The Young Witch's Chronicles: Legacy Part 6

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"And I have something for you. A present."

Mercy looked around. "You do? Where?"

"Check the top drawer of the bureau. In the carved rosewood box."

Mercy complied, opening the drawer carefully. She set the rosewood box on top of the bureau and ran her finger over the deeply grooved carvings before she removed the lid. The box was lined in burgundy colored velvet and sitting right in the middle was a golden locket with a blue stone in the middle. She glanced up to see Gran smiling. "Is this for me?"

Reverently, Mercy lifted the locket from its container. The metal gleamed and the jewel caught the candlelight. "Oh, Gran. It's gorgeous. I love it."

"It was your mother's. Sapphire is her birthstone. Go ahead and put it on."

Mercy fastened the clasp and stared at her grandmother, expectantly.

"Perfect," Gran p.r.o.nounced. "Now, don't take it off. It has special properties. Have a great time at the dance."

"Thanks so much, Gran. I will." She blew a kiss to her grandmother and snuffed out the candle. Her grandmother's image slowly faded to be replaced by her own. She sighed and gazed at the locket. It was really beautiful.

She heard the crunch of tires on the gravel driveway and grabbed her small handbag, just big enough to hold her lip gloss and door key.

She said goodnight to Alistair and ran out the door just in time to see Greg climbing out of the car. "Hey, Greg!" she called.

He grinned. "Wow! You look hot." He opened the car door and held it while she slid in, then took his place on the driver's side. Greg smiled at her and started the motor.

She was still glowing from Greg's approval. Hot! I look hot.

Greg took her hand and they rode in silence to the school. He pulled up next to the auditorium. "Ready?" He smiled at her encouragingly.

She nodded as he climbed out. Her stomach was filled with nervous churning but it felt more like elephants or rhinos than anything as delicate as b.u.t.terflies. Greg held his hand out to Mercy.

She got out and smoothed her dress before taking his hand. The swarm of b.u.t.terflies commenced flying loop-de-loops in her stomach.

They walked hand-in-hand into the gym which had been transformed to a tropical island. Fake palm trees and improbably huge tissue paper flowers festooned the walls.

Kelli and Felicity sat together at a large round table. They waved when they spotted her with Greg.

Felicity motioned them over and pointed to the chairs next to her. "I saved your seats."

Mercy noted that the rest of the chairs were empty, but she thanked Felicity for saving their places. They sat for a while chatting and then Greg asked her to dance. She wasn't sure she could dance, but her new found confidence helped her to her feet and onto the dance floor. She moved hesitantly, trying to emulate the way the other kids were dancing. It didn't look hard. She kept the beat and mirrored what Greg was doing. When she glanced around at the other people on the dance floor, she noticed that some people moved better than others, but everyone seemed to be having a good time. She tried to relax and just enjoy herself.

The song came to an end and another one started. This time it was a slow song. Greg grinned and opened his arms.

A warming sensation flooded her insides. She stepped closer and then Greg's arms were around her. She rested her cheek on his shoulder and tried to sway in time to the music and follow the steps he took. Not so difficult. She was feeling pretty confident and enjoying the sensation of having Greg's arms around her.

After that dance, they returned to the table. Felicity and Kelli were drinking punch from plastic cups. Greg offered to bring Mercy a cup of punch and went to stand in line at the punch bowl.

"Wow! Greg really likes you," Kelli said.

"You are so lucky, Mercy." Felicity said. "I'll probably never have a boyfriend."

"Of course you will," Mercy said.

"It looks like you've lost Greg," Kelli announced. "Easy come, easy go."

Mercy turned to look at the table where the punch bowl and trays of cookies were set up. Greg was talking and laughing with a couple of the other baseball players. Soon they were joined by still more of the team. A cold feeling settled in the pit of her stomach.

This is it! This is when I find out he lost a bet and that's why he asked me to the dance. Her insides felt as though giant hands were wringing it out like a wash cloth. Oh, Greg! How could you be so mean?

He turned and winked when he saw her watching him and headed back to the table. It looked like the entire baseball team was following him.

Maybe they want to hear him tell me I'm just a joke and that a popular boy wouldn't be caught dead with me? Her gut churned like a was.h.i.+ng machine on spin cycle. She straightened in her seat. Just get it over with.

Greg handed her a cup of punch and took the seat beside her. "Okay if the guys sit here with us?" He indicated the empty seats.

Mercy looked at Felicity and Kelli. They exchanged a glance and then nodded at her. They appeared to be thrilled that the baseball team was taking over their table. If the girls only knew what's really going on.

She sucked in a deep breath and steeled herself for what was to come.

Greg leaned closer, as though he was going to whisper something in her ear.

Good, at least he was going to tell her privately.

"Wanna dance again?"

Mercy opened her mouth and then closed it, then opened it again. "Sure, Greg." Maybe he didn't lose a bet.

"Let's all dance,' Kelli said. She stood up and strode to the middle of the dance floor, then turned and crooked her finger at those who remained seated. "C'mon." She started moving to the music and was quickly joined by most of the others.

Mercy danced with Greg, surrounded by her friends. She felt so light she could fly, but then she hadn't had her broomstick lessons yet.

They danced several dances and then returned to the table. As she was leaving the dance floor, Mercy locked eyes with Lindy Boyd and her friends. Lindy's gaze traveled over the peach dress and then delivered a scathing sneer before she turned her back. Mercy figured that she was supposed to be crushed by that scowl and the dismissive flip of Lindy's hair, but she felt too good. Much too happy to allow some sn.o.bby girls to ruin her evening. Her Orb of Enchantments warmed around her, almost like a protective s.h.i.+eld.

"Hey, Lindy," Greg called and waved.

Lindy returned his wave and flashed a semi-genuine smile.

Mercy noted with some satisfaction that Lindy was wearing a s.l.u.t dress in a particularly vile shade of green. It featured a scattering of silver sequins so Lindy had undertaken to wear silver eye shadow almost as bright as her silver charm bracelet. A completely gross choice.

Mercy and Greg sat back down at the table. She noticed that Kelli was talking to one of the baseball players. When they both laughed, the lights flickered off their matching braces. The other baseball players were laughing among themselves, but Felicity sat alone, sipping her punch.

Mercy wished there was a way for her shy friend to join the conversation. Her lessons had not delved that far into spells, but Darynda had a.s.sured her that everything was based on focused intent.

Greg was drawn into a discussion with the boy on his right, leaving Mercy to her thoughts. She wondered which among the circle of males might be best suited to Felicity. One of the team members, a tall boy named Arthur, snuck a glance across the table at Felicity. Hmmmm...You'll do just fine.

Mercy concentrated on Arthur, willing him to do as she wished. Her head felt pressure, as though it might explode. She took a breath and refocused her efforts. Arthur looked fidgety and again glanced at Felicity. This time Felicity noticed and flashed him a shy smile.

Aha! It's working. Mercy glanced down at her hands, wis.h.i.+ng she held that magic wand that Darynda had ridiculed. Okay, I'll make do. She pointed her finger at him under the table and he rose from his seat. He rounded the table, apparently intent on saying something to Felicity, but at the last moment, he swerved away and walked in the direction of the restrooms.

Mercy sighed deeply. More practice. I definitely need more practice.

In a few minutes she spied Arthur returning to join his team mates. He looked thoughtful as though something was on his mind.

Mercy focused her intent so hard she thought she was going to pop a blood vessel. Come on, Arthur. You know you want to...

Arthur came up behind Felicity and tapped her on the shoulder. "Uh, would you like to dance?" The tips of his ears reddened as he waited.

Felicity stared up at him, her mouth slightly agape.

Say yes...Say yes... Mercy mentally intoned.

"Sure." Felicity rose and turned to Arthur with a smile. "I was hoping you'd ask."

Arthur blushed and went with her to the dance floor.

Mercy blew out a deep breath. This witch business is hard work.

Kelli caught her eye and jerked her head toward the bathrooms.

She nodded and gathered her tiny handbag. Couldn't hurt to check the lip gloss. She followed Kelli into the restroom and smacked right into her when she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Look, girls...Metal Mouth and the Brainiac." Lindy paused with a wand of silver eye shadow in her hand.

Becca and Amy laughed, their raucous voices bouncing off the hard surfaces.

"It's Losers Incorporated," Lindy jeered, waving the wand of silver.

Becca made a letter L with her hand and held it up to her forehead. "Losers, losers," she chanted softly.

A wave of queasiness swirled up from Mercy's gut. All her new-found confidence faded away.

Lindy's gaze narrowed. "Listen, Brainiac, I know you think you're hot stuff because Greg asked you out, but he just feels sorry for you because you're such a big fat Looo-ser."

More laughter.

Kelli tossed her hair and went into the stall. "You're just jealous," she said under her breath.

"Jealous!" Lindy kicked against the metal door to the stall. "You think I'm jealous? I have nothing to be jealous of." She kicked the stall again. "I'm Lindy Boyd! My father is the Mayor of Tannersville. I am the most popular girl in the entire school. Don't you understand, you stupid loser?" She landed another kick against the door and turned on Mercy.

Mercy's legs turned to jelly and her stomach twisted like it was in a vise.

Lindy's teeth were clenched together and she looked like she would bite Mercy's whole face off. Lindy came at her in a rush.

The door to the rest room swung open hard, banging against the wall. "What's going on in here?" Mrs. Sanders, the asked. Her gaze traveled around the room from girl to girl. "Someone reported a commotion in here."

Kelli emerged from the stall, swinging the door open. "It must have been me, Mrs. Sanders. "I was having trouble with the door." She quickly washed her hands and tossed the paper towel in the trash. "But it seems to be okay now." She grabbed Mercy's arm and steered her past Mrs. Sanders scowl and back to the dance floor. She didn't let go until they reached the table. "That was close. We have to avoid that bunch of she-devils for a while."

"What was that about?" Mercy asked. Her hands were still shaking. "I could feel how much she hates me."

"Well, duh! Since Greg started hanging with you, she's so jealous she's about to choke. She's crushed on him forever."

Mercy swallowed hard. Her heart beat still pumped at a machine-gun rate. "Oh," The single syllable was all she could muster. She took her seat quickly before her legs collapsed and sucked down the rest of her punch so fast it caused a stab of pain to her head. Brain freeze.

Greg turned to her and smiled. He reached for her hand and gestured toward the dance floor.

She managed to smile in return and let him lead her to the middle of the gym floor. They were playing a slow song and she closed her eyes, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. I just want to make it through this night.

She danced with Greg through a few more songs and then walked with him to the punch bowl. She stood behind him while he reached for two cups of punch and put her hand on his shoulder, glad he had brought her and that he had chosen her instead of Lindy for a girlfriend. She surveyed the auditorium, filled with pretty girls and wondered again why Greg had chosen her when he could have asked any of her cla.s.smates to the dance. When she turned back to Greg, she felt something cold and wet splash against her back. Mercy spun around in surprise.

Lindy stood behind her with an empty punch cup in her hand. "Oops! My bad. I didn't see you there." She looked like she was fighting to keep her smug smile under control.

Becca faked a stumble and dumped the contents of her cup down the front of Mercy's dress. "Oh, me too. I'm so clumsy.

Amy looked a little fl.u.s.tered, but dumped her cup on Mercy's skirt. "Sorry," she mumbled.

The icy punch ran down the dress, puddling on the floor at Mercy's feet. She gasped as the cold liquid soaked through to her skin. Her cheeks flamed as humiliation and rage battled inside her brain. The air crackled around her as the orb heated up.

"What the heck happened?" Greg turned around, a cup of punch in each hand. His jaw dropped open as he stared at Mercy's beautiful peach dress, now dripping red punch.

Angry tears welled in Mercy's eyes. Her perfect dress was ruined. She raised her shaking hand to point at Lindy. "What's your problem, anyway?"

Lindy made a face at her and then snickered. Her friends joined in with nervous laughter.

"I wish you all get what you deserve. I wish you were far away and I never had to see your smug faces again." Mercy turned and fled the gymnasium, with Greg close behind her.

Mercy tried not to cry, but tears rolled down her cheeks anyway. How could Lindy be so mean? How could she and her girls destroy the beautiful dress? Her perfect evening with Greg was totally ruined. She ran out to the parking lot and stopped, not sure where to go from here.

"Hey, Mercy," Greg said. "Don't let those girls get to you. They're just jealous."

She made a scoffing noise in the back of her throat. "What do they have to be jealous of?"

Greg brushed a tear from her cheek. "Are you kidding? You're a great student. All the teachers like you. You have lots of real friends, and...and you're beautiful."

She ducked her head. "Why are you saying these things? I'm a pretty good student, but I've never been beautiful."

"I think you are."

She raised her chin to see if he was teasing and he kissed her. It was just a quick kiss, a light meeting of their lips, but it caused chaos in her stomach. She couldn't breathe. When she met his gaze, she knew he wasn't mocking her.

"C'mon, let's get out of here." He reached out to take her hand and walked with her to the car. They rode in silence to Mercy's home, their fingers intertwined. It should have been comfortable, but all she could think of was the scene they had left behind. She was raging inside over Lindy's sabotage. Could Kelli be right? Could Lindy be jealous because Greg liked her?

She was heartsick over the dress. She sniffled and pressed her lips together to keep from wimping out, but Greg didn't release her hand. When they got to her house, he walked with her up to her door. They stood for a moment gazing at each other in the moonlight.

"Your grandmother must have gone to bed early," he said. "All the lights are off."

"Um...yeah..." She grasped the sapphire locket for courage. "Early to bed, and all that." The lie twisted her gut. Mercy drew a deep breath and let it out. "I'm sorry the evening was ruined. I was really having a great time."

Greg smiled and brushed her hair away from her face. Just a little gesture, but it made her feel all melty inside.

"I had a good time, too," he said. "Want to catch a movie next weekend?"

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The Young Witch's Chronicles: Legacy Part 6 summary

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