Dragons Of Eternity: Scorched By Darkness Part 13

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It was eerie as h.e.l.l. Torque felt his skin p.r.i.c.kle with unease.

"I can't leave," she told him.

"Why not?"

"I don't remember," she said, her tone puzzled rather than angered.

Torque paused. His first instinct was right. This dragon was clearly unstable. The question was if it was a natural phenomenon or if someone had caused her muddled confusion.

"Can you tell me who trapped you here?"

"I..." Her words trailed away as she gave a shake of her head.

He swallowed a sigh, trying a new approach. Maybe he could lead her slowly to how she'd become a prisoner in the ice.

"You haven't told me your name," he reminded her with a small sigh.

"Oh." She wrinkled her nose. "Did I have one?"

"I a.s.sume you did."

"It disappeared."

Torque grudgingly accepted defeat.

Whoever or whatever had managed to capture a dragon had also destroyed her ability to remember what had happened.

All he could hope for was her cooperation in getting them out of there.

"Please let me help you," he murmured, taking a step toward her.

She instantly moved away, the scent of cinnamon almost choking him.

"You can't," she rasped. "No one can."

"Together it's possible," he said. "If the three of us combine our fire we could surely melt through our prison and-"

She abruptly interrupted his words, a s.h.i.+mmer of magic surrounding her. "I must go."

"Wait." He held out a pleading hand. To h.e.l.l with pride. "Please."

The s.h.i.+mmers thickened, but she didn't disappear as he'd feared.

"You mustn't leave this lair," she commanded.

"Why not?"

The pale eyes narrowed. "Madness waits for you out there."

"Madness? From what?"

There was a silence, and Torque suddenly wondered if he'd gone too far. Offending a dragon was remarkably easy. Especially one who wasn't thinking clearly.

At last she heaved a rueful sigh. "I had forgotten how very persistent males can be."

He realized a silent sigh of relief. At least she hadn't turned him into a charred pile of ash.

"I don't mean to be persistent, but we can't stay here forever," he said, his voice gentle.

"Why not? You have to be someplace." A sly expression touched her beautiful features. "And with someone. This is as good a place as any."

Torque felt a jolt of shock. Had she sensed his increasingly tangled bond with Rya? Or had she read his secret fantasy of having his lovely betrothed locked in his bedroom for the next few centuries?

"Our families will be searching for us," he forced himself to say.

"They will eventually forget you." A sad, melancholy smile touched her lips. "They always do."

The corridor seemed to darken, as if her mood had dimmed the soft glow.

Torque resisted the urge to reach out and touch the ruby-red hair. Trying to comfort a dragon was a risky proposition.

"I won't deny it's a temptation," he reluctantly admitted. "But we can't stay."

When he had Rya in his bed it would be because she wanted to be there. Not because they were trapped.

"It's too dangerous to leave now," she said in unexpectedly firm tones. "I will return when it's safe."


She lifted a silencing hand. "Patience."

The s.h.i.+mmers whirled around her before she disappeared, leaving behind a small puff of smoke.


Torque rolled his eyes. He'd just used the same word with Rya. No wonder she'd looked like she wanted to kick him in the nuts.

"Just perfect."


Finn was furious as he felt himself being yanked through the portal to land in a small, icy cave. Glaring at the tiny female in front of him, he allowed his powers to fill the air with a white mist.

"What the h.e.l.l did you do?" he hissed between clenched teeth.

With a brief glance toward the dagger he still held in his hand, she met him glare for glare.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Adair snapped.

He leaned down until they were nose to nose. "I'm trying to rescue my people."

The platinum eyes darkened, but she refused to back down. "By getting caught?" she challenged. "Do you think the sprites aren't being constantly guarded? The moment you stepped on the ledge you would have set off the magical alarms."

Slowly Finn straightened. He wanted to continue yelling at her. How else could he release his bubbling frustration?

Well, he could always press the exquisite little Sylvermyst against the frozen wall and claim her mouth with a kiss that would melt...

No, no, no.

There might be a temptation to believe that she was an innocent victim of her family, but he didn't allow himself to think with that particular body part.

For now she was the enemy.

End of story.

"Is this a devious plan to distract me so your family can slip away with my people?"

Her eyes widened. "No, I'm trying to help."

"Right." His lips twisted in a humorless smile. "The fey of this world aren't all weak, useless fools. And we're not stupid."

"Oh." Her face heated with a delightful color as he repeated Lila's claim.

Finn ground his teeth together. The urge to reach out and discover if her skin was as soft as it looked was nearly overwhelming.

With an effort he forced himself to concentrate on the brief glimpse he'd had of his tribe. He couldn't be sure, but he'd thought he had caught sight of chains around their ankles.

"Tell me the truth," he snarled.

She took a small step backward as his angry mist swirled around her.

"The truth about what?"

"Did you deliberately keep me from my people?"

"No." She lifted her hand, almost as if she intended to touch him, only to abruptly let it drop.

Finn grimaced, telling himself that he wasn't disappointed. Nope. Not at all.

"I was saving you," she insisted. "If you'd tried to get down to your tribe you would have been captured. Or worse."

He scowled. He actually didn't doubt her claim. His people would have escaped if they weren't being magically guarded. That didn't, however, ease his seething fury at being whisked away from them.

"Why would you try to save me?"

"I..." She paused, licking her lusciously full lips. "I don't know."

Finn's c.o.c.k went on full alert. Dammit. He was supposed to be rescuing his people, not being distracted by his uncomfortable, unquenchable hunger for this female.

"Adair," he said on a low growl. "Talk to me."

She wrapped her arms around her waist, her expression troubled.

"You must return to your cell."

"Not until you tell me what's going on."

She s.h.i.+vered, her eyes darkening. "If my family find you..."

She allowed her words to trail away. Finn didn't need her to be more specific.

He didn't doubt for a second that they would kill him.

At the moment, however, he wasn't concerned with himself. He needed to figure out a way to rescue his people.

"Adair." He stepped toward her, the scent of rosemary settling somewhere deep inside him. "Tell me."

She shook her head. "Stubborn."

He held her wary gaze. "More stubborn than you could ever imagine."

For a painful second he feared she might shut him out. Or worse, turn him over to her family.

Then, heaving a deep sigh, she turned away. "Come with me," she muttered.

Finn's lips parted to protest. He wanted answers. And he wanted them now. But before he could speak, there was crack of ice as a narrow crevice appeared.

Adair darted through the opening, ignoring Finn's command to stop.

Left alone, Finn briefly considered using his powers to try and return to the cavern. After all, Adair had just warned him that he would never be able to reach his people without tripping the alarms.

If he took the proper precautions, there was no saying he couldn't rescue them.

Then, with a muttered curse, he was moving through the crevice.

He might not fully trust the pretty Sylvermyst, but he did accept that he was going to need more information if he intended get his tribe out of this icy prison alive.

Stepping out of the opening, Finn came to a sharp halt. His eyes widened, his senses on full alert.

He glanced around, trying to adjust to the abrupt change of scenery. Gone was the endless ice and muted glow that was the only light. And in its place was a rolling meadow dappled with wildflowers. Daffodils, daisies and tulips were cl.u.s.tered in splashes of color. Nearby, a narrow stream danced over flat rocks, the gurgles of swirling water mixing with the cry of sparrows as the only sounds to break the silence.

Overhead was a bright blue sky with tiny puffs of clouds that moved on a lazy breeze.

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Dragons Of Eternity: Scorched By Darkness Part 13 summary

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