Dragons Of Eternity: Scorched By Darkness Part 32

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He'd been offered nirvana, and he'd very nearly allowed his pride to destroy it all.

Shuddering at the mere thought of an existence that didn't revolve around Rya, he lifted himself on his elbow to gaze down at her.

An odd ache clenched his heart.

Dear G.o.ddess. She was so lovely with her glossy black hair spread over the crimson cover, and her amber eyes still smoldering with the heat that had combusted between them.

He would never, ever grow tired of looking at her.

"So about our mating," he murmured, suddenly anxious to have their relations.h.i.+p formally recognized. And not only by the dragons. He wanted to make sure that no one and nothing could try and claim it was anything but an eternal bond.

She arched a brow. "What about it?"

"I thought you might prefer to follow the traditions of your mother," he murmured.

"Oh." A smile of pleasure curved her lips. "Yes. That would be lovely."

He released a breath he hadn't even known he was holding.

"Good." He blinked in surprise when she suddenly giggled. "What's so funny?"

"Shouldn't you ask what the traditions are?" she teased. "You might have to crawl through lava. Or perform circus tricks."

Did she truly think there was any demand that would be too great for him to claim her as his consort?

"Whatever makes you happy," he a.s.sured her.

Her eyes glowed with an emotion that made his entire body warm with pleasure.

"You make me happy," she murmured, lifting her hand to press it to his cheek.

He covered her hand with his own, turning his head so he could press his lips to the center of her palm.

"Thank the G.o.ddess. You're stuck with me for a very long time." He paused, his lips twitching. "There aren't any circus acts, are there?"

Her laughter rang through the air, a sound that resonated deep within him like the striking of a bell.

Yep. Nirvana.

"Not one," she a.s.sured him, her thumb brus.h.i.+ng the line of his jaw. "I promise it's a very simple ceremony where the elders bless our union and my mother offers a vision of our future-"

He abruptly interrupted her soft words. "No."

She studied him in confusion. "No?"

He shook his head. As happy as he was that Kai's initial vision had prompted Synge to insist that Rya become his mate, it had also swayed the way he'd approached his life. And not in a good way.

"Visions never turn out like you imagine they will," he muttered, bending his head down so he could brush his lips over her furrowed brow. "Besides, I don't need magic to know what our future holds."

Her fingers trailed down the side of his neck. "What's that?"

"An eternity of happiness."

"Mmm." She stirred against him. "I'll take that."

He skimmed his hand down her naked back. He loved feeling the betrothal tattoo that was spread across her skin. Just as he loved the glint of gold from the delicate dragon marque that hung around her neck.

A primitive male need to lay claim to his mate?

d.a.m.n straight.

And he wasn't even a little ashamed.

He cleared his throat, trying to look casual. "And perhaps a hatchling or two."

Rya froze, as if shocked by his words. "You want children?"

"I never thought about it until now," he said with blunt honesty. Warriors rarely mated, let alone had families. It was a distraction that could get them killed. Now he was far more interested in an existence that included more than killing things. "But I'm suddenly anxious to hold a tiny daughter with amber eyes in my arms."

An unexpected yearning rippled over her face. As if she'd suddenly been struck with a maternal urge.

"Or a little boy who is always serious and loyal and as gorgeous as his father," Rya suggested.

He kissed the tip of her nose. Her words didn't scare him at all.

h.e.l.l, he'd be happy if she wanted a dozen children.

"Maybe one of each to start with," he murmured.

Her hands smoothed over his shoulders, her foot brus.h.i.+ng down his calf.

"First we'll need a lair of our own."

Torque shuddered at the light caress. How the h.e.l.l was he supposed to think when his mind was filled with wicked images of having Rya flat on her back with his c.o.c.k pressed deep inside her?

"We could use mine," he at last managed to offer, pressing a kiss to her lips that instantly parted in horror. Okay. He was beginning to understand why everyone thought his rooms were...barren. Certainly they didn't have the same sort of gracious comfort that Rya's offered. "Before you say no, I promise you'll be given full authority to decorate it however you want," he a.s.sured her.

She pulled back to study him with a curious expression. "Do you intend to remain in Baine's service?"

He considered for a long minute. A part of him wanted to take this female and disappear where no one could ever find them. But he knew that wasn't possible.

Not only did he truly enjoy his role as Baine's guard, but he knew there was no place in this world, or any other, that was safer than Baine's lair.

Nothing and no one could get in.

"I'll admit that I will feel safer if we are living within the magical protection of a full-blooded dragon," he told her. "Especially if we have children. Besides, you'll have a fey near when you decide you're tired of my company and want to socialize with another female."

"Who?" It took a second before her confusion cleared. "Oh, you mean Baine's mate."

He nodded. "I think you'll like Tayla. She's very..." He searched for a word to describe the lovely, effervescent imp who Baine had chosen as his mate. "Feyish."

"Hey." She pressed her hands against his chest, her eyes narrowed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

He smiled. His inner dragon was certainly addicted to her pa.s.sionate beast, and the fire they created between them. But there was a large part of him that enjoyed the sparkling fey side of her nature.

"Flighty, charming, and enjoys talking. A lot," he said. There were times when he wondered if the chatty imp was ever quiet. "You'll never feel lonely when she's around."

"I'm not flighty," she protested, although she couldn't hide the twitch of her lips.

He continued to stroke his hand over her back, savoring the growing sense of intimacy being woven between them.

There was a glorious joy in lying next to his female and discussing their future together.

"Not always," he admitted. "When we met for our betrothal ceremony you were very zen."

She wrinkled her nose. "My mother's training. She was afraid I hadn't entirely grown out of my...feisty stage."

"Feisty stage? I'm afraid to ask," Torque murmured, not entirely teasing.

While his first impression of Rya might have been one of a calm, pa.s.sive creature, he'd swiftly learned that beneath her facade was an impulsive, loving, courageous female who didn't understand the word 'fear.'

"I wasn't that bad," she retorted. "Like any child, I enjoyed playing pranks on my father's servants. They were usually forgiving." She released a rueful chuckle. "Except for the time when I used my shadow to slip into the war room when my father was planning an attack on another dragon. Things got a bit testy when I was spotted."

"Good G.o.d," he muttered. "You were lucky you weren't thrown in the dungeons."

She gave a small shrug, revealing her confidence in her father's love. Synge would have destroyed anyone else who had dared to spy on his war council.

"That's when my mother began to train me in controlling my powers," she said. "Along with my emotions."

"When you're with me you don't ever have to control your emotions," he murmured, his voice husky as he allowed his hand to trace the lush curve of her a.s.s. "I like when you're feisty."

She snorted, even as her eyes darkened with a ready pa.s.sion. "Not always."

"True." He traced her lower lip with the tip of his tongue before giving it a small nip. "Not when you're putting yourself in danger."

Without warning she stiffened, almost as if his words had touched a nerve.

"Speaking of putting myself in danger, there's something I need to tell you," she muttered in a strained voice.

Torque lifted his head. Was she teasing him?

On the point of demanding an explanation, Torque was distracted by a voice that echoed sharply through his brain.

He didn't have the gargoyle's telepathic powers, but all of Baine's guards were capable of mental communications. And at the moment, Char was impatiently demanding his attention.

"Hold that thought," he murmured, pressing a frustrated kiss to her lips before reluctantly crawling out of bed.

Although Char couldn't see him or Rya, it seemed creepy to talk to his fellow warrior while he was sprawled next to his naked female.

Rya hastily wrapped the blanket around her slender body, watching as Torque pulled on his jeans and sweater.

"What is it?" she demanded.

"Char." He grimaced and reached down to pull on his boots. "He's arrived from Baine's lair and is demanding to see me." Once he was finished, he moved back to perch on the edge of the mattress. If he hadn't been the one responsible for Char being ordered to Synge's lair he would have ignored the summons.

"Ah." She forced a smile to her lips. "Then you have to go."

He reached to run his fingers through the tangled silk of her hair.

"I don't want to leave you." He wasn't ashamed to admit it.

"It won't be for long."

She was right about that. He intended to tell Char why he'd called for him, listen to him b.i.t.c.h, and then he was out of there.

He gave her a last kiss. "Don't move," he commanded softly. "I intend to finish this as soon as I can get back."

"Torque," she breathed as he rose to his feet.

He glanced down at her with a lift of his brow. "Yes, my love?"

"I..." She gave a shake of her head. "We'll talk later."

He felt a brief stab of unease, but before he could determine what was bothering him, Char was once again demanding that he join him.

With a sigh, he turned to leave the harem. He took a minute to speak with the guards, ensuring that no one was allowed to enter Rya's rooms. Then, with long strides he hurried to join Char in Synge's public chamber.

The large room looked the same as when he left. Except it had thankfully been emptied of servants. Well, except for two uniformed guards who stood near the opening to Synge's private quarters.

At his entrance, Char turned with a narrowed gaze to watch him cross the floor.

The half-breed dragon was currently dressed in black slacks and a crisp white s.h.i.+rt, his gray eyes darkened to smoke.

Then, without warning, the older male was striding forward and wrapping his arms around Torque.

"d.a.m.n, dude, I thought we'd lost you," Char growled in rough tones.

Astonished by his friend's obvious concern, Torque returned the man-hug. "I tried to reach out to Baine, but the dragon's magic blocked me."

"Don't scare me like that again."

There was a shared moment of mutual relief that Torque had survived. Then, belatedly unnerved by his rare display of affection, Torque pushed Char away to send him a faux scowl.

"Enough mushy stuff," he commanded, his voice husky. "Let's get this over with."

"As charming as ever, old friend," Char drawled, his lips twitching.

Torque folded his arms over his chest, well aware he wasn't fooling his companion.

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Dragons Of Eternity: Scorched By Darkness Part 32 summary

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