The Ship Avenged Part 25

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"His name? Uh . . . , James, no no, J-J-J, Joe, no, Joshua? Josiah! Josiah! Is that your name, Josiah?" she looked hopefully at the Captain. The man calmed slightly at the sound of her voice, stopping his futile jerking at the iron grip. "You must be very brave, Josiah. We will take care of you, but you must help us." Is that your name, Josiah?" she looked hopefully at the Captain. The man calmed slightly at the sound of her voice, stopping his futile jerking at the iron grip. "You must be very brave, Josiah. We will take care of you, but you must help us."

Sung watched her fascinated, he reached out and took a lock of her hair. Then he tried to put it in his mouth. That's when Karak punched him, and Sung dropped like a rock.

"Oh!" Soamosa said. "You did not have to do that! He would have come quietly."

"Perhaps. But he would not have stayed that way. Think of him as an infant Soa; he will react emotionally and loudly to whatever frightens him. I frighten him. We can not take the risk that he will suddenly decide to mention that at the top of his lungs." He hoisted Sung over his shoulder "Stay by my side," he told her, "act frightened, pretend to weep."

Soamosa glared at him and opened her mouth to speak.

"My people will expect it," he said through gritted teeth. "If you walk by my side like a queen consenting to be escorted they will wonder what is going on. And we do not want them to start thinking. I know how brave you are, surely that is all that matters." He leaned over to kiss her lightly on the lips. "And after all, we have Bethel to consider. Do we not?"

She managed to look both chagrined and flattered.

"Yes," she muttered resentfully. "But I do not like it."

That said, she opened the door of the cell and allowed Karak to grasp her slender wrist in his great hand; her head drooped, and her shoulders shook with m.u.f.fled sobs.

Belazir watched the scene unfold in vast amus.e.m.e.nt. At some point, however, he realized that his son was facing the highly infectious Captain Sung without any protective gear. He'd seen him immunize the girl, but not himself. No doubt he never even thought to protect himself, doubt he never even thought to protect himself, Belazir thought. Belazir thought. Despite the deaths from The Great Plague that left us so weak, he never even thought that he might become infected. Despite the deaths from The Great Plague that left us so weak, he never even thought that he might become infected. Belazir wondered if all the Kolnar still dared to be so arrogant. Belazir wondered if all the Kolnar still dared to be so arrogant.

Then with an almost regretful sigh, Belazir decided that fate had given him a backup plan, and at the same time had punished his son's treason.

He glanced suspiciously at his joss in its niche.

Or perhaps it is some punishment for the disaster of the SSS-900-C. Karak was, after all, the last of his children still living. And it was custom to cull the children of traitors. Karak was, after all, the last of his children still living. And it was custom to cull the children of traitors.

No, he shook his head. he shook his head. Not this time. I will not sacrifice all of my seed. Especially given their precious immunity to the Great Plague. Not this time. I will not sacrifice all of my seed. Especially given their precious immunity to the Great Plague.

However, Karak could bravely serve the Kolnar as a sacrifice to expediency. Belazir smiled, Yes, I rather like that. I rather like that. He called up Kiriss at the command post on the bridge. He called up Kiriss at the command post on the bridge.

"Great Lord," Kiriss said, bowing his head respectfully.

"Clear and seal all corridors between the brig and the hangar until further notice. And be prepared to sterilize those areas."

"Yes, Great Lord."

"Karak will be taking a fighter and our two prisoners; let them go unmolested."

"Yes, Great Lord."

Belazir could almost feel Kiriss's curiosity, well hidden behind an impa.s.sive face. Kiriss waited for further orders.

"That is all," Belazir said and cut contact.

It wasn't quite all; Karak would contract the mind-wasting disease as surely as the Captain had, though not as quickly. That would leave the girl to pilot them to Bethel, a.s.suming she could pilot a s.p.a.cecraft. Whether she managed to get to Bethel or was lost in s.p.a.ce to be picked up by the Central Worlds Navy or some hapless freighter, his own goal would be accomplished. The mind-wasting disease would be unleashed on the enemies of his people, revenge accomplished, and honor sustained. And it cost them very little, one fighter and a traitor already on his way to a form of living death.

It had a certain symmetry that pleased him. Then an idea struck him. It is something I can tell the sc.u.mvermin Amos. It is something I can tell the sc.u.mvermin Amos. He smiled wickedly, golden eyes bright with mirth. After all, he had plentiful deposits of Karak's seed, frozen. There were Kolnari girls enough who would be eager for the prestige of bearing it. He smiled wickedly, golden eyes bright with mirth. After all, he had plentiful deposits of Karak's seed, frozen. There were Kolnari girls enough who would be eager for the prestige of bearing it.

"Your Captain Sung and the young lady have fled in one of our small craft," he said aloud, liking the sound of the words. Surely it will give him hope. Surely it will give him hope.

Belazir showed his teeth and threw another gobbet of meat at the plants. Their tendrils waved in die air, clicking in rhythm with his deep chuckle.

Amos lay stiffly upon a cold metal table. He struggled to move, to open his eyes, and could not. There was no light, not even the swirling patterns behind closed lids.

Anything, he thought frantically. he thought frantically. A finger, a toe, an eyelid, A finger, a toe, an eyelid, something something move dammit! I call upon the G.o.d! move dammit! I call upon the G.o.d!

But nothing did. His body was utterly indifferent to his commands. He could feel. The technician had proved that by plunging a needle into various sensitive areas and had seemed quite pleased by Amos's lack of response.

"Excellent, excellent," he kept murmuring, continuing his probing long after there was any possible necessity of doing so.

Amos wished that he could at least glare at the man. But he was helpless even to do that. There is no dignity in helplessness, There is no dignity in helplessness, he thought. he thought.

Now, there is a useful thought, he told himself bitterly, he told himself bitterly, what a pity I can not write it down. what a pity I can not write it down. He railed at himself for allowing things to come to this. He railed at himself for allowing things to come to this. Why did I not kill myself and take this weapon from their hands? How could I let myself live to be used like this? Why did I not kill myself and take this weapon from their hands? How could I let myself live to be used like this?

He thought of heroes he had read about that chewed through their own tongues rather than betray their people. Why did I not do so, when they brought me here, when I Why did I not do so, when they brought me here, when I knew knew what they meant to do? what they meant to do?

Too late for such thoughts. Too late to do any good at all. Amos began to pray. That, at least, they can not take from me. That, at least, they can not take from me. The G.o.d was a loving, forgiving G.o.d. The G.o.d was a loving, forgiving G.o.d.

There was a sound by his side. A rustling like that of the technicians sterile suit. He remembered the man's smooth dark face through the face-plate of the headgear, sweating slightly, his dark bronze eyes fearful. Fearful of the threat Amos represented if the suit should in any way be punctured.

If I had that probe, you pirate swine, I would puncture more than your suit!

The sound came again, closer now. Then Amos sensed something huge looming over him and cold sweat broke out on his forehead; he tried desperately to open his eyes. Feeling, at last, only the barest quiver, so slight it might have been imaginary.

After a terribly long wait that sc.r.a.ped away at the last remaining shreds of Amos's self-control, a cold voice said quietly: "I have news, sc.u.mvermin."

The sweat beading his brow slid down his face and into his hair.

Belazir watched the evidence of his enemy's distress disappear slowly into Amos's thick dark hair.

He smiled, sighing sensuously. Of such little pleasures are the best memories made, Of such little pleasures are the best memories made, he thought. he thought.

He glanced around the sterile box of a room, his eyes resting for a moment on the kneeling, s.h.i.+vering med-tech. He wondered if it would be best to have the creature s.p.a.ced after handling the sc.u.mvermin Amos.

No, he thought, that would express doubts about the efficacy of these suits. And here am I, wearing one. that would express doubts about the efficacy of these suits. And here am I, wearing one. It was unwise to put such ideas into the heads of ambitious subordinates. It was unwise to put such ideas into the heads of ambitious subordinates.

"Leave us," he said to the med-tech, and waited till the creature had scurried from the room.

"Once," he said, leaning over Amos's unmoving form, "We had no need of such rooms as these. It does not please me that I I am responsible for making them necessary. Or perhaps I should say am responsible for making them necessary. Or perhaps I should say we. we. Such rooms as these are common among the sc.u.mvermin races," Belazir continued. "But they are probably rare on Bethel." Such rooms as these are common among the sc.u.mvermin races," Belazir continued. "But they are probably rare on Bethel."

He watched Amos with a downward quirk of his lips. For all his enemy's responsiveness, the Benisur could have been asleep. This grew tedious. Still, there was no reason to discard his plan.

He leaned close and whispered in Amos's ear.

"The little blond girl, she has rescued the Captain and has fled the s.h.i.+p. I knew you would wish to be informed," he said in mock sympathy. "There is no telling what might befall her, a young woman all alone with only the pathetic remnant of Captain Sung. Tsk, tsk, tsk." He watched Amos, hoping for some sign that he heard, but there was no response. Save . . . yes, the sc.u.mvermin's heart was accelerating slightly. "I considered pursuit, of course, but then I realized that it would be unconscionably rude to force hospitality on an unwilling guest. I do hope she will be all right."

Belazir straightened and began to walk heavily around the table, one hand trailing lightly along its edge.

"In any event, we must discuss our immediate plans for you. Soon, you will be placed in an escape pod- I thought that a particularly nice touch," Belazir said with satisfaction. "Then you will be taken aboard a s.h.i.+p that we have arranged to take you home. By the way, interestingly, the captain of this s.h.i.+p is named Joat Simeon-Hap. Ironic, is it not?"

This was useless. Belazir contemplated the paralyzed body of his enemy in disgust. Why did I not think of this before I had him prepared? Why did I not think of this before I had him prepared? He sighed. It would have been good to watch his enemy try to hide his feelings. These untrained sc.u.mvermin were so blatant in their emotions. Ah, well, it would have to be enough that he He sighed. It would have been good to watch his enemy try to hide his feelings. These untrained sc.u.mvermin were so blatant in their emotions. Ah, well, it would have to be enough that he knew knew the Benisur had heard him, and that every word had left teeth-marks in the sc.u.mvermin's heart. the Benisur had heard him, and that every word had left teeth-marks in the sc.u.mvermin's heart.

"Enjoy your journey," Belazir said softly, "I have been pleased to be your host."

Soamosa's escaped! Amos's heart leapt, for a moment. Then, Amos's heart leapt, for a moment. Then, But with the Captain, she'll be infected. But with the Captain, she'll be infected. He visualized her vibrant young face slack and drooling. The effort of will needed to control the tears was as terrible as anything he had ever done. He visualized her vibrant young face slack and drooling. The effort of will needed to control the tears was as terrible as anything he had ever done.

And Joat is here. If I needed proof that this is a nightmare and not truly happening that would be it.

For how could things possibly go so smoothly for this devil outside of his own mad dreams?

Amos felt his body being lifted and dropped unceremoniously into what felt like a coffin. It was cold, and his flesh wanted to shrink from the clammy surface, but could not.

Jet this is no nightmare, he thought, his mouth dry with fear. he thought, his mouth dry with fear. It is happening. And I must find a way to warn my people. It is happening. And I must find a way to warn my people.

Mustering all of his concentration, he began to work at getting his eyes to open.

The Wyal Wyal dropped into the sidereal universe. Alarms began to ping. dropped into the sidereal universe. Alarms began to ping.

"Detection," Rand's voice said. It was a little louder than usual. "Multiple power-plant neutrino signatures. Details follow."

Joat stared at the readouts and shut her mouth with a click. click. She gasped, fighting against the steel band that seemed clamped around her chest, feeling the clammy trickle of sweat down her flanks. She gasped, fighting against the steel band that seemed clamped around her chest, feeling the clammy trickle of sweat down her flanks.

"What am I seeing?" she whispered.

"Between ninety-five and one hundred s.h.i.+ps, depending on your definition of that term," Rand said. ""

Schematics came up on the screen. One of the s.h.i.+ps was enormous, in the two-fifty kiloton range, a bulk carrier or possibly one of the seed-s.h.i.+ps used to found planetary colonies back in the old days. The others were a wild mixture, but far too many for comfort had the neutrino-signatures of huge power-plants and drives, and the sleek build of wars.h.i.+ps designed to transit atmosphere. Constructs and habitats floated among the s.h.i.+ps, and the com channels were buzzing with activity.

"Trouble," Bros said leaning over her shoulder. "That's what you're seeing." He pointed to one s.h.i.+p's image on the screen. "You recognize her?"

"I do," Joseph said grimly. "By its outline, it is the Dreadful Bride. Dreadful Bride. Belazir's s.h.i.+p." Belazir's s.h.i.+p."

Joat nodded with a quirk of her lips.

"Well, good," she said firmly.

Both men straightened and looked at her.

"That is what we wanted," she explained. "No sense in complaining that our plans worked out just the way we expected them to." Her hands danced over the panel before her, broadcasting her ident.i.ty.

"They're coming into visual range," Rand said. "Shall I put them on screen?"

"By all means," Joat said. "Let's be thoroughly intimidated."

"Ah, Boss." Alvec's voice came over the auditory system from the engineering s.p.a.ces. "I can squeeze maybe three, four more lights out of this rustbucket, if you need 'em."

The Dreadful Bride, Dreadful Bride, Belazir's own s.h.i.+p, sprang into view, heading the vast armada of smaller wars.h.i.+ps. The s.h.i.+p boasted new weapons pods, and showed signs of having used them, often. Long star-shaped ripple patterns- damage from beamers firing at extreme range-slashed the hull, and irregular patches laid over the worst damage marred its sleek length from stem to stern. Belazir's own s.h.i.+p, sprang into view, heading the vast armada of smaller wars.h.i.+ps. The s.h.i.+p boasted new weapons pods, and showed signs of having used them, often. Long star-shaped ripple patterns- damage from beamers firing at extreme range-slashed the hull, and irregular patches laid over the worst damage marred its sleek length from stem to stern.

The marks only added to the Bride's Bride's menace, like battle scars on a human face. menace, like battle scars on a human face.

Several of the wars.h.i.+ps were slovenly-looking. Probably freelancers-c.u.m-pirates. Behind them loomed the vast bulk of the freighter, its great round belly blocking from view any other s.h.i.+ps in Belazir's fleet.

"I can understand they'd need freighters," Seg muttered, "but that thing has has to be a liability. It's completely vulnerable and look how slow it is." He shook his head. "I don't get it." to be a liability. It's completely vulnerable and look how slow it is." He shook his head. "I don't get it."

"That's the mothers.h.i.+p," Bros explained. "Where the Kolnar keep their children and their pregnant wives. They breed like rabbits. That's not a joke, they're incredibly fertile and they never stop reproducing- twins, triplets, and the gestation period is only four months. They start breeding at ten standard years. So if that thing isn't full of baby pirates yet, it soon will be."

Seg looked mildly disappointed.

"Well, if they've got their children with them, they obviously don't want to make trouble."

The others stared at him.

"I mean, they wouldn't put their children at risk . . ." Everyone turned away, gazing studiously at the boards before them, into the forward screen, anywhere but at Seg.

"Well, we could be dangerous!" he snapped in exasperation.

"And what are we going to use to hurt them?' Joat asked sweetly. "Cutting remarks?" She smiled at his mulish expression. "We're barely armed, kid, which is more than most freighters can boast. But if you look out there," she indicated the forward screen, "you'll see the latest and best weaponry available on the black market."

"In other words," Bros said, "they don't have to make trouble, they are are trouble." trouble."

"They're hailing," Rand told them.

"Forward screen," Joat said tensely, bracing herself in expectation of confronting a Kolnari.

The face on the view-screen was human-standard. A woman's face, bony, sallow, with the eyes of a dead fish, but human, Joat realized. More or less human. More or less human. Not only a pirate, but willing to work for the High Clan of Kolnar. Not only a pirate, but willing to work for the High Clan of Kolnar.

"Captain Joat Simeon-Hap, cargo s.h.i.+p Wyal, Wyal, we're here to pick up cargo for Nomik Ciety," she said as calmly as she could. we're here to pick up cargo for Nomik Ciety," she said as calmly as she could.

"Stand by for cargo transfer," the woman said, her voice as expressionless as her eyes. "And traveling instructions."

"Al," Joat asked, "will you and Rand take care of receiving those? I'm going down to supervise the loading."

"Will do," Alvec said crisply.

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The Ship Avenged Part 25 summary

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