Joe was an uncle, so the thought was pretty theoretical- but Alvec caught her eye and winked.

"That beast looks like it would make interesting hunting," the Bethelite said, nodding to the screen.

Joat hid a grimace of distaste. Bethel was was the boondocks, and they had some pretty grody customs there. the boondocks, and they had some pretty grody customs there.

"But what," he went on, "is that fluffy white material all over the ground?'

"Snow," Alvec said, from the a.s.sistant/engineer's couch. At Joseph's raised eyebrow: "Flakes of frozen water that fall from the sky."

"Ah!" Joseph leaned further forward. "But why doesn't it melt?"

"Because the temperature is below the freezing point of water."

"The G.o.d preserve us!" he said. "I had heard of such things on high mountains, but ..."

Joat glanced at him. The furrow of hard concern faded for a moment from between his eyes; he looked like a boy, smiling at wonders. It was only an instant, but it made the pain and worry more obvious when they returned.

"Hey, Boss," Alvec said. "What landing vector do y'want to cut?"

"Standard-Capriana s.p.a.ceport. There's not much else here, here. Rand's taking us in, it needs the practice."

"Rand?" Alvec's face went carefully blank.

"I fixed fixed the program," she said defensively. the program," she said defensively.

"We've worked on it together," Rand a.s.sured him, "I'm certain we've worked the bugs out of it. And I've studied several hundred landings by you and by Joat, I've also exchanged information with several other AIs of my acquaintance. I'm confident that all will be well this time."

"It's different from docking at a station," Alvec said nervously. "You do a real good station docking."

"Thank you," Rand said, its lights flickering blue.

"But I think one of us should co-pilot you until you get the landing stuff perfect. No offense."

"None taken." The AI's tones were always neutral, but that sounded a little flatter than usual.

"It'll be perfect, Al," Joat said through gritted teeth. "It wasn't even Rand's fault the last time, it was the way my program interfaced with that fardling, wonky . . ."

"Just in case ..." he insisted.

"If you would not mind, Joat," Joseph put in delicately. "You understand ... I travel by s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p so seldom . .. the conversation has made me a little, ah ..."

Joat shrugged. "Sure. OK."

"Why not use a commercial program?" Alvec grumbled, settling into his crash-couch and fastening the restraint harness. "There's dozens of 'em available. Cheap too!"

"Rand is unique," Joat said stiffly. "And I want it to stay that way."

"When it's my b.u.t.t, I sort of like standard standard and and tried and tested tried and tested as opposed to as opposed to unique. unique. You know what I mean, Boss?" You know what I mean, Boss?"

"You trust me," she countered.

Alvec sighed. "You may be unique, Boss, but you've also got a license."

"Point taken," she said quietly. "And since I've already agreed to let you co-pilot, can we drop the subject? "

"So . . ." Alvec said into the silence that followed. "You managed to scare up a cargo after all, eh, Boss?"


After a long pause he asked, "So . . . what are we s.h.i.+ppin'?"

There was a longer pause, then Joat answered: "Laser tube guides."



"You're s.h.i.+pping laser tubes to Schwartztarr?"


"You're kidding?"

"What is it?" Joseph asked. "What is wrong?"

"Lasers're all they make here. It's their main industry," Alvec said. "I can't believe . . ."

"They were cheap, and it's my money, okay?"

"You bought bought them?" them?"

"Al," she said warningly.

"You're right," Alvec soothed, "someone'll want 'em."

"Attention Central Worlds freighter, this is Schwartz-tarr traffic control, please identify yourself."

Alvec leapt for the com like a drowning man after a lifeline. His stubby fingers touched the controls with an odd, b.u.t.terfly delicacy.

"Cleared," traffic control said. traffic control said. "Planetary approach, Tarrstown s.p.a.ceport. Welcome to the Schwartztarr system." "Planetary approach, Tarrstown s.p.a.ceport. Welcome to the Schwartztarr system."

"Yes, welcome," Joseph murmured. He had slid into the vacant navigator's couch. "Joat, observe."

Joat slaved a screen to the scanners the Bethelite was using. "A s.h.i.+p . . . oh."

Alvec leaned over. "Got a neutrino signature like a cathouse billboard," he observed. "Either they're leaking, or ..."

"Corvette-cla.s.s engines," Joseph said. "Very similar to die ones the Prophet bought for our in-system patrol craft."

Joat grinned. "I think we've left respectability behind."

The Wyal Wyal buffeted as they slid down their vector towards the outer fringes of the atmosphere. Screens began to fog as the hull compressed gas into a cloud of ionized particles. Joat's fingers itched to touch the controls; she wrapped them around the arms of her crash-couch instead. Alvec was kneading a fisted right hand into the palm of his left. buffeted as they slid down their vector towards the outer fringes of the atmosphere. Screens began to fog as the hull compressed gas into a cloud of ionized particles. Joat's fingers itched to touch the controls; she wrapped them around the arms of her crash-couch instead. Alvec was kneading a fisted right hand into the palm of his left.

"Cloud cover," the AI's metallic-smooth voice said. "We're down to suborbital velocity. Hull temperatures within parameters." It paused. "Ground is at minus twenty, wind seventy kilometers per hour." Another pause. "Down to suborbital speeds. Exterior view on."

Alvec gave an exaggerated s.h.i.+ver as the largest screen cleared to show a swirling ma.s.s of storm cloud. The hull toned again as they plunged into it, a different note from the stress of high-alt.i.tude reentry.


A moment later he yelped and reached for the controls. Joat stretched out her own arm and touched him on the shoulder. The Wyal Wyal rang as if a thousand medium-sized mad G.o.ds were pounding on it with their fists. rang as if a thousand medium-sized mad G.o.ds were pounding on it with their fists.

"Let Rand handle it. Rand, what is that?"

"Frozen water," the computer said. "Nodes of from millimetric to centimetric size, at high velocity."

Joseph's brows rose. "Hail?"

"Yes, hail."

The exterior screens showed darkness shot with lightning and ma.s.sive winds. Joat felt the skin along her spine creep. The hazards of s.p.a.ce were orderly, compared to this; Wyal Wyal had the capacity for atmosphere transit, but it seemed unnatural, somehow. had the capacity for atmosphere transit, but it seemed unnatural, somehow.

They broke through the cloud cover at three thousand meters above their destination. The s.p.a.ceport was a cleared s.p.a.ce of a few square kilometers, set in a sea of green broken only by white-rimmed inlets-the scene twisted mentally, and she realized that it was a forest, fretted by fjords of the sea. Tarrstown lay along several of those arms, its street-patterns bright against the darkening landscape. Snow blew by, nearly horizontal in the gale. A spot on the concrete of the landing field began to strobe.

"Don't believe in luxuries like gantries or tiedowns here," Alvec grumbled. "We'll have to keep the drive hot or get blown over."

"Nope, there's a mobile unit coming out," Joat said, tapping the screen. "Guess they don't have enough traffic to justify the cost of fixed installations. Lots of worlds don't-"

She broke off with an oath that put Joseph's eyebrows up again. Something had slammed into the hull, not enough ma.s.s to feel but enough to make the plating ring. Several more somethings followed.

"What is is that?' that?'

The exterior screen split. A central panel showed something dirty-white and about ten meters from wingtip to wingtip closing fast on the pickup. That went black as it was covered, and then showed flashes of teeth and slaver as whatever-it-was tried to gnaw its way through the metal.

"Not too bright," she said, forcing herself to relax- her arms had been trying to push her body back through the couch in instinctive reflex.

"But hungry," Joseph observed thoughtfully.

"Very hungry," Alvec concurred.

The winds were slower below the clouds; the s.h.i.+p slid downwards as if it were following an invisible string in the sky. Snow blasted away from the landing site, and there was a rumble and clank as the seldom-used leg-jacks extended from their pods in the stern.

"Adjusting to planetary gravity." Weight came down on them, a sluggish feeling. "There," Rand said, "I told you that we'd perfected the program." Weight came down on them, a sluggish feeling. "There," Rand said, "I told you that we'd perfected the program."

"Yeah, well, conditions were pretty smooth," Alvec said grudgingly. "But I guess you did okay."

"Thank you," Rand and Joat said simultaneously.

Smooth? Joat thought wryly. Joat thought wryly. Conditions were pretty smooth? I hope I never find out what you'd consider rough, buddy. Conditions were pretty smooth? I hope I never find out what you'd consider rough, buddy.

"It's nice to know you still have some some faith in me," she said aloud. faith in me," she said aloud.

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The Ship Avenged Part 12 summary

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